The matter of getting married

Chapter 27 Undersea World

"I said sister, brother-in-law! You two are finally here." Wang Sikai saw the door open. He lay on **, bit the belt in his mouth, and said exaggeratedly, "Sister, this belt tastes so bad..."

"Hehe! As for it. You ate the most last night. If you don't eat a meal, you will be so hungry!" Wang Siyu looked at his appearance and said anxiously. Jiang Shenghui followed, made the shape of rabbit ears on Wang Siyu's head, drew twice and said, "Let's go! Xiao Kai. Brother-in-law, I'll treat you to a big meal.

"Ah! I can see that this is my brother-in-law." Wang Sikai said and jumped up from **, "Brother-in-law, where are we going?"

"Hmm, I know how to play. Are you not looking for a job?" Wang Siyu pointed to his head and said.

"Sister, my child is young and ignorant." Wang Sikai said as he rubbed against the door, "You'd better go home and educate my brother-in-law." After saying that, he pulled the door and ran out.

"Ha ha, it's really like someone." Jiang Shenghui said with a smile.

"What does it look like? Who are you talking about?" Wang Siyu said with his neck.

"None! I mean, I'll go down and see if the car has oil..." After that, he also ran away.

Wang Siyu smiled and said nothing more. She checked inside and outside again, and then locked the door and walked downstairs.

"Brother-in-law! How do you like my sister? Wang Sikai sat in the car and asked curiously.

"What?" Jiang Shenghui looked back at him and said, "Is she not good?"

"Ha ha, okay!" Wang Sikai said loudly, "Your good days are yet to come, hehe."

"Oh? How to say it." Jiang Shenghui asked curiously.

"Nothing, my sister is very nice, but she is more controlling and ferocious." Wang Sikai whispered in Jiang Shenghui's ear.

"What's wrong with the two of them secretly saying bad things about me?" Wang Siyu got into the car and tilted his head to look at the two of them.

"None!" The two answered with one voice. Jiang Shenghui immediately said, "Let's go! It's noon. Let's invite you two to a buffet!" As soon as the car started, Jiang Shenghui suddenly pulled the handbrake and asked Wang Sikai, "Can you drink?"

"I will!" Wang Sikai replied.

"No!" Wang Siyu replied.

"Well, your sister won't approve!" Jiang Shenghui started the car again after saying that.

"Forget it, it's this weekend. Forgive you once!" Wang Siyu looked at the two of them and said with a smile. However, she immediately stretched out another finger, gritted her teeth and said, "Only this time!" Jiang Shenghui extinguished his fire and kissed Wang Siyu heavily on the cheek and said, "My wife is so great! Let's go, Xiao Kai. Let's take a taxi and drink!"

Wang Siyu watched the two men run away childishly. She put her hand in the place where Jiang Shenghui kissed, gently stroked it, and said silently, "Two big children..."

In Liqun Baihui Hotpot City in Taitung, three people ate and drank. A meal lasted from 11 p.m. to 2 p.m. Wang Sikai patted his belly and said, "Brother-in-law, I can't do it. I really can't eat it anymore."

"Ha ha. Shall we go?" Jiang Shenghui drank some wine and his face turned slightly red. He said a little drunk, "Wife, where are we going to play?"

"Well...hehe, where can you two drunken cats go?" Wang Siyu looked at Jiang Shenghui with a little heartache and said, "I think, let's go home and sleep!"

"Sister! I just came to Qingdao, let's play outside!" Wang Sikai pleaded.

"That's right, Siyu. Xiaokai came from afar. Let him go to work and have a good time. Jiang Shenghui also said for help.

"Hmm! Since you say so, then all right!" Wang Siyu nodded and said, "Then let's go to the underwater world!"

"Good!" The two men nodded in a hurry when they saw something playful.

In the underwater world, Wang Siyu ran around like a naughty little girl. The first exhibition area they entered was the intertidal zone scenic area. It consists of 6 exhibition pools, 4 seawater exhibition pools and waterfall pools. Invertebrates such as starfish, sea urchin, octopus, mackerel, turtles, crabs, as well as goby, bulletfish, and small sharks such as wrinkled sharks and blacktip sharks are mainly displayed here.

"Husband! Come and have a look." She waved her hand to greet Jiang Shenghui, "Look, what is that?" She pointed to the riverfish in the wave pool and said, "Look! Ha ha, its gills are so bulging. With that, she also puffed up her cheeks like a riverfish.

"Haha! That's a riverfish." Jiang Shenghui smiled and poked Wang Siyu's cheek with his hand.

"Sister, don't say it. You look so similar, haha." Wang Sikai said on the side.

Wang Siyu pouted and stared at him; she ran to the seawater exhibition pool to see the wrinkled-lipped shark. A small wrinkled-lipped shark swam over and swam back to the glass wall. Wang Siyu gently patted the wall with his hand and said, "Come here, come here!" Look, Xiao Kai. It really looks like you!"

"Sister!" Wang Sikai said with a wry smile, "Your brother - will I look like that?"

"Hmm! Oh, that's right! I'm sorry, little fish." Wang Siyu looked at Wang Sikai again, turned his head, and continued to say to the fish, "He is really handsome!" You are not good-looking. Don't be angry."

Wang Sikai tilted his head helplessly, and Jiang Shenghui covered his mouth for fun. However, before he finished having fun, Wang Siyu pointed to a swimming goby and said, "Husband! Look at you swimming here! It's the same clothes as you. Look at it!"

After listening to this, Jiang Shenghui had to grin and giggle. When they walked to the limb exhibition area, the two men pointed to the limb together and said, "Look! Wife (sister). It really looks like you."

Wang Siyu glanced at the spoon-like limb, frowned, gritted his teeth and said, "Huh! That's what I look like?" After saying that, she turned around and ran forward again.

Along ahead is the undersea tunnel, which is a circular closed space surrounded by thick arched acrylic glass. This is the best place to enjoy all kinds of marine life. Part of the ground of the tunnel is an automatic ladder, on which tourists can stand and look up at the strange fish swimming over the sky, as if looking up at the birds in the sky flying freely. There are also various marine creatures swimming on both sides of the tunnel, and the blue lights in the tunnel give people a true and illusory feeling. It seems that you have also become a fish and are swimming freely in the sea.

"Sister! You swim slowly." Wang Sikai shouted in the back, "My brother-in-law and I can't swim anymore!"

"Well, you deserve it." Wang Siyu put his hands behind his back and looked up at the fish in the air and said, "Who let you two drink so much!"

When they continue to walk forward, there is a strange and dark underground passage. Wang Siyu unconsciously slowed down. When Jiang Shenghui came over, she grasped Jiang Shenghui's arm tightly. Honey, take me away." She snuggled up to Jiang Shenghui and said timidly, "I'm afraid to go by myself!"

"Hehe! OK." Jiang Shenghui stroked her hair and took her in his arms. Help her walk forward together. The walls here are decorated in the style of pirate ships, and on the walls that seem to be broken, there is continuous water pouring out, as if the whole passage is about to collapse. And under their feet, through the glass floor, they can clearly see the corals on the bottom of the sea and other swimming creatures. The light changes suddenly, just like they are walking in a sunken ship. When they continue to walk forward, there is a bridge made of steel frame laid with wooden boards. People walk on it, as if the whole bridge is shaking violently, as if people will soon fall into the abyss of the sea as the bridge collapses...

"Okay, girl. Aren't you afraid? Aren't we here?" After passing through this landscape called "cabin passage", Jiang Shenghui comforted Wang Siyu. Wang Siyu pulled his arm and whispered, "But...but, they still want to walk again..."