Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 139 See you again

The bright moon hangs high in the night sky, looking down at the quiet village.

Mu Guiying bathed in the moonlight, lowered her head slightly, as if thinking about something.

not far away, Yang Zongfeng leaned under a big tree in the yard, recalling Zhang Li's sister and brother's surprise. To be honest, looking at Mu Guiying now, Yang Zongfeng also had a trace of trance. At that time, she and now have changed a lot.

Thinking that before Yang Zongfeng saw Mu Guiying again, he also heard the master Zhong Han talk about it. I have a general impression that Mu Guiying is a brilliant senior sister. When he met Mu Guiying at the border gate, Yang Zongfeng added a trace of admiration for his future sister-in-law.

At that time, Mu Guiying was promoted to the marshal of the Liao Dynasty, and the commander-in-chief of the three armies broke the Tianmen array set by the Liao Kingdom. He was like a sharp blade out of the sheath, which was fierce and deterrent.

But since Mu Guiying returned to Bianliang City, Yang Zongfeng seems to have never seen the female marshal she admired. What he saw was just a daughter-in-law of a large family, a mother taking care of the children, and an ordinary woman.

In this rebellion in the southern country, Mu Guiying went south again. First, he solved the danger of Liuzhou with 3,000 'miscellaneous army'; then tricked the southern army; and then let Yang Zongbao, who was deeply hit and lost his fighting spirit, stand up again. Yang Zongfeng is once again full of admiration for Mu Guiying. Yang Zongfeng has never admired a person so much, and he is still a woman.

Sometimes, Yang Zongfeng will also wonder if he married Huang Fengxian, whether he is also influenced by Mu Guiying. However, considering Mu Guiying's admiration for Huang Fengxian, Yang Zongfeng is also very proud. Thinking that Huang Fengxian also gave birth to a son for him, Yang Zongfeng's thoughts immediately flew back to Tianbo's house in Bianliang City.

In the room, Zhang, who looked at the fire, quickly looked at Mu Guiying outside, and his heart was blank, but there was only one thought. Mu Guiying, the former female marshal, was sitting in her house at this time. Moreover, I chatted with her very kindly, which was incredible.

Speaking of which, the Zhang family are not the children of ordinary families. At some point, the Zhang family was also a well-known 'big family' in the local area, and the Zhang family also got married quite well. Who would have thought that one night, a group of mountain thieves attacked and there was nothing left. If the owner of Tonggu Village hadn't arrived in time, their siblings would have been buried in the sea of fire.

Therefore, I also know about Mu Guiying and Zhang's sister and brother. Mu Guiying was serving as the deputy marshal of the rebel army in Liuzhou at this time, and Zhang's sister and brother have also heard about it. Thinking about it, no one dared to pretend to be Mu Guiying. After a short period of surprise, Zhang Li immediately went up the mountain.

Zhang was not an exception to Mu Guiying, whom all women admired in the Song Dynasty. Zhang walked out of the house with the water that had just been boiled. Looking at the quiet woman in front of her, it is really difficult for Zhang to connect her with the female marshal who fought on the battlefield.

"Thank you, sister Zhang." Mu Guiying turned around and smiled at Zhang, which made Zhang feel a little at a loss.

Mu Guiying treats people and never puts herself in a high position. Therefore, Zhang quickly got used to sitting and chatting with Mu Guiying. And about Tongguzhai, Zhang also revealed more or less. Mu Guiying also learned more about Tonggu Village from Zhang's mouth.

By the way, this Tonggu Village has been built for some years. However, its strength is very inconspicuous in the Kyushu Eleven Villages. The rise of Tonggu Village is all from Wang Lanying, the current female village owner.

According to rumors, Wang Lanying was favored by a foreign master when she was very young, because she was taken away to learn art. When she returned to Tonggu Village again, it was 18 years later.

At that time, Tongguzhai had been suppressed by other cottages and almost dispersed. Therefore, as soon as Wang Lanying came back, Wang Lanying's father passed the position of village owner to his daughter and asked her to manage Tonggu Village.

Wang Lanying did have some skills. It took several years to make Tonggu Village have the strength to speak in the Eleven Villages of Kyushu. Finally, at an alliance meeting, he defeated all his opponents and won the position of alliance leader.

The owners of Kyushu Eleven Village are quite unconvinced and dissatisfied with a woman becoming the leader of the alliance. In the dark, they also came together to bully Tonggu Village. Wang Lanying can make concessions about this, which has increasingly fueled the arrogance of the other party.

But when she heard that a cottage was going to rob a small town near Tonggu Mountain, Wang Lanying was furious. She took all the brothers in the village, who had been holding their breath for a long time, and went down the mountain. Although it was blocked by other cottages and delayed, Wang Lanying also rushed to the town in the sea of fire.

In that town, Wang Lanying killed nearly 100 people in one breath, hit the other party hard and hurt the vitality of the other party. When other cottages in Kyushu Eleven Village heard about this, they were also a little more afraid of Tonggu Village.

