Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 148 Each has its own tricks

With Mu Guiying's handwritten letter, Yang Bamei and Yang Jiumei rushed to Tonggu Mountain in Rongzhou.

The life in the handsome mansion is the same as usual, and there is not much change. Yang Zongfeng, Jiang De and He Qing followed Yang Zongbao and returned early and late every day to step up their training against the rebels. Yang Paifeng took good care of Yang Wenguang, and Mu Guiying enjoyed the pig-like fetal life. The only difference is that in Mu Guiying's heart, there are more worries that outsiders can't see.

Since Li Mingyi's false death, there has been no movement from Yizhou, which makes Mu Guiying a little uneasy. From Li Mingyi's mouth, she knew how good the relationship between Li Mingyi and Li Mingyan was. Since he knew that his brother had died tragically, there was no reaction, which was too unreasonable. Therefore, Mu Guiying had to doubt what Li Mingyan was planning.

In fact, Mu Guiying really thinks too much. After Xin Chengfu returned to Yizhou, he did not immediately tell Li Ming Yan the news of Li Ming's death. And when Li Mingyan realized something wrong, she said the news. But what Xin Chengfu never expected was that after hearing this, Li Mingyan burst into blood and fainted, so she was a serious illness and almost died.

Lingyan was first designed by Feng Tong and had to surrender to him, which itself hit the arrogant Limingyan hard. Moreover, in order to have the money that Feng Tong has to keep Xin Chengfu and his army alive, Li Mingyan had to adjust the relationship between the two sides and tried her best. At this time, after learning the news of her brother's death, how could Li Mingyan continue to support it?

When Li Mingyan fell ill, both Xin Chengfu and Feng Tong panicked. Xin Chengfu is because her favorite woman fell ill and has no scruples about anything. Feng Tong was afraid that Li Mingyan would die of such illness that no one could help him suppress Xin Chengfu and lose his army. Although Feng Tong is also secretly training his own army, because the time is too short, his personal guard has not taken shape. In case Xin Chengfu is caused by the wind in the dawn, he is the first person to be killed by Xin Chengfu.

Therefore, Yizhou is unprecedentedly calm. Mu Guiying became suspicious because she couldn't get the news from Yizhou. In addition to this, Mu Guiying didn't care so much about the upcoming Qian Weiyan and Ding Pu.

Through night talks with Yang Zongbao for several consecutive days, Mu Guiying has made plans. Since Qian Weiyan is a comforter sent by the court, it should be placed in Guizhou. With Li Da's response, Qian Weiyan should not embarrass Yang Zongbao. As for Ding Pu, Wang Lanying will deal with it. Anyway, the two are also the main and deputy of the special army, and they should get along with each other for a long time. In addition, in order not to be blind and upset, Mu Guiying has planned to let Wang Lanying's army station in Rongzhou.

"Garrison in Rongzhou?" Wang Lanying threw a large knife in her hand to Zhang Li, who was beside him, and looked back at Yang Bamei and Yang Jiumei in surprise. Without waiting for the two to answer, they frowned and muttered in a low voice, "The Mu family's sister is really calculating and threw that Dingpu to me. However, Dingpu is so unbearable that it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

Although Wang Lanying whispered to herself, she did not deliberately avoid Yang Bamei and Yang Jiumei, so that the two could hear it clearly. In the same way, Yang Bamei and Yang Jiumei looked at each other and understood why Mu Guiying respected Wang Lanying so much. Wang Lanying's feelings are not as rough as they appear, and they are also a little calculating.

It is said that Yang Bamei and Yang Jiumei were infected by her cheerful personality when they first saw Wang Lanying. Also because of Mu Guiying's relationship, the two also had a good talk with Wang Lanying. However, Yang Bamei was still familiar with some of Wang Lanying's temper before giving her Mu Guiying's letter.

Chaoting promised to recruit all the cottages on Guangnan West Road, which made Wang Lanying very happy. Wang Lanying was a little unhappy about Ding Pu sent by the court. After reading Mu Guiying's letter, Wang Lanying thought about Zhao Heng's intention. But she couldn't figure out what she thought.

But when Mu Guiying sent another letter informing that Wang Lanying and his men would be sent to Rongzhou to guard, Wang Lanying couldn't figure it out. Didn't you say that Ding Pu can do nothing but be arrogant? As for treating him so carefully?

It seemed that Wang Lanying was puzzled, and Yang Bamei had to tell Ding Pu's life. Moreover, Yang Bamei, who got Mu Guiying's hint, did not hide the complaint between the Yang family and the Ding family. And because of Ding Pu, she and Yang Jiumei were forced to go south.

"This, this official is not easy to be." Wang Lanying, a person who has never known the officialdom, obviously did not expect that there were so many invisible 'wars' behind those high-ranking officials.

