Extreme Hero

Chapter 132, Drug Harm

Looking at the old sister lying in **, she looked much better and her face became ruddy. Lin Feng also got up and left. Watching Lin Feng leave, Song Shuyi's eyes suddenly flashed, but it was just fleeting. Then she changed into a smiling face. Lin Feng did not notice and walked out of the ward under the escort of Mrs. Elena. He never asked the latter a question about his condition, and now he needs to find out the latter's condition by himself, although he is very reassuring about the hospital.

Out of the ward, Lin Feng walked towards 325 at the end of the corridor.

It's not good to visit the patient in the afternoon, but Lin Feng can't but go to see his little girl. What's wrong with this? Why did he suddenly get sick and went to this noble hospital? He knew that Tang Kejia had a super powerful sister, but how the elder sister came in? Leave it alone for the time being. Just ask Long Yu. Everything is known.

Now Tang Kejia is his, his private, the choice between sister and Tang Kejia - I believe that Lin Feng will definitely blow up the questioner's head after knowing this problem.

Passing by the stairs, Long Yu leaned against the white wall and didn't know what he was thinking.

"You didn't go back?" Lin Feng was stunned.

"How's it going?" Long Yu did not answer his question and asked alone.

"Ye�, it's just that my face is pale. Now I'm much better. My face is much more rosy and my face is also good." With that, he took out a bag in a white plastic bag and handed it to the latter's hand. "Help me check."

Long Yu was stunned and looked at what Lin Feng handed over. She faintly revealed a light green **. She nodded and didn't say anything to take it over. It was warm. Maybe it was the temperature of Lin Feng, but she didn't know that it was Song Shuyi's urine, which was in her leather trousers.

"I'll go to see Tang Kejia." Lin Feng said slowly and was moved to see Long Yu care so much about his affairs.

Long Yu nodded and said nothing more. Lin Feng turned to 325.

Compared with Song Shuyi's ward, it is much more lively. Although the sound is not loud, every time she passes by a ward, she will hear a whispered conversation inside, which makes Lin Feng feel relieved. At least this phenomenon shows that the patients here are mild or not so serious, and patients need to rest, and There is continuous laughter here, and obviously there is no big problem. This made Lin Feng feel much more comfortable.

He quickly came to the door of ward 325, and there was also a quiet voice through the crack of the door. The voice was not loud. It should be two women, one of which was his familiar voice.

Gently sting the door

"Who is it?" A woman's voice, followed by the sound of leather shoes knocking on the floor from far away. Lin Feng almost didn't have to worry about Tang Kejia's illness. Now he wants to know who will open the door?

A beautiful scenery appeared in front of him, and the woman looked at Lin Feng and said, "Is it you?"

"Lin Feng?!" The incredible sound in the room. Obviously, Tang Kejia is also staring at the situation outside the room.

The one who opened the door is Tang Kexin, the sister of Tang Kejia, who is simple but gorgeous. She has bright eyes, light makeup, long hair on her shoulders, and a plump figure, like a beautiful woman in the Tang Dynasty who has traveled through the present, faintly with classical beauty.

Obviously, the latter knew Lin Feng, but Lin Feng was stunned when she looked at the woman. She just felt that this woman was familiar with it, but she had never seen it... It should have been seen it, because it was obvious that they knew them from the other party's words. For beautiful women, no one refused. The reason is that Lin Feng said shyly, "It's me."

Lin Feng looked at the woman who opened the door and guessed that she was Tang Kejia's sister. She had made a threatening phone call to herself. She didn't expect that she was also so beautiful, and she was much more mature and more charming than Tang Kejia. Suddenly hearing Tang Kejia's voice, Tang Kexin did not let Lin Feng go. Her cold face showed a meaningful smile, as if ten thousand years of ice suddenly melted, but it was far from Long Yu. Long Yu was really called ten thousand years of ice. She... was at most only a thousand years old.

"Lin Feng, why are you here? Sister, why are you blocking the door to prevent others from coming in?" Tang Kejia excitedly accused her sister. Lin Feng's sudden appearance was a great happy event for Tang Kejia. She had thought that Lin Feng would fly here thousands of miles to find her in China, but that was just thinking about it. Unexpectedly... he really came.

Happiness came so suddenly that he was suddenly unprepared. Tang Kejia, who was lying in **, watched Lin Feng walk in. In an instant, his eyes were hazy, and the crystal tears of beans fell down, which were tears of happiness.

Hearing her sister's voice, Tang Kexin wanted to embarrass Lin Feng. It seemed impossible. She let Lin Feng come in and close the door.

"I came to see you." Lin Feng walked to the ward and looked at the configuration inside. The sofa, air conditioner, bedroom, computer, TV, kitchen, toilet, etc. were much better than her sister's conditions. It seemed that money was different from that of power. He didn't know how the sister came in, but he had guessed that Tang Kejia's relationship was based on her sister's relationship.

When I walked to the bed, I wanted to look at Tang Kexin again, but I didn't dare in front of Tang Kejia.

"Enn." Tang Kejia nodded vigorously, tears flowed down his cheeks, smiling happily.

"Why are you crying? You just don't want to see me." Lin Feng looked at the latter and joked, but when she saw the latter lying white and dazzling **, she was also uncomfortable. Compared with her sister, she was much happier than her sister. She didn't have so many pipes and covered with so many quilts, only two instruments on the head of the bed.

I didn't expect Lin Feng's second sentence. Tang Kejia smiled and said, "Yes, I just don't want to see you. You are so bad Lin Feng..."

Lin Feng looked at her, grabbed the latter's hand sadly and said, "Yes, I'm bad, I'm bad. If you scold me, I'm really bad..." He knew that the beloved woman scolded you and beat you, which means that you love her more and said with a smile.

Tang Kexin, who stood aside, looked at Lin Feng. It turned out that he also knew cold humor. I remember that when he saved her, his cool face would fascinate thousands of women. Suddenly, he felt that he was a little like a light bulb, so he looked at his sister and said affectionately, "What a lewd friend. Forget it, don't bother you. The couple, I went out to get some air. The damn disinfectant smelled terrible. With that, he squeezed his eyes at his sister, and then looked at Lin Feng sharply.

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Tang Kejia said shyly with red cheeks.

"What kind of look is she?" Lin Feng was stunned by Tang Kexin's last eyes, and the latter immediately left with a smile like a blooming rose, leaving Lin Feng depressed.

When Tang Kexin closed the door, she didn't want to know what her eyes meant. She took the soft towel on the bedside table and gently wiped Tang Kejia's tears. Tang Kejia almost fainted happily. Is this the man she wanted? It turns out that he also has such a careful side.

"How did you find it here? Don't you know it's difficult to enter here?" When Lin Feng sat at the head of the bed again and looked at Tang Kejia quietly, the latter asked softly.

"You can come in, why can't I?" Lin Feng smiled mysteriously.

"That's different. My sister can help me. Do you also know someone who is very powerful?" Tang Kejia stared at Lin Feng with a pair of big watery eyes and said.

"No." Lin Feng smiled.

"Faling!" Tang Kejia pouted and didn't discuss this matter more. "Do you want to know why I came in?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Of course I want to, but if you don't want to say it, why should I ask?"

"Actually..." Tang Kejia suddenly looked gloomy, "When I opened the Lost Soul Club, I had too much contact with the people in the club, and I had been in the club for a long time. There were many people in contact with it. People who were accidentally infected with drugs caused an inflammation called honeycomb inflammation."