Jingwu Century


Since the 21st century, human science and technology have developed rapidly, and biological and aerospace technology have made major breakthroughs.

When * people, combat robots and a new generation of spaceships appeared, human technology has made a qualitative leap. However, as a series of problems such as energy depletion, environmental degradation and economic contradictions intensified, the earth ushered in a devastating Third World War under the planning of some ambitious people. Under the premise of economic integration, all countries have been involved in the whirlpool of war, and no one can do it alone.

When half a century of the Third World War ended, people sadly found that whether it was defeated or a victorious country, there was no so-called winner in this meaningless war, because the earth that gave birth to human beings has become full of holes. At the same time, the population has been greatly reduced and technology has regressed. Many countries and nations have been completely wiped out and disappeared into the long river.

At this time, the survivors realized their guilt and deep regret, as well as their hesitation about the future.

After the war, people felt pain and helped each other. While rebuilding their homes, they also began to find a new way out. Subsequently, countless development plans were put on the table, but most of the plans have an amazing similarity, that is, human beings must break away from the shackles of the earth and find new energy and habitat in space.

When a proposal signed as Age of the Universe was integrated and surfaced, it was immediately supported by the vast majority of people.

However, with the implementation of the plan, new problems have emerged, because after the baptism of war, no country or group can complete most of the conditions of the plan alone in a short period of time.

It's not that people have not thought about union, but the inferiority of human beings has a deep-rooted significant impact, so the Age of the Universe has been forced to be temporarily put on hold.

However, the problem of human survival has become more and more acute. Under the premise of racial survival, unprecedented demonstrations and protests broke out around the world, and many national leaders have been pulled down. However, the fundamental problem has not been solved, and no one can calm people's grievances.

Finally, when the leaders of all parties were worried, the Hu Group took the lead and together with 80% of the world's space scientists to publish an epoch-making report - Ark

Ark not only puts forward many epoch-making scientific ideas, but more importantly, it contains the data of a new spacecraft that is about to be completed and a preliminary plan to transform the planet into a suitable place for human habitation.

As soon as this report came out, the world was in an uproar, because everyone knows that both planetary transformation and the technical content of new spacecraft are several levels higher than the level of space science and technology before the war. The most important thing is that once the research and development is successful, it will indicate that people can get out of the current predicament.

Under the appeal and pressure of the world's people, leaders, whether voluntarily or forced, had to face up to the Ark and hold an international summit on an unprecedented scale.

Finally, in 2300 AD, the three-year negotiations ended, and the ensuing product was the birth of the Earth Federation, and the country has become a synonym for the ages.

At this point, I have to mention the Hu Group, because its chairman, Hu Dedi, is actually one of the top ten members of the Federation.

You should know that the Federal Parliament is the highest authority in the Federation on earth, and the remaining nine members are former leaders of one country. Now the chairman of a group can actually be in this position. It is really amazing and natural.

The Earth Federation was established in the expectation of all mankind. In 2301, the joint parliament issued a series of policies and codes. The Times of the Universe, which was once shelved, once again* and undisputedly overrides all policies.

So far, human beings have written an extremely important page in history - the cosmic age.

Time flies, and human science and technology cannot be described as changing with each passing day. After the most difficult era of cosmic exploration, the Earth Federation ushered in a new round of energy and technology boom. Countless resources were discovered, and then applied to various fields, the development of science and technology, the abundance of energy, and the era of peace, making mankind With the surge in population, the problem of land resources has deteriorated again.

Fortunately, after a hundred years of precipitation and accumulation, human technology has met the requirements of space colonization. In 2400 A.D., when the transformed moon met the first human beings, the era of the human universe officially opened.

With the development and continuous expansion of science and technology, coupled with the abundance of resources and the absence of foreign enemies, human footprints have spread to most of the solar system, large and small colonial planets, energy planets, space cities and other places have blossomed everywhere, and human civilization has reached an unprecedented height.

However, in 2736 A.D., when an expedition found a natural planet suitable for human survival on the edge of the solar system, everything changed because the Pandora's Box was opened.

When people knew that there was such a planet that was naturally suitable for human survival, especially its area several times that of the earth, everyone boiled, and countless explorers, merchants and armies flocked to the planet named Caesar.

With the support of countless human and material resources, the beautiful planet Caesar quickly stood tall buildings. When the first billions of immigrants landed, the disaster happened strangely.

An unprecedented earthquake suddenly occurred on Caesar's Star, revealing huge cracks on the ground, and then countless unknown creatures swarmed out and devoured all human beings.

After learning about this, the Earth Federation was shocked, and human beings who dominated the solar coefficient for a hundred years were shocked, so thousands of space warships went to Caesar and vowed to destroy these unknown creatures.

