Jingwu Century

Chapter 5 The Appearance of the Strong

At dawn the next day, when most people were still sleeping, there were bursts of harsh whistles over a huge base on the outskirts of Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Bix——! Beep————!

The sudden whistle instantly broke the calm. The next moment, the lights lit up one after another in the dormitory group in the north of the orphanage, and the bright sky seemed to be cut through under the gathering of thousands of lights, becoming like day.

"What's going on..."

"Is it the moon wolf clan?"



Nearly 2,000 orphans in the dormitory group talked about and were at a loss. Many timid people even hid in the quilt and cried. The bold ones cooperated with others to hold various benches, wooden sticks, washbasins, etc., but most people chose to escape from here.

The turbulent crowd soon faced a crisis of getting out of control. Fortunately, before the accident, a majestic sound mixed with overwhelming pressure enveloped everyone in an instant.

"All members must gather at the No. 1 training ground within five minutes. Those who are late can take care of themselves! Pay attention to discipline!"

The unparalleled pressure almost made everyone in the dormitory pale, and there was no idea of resistance in their hearts, but the majestic voice was like a curse, making people unable to help obey their orders.

However, among the nearly 2,000 orphans, a few people remained awake, and some of them struggled to resist their fears while secretly followed their voices curiously.

Over the dormitory group, a vague figure stood in the sky like a god, and a dream-like dazzling armor wrapped the man tightly. The only exposed eyes were with a terrible light. All the people who looked at it would unconsciously fall into stagnation and become like others. Act obediently.

Ye Wuyou, who resisted his inner fear, listened to the edict-like words in his ear, and his little face turned pale in an instant. Fortunately, after overcoming his inner fear after the stress test, his mind became extremely firm and did not lose his mind until the end.

Looking at the three roommates walking mechanically towards the door, his heart was extremely shocked. Although he was curious about who was suspended in the air, he finally restrained his inner stupidity and followed everyone to the door.

"Good boy, this horse power is too fierce. Unexpectedly, even the king-level crystal warriors are dispatched. That's a divine existence!"

Along the way, Ye Wuyou sighed in his heart and also found a small number of students with clear eyes. He knew that these people must be an outstanding group, so he secretly remembered the appearance of these people in his mind. After all, these people will be difficult competitors in the future.

When the first ray of sunlight broke through the air in the morning and shone on the No. 1 training ground of the Light of Hope Orphanage, the whole training ground had an extremely strange scene.

I saw nearly 2,000 children in pajamas standing densely in place. Although their formations were scattered and disorderly, they were silent at this time. Everyone stood extremely straight, and their eyes focused on one place with complex eyes such as awe, worship and fear.

It is a great middle-aged man whose whole body is covered with shining mysterious armor except for his eyes**. This man is a king-level crystal warrior who stood in the void not long ago.

I don't know why the armor on this person always gives people an illusory and dazzling feeling, always so dazzling and unreal. In particular, those breathtaking eyes are full of unspeakable magic, as if as long as you look at them, you will be deprived of your mind and want them.

In contrast, the one-eyed man who stood aside and talked to him and was ignored by everyone seemed much inferior.

"I heard Chen Ming say that an old acquaintance would come, but I never thought that the person would come would be you!"

"Can't you refuse the teacher's invitation?"

The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, and then glanced at the orphans with his breathtaking eyes. When he saw that dozens of people could maintain the Qingming, he was obviously a little surprised, but in the end he nodded with satisfaction. At the same time, he was full of emotion: "There are many good seedlings in this group of people. It seems that those politicians who can only calculate all day have finally done a good thing. One-eyed, you have to take good care of me and practice hard for me at the same time. If you don't get a grade, even if the teacher doesn't pursue it, I will skin you!"

"Yes, Commander!" One-eyed salute a standard military salute, and the only remaining eyes sparkled with excitement. It's like a hunter's excitement when he sees his prey.

The two didn't talk for long, and then the middle-aged man broke away under everyone's attention. After confirming that the former was gone forever, the whole No. 1 training ground suddenly boiled.

"Wow! Is that the king-level crystal warrior or the legendary god of war? It's cool!"

"I haven't seen it. It must be a king-of-war-level crystal warrior, because any God of War-level strong man can fly over the sky on the planet without armor."

"It's terrible. I don't even know how I got here..."

After the middle-aged men left, the orphans who had stood upright suddenly stood, sat, or lay crooked and twisted. They gathered in groups to discuss what they had seen and heard before. As for the one-eyed eyes standing not far away, their faces became more and more ugly, they were naturally attracted by these ignorant children. The movement was ignored. Think about it, under the aura of the king-level crystal warriors, ordinary crystal warriors are obviously not enough.

Of course, not everyone regards the one eye as air. At least Ye Wuyou, who have seen the methods of crystal warriors, and dozens of other people stand up straight silently, even if they seem to stand out from the crowd.

The one-eyed slowly swept through the orphans with only one eye. The strange thing was that over time, the originally ugly face was gradually replaced by a smile, but people familiar with him knew that this was a sign of his anger.

However, when he saw the performance of Ye Wuyou and others, an extremely sly smile appeared on his face, as if he had seen some interesting toys, which made people shudder.

"All of them have it. All stand upright and line up side by side within ten seconds. Those who fail to complete will be punished for three laps.

A huge roar suddenly swept across the No. 1 training ground like a tropical storm, followed by an extremely bad chaotic scene...

At the same time, in the top floor of the central tower of the Hope Light Orphanage, Dean Madeira looked at the report in his hand and was not recovered until Chen Ming, who was sitting opposite, asked.

"Dean, I didn't expect you to like to do this. It's really unpleasant."

In the face of Chen Ming's ridicule, Madeira did not care about it. Instead, he looked at the other party with deep meaning, and then smiled pointedly and said, "Ha ha, I remember that there was a young man whose legs were weakened by this bad taste..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Hearing this, Chen Ming showed a rare trace of embarrassment on his cold face, and then changed the topic and said, "Is it really effective for you to do this all the time? These are just children."

"Ha ha, it is possible to worship heroes in any era. When Baroque makes such a scene, these little ghosts will unconsciously restrain while yearning for powerful power. The effect is certain."

"I don't know you always like this." Speaking of this, Chen Ming suddenly changed the topic and asked solemnly, "Is there something wrong with Ye Wuyou's test report?"

"Chen Ming!" When Madeira heard this, he suddenly changed his kind expression, and his eyes burst into a terrible light. It was not until Chen Ming calmed down that he returned to his original kind appearance. Finally, he persuaded him, "I know your brother's affairs have a great impact on you, but you should be clear that we only have one last chance, and we must not be emotional. This racial war has lasted for too long, too long..."

"I see. I'm sorry to bother you."

The almost murmur sound made Chen Ming completely silent. After a while, he nodded slightly and finally turned away.

Looking at the back submerged by unrecovered sadness, Madeira seemed to be getting older, and seemed to be infected. He muttered to himself almost in the dark clouds of war: "Everyone can't escape the sad attack. There is nothing we can do, so this war must end. It must end..."