However, Wang Lanying did not stop there. Not only did he hold an alliance party of Kyushu Eleven Villages, but he also taught the two village owners a hard lesson at the party, making them lose face in front of the village owners. After that, Wang Lanying became more and more prestigious and firmly secured the position of alliance leader.

"Sister Zhang, is one of those two cottages Liuzhou Sangshan Village?" Mu Guiying listened to Zhang's narration and was also thinking about it.

Thinking that Zhang's sister and brother are the survivors of the town, Mu Guiying's voice is very soft. Although he knew that this meant to expose people's scars, Mu Guiying had to do so. Because of some things, she must figure out that this is related to the war in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Zhang didn't know what Mu Guiying meant, but also nodded and replied without concealing: "Yes. In addition to the mulberry cottage in Liuzhou, there is also the stone cottage in Yizhou.

"Oh?!" Mu Guiying's eyes flashed and fell into meditation again.

Zhang doesn't know what Mu Guiying is thinking, but she understands that a woman like Mu Guiying can be a grand marshal and win a war, which must be different from ordinary people. Therefore, when she saw Mu Guiying thinking about things, she quietly returned to the room.

Yang Zongfeng on one side also heard Zhang's narration. As soon as Zhang left, he immediately came to Mu Guiying's side. He said doubtfully, "Senior sister, why do I feel that this matter is a little strange?"

"It's a little weird." Mu Guiying looked up at the distance and said softly, "As the leader of the eleven villages in Kyushu, the lord of the village is in charge of these cottages, but the two cottages dare to do so. Obviously, they have a support. Now, the support of the two cottages should be the southern country.

"There are many large and small cottages in Guangnan West Road, but in the end there are 11 cottages left. You can imagine how powerful these 11 cottages should be. Yang Zongfeng has also been to Mu Kezhai and was very impressed by the strength of Mu Kezhai. He said with emotion, "If the forces of these cottages are used for their own use, they can be used as 100,000 elite soldiers."

"Think about it, Feng Tong also has this idea." Mu Guiying frowned slightly and sighed, "In Kyushu Eleven Villages, two cottages have been publicly returned to the South. It's not public, and I don't know how many seats there are, which is bad news for us.

Hearing Mu Guiying's words, Yang Zongfeng also realized that the situation on Guangnan West Road was really complicated. If you don't grab in front of Feng Tong and let him eat these 11 cottages, it will not be easy to fight against rebellion.

This cottage in Guangnan West Road has been established for a long time, and its power is also deeply rooted. Lord Sun of Guizhou once told Mu Guiying that Zhao Heng wanted to eradicate all these cottages, which was no less than a confrontation with Liao. These cottages have been harmed. If it hadn't been for such an alliance that restrained them, Guangnan West Road would have been in a mess.

The more he thought about it, the more calm Yang Zongfeng became and a little anxious: "Now he has publicly returned to the two cottages. If there are a few, how can the eldest brother win and return to the court?"

"What are you worried about?" Although Mu Guiying was also a little anxious, Wang Lanying, who rescued Yang Wenguang, showed her such a glimmer of hope.

If Wang Lanying is inclined to defeat the rebels, it is not easy for Feng Tong to win. However, although Wang Lanying saved Yang Wenguang, she did not show up and didn't want them to find her. This made Mu Guiying a little confused about Wang Lanying's attitude towards the rebellious army. But one thing is that Mu Guiying is sure that it is impossible for Wang Lanying to remain neutral and not help either side. Even Mu Guiying, Feng Tong refused.

At this moment, the sound of horses' hoofs came from the night. As the sound approached, Yang Zongfeng stood up and walked out of the courtyard, ready to see if Zhang Li had returned. Mu Guiying thought for a moment and stood up, but did not move. Just standing in the yard and looking at the source of the sound.

As Zhang Li appeared in Mu Guiying's sight with a group of people, she saw the woman behind Zhang Li at a glance. In the bright moonlight, Mu Guiying clearly saw the woman in soft armor, who was the person she met at the ruined temple that day.

Wang Lanying also stared at Mu Guiying. What's more, she didn't expect that the woman who met in the ruined temple and coaxed the child to sleep was Mu Guiying, who was famous all over the world. Speaking of which, Wang Lanying has also been friends with Mu Guiying for a long time. Otherwise, she would not have come down the mountain to see Mu Guiying as soon as she heard the news of Zhang Li.

Looking at the quiet woman standing in the yard with a smile on her face but with light in her eyes, Wang Lanying immediately raised an unknown affection for Mu Guiying. Jumping off the horse, Wang Lanying strode to Mu Guiying, held his fists angrily and said cheerfully, "Wang Lanying of Tonggu Village."

Wang Lanying's move immediately reminded Mu Guiying of her days in Mukezhai. Then, Mu Guiying also held his fist freely and smiled: "Mu Kezhai Mu Guiying."

Some people make friends, even if they have been together for a long time, they may not become best friends. And some people only need to chat briefly, and they may become friends of life and death. Mu Guiying and Wang Lanying haven't talked yet, and I don't know if they will become lifelong friends. However, Mu Guiying and Wang Lanying both know that they will definitely become friends when they meet again today. Because they all saw something similar to themselves from each other...