In 2738, the news of the thirteenth main fleet of the Earth Federation was transmitted back to the earth. However, to everyone's disbelievably, the thirteenth main fleet was defeated, and only a few people escaped the disaster and transmitted the news back to the earth. The originator was the horrible creature known as the Moon Wolf clan.

Since then, humans and moon wolves have ushered in a racial war that has lasted for more than two centuries.

The number and combat effectiveness of the moon wolves are amazing. They can fight in the universe with their bodies, and every time they are overwhelming.

Although human beings tried their best to resist, with the fall of planets, the shadow of extermination once enveloped the whole human race.

Fortunately, in 2742, an expedition team inadvertently found a magical crystal on a remote abandoned planet. When it was brought back to Earth for research, people found that this crystal contained extremely huge magical energy.

After years of research, Hu's Group finally took the lead in solving the mystery of crystals and secretly put into use all the crystals collected from the abandoned planet.

In 2756, under the invasion of the lunar wolf clan, human beings lost the last planet of the outer solar system and were forced to retreat to Mars to fight against the water.

Under the great cause of the survival of the race, human beings are unprecedentedly united. Unfortunately, nearly 100,000 warships of the six main fleets have gathered and are still swallowed up by layers under the larger number of the lunar wolf clan.

When human beings were desperate, nearly 10,000 mysterious troops with various weapons and strange armor came out like gods, and then Cui Fu swept the moon wolf clan.

These people all have unique skills, some emit hot flames, some emit a cool breeze...

The proud body of the moon wolf became vulnerable in front of these energies. Finally, under the attack of the surviving fleet and mysterious troops of human beings, they retreated in panic. Human beings finally ushered in their first victory in half a century, although it was only a tragic victory.

After the Battle of Mars, the Hu Group unveiled the mysterious forces and disclosed a series of data to all mankind.

It turns out that these mysterious forces are all composed of human beings, but they integrate crystals from abandoned planets to produce unparalleled abilities.

In the shadow of the extermination, people saw hope for the first time, so they asked the Hu Group to take out all the crystals called source crystals to prepare for the human counterattack.

Unfortunately, this source crystal is not only rare in number, but also must have two conditions to merge with it. The most important thing is that after fusion, it must be cultivated for a long time to be able to fight in the universe.

For good, in the battle on Mars, the moon wolf clan was also severely damaged, and human beings were able to breathe, but the crisis of extermination is still high.

Due to the fiasco of the moon wolf clan, although human beings are unable to counterattack, they have also won several years. During this period, human beings have once again set off an adventure craze and set foot on all the stars in the solar system except the moon wolf clan.

Maybe human life should not be end. Many source crystals have been discovered and brought back to the earth, and human beings have set off a source crystal craze. In order to integrate with Yuanjing, all children and young and strong people began to strengthen their bodies.

Unfortunately, the moon wolf clan did not give human time, and human beings could not wait for a new group of soldiers to form combat power, so the Hu Group put forward a plan to be criticized by later generations - to pull out seedlings.

This plan uses biotechnology to stimulate human potential to achieve the ability to fight in the universe in the shortest time, but the price is very expensive, that is, precious life. Because anyone who is stimulated has a life expectancy of no more than five years, and this plan is extremely risky, with a success rate of only 30%.

In the shadow of the extermination, almost all human beings who merged with the source crystal spontaneously participated in this plan. According to statistics, the number of participants reached more than 400,000, but the final success was less than 100,000.

Finally, in 2756, nearly 100,000 human beings known as Jingwu warriors and hundreds of thousands of warships launched a great counterattack against the Moon Wolf clan.

Under the power of Jingwu warriors, the good news temporarily makes people forget the pain. However, just when human beings think that they can completely wipe out the moon wolf clan, the evolution of organisms once again shows its power.

The moon wolf has evolved into a new species, which is a shadow wolf comparable to that of Jingwu warriors. The race war has once again fallen into a stalemate, and both races are scarred. Unfortunately, the cruel war did not change by the will of any creature and lasted until 2950 AD...

The war between human beings and the moon wolf has lasted for two and a half centuries. Countless lives bloomed and dissipated like fireworks, and the inevitable product of the war is broken families and countless orphans. Fortunately, the Earth Federation has made great efforts in saving and training war orphans. With the support of countless human and material resources, a large number of Orphanages sprung up one after another.

A large number of attenuation has made human military power overstretched, and the large number of orphans is undoubtedly the best mitigation. In order to supplement soldiers and select excellent crystal warriors, all orphanages have formed a unique system to continuously send talents to colleges and the army.

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