Jingwu Century

Chapter 11 Penal Refining 2

"Let's start, you guys have remembered it for me. Be sure to pay attention to the boundaries. These kids are the hope for the future..."

The one-eyed changed the usual calm and poisonous tongue, but kept thinking about it behind her white coat like an aunt caring about her own child.

The reason why the one-eyed is like this is that this so-called "punishment" is actually an important project of refining the body, because if you want to integrate with the source crystal, in addition to the natural fit, the body's endurance is the key. If you can't withstand the energy given by the source crystal, the person who integrates will be disabled for life, and it will explode. The body died.

Generally speaking, conditional crystal warriors will use advanced instruments and a large number of expensive medicinal materials to double their body's endurance before blending with Yuanjing.

However, for the students of military orphanages, there are not so many resources available, so military generals risked this set of improved and frightening instruments to try it out.

Yes, it's a trial, because no one is willing to bear this pain, and few people are willing to risk their lives to refine their bodies.

Fortunately, after these instruments have been improved by scientists, the danger has been reduced to a minimum, and once it goes well, the physical endurance of orphans participating in the "punishment" will gain a qualitative leap. Of course, it must be a long-term adherer to have such an effect.

The reason why it has such an effect is that in addition to unique wisdom, weak human beings also have the greatest advantage, that is, super adaptability. If a person is under the energy within the range of various body for a long time, the muscles and bones, flesh and even cells of his whole body will get Strengthened, the affordability will be doubled.

Of course, benefits are accompanied by risks. A little carelessness is likely to ruin a person's life.

Therefore, the one eye is so nervous, for fear that the white coats will cramp or accidentally adjust the output of energy beyond the limit. Once this happens, it shows that someone may die as a result. Even if it is rescued in time, there may be irreparable trauma. This result is obviously not what he sees.

Twenty-one white coats operate carefully in front of dozens of large instruments.

"No. 1 to 50 is fine, and the energy output is ready."

"No. 51 to 100 are all right, and the energy output is ready."


"Everything is fine from 951 to 1000, and the energy output is ready."

Hearing everyone's report, an old man who was obviously the leader of the team was exposed, and then shouted angrily, "Prepare for the first stage, low-volt current!"





With an order, 20 white coats gently pressed a green button in a large instrument in front of them at the same time, and then 20 large instruments connected to thousands of glass containers operated instantly.

At the same time, Ye Wuyou and others, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly felt a sense of electric shock under their feet, and then this feeling spread rapidly to the whole body at an incredible speed, and the place where they passed, without exception brought bursts of numbness.

"Low volt current?"

"Ancero, Brother Ye!"

Michelle, who cried into tears, rushed forward uncontrollably. Although she also cared about Anseo, most of her attention was on the unconscious Ye Wuyou.

The vague Ancero saw everything before he fell into a coma. He frowned and couldn't help opening his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but finally fell into a coma.

Everyone present looked at the unconscious Ye Wuyou and Ancero, with a burst of complex emotions, including jealousy, envy, joy and worry...

"How's it going? Are those two little ghosts all right?"

"Hone-eyed, this is not like you. Where is the cold calmness of the past?" The leading white coat seemed to deliberately tease the one-eyed, but then said happily, "You really picked up the treasure. Not to mention the 16 people in front of you, these two little guys alone, if they are well cultivated, they will definitely not be in the pool in the future!" Don't forget to let me, an old man, get a benefit from your one-eyed.

"That's good. It's okay. Don't worry. I forgot anyone and I dare not forget you. Otherwise, what can I take to improve the physical quality of these little ones?"


"Dean, this is the physical training report of the orphans under the command of the one-eyed, including the experimental building."

A mature and steady female secretary put a CD on Madeira's table and then respectfully retreated.

After Madera picked up the CD, she couldn't wait to put it on the computer to watch. As time went by, the old face full of wind and frost became more and more excited, and finally even blushed and seemed to be much younger.

"I didn't expect these little ghosts to be better than expected. It seems it's time to get in touch with them one by one..."