Extreme Hero

Chapter 159, Massacre

Yesterday was the June 1st. I'm sorry to tell you that I'm sorry. Thirteen specially asked the company to go home and played with my brother for a day. There was no update. Please forgive me and wish all the big friends a happy holiday!

Lin Feng looked at the messy hall, looked at Tang Kejia, who frowned, and said with concern, "Let's get out of here."

"Will it affect you?" Tang Kejia had wanted to leave for a long time. Obviously, it was a man's territory. She was the only woman, but she was afraid of delaying Lin Feng and never said anything. As the saying goes, there will be an unknown woman behind a successful man, and Tang Kejia is willing to be such a woman behind Lin Feng.

"Of course not." Lin Feng smiled and was very moved by the worry about the latter. What else can this woman ask for in this life?

Lin Feng stood up with Tang Kejia's wrist and was ready to walk out.

When Yu Xinglong and Song Yuandong saw that the eldest brother was about to leave, they wanted to stand up and see each other, but they remembered what the eldest brother said at the venue. The two looked at each other and then looked at the others in the hall. As long as there was something unfavorable to the eldest brother, they would definitely hang them at the first time.

"No one is allowed to leave!"

Suddenly, someone saw Lin Feng leaving in the corner of the hall and said loudly.

With this shout, everyone suddenly turned their eyes to Lin Feng.

Before Lin Feng turned around, a blood hole with thick fingers appeared on the forehead of the boss of the sect. Blood flowed down the blood hole, dripping on the man's face, and then fell to the ground with a "bang".

Lin Feng turned his head and saw that everyone suddenly took a step back nervously. Although he did not see Lin Feng take action, everyone had a clear idea that the man was killed by Lin Feng. Even if he didn't take action himself, it was also his people. Among the people present, only Song Yuandong and Yu Xinglong were their people. Let go Looking at it, except for Qian Youzheng and Li Hao, the rest of the whole hall were the most calm. They sat on the stool with a harmless look and drank lightly with a wine glass, as if they really came to the banquet.

Lin Feng looked at the crowd with a smile and said with a smile, "Do you want to keep me to eat?"

"You..." After someone said "you", there was no sound and the voice went down weakly.

This has acquiesced that he did it, but why don't so many bosses unite to deal with these four people? What's more, there is a woman who seems to have no power in it.

Lin Feng has also thought about this problem. Since his first words to eliminate the new forces, he has been disappointed with them. Although they gather together, only people gather without a sense of cooperation. They are all based on the principle of self-starvation, otherwise such a situation will not happen.

"Brothers, everything is caused by Lin Feng, so I suggest that everyone unite. We have so many people, but there are only four people on the other side. We must not be afraid of them." Li Hao suddenly said loudly.

He was bewitching everyone, but the voice spread in every corner of the hall. Everyone looked at me and looked at you, but no one left.

"Brother, let me do it!" Suddenly, a bodyguard said, and in an instant, he squeezed out the crowd and took out a gun and shot at Lin Feng.


The gun sounded, and Tang Kejia suddenly clenched the latter's big hand and looked at Lin Feng in horror.

Because the gunshot, Lin Feng did not move, but the deaths of the previous few people were carried out silently, so the gunshot must have been fired by the other party. Tang Kejia judged it in an instant. When he looked at Lin Feng again, he saw that the latter was still smiling and showed no sign of being hit by Dazhong.

Song Yuandong looked at it quickly and saw that the eldest brother was fine. He instantly stood up and shot two shots at the person who shot, and the latter fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng in surprise and forgot the person who shot. The death of the bodyguard was meaningless to them, but the bullet of the bodyguard was fired, but where did it go? Why is Lin Feng standing still good? But the bullet didn't come out? Stuck? Won't it be so loud again? A series of question marks were drawn in the brain, but there was no answer.

Everyone doesn't know anything about Lin Feng. Even if the money is positive, they only know a little about the latter and don't know anything specifically.

With Lin Feng's eyesight, it is easy to see the trajectory of the bullets ejected by ordinary pistols, and it is easy to avoid it at a distance of 50 meters away. So when the gun sounded, Lin Feng's big hand suddenly pulled Tang Kejia and measured his body. Of course, these are all of Lin Feng did it in one go, but Tang Kejia didn't feel it at all.

The elevator is rising, and it must be a money-right bodyguard coming up.

At the beginning, Song Yuandong saw the bodyguard led by Qian Youzheng scattered on the first floor. What happened on it, and there was such a big gunshot that he would definitely find the situation above.

Song Yuandong pointed the muzzle of the gun at the elevator, and Yu Xinglong took out a short dagger and looked ahead. Compared with guns, Yu Xinglong only loved cold weapons, because cold weapons can only enjoy the impact and excitement they bring when they fight, the sound made by the knife enters the body, and the sound of blood splashing. These can be enjoyed with cold weapons.

