Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 90 Re-entering Beijing 2

It is said that when Mu Guiying came to Liao, she dressed up as a man and planned to be rescued by Jiang De, who was captured by the Liao soldiers. But I didn't expect to meet a little lady from Liaoning who was chasing her and finally said Mu Guiying's name. This made Mu Guiying break out in a cold sweat in an instant, and she wanted to kill the little lady.

If this was put in peacetime, Mu Guiying would not have this cruel idea. But now she is the commander of the three armies of the Song Dynasty, which is of great importance. If Empress Dowager Xiao and the boss of Liaoning know Mu Guiying's identity, can she still escape? If Mu Guiying is arrested, the consequences will be unimaginably serious. Therefore, Mu Guiying immediately showed fierce eyes, with a murderous face, and looked at the little lady of Liao.

When the little lady of Liao saw this, she was shocked and said quickly, "Sister Mu, I'm Hu Xiuying, and my father is Hu Yongwen. We met when we were young. When you were one month old, I went to Mu Kezhaitong with my parents to see you. Look at this..."

Listening to the words of the little lady of Liao, Mu Guiying was a little skeptical, but when she took out a jade pendant exactly the same as herself, Mu Guiying was relieved. The strength of the whole body seemed to be half exhausted: "Sister Hu, you almost scared my sister to death."

Hu Xiuying also patted her front heart and said angrily, "You also said that if I hadn't made a sound in time, I'm afraid I would have died on the spot now. Lord Mu Dazhai——”

The imprompous dignified atmosphere immediately disappeared with Hu Xiuying's charming behavior. In those years, Mu Tianwang's friend Hu Wenyong's family went to Mu Kezhai to attend Mu Guiying's full moon banquet. Mu Guiying and Hu Xiuying did meet. However, Hu Xiuying was just a little girl at that time, and Mu Guiying really didn't recognize her.

To talk about how Mu Guiying determined Hu Xiuying's identity, in addition to Hu Xiuying's fake look, there is also the jade pendant in her hand. Mu Guiying and Hu Xiuying's jade pendant is an emerald accidentally obtained by Hu Wenyong, which was carved by him himself. The pattern above is a little special, and there are also the names of Mu Guiying and Hu Xiuying. Therefore, Mu Guiying confirmed Hu Xiuying's identity.

Mu Guiying still remembers that Jiang Cuiping once said that Hu Xiuying was her senior sister, and the two were very good at the time of the teacher. Speaking of which, everyone is her own, and Mu Guiying talked to her casually as if she had known Hu Xiuying for many years.

From Hu Xiuying's words, Mu Guiying knew that Hu Xiuying also went home during this period. However, because the family's business is between Liao and Song, and Hu Wenyong is not feeling well recently, Hu Xiuying brought his father to Liao. However, Hu Xiuying just joked that Mu Guiying was the owner of Mu Kezhai. Obviously, she did not know that she was now the commander of the three armies. Therefore, Mu Guiying did not take the initiative to talk to Hu Xiuying, but said that she came to Liaoning to do something.

Hu Xiuying is also a proud disciple of Ma Yungu, a Taoist master, and her mind is naturally needless to say. When she heard that Mu Guiying's tone was vague, she felt clear and knew that Mu Guiying dressed as a man must do important things. Therefore, Hu Xiuying only said that she is now in the temporary place of residence in the upper capital and the time to stay in the upper capital, and left.

Mu Guiying saw Hu Xiuying go away until she couldn't see her background before turning into another alley. However, in Mu Guiying's heart, she had a good impression because of Hu Xiuying's wisdom. I want to rescue Jiang De and return to the border, and then apologize to Hu Xiuying. Thinking about the relationship between the two families, Hu Xiuying should not blame her for not taking the initiative to reveal her identity. Most importantly, it would be great if Hu Xiuying could help break the 'heavenly gate array'.

Seeing the light at the entrance of the alley, Mu Guiying slowed down and finally stopped at the entrance of the alley and peeked at the 'Su Mansion' diagonally opposite. The gate of the Su Mansion was closed, and there were two Liao soldiers guarding on both sides. Seeing the grandeur of the Su family, Mu Guiying understood that the Su family was very powerful in Liao. Otherwise, this mansion would not be so big, and it would have almost caught up with Yang Silang's son-in-law's house.

While considering how to enter the Soviet mansion, suddenly a sound of horses' hoofs sounded from far to near on the silent street. Mu Guiying leaned his head, and the middle-aged Liao man came to the front of Sufu on a tall horse. Before the horse stopped, the man jumped from the horse and looked a little anxious. Then, the man seemed to ask the two Liao soldiers who guarded the door. The two Liao soldiers nodded, and the man's expression relaxed slightly. Then, the man handed over the mount to the Liao soldiers, and he entered the 'Su Mansion'.

