The matter of getting married

Chapter 135 Customs and Happiness

On the afternoon of the 14th lunar month, Wang Siyu and Jiang Shenghui flew back to Qingdao from Shenyang. Because tomorrow is the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival. According to Chinese tradition, this festival is to be spent in the man's house. Although this is a reason, it is not a big problem in Jiang Shenghui's heart. After all, he is not a person with heavy traditional ideas. Respect for women is respect for yourself. In fact, the most critical reason for the two of them to come back before the 15th is that both of them have to go to work on the 16th of the first lunar month. Their leave is over, and neither of them can completely lose their jobs. Therefore, whether you are in love with home or don't want to come back to work, you must come back. After all, the bank's loan is under pressure there. The bank will not care whether you celebrate the Chinese festival or the foreign festival. As long as the day comes, it will ask for money. If you don't have money, hum, you will bear the consequences.

For those who stay in Qingdao, they are far less happy than Wang Siyu and Jiang Shenghui. Now, Sun Tianmeng has already appeared in major stores and major enterprise customers, busy with his sales tasks in the new year. Although the purchasing power of the unit is not strong during the period after the Spring Festival, some relationships always need to be laid in advance. After all, in the face of money, relationships become indifferent. Only a rich and useful relationship is a stable relationship. After all, this is a shopping mall, not a class reunion at school. And his wife Zhang Yali is also busy purchasing things for guests and gifts after the Spring Festival. This is a Chinese tradition. How about the Germans? You should also respect Chinese customs! Tradition is very important. However, sometimes it doesn't matter! Many traditional things always make people feel suffocated.

Wang Sikai sat back to his office on the seventh day of the first lunar month. The website has local employees on duty these days during the Spring Festival, except for a few people who go home to visit their relatives during the Spring Festival. Most people go to work normally on the seventh day of the first lunar month. After all, their site is engaged in international trade. China is not the only country in the world, so foreigners are still working during the holidays. Naturally, there will be a few unlucky people staying in their positions and sticking to the front line of their work.

"Brother Wang, your report. I have revised the promotion plan. Look at it!" Lin Hui walked into Wang Sikai's office. Although her face was still red and her voice was still a little timid when she saw Wang Sikai, her name for Wang Sikai changed. Obviously, this year of not being able to return to a family has gained a lot for her. At least, she is no longer as afraid of Wang Sikai as before.

"Let's put it there!" Wang Sikai raised his head and glanced at Lin Hui. He could see that Lin Hui, who usually wears little makeup, put on light makeup today. But it must have nothing to do with yourself, right? His computer is still stuck on the weather forecast in the southern hemisphere. I'll watch it later!"

"All right!" Lin Hui agreed, and then left Wang Sikai's office happily, without the kind of awkwardness of years ago.

"Why is the state different after the New Year?" Wang Sikai looked at Lin Hui's back and smiled. However, he should prefer Lin Hui to be like this. At least, there is something to discuss with her in the future, and you don't have to always pay attention to it alone.

Zhou Ya... Oh, she? She hasn't changed much. She still stays there, counting the stars every day, looking at the sun, or looking at the moon...

On the fifteenth night, Jiang Shenghui and Wang Siyu went back to Jiang Shenghui's parents for dinner. Naturally, the two old men made a table of dishes, and the two villains brought a lot of things. Then, Wang Yumei had to nagging about not going to visit her relatives during the Spring Festival, which was very impolite. For these, Wang Siyu just smiled, while Jiang Shenghui had one ear in and one ear out. After all, as a man, you should learn to balance. However, things in the family are difficult to balance. So, in such a difficult state to balance, you can try to find the easiest way to balance!

After dinner in the evening, Jiang Shenghui did not stay with his parents, but took Wang Siyu and ran away directly. Although this is always a pity for the old couple, it is more conducive to tomorrow's work. After all, adults should work first. If you stay with your parents at home, the party and state will not give you money. Although the party and state are promoting "go home often" every day.

"Ah! It feels good to go home." As soon as Wang Siyu entered the room, he rushed straight to the bedroom, and then lay down and shouted comfortably.

"Didn't you just stay with my parents?" Jiang Shenghui's ruthless counterattack.

"Well, what should I do?" Wang Siyu lay there and pouted, "Can I still say that I want to go home?" This is not my parents." Finally, she muttered in a low voice.

"I know, good people have done it for you!" Jiang Shenghui changed his clothes and then went into the bedroom. "Go and change your clothes quickly. How hot it is at home!"

"Oh, okay, okay!" Wang Siyu stood up from **. As she took off her clothes, she said to Jiang Shenghui, "Come on! Husband. Kiss me."

On the first day of work after the Spring Festival, in theory, it will always be relatively idle. However, Wang Siyu and Jiang Shenghui will be disappointed this time. They have been in Shenyang for a long time this year, so they will not have a holiday with them. When the two of them walked into their respective offices, it was equivalent to entering their respective battlefields. Soon, the two of them completely entered the role and became crazy and busy.

