Jingwu Century

Chapter 6 Mine Hunting!

The minerals contained in Utah are not high. Most of them are poor ores with extremely low content, and the distribution of minerals is sparse and wide, which brings great difficulty to mining. If it hadn't been for the many precious mineral species here, I'm afraid that even the rich federal government would not have transformed it.

Because of the distribution of minerals, caves on Utah can be seen everywhere. More than ten kilometers west of the base of the reform-through-labour institute, there is the largest mine.

If you look up from a sky, you will find that there is a huge equal sign on the plain, and there are dozens of holes in the horizontal bars of the equal sign. However, strangely, the holes on one side were sealed at this time.

In the invisible abandoned mine, countless excavation tools and broken robot parts are scattered all over the ground, and many maze-like forkpoints show the prosperity of this place in the past!

Suddenly, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the dark mine, and then wandered around aimlessly, as if looking for something.

The road ahead was blocked, and the prey of the mouth disappeared. Many hungry wolves dispersed around by instinct, hoping to catch the smell of the prey again.

Soon, nearly 100 wolves dispersed. While looking for a way out, they were also looking for the smell left by their prey.

However, all the fast wolves did not notice that in the gap between the scattered tool pile not far away, a pair of dark eyes were looking through the goggles to see their movements.

Not long after, a fast wolf happened to pass by the tool pile. Strangely, it seemed to be unaware of it. It still lowered its head and sniffed around, turning a blind eye to the goggles at hand!

Just as the wolf was about to turn around and leave, a claw that seemed to be from the ghost field suddenly poked out of the tool pile without warning and hit its throat accurately!


The cold light flashed by, accompanied by demonic blood flowers!

The wolf's proud cuticle is comparable to thin paper in front of this claw. The three ten- centimeter-long claws sank into it, and bright red blood surged out along the claw.

The wolf, who was suddenly fatally hit, opened his mouth wide, hoping to call his companions, but his voice was destroyed, and in the end, he could only leave silent despair!

At the same time, many small cells appeared under the cortex of the wolf. These small cells are like countless insects squirming in it, and they migrate collectively to the murder weapon inserted into the throat!

As time goes by, the original powerful vitality of the wolf is declining rapidly, while on the contrary, the breath of the mysterious hunter in the tool pile is gradually increasing!

When the wolf's breath was completely lost, the tool pile suddenly dispersed, revealing that it was Ye Wuyou, who had been extremely embarrassed before! The only difference is that his body is covered with gray-black mud with a strong smell of rust.

"The first one!"

Gently threw out the body of the wolf, and Ye Wuyou, who recovered most of his physical strength, was very warlike. A pair of dark eyes looked around. After slightly identifying, his figure disappeared in a fork in a fork.

Although the efficiency of absorbing the enemy's vitality through the arm guard and transforming it into its own use is not high, compared with the powerful vitality of the fast wolf, a fast wolf alone is enough to restore most of Ye Wuyou's physical strength.

Therefore, he no longer has to ambush as carefully as before. After all, with the advantage of night vision and familiarity with the surrounding environment, and the help of Jingwu, it is more than enough to deal with a fast wolf with third-level warrior strength but no wisdom.

In the mine, Ye Wuyou walked lightly like a ghost. Not long before he came to another fork. After slightly identifying, he lay on the ground and listened. When there was a sharp smile on his face, he jumped gently. At the same time, his claws suddenly stabbed out, and then he lay down with the help of his claws. The top of the mine is quietly lurking!

Not long after, a fast wolf who had just returned from the dead end returned to the fork in the road. It looked left and right with its scarlet wolf eyes and seemed to be a little hesitant: whether to go back or right.

Suddenly, the sharp ears of the wolf trembled slightly, and then the roots of the mixed hair stood up. At the same time, the front body fell slightly and opened its teeth and claws to look around.

"It was found!"