To be honest, since she heard about these inside stories in the court, Wang Lanying, a bold woman, was really a little scared. However, Wang Lanying is really grateful this time for the condition that Mu Guiying has won for them without going to go to court and has been stationed on Guangnan Ding Road.

In order to repay Mu Guiying, Wang Lanying responded to this request with great righteousness: "Please go back and tell Mu's sister that since I, Wang Lanying, have promised to take the brothers of the alliance to the court, I will not easily regret it. I must be firm about that Ding Pu, and I will definitely not let him produce any bad water.

After sending Yang Bamei and Yang Jiumei away, Wang Lanying immediately recruited several seemingly clever people and said cautiously, "The comforter sent by the court and Ding Pu are about to arrive. You set off immediately and find them before they arrive in Guizhou. Then, along the way, carefully monitor their every move. I'd like to see what the emperor of the Song Dynasty had on. And that Ding Pu, you should observe more carefully and must find out his temper.

After the order, Wang Lanying asked these people to leave the village immediately, and quietly, in the way that she didn't want people to find out. After Wang Lanying greeted several other village owners, he took Zhang Li slowly to Liuzhou to prepare to visit Mu Guiying. There is also the 'god son' or 'god daughter' who has been recognized for a long time and is still in Mu Guiying's stomach.

Just as Wang Lanying arrived in Liuzhou, Qian Weiyan and others sent by the court were also about to arrive at the territory of Dingxi Road in Guangnan. And the person who reported the news has taken the letter and walked into the government office in Guizhou and handed it over to Li Da.

When several government officials took the messenger down to settle down, Li Da took the letter and sat motionless on the chair. In fact, a few days ago, Li Da had received a letter from his younger brother Li Di in the capital. The general meaning of this letter is similar to that of Mrs. She, which shows who is sent by the court this time.

Yuan Guangping, the general judge sitting at Li Da's head, is Li Da's subordinate and his good friend. Therefore, Yuan Guangping saw Li Da holding the letter in his hand, but he couldn't help sneer and was very puzzled in his heart: "Your Excellency, won't you open the letter and have a look?"

"Gwangping, I already knew what was written in this letter the day before yesterday." Li Da sneered again and threw the letter in his hand to Yuan Guangping, signaling him to open it and read it.

Yuan Guangping was puzzled, but he also quickly opened the letter to check. Yuan Guangping was very happy to see Zhao Heng's will. This is the first time that the Song Dynasty officially recruited Anshanzhai. If there is no accident, this is a great achievement. This credit can relieve the pressure on some of their officials in the rebellion of Guangnan West Road.

However, when he saw the two important people sent by the court, Yuan Guangping was stunned. Ding Pu is so young that he is still unknown, but he has been entrusted with heavy responsibilities, which is a little unusual. Yuan Guangping looked up at Li Da and understood why he sneered.

Although he didn't hear Li Da say it himself, Yuan Guangping also heard about it. Qian Weiyan does not deal with Li Da. To be precise, Li Da hates Qian Weiyan very much. Yuan Guangping didn't know much about the reason. He just knew that Li Da was so far away from home that he came to work on Guangnan West Road, but it was all because of Qian Weiyan.

At the beginning, Li Da came to this unfamiliar Guizhou alone, but he suffered a lot before he took the position of this Zhizhou. Yuan Guangping's general judgment was seen and admired in his heart. It was also because of this that Li Da and Yuan Guangping became friends.

"Your Excellency, Qian Weiyan knows that he doesn't like you, but he still comes to Guizhou. You see..." Yuan Guangping doesn't know what happened in the court, but Qian Weiyan knows that Li Da hates him but still does this appeasement. There must be any support.

Li Da knew Yuan Guangping's mind and said sarcastically, "Qian Wei plays the deputy envoy of the Privy Council. It's best for him to be the comforter.

"Ah?!" Yuan Guangping whispered in disbelief. Because there have been continuous wars since the founding of the People's Republic of China, this Privy Council is the place that several generations of emperors attach the most importance to. And this secret envoy's power is second only to the prime minister, and it can be imagined that this envoy is not much worse.

Thinking of hearing about Qian Weiyan's character, Yuan Guangping was a little worried and said, "Your Excellency, the rebellion has not been won yet. Will Qian Weiyan do anything wrong and affect..."

"Light and flat. Although Qian Weiyan is the deputy envoy of the Privy Council and the messenger sent by the court, he came to Guangnan West Road. Li Da sneered and looked very disdainful: "I really can't help it anywhere else, but in this Guangnan West Road, Qian Weiyan can't make much waves."

Yuan Guangping's eyes lit up and immediately understood what Li Da meant. He couldn't help laughing and said, "I understand. I'll make arrangements to make sure that Qian Weiyan doesn't dare to stay in Guizhou City.

Looking at Yuan Guangping's rapid departure, Li Da smiled. But when he saw the letter, his face immediately cooled down, and he said to himself with a chill in his tone, "Qian Weiyan, let's count the previous general account for this meeting..."