People who do things are always happy. Soon the pointer of time pointed to March. Now, the busy period after the Spring Festival is finally over. Although the weather is still unpredictable, it occasionally hangs a little green on the treetops. Especially the spring flowers are now blooming anxiously.

Jiang Shenghui and Wang Siyu have now cleaned up their new nests very well. However, the two of them did not plan to move immediately. Therefore, the electrical appliances commonly used at home have not yet completed the work of entering the house. This is a big expense. Fortunately, the income level of both of them is stable. Otherwise, marriage may make two rich people living in upper-class society directly become callers on the roadside.

Now Jiang Shenghui finally understands why there are so many marriage programs on TV at night, and so many people talk about their misfortunes in emotional programs every day. In fact, their misfortune comes entirely from their former happiness. When a happiness that is beyond reality, or more appropriately, is in line with reality is enjoyed, then they advance the future. In today's society, it's not that you earn 100 yuan to be happy, but that you earn 100 yuan to spend 50 yuan to be happy. In addition, you have to find a place where others don't find it to hide quietly, and then use it to protect your future happiness. Anyway, there are many traps and opportunities in modern society. Many people who pursue happiness eventually fall into traps. In fact, they initially found opportunities. Traps are opportunities, and this is this society. So, is it happy to put the money in the bank? Putting money in the bank will only shrink. In this way, pain is also a kind of happiness. When you go bankrupt, you will be completely miserable, and you will also be completely happy! People who have nothing are the happiest!

Unlike Jiang Shenghui's feelings about life, Wang Siyu doesn't care about these things. She still lives happily every day. Anyway, her ideals and goals have been achieved. Find a husband who loves you, and then live a sweet life together. Perhaps a simple woman like her can find true happiness under the premise of ensuring living conditions. Ask for nothing. When the times progress, people's thoughts will return to the era of Huang Lao's doctrine. Perhaps, two thousand years ago, Doufei, or Doufei, could really lie in her tomb at ease. Taoism, which was denied by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, finally ushered in spring in China two thousand years later!

Sun Tianmeng and Zhang Yali are struggling on the edge of happiness and misfortune like Jiang Shenghui and Wang Siyu. Now, Sun Tianmeng has an extra job every weekend, so he will accompany Zhang Yali to various training courses to receive all kinds of things that may be used in the future, and then listen to all kinds of strange theories and watch all kinds of strange people give lectures. In short, these are all said to be beneficial to the growth of the next generation. Well, all right! Persistence is strength! Raising a child is always the pursuit of most young couples. If the child is good, everything will be fine. As for whether they will remember to go home often in the future, that is not a matter for parents to consider.

In this way, Wang Sikai, who is alone now, is the happiest one. Wang Sikai hasn't done the work of building the station for a long time. He was very busy during the day and came back at night. Naturally, he didn't want to lie in front of the computer and continue to deal with the website. However, this did not affect his income. Because after all, he has built a website for a period of time and has an understanding of this market. Therefore, when he built their business platform, he directly took out the business of building the station separately. Of course, the head of the small department separately listed in this plan is Chen Lei.

Now, as long as Chen Lei completes the work given to him by Wang Sikai and surrenders the prescribed income share, Wang Sikai, like Zhou Ya, doesn't care what Chen Lei is busy with all day. Therefore, Chen Lei was also happy to follow Wang Sikai. Anyway, Chen Lei used to work outside alone, but he also had to be exploited by other companies. Now when he comes back and is exploited by Wang Sikai, his income will not only not decrease, but also increase. In addition, there are many more jobs than before. After all, there are thousands of members on Wang Sikai's business platform. Therefore, Chen Lei also had to work hard with his colleagues in his small department.

Wang Sikai's time now is basically watching TV, relaxing his mind, and occasionally going to the book station to read books. Especially to read Song Yanran's unfinished novel, perhaps, this is also a kind of spiritual sustenance. Sometimes, he even thought, did he start writing to help Song Yanran continue the novel? However, in the end, he still did not do so. After all, the words written by male and female authors are easy to distinguish. Therefore, he simply changed into a professional storyteller. It's much easier than writing books all day long in the forum. Anyway, this job is much easier than writing books. It's just that there is no income. Of course, Wang Sikai is not a few months ago. With the help of Zhou Ya, he supported himself, and then lived a free and comfortable life without any problem.

Now, Wang Sikai's missing for Zhou Ya has gradually become more indifferent. After all, Zhou Ya is not the woman he loves, and he often goes to Zhou Ya's cemetery. However, the time spent each stay has been significantly reduced. After all, his beloved woman will come back sooner or later, and Zhou Ya's position in his heart will gradually give in. I'm afraid Zhou Ya hasn't thought about what Wang Sikai will do for herself, right? Women's love is often much simpler than men's. After all, they are emotional animals, unlike men who are always in a rational state.

At midnight, Wang Sikai stood up and turned off the TV. His mind is in chaos. Sometimes it's work, sometimes it's Zhou Ya. Of course, more often it's Song Yanran. Anyway, just go to sleep in a daze!