Jingwu Century

Chapter 25 The First Advent of Europa

After more than two centuries of fighting, the pattern of the solar system is basically divided equally between human beings and lunar wolves. The former occupies the entire rich inner solar system and uses the asteroid belt as a barrier as a frontier military position. The latter occupies the outer solar system outside Jupiter.

As for the largest Jupiter and a large number of satellites, it has completely become the main battlefield of the two families.

Now on Jupiter, humans and lunar wolves have hoarded a large amount of military power. Although there is no full-scale war, small frictions have been staged around a large number of satellites. Among them, the fiercest competition is I, II and III. As for Ganymede and Ganymede, tensions have gradually appeared. Both sides obviously intend to create another battlefield on these two satellites.

Thousands of warships and transport ships with different numbers landed on Jupiter and a large number of Ganymede.

The vast majority of these warships belong to mercenaries who have received military tasks, aiming to strangle the moon wolves outside the main battlefield and spy on intelligence as much as possible, so as to reduce unnecessary pressure on the human army on the main battlefield.

In addition, a small number of warships and transport ships belong to private transportation companies. These transportation companies seize the opportunity to provide convenience and receive a small amount of remuneration for those who have poor financial resources; on the other hand, they also intend to increase their popularity. In short, this is a win-win situation.

And Ye Wuyou took this very affordable transport ship and arrived at the human military position of Europa with thousands of crystal warriors.

Through a short journey, Ye Wuyou learned that most of these Jingwu people on the transport ship were from poor families. Although they became Jingwu, for various reasons, they did not join the army or other forces. Instead, they became a lone warrior or spontaneously formed a team, relying on the small Type tasks to earn money and hone yourself at the same time.

However, the mortality rate of this kind of Jingwu is usually very high, and not everyone is competent.

Because Europa is not the main battlefield, there is only one human military base here. There is no other merit other than strong defense and a supply base for crystal warriors.

When Ye Wuyou and other crystal warriors got off the transport ship, an officer with the rank of captain greeted him and said politely, "I am the person in charge of the Europa base. You have worked hard all the way. There is nothing else in the base. There is enough room and food to rest for you. Let's take a break first, and I'll do it for you later. Explain the form here."

I found that the officers here were very easy to get along with, and most of the Jingwu were relieved, and Ye Wuyou, who was unknown, asked the people around him for advice.

"Brother, this is your first time to participate in this kind of mission, right?"

Seeing Ye Wuyou's undeniable nod, the talkative middle-aged man opened his mouth and explained: "The military base is our only supply point and refuge, but everything here needs to be exchanged for the record, and the record represents the amount of reward for our mission. If we meet an officer who is difficult to get along with, we may have to spend money and eliminate the disaster. Fortunately, we are lucky this time and have a friendly captain.

When Ye Wuyou followed a soldier to the rest house, the captain looked at his back with some doubt and opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.


Simple layout, bright environment and tough style make up this spacious canteen, and a group of crystal warriors also gathered together.

"You can participate in the war, no matter for what purpose, you are all admired by my Wang Biao. As a soldier, I don't know so many curves. I can only guarantee that within my Wang Biao's ability, I will give you the greatest support. I hope you can win and kill the beasts of the moon wolf clan. Army!"


"Good job!"

"I accept your good words!"


Captain Wang Biao's speech greatly increased the favor of the crystal warriors and cheered one after another. As for hypocritical, it rarely appears in the army, especially on the front line facing foreigners.

"To get back to the point, here is the latest information of Europa. Although I dare not say it is 100% accurate, this is also the information we obtained after paying several elite soldiers. Please take a look at the holographic map!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge 3D three-dimensional holographic image appeared behind Wang Biao. Its simulation degree was as high as more than 90%, and even the birds and beasts on it could be seen. Obviously, under the interference of the moon wolf clan, tools such as satellites can't do it outside the planet, and it must be taken at risk to be so real.

It can be seen that what Wang Biao said is not false!

Ye Wuyou is also very happy to see such a real and detailed hologram. After all, no matter in any era, intelligence is an irreplaceable and important component in war, and in many cases it is the key to surprising victory.

Therefore, he spared no effort to concentrate on this huge holographic image in the shortest time.

This holographic image mainly records the frontier territory of the lunar wolf clan, in which you can even see the fast wolves running fast all over the mountains. But all the crystal warriors who saw this scene did not look good, because the number was really... too exaggerated.

What's more, among this massive fast wolf is still mixed with disproportionately high-level moon wolves from time to time. The highest cultivation here is just a nine-level warrior. In the face of such an exaggerated lineup, no wonder Wang Biao is so enthusiastic and generous!

Real and incomparable holographic images are playing in front of everyone, but a group of crystal warriors are in panic. Although most of them are blood-lickers, not being afraid of death does not mean that they are willing to die for nothing!

Looking at the look of the crystal warriors, Wang Biao did not show much surprise, because he knew this situation before providing this information. However, out of the glory of the soldiers, he thought about it over and decided to tell the truth, even if it would affect morale.

"Don't be discouraged. Although the number and scale of Moon Wolves of Europa are beyond imagination, we don't have to worry if we rely on the base!"

"Yes, as long as you don't go out in the base and wait for the transport ship to pick us up in a month."

"Yes, and as long as the Wolves dare to come, we can also earn achievements by relying on the base!"



When a group of crystal warriors heard Wang Biao's proposal, they all showed joy, and their previous fears dispelled a lot. However, Ye Wuyou, who had amazing observation, found that there was a faint concern in the captain's eyes.

"I'm afraid things are not as simple as Wang Biao said, and judging from the unusual behavior of the lunar wolf clan, they seem to be looking for something."

Looking back on the previous holographic images, Ye Wuyou always felt that the actions of the Moon Wolf clan were a little strange, not like marching, nor like attacking the base, but as if they were searching for something on a large scale.


Deep night

"What, are you going out hunting tomorrow? Have you thought it over?" Wang Biao looked at the young Jingwu. At first, when he saw the badge, he thought that the other party had hidden his cultivation and deliberately exposed the source crystal on his forehead. However, after several observations, he still confirmed that the other party was only a third-level warrior. Now he suddenly heard that the other party resign in advance, how could he not be surprised!

"Ye, captain, don't worry, I won't act recklessly. If it really doesn't work, I have a way to protect myself!"

"Actually..., take care!"

Looking at Wang Biao's expression of wanting to speak, Ye Wuyou confirmed his guess even more, and the base was obviously not as safe as he thought.

However, no matter what, he must go out to hunt. Whether there is a mission or not, he has no choice but to hide the mysterious creatures hidden in the source sea. Because the power of life in the armguard only has three days left, this is obviously not enough to support the cultivation of the second layer of the Extreme Spirit Canon!

Only killing!

Make the killing more violent!

PS: Let the collection and tickets come more fiercely!!!! ( The little fish is running naked!!)