Just when Ye Wuyou was surprised by the hearing and vigilance of the wolf, the latter looked up quickly as if feeling something, but the scarlet pupils reflected a constantly expanding claw and ghost-like figure!


The cold light flashed away, splashing blood everywhere!

Ye Wuyou was lying on the back of the wolf, tightening the latter's neck with his left hand, and the claws on his right hand had penetrated deeply into the other's body and sucked the vitality of the prey without mercy.

The fast wolf, who was suddenly fatally attacked, struggled crazily, but the hand strangled around his neck was as unmoved as a steel iron hoop.

And with the rapid loss of vitality, the wolf's struggle gradually became weak until it became a cold corpse without making a sound.

In fact, the only key point of the wolf is at the mark of the crescent moon on its forehead, which is the place with the strongest defense of the wolf's whole body, but once it is broken, it will be killed immediately. Ye Wuyou had the opportunity and ability to kill him in two sneak attacks, but in order to absorb vitality and prevent the wolf from warning, such a situation happened.

"The second one!"

Ye Wuyou closed his eyes and felt that the active vitality flowing in his body was constantly moistening his body. At this moment, not only the hunger and fatigue of the past few days, but also the power seems to be endless, and the tissues, organs and even cells of the whole body are as amazing as if they have come back to life.

Although it is just an illusion, it makes him feel at ease!

When he opened his eyes and accidentally saw the body on the ground, he suddenly felt a trance...

Looking at the gradually cold corpse, Ye Wuyou's eyes did not have any pity, timidity, hatred or pleasure. Instead, he was full of course. That look... like a predator at the top of the biological chain looking at the prey, naturally!

This kind of eyes only existed for a moment, and then the dark eyes returned to the color of the past, but Ye Wuyou's heart was a little puzzled: "Why did you suddenly go distracted just now? It's really strange!"

The brief loss of mind was not taken care of by Ye Wuyou. At this time, he is more concerned about the next hunting time and the important opportunity to store vitality!


In a fork in the mine, a fast wolf was looking around for a way out and the smell left by its prey, but when it came to another fork, a ghostly figure suddenly fell from the sky...


A relatively empty mining site, two fast wolves are going together.


Suddenly, several stones bounced around, stirring up a crisp collision sound, bringing a different charm to the deep and quiet mine.

When the abnormal condition was found, the two wolves followed the sound at the first time. However, when they came to a landslide and crawled up the track, suddenly there was a rapid glide from the top of the slope.


The rusty but heavy mining truck rushed down crazily at a very fast speed, and the two panicked wolves chose to avoid left and right for the first time.

Just as the mining car passed by two wolves, a figure suddenly rose from the mine truck and then cast a deadly claw shadow on the wolf...


The dark giant mine is like a greedy beast, constantly devouring the life of the wolf, and the ghost-like figure that haunted pushed the blood in the mine to the peak!


"The 31st!"

Ye Wuyou stabbed his claws into the body of the dying wolf without mercy, but after a while, he frowned deeply, because a pair of arms seemed to be full of food and drink, disdainful of the dissipating vitality of the wolf.

"Is it already the limit?"


As a result of the wolf that kept twitching, Ye Wuyou turned around and left. However, after a few steps, he felt a vague and vague fluctuation from his arms.

"What's going on?"

Since he became a crystal warrior and had a power, Ye Wuyou knew that these arms were absolutely not simple. Although his knowledge of crystal warriors was pitiful, it was a high-level knowledge, and he knew a lot about warrior-level information. Compared with the two, the special arm protectors are obvious.

Therefore, he paid special attention to the abnormal fluctuations from the arm guard, but even if he wanted to break his head, he still got nothing.

Ye Wuyou's eyebrows were deeply locked, and while looking at the arm guard, he also walked back and forth inadvertently.

Suddenly, the frowned sword eyebrows were smoothed in an instant. Ye Wuyou seemed to have captured some extremely important information, so he walked to the wolf body not far away with expectation!

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