Jingwu Century

Chapter 2 Worry-free Jingwu!

Ye Wuyou in the cave seemed to be unaware of what happened in Yuanhai. He just looked at his hands attentively with an expectant look, because he felt that a mysterious energy was flowing from the source crystal in the middle of his forehead to his right hand, and where he passed, there were bursts of comfort.

Suddenly, he felt that the energy flowing to his right hand stopped and flowed several times. The source crystal, which originally emitted a charming blue light, kept flashing, and the dark blue and blood red kept alternating. Then the two rays reflected each other and merged into one, finally forming a single demonic purple light.

When the source crystal released the demon and purple flower, Ye Wuyou felt that the two strands of energy flowed to the left and right hands respectively. However, different from the previous one, the energy that appeared this time was extremely violent and kept rampaging. Where it passed, the muscles, meridians and bones were all cracked and damaged!


Ye Wuyou, who had amazing patience, couldn't help but exhale under such pain.

His hands expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was not until it became more than twice the original. Fortunately, the camouflage suit added outside the body is surprisingly flexible, otherwise it would have been damaged.

Ye Wuyou had never heard that the condensation of Jingwu would be so painful. At this time, he felt that his hands seemed to have been stabbed by thousands of knives, and it was like ten thousand needles piercing to the bone. In the face of such inhuman pain, the slightly resolute face has already been distorted.

At this time, the arms, which had been magnified more than twice, began to slowly contract and return to normal, while the damaged muscles, meridians and bones were also recovered under the moisturization of mysterious energy and strengthened to some extent.

Under the moistening of mysterious energy, the bitter Ye Wuyou only felt a burst of numbness in his arms, which was obviously different from the previous pain.

Then the mysterious energy began to wrap Ye Wuyou's arms, which looked like two purple cocoons. The strangest thing was that the two cocoons still faintly came from the sound of heartbeat.

Just as he was surprised, the two long purple cocoon contracted one after another, and while clinging to his skin, the prototype gradually revealed.

"What the hell is going on?"

Ye Wuyou's hands were covered with a dark purple arm, covering all the shoulders and fingers, leaving no gap. Its material looks like non-gold or iron, but more like the cuticle of some mysterious creature. At the same time, it also gives people a sense of extreme contradiction, which is both unbreakable and full of resilience!

And he can clearly feel that there is a sense of flesh and blood between his arms and hands, just like his skin.

Looking at the long-awaited Jingwu, Ye Wuyou's mood was a little complicated. At the same time as joy, he was also faintly disappointed.

After all, he is neither a powerful warrior nor a master proficient in boxing. Now he gives him a pair of arms, which is really a little suspicious of abandoning the long and taking the short.

At the moment when the disappointment rose, Ye Wuyou looked at the two arms like a ghost, because he just seemed to feel a vague and humane dissatisfaction from the two arms.

"Is it my illusion?"

Just as he was surprised, he suddenly felt a surge of energy on his two arms, and then rushed towards his shoulders, elbows and fists.

qiang qiang......

After a burst of sound like a treasure knife coming out of its sheath, the two arms magically showed ferocious minions like beasts. There was a purple tapered spike on the shoulder and elbow, and three sharp claws were shot between the two fingers of the fist.

Looking at the sharp claws and indestructible spikes, Ye Wuyou couldn't help doubting whether he was sleeping. After all, no one has heard that Jingwu will still be emotional for more than 200 years!

With a skeptical attitude, Ye Wuyou pointed his three sharp claws at the wall of the cave, and then stabbed and stroked! However, the imagined resistance did not appear, but was as easy as stabbing on tofu pieces.

Looking at the three deep scratches on the wall of the cave, Ye Wuyou was suddenly swept away because of the depression of Jingwu's mismatch, and was replaced by a long-lost confident smile.

If it is just an arm guard, Ye Wuyou knows that he can't resist the attack of two or more fast wolves. However, with these magic claws and sharp thorns, even if he is not familiar with boxing, he can't help but increase his confidence. As for the defense of the arm guard, he has never worried about it, because as long as Jingwu does not face an opponent of more than the whole level, he will not be damaged. In other words, as long as he does not meet the enemy of the general level, the arm guard will not break the defense!

Ye Wuyou, who is in a good mood, began to be proficient in arm protection. After all, no matter how good the magic soldier is, if the user is too cowardly, he will only throw the pearl secretly in the end.

Unfortunately, after playing for a while, he stopped. This is not that the arm guard is difficult to control, or he can't handle it at all. But because the cave is too small, not to mention practicing boxing, even the space to stand up straight is owed. In less than half a minute, the whole cave has been full of holes and stone debris. If it continues, I'm afraid that this temporary haven will collapse, and it won't be fun at that time.

However, it is not that he has not completely gained anything. At least in the short moves just now, he felt a strong change in his body, the most obvious of which is the surge in strength. If he is called to compete with a powerful crystal warrior of the same level at this time, I'm afraid he may not lose.

Since he could not practice boxing or practice, he simply withdrew his weapon.


Ye Wuyou's mind moved, and the claws and spikes on the arm retracted in an instant. As for the gap left, they also closed in an instant. From the appearance, even if you hold a magnifying glass, I'm afraid you can't see any clue. It's really an excellent weapon to win a sneak attack.

After taking back his armguard, Ye Wuyou lay in the cave and quietly thought about the urgent countermeasures. If he doesn't solve the problem of food and water in three days, I'm afraid he will become the shortest and most aggrieved person in history.

And in the desolate Utah, the only place where food and water can be found is probably the dangerous labor reform center base.

So the most urgent problem in front of us is to first solve the fast wolves wandering outside the stone forest and the unknown number of hidden wolves.

Although with the help of Jingwu, there are still a lot of opportunities in the face of a small number of fast wolves, but once you face the hidden wolves, I'm afraid there is no other way but to escape.

Ye Wuyou lay in the cave and turned, constantly thinking about countermeasures. However, after thinking about it, he still had no clue. The problem in front of him was like an unsolved puzzle, which made him unable to start.

In desperation, he had no choice but to take a night's rest and wait until dawn before he was ready to move. As for why not choose the night attack, it is because the night attack on the moon wolf clan is almost no different from death.

Apart from the problem of vision, the combat effectiveness of the wolf clan will improve at night. This one alone is enough for him to drink a pot.

In fact, Ye Wuyou missed an extremely important factor, that is, the smell he had been trying to cover up before. If there were latent wolves nearby, after the smell of rotten eggs disappeared, I'm afraid that those fast wolves would not wait for rabbits outside the stone forest, but kept spinning around his hiding place.

And if there are a large number of moon wolves nearby, then according to their hatred for human beings, I'm afraid that this small stone forest has long been razed to the ground, and there is no place for Ye Wuyou?

The reason for ignoring such an important issue is, in the final analysis, everything is caused by a lack of experience. The knowledge taught in class alone can only be half a beat behind reality.