Mu Guiying's heart moved and quickly retreated. It took a quarter of an hour to turn left and right to see the surroundings of the 'Su Mansion' clearly. After that, he found a secluded place and climbed over the wall and sneaked into Su's house. Mu Guiying's luck is still good. As soon as she entered Su's house, she saw the person who looked a little anxious before coming out of a room. The man was dressed in brand-new clothes and his face was ruddy. He should have just finished bathing. Looking at him, he should meet someone.

Thinking about Huang Fengxian's narrative in his heart, and what he heard, Mu Guiying was really confused about this Su family. It is said that Su Tianbao, the governor of Liao, and Xiao Tianzuo, the king of the Northern Court, have been friends since childhood. Perhaps because of this, Su Tianbao lived very well in the military camp in Liao. However, it is also because of his own ability and military achievements. Therefore, Su Tianbao married a Song man as his wife, and not many people dared to say anything.

But this Mrs. Su seems to dislike Su Tianbao very much. Just after their son Su Heqing was born, there were rumors that the couple slept in separate rooms. When Su Heqing was not yet sensible, Mrs. Su died of excessive depression. Su Tianbao did not marry again because of this, and he also loved Su Heqing very much. This made outsiders see that Su Tianbao was a rough man, but he was very dedicated.

After his son Su Heqing grew up, there was a tendency that blue is better than blue. At a young age, he went on an expedition with Su Tianbao and made several small achievements, so he was awarded the title of leader. And just a few years ago, Su Heqing married Xiao Yanqiu, the daughter of Xiao Tianzuo, the king of the Northern Court of Liaoning, and became a county horse. Except for being defeated by Jiang De, the champion of Liao, Su Heqing's life is smooth.

This time, Liao set up a 'Tianmen array' in Jiulong Mountain to challenge the Song Dynasty, and Su Tianbao was reused by Empress Dowager Xiao. Su Heqing also took advantage of it and let his father-in-law work hard to follow Han Yanshou. Su Heqing had such an opportunity, performed very well, and was soon reused by Han Yanshou. The work of escorting the 'rape Jiang De' and the 'secret investigation of Huang Fengxian' also fell on Su Heqing.

Now, Su Tianbao is in Jiulong Mountain. In addition to the princess Xiao Yanqiu, Su Heqing has just returned from this house. Obviously, that person should go to see Su Heqing. However, it's so late, and he still doesn't rest. I think there should be something important. Mu Guiying guessed in her heart and followed the man far away for fear that he would find out.

is also strange. No matter how late it was, the Su Mansion was the residence of the important minister of Liao, and he didn't even take a night patrol. Mu Guiying followed the man all the way and did not meet the servants of Su's house. I don't know whether the people in Sufu rest earlier or fewer people in Sufu. Although Mu Guiying was a little confused, she was still a little happy. After all, she could not meet anyone, her whereabouts would not be so easily exposed, and her actions were safer.

It didn't take long for Mu Guiying to follow the man to a remote courtyard and hide in the woods by the slate road. Only the man knocked on the door, and soon a ricke old man opened the door, greeted the man in with a blank face, and then closed the door again. Mu Guiying had to climb over the wall again and enter the yard. The yard is quiet and tidy. But it can be seen from the light in only two rooms in the yard that there is no popularity here.

Listening to the voice from one of the houses, Mu Guiying approached the room without thinking about it. However, Mu Guiying's doubts are getting bigger and bigger. This Su Mansion is really strange. No wonder Huang Fengxian's face is also very strange when she describes it. While thinking about it, an intermittent dialogue came out of the room.

"... Back to the general, my subordinates lived up to their trust and finally found a trace of his wife..."

"For so many years, you have said so every time."

"I am incompetent. However, general, this may be true.

"Oh, let's talk about it."

"General, look at this."

"Ah, this is... Where is it this time?"

"The general is in the view of the moon and water. I was afraid of alarming the people inside, so I didn't go in to check it.

"Okay, I see. Tomorrow morning, I will take the princess to Shuiyueguan to pray for the great victory of Liao.

"I understand."

"Go ahead, rest early, and get up early tomorrow. Remember, the entourage will be replaced by ours.

"I know, general, please rest earlier..."

Hearing the footsteps, Mu Guiying quickly hid in the dark and watched the man open the door and come out. Until the old man closed the door again and returned to the room. Mu Guiying came out secretly and came to Su Heqing's room. However, after not hearing Su Heqing's voice, Mu Guiying boldly poked a small hole in the corner of the window to peep into the room.

In the room, Su Heqing sat behind several cases and watched a sachet in his hand being distracted. Looking at his expression, he should be recalling something. Mu Guiying waited for a long time and didn't see Su Heqing's move, so she thought there was nothing to hear and was about to leave. At this moment, Su Heqing seemed to have finished recalling and breathed gently. This made Mu Guiying pause, think about it, and continue to look inside.

At this time, the sachet had been placed on several cases, and Su Heqing's eyes were a little red. Looking at several cases, he sighed softly, "Mom, is it really you? Will my son finally find you..."