"Wo!" The elevator door opened, and a head suddenly appeared. Song Yuandong urgently pulled the trigger and made a slight sound. Suddenly, a column of blood spewed out and sprinkled on the elevator door.

When he came in again, Lin Feng also observed the form on the first floor and hurriedly pressed Tang Kejia's head in his arms. He did not want the latter to see what he should not see.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you to such a banquet." Lin Feng said softly.

Tang Kejia looked up at Lin Feng's resolute eyes and shook her head slightly. She knew that even if she didn't say anything, Lin Feng was the one who understood her.

To tell the truth, Lin Feng understands her.

Since this is the case, if you can't leave, then start killing. Anyway, they can't get together and simply solve it one by one.

Lin Feng thought and took out a dagger and a gun in his pocket. The gun was still pocket-sized, palm-sized, very small and cute. He handed the gun to Tang Kejia and said with a smile, "Don't suppress it. Let's see who doesn't like him!"

"Hey--" The latter suddenly laughed. She hasn't played this thing for a long time, and now she has a familiar feeling in her hand.

Since you have done him, let's talk about it first. Anyway, with this man around to protect himself, Tang Kejia grabbed the gun and suddenly turned around and shot at the crowd behind him!

The gun is not equipped with a muffler, the sound is crisp and powerful, and the sound of a shock needle can be faintly heard in the gun.

With a few bullets popping out, Tang Kejia suddenly became heroic from a weak woman, and he was obviously two people before. Unexpectedly, he was obsessed with Lin Feng.

"Fool, bring the bullets." After 6 shots, there was an empty sound of gunfire, which was to reach out to Lin Feng for bullets.

Looking at Tang Kejia's appearance, everyone was dumbfounded, and Li Hao was also dumbfounded. Who is this Lin Feng? Why are the people around him more perverted? Even this weak-looking woman is so strong. It can be seen that the latter's shooting has been exercised, otherwise six bullets will hit six people in a hundred shots.

"Hurry up and unite, or we will all be killed here." A boss saw the form clearly and shouted. The next second, it was dark in front of his eyes, and a man with scars and sharp eyes appeared. With a "bang", the dagger penetrated deeply, and the words could no longer be said.

Song Yuandong blocked the elevator and slowly approached there. The people in the elevator were hiding in the corner of the elevator and did not show their heads. Lin Feng had replaced the latter with bullets. Lin Feng did not dare to stay away from the latter for fear of accidents.

Even if there was a hint from the previous person, it was too late. The four of them cooperated with each other. In an instant, the hall became a slaughterhouse.

Why is Shanghai's power so fragmented? First, they are not united and only care about their own interests. With a little strength, they will no longer expand their power, because they feel the feeling of being boss, but have no ambition.

2. If a colleague is killed, he will not help if he can help. Sometimes if he helps others, he will be sorry for himself.

3. There is no benefit to helping others.

For all reasons, all the bosses present seem to be all the bosses. They only have one idea: it's none of their business! Anyway, if you don't hurt me, I won't take action, but when you really see the muzzle, you also see the end of life. But each of their forces may not be as big as Lin Feng's, so they dare to open their own names to Zhangyang and Da Shanghai.

So far, Lin Feng's door number has not been established. Do they think they are better than Lin Feng? Lin Feng has the support of the police, the military and other places. Do you have any? Do you have any arrogant capital?

Lin Feng and Yu Xinglong wandered among the crowd, like a flexible civet cat, leaving a body with warmth wherever he passed.

Lin Feng wandered around the periphery, because Tang Kejia was still outside, and Yu Xinglong wandered inside the crowd. In this way, Song Yuandong and Tang Kejia were guarding by the elevator, and no one dared to rush out. They just wanted to find a shelter and not hurt their lives.

However, God likes to joke with people. People who want to avoid will see the people around them fall under their feet one by one, and their faces will become pale every time they fall down.

This was discussed between Lin Feng and Yu Xinglong. When he saw the timidness, he kept it, because it was still useful.

The hall is full of a strong smell of vomiting blood. Tang Kejia began to be unable to adapt, and his little face gradually turned pale. Lin Feng saw the latter's appearance and hurriedly pulled his hand, sticking to Tang Kejia with blood all over his body, and asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

The latter suppressed a smile, slowly shook her head and spit out what she ate in the morning. She couldn't stand the smell.

"It's up to you. Don't forget to clean up their field." After saying that, Lin Feng took off his coat and threw it away, hugged Tang Kejia into another elevator, went downstairs, and walked out in the doubtful eyes of the guests on the first floor.