Jingwu Century

Chapter 38 Giant Corrupt Lizard, Thunder Dragon!!

The lush woods, the sparkling lake, and the gentle breeze were originally a picture scroll like a fairyland on earth, but a huge monster became the only failure of this landscape painting.

With a height of nearly 10 meters and a body length of 20 meters, the huge body is as stable as Mount Tai under the support of tree stump-like limbs.

Although the wrinkled gray-brown thick skin lacks visual impact, it has an unimaginable amazing defense. A 6-meter-long tip with a barb, and a swaying tail that constantly has a destructive power that cannot be ignored. However, all this looked so pediatric in front of the ferocious huge head.

"The giant rotten lizard..."

Looking at the dragon-like head in Western legend, Ye Wuyou, who was seriously injured, was silent. If it was in his heyday, he may be able to escape from the dense forest with the advantage of speed. However, at this time, he, not to mention escaping, it was difficult for him to stand up. The only thing he could move was just two arms. Already.

The giant rotten lizard is a mutant native animal, with thick skin and thick flesh, and its teeth are full of deadly viruses and bacteria. If it is bitten by it, even if it does not die, it will be infected by countless viruses and bacteria, and finally turn into a rotten corpse, which is very tricky.

If you encounter other creatures, Ye Wuyou may still be able to muddle through by relying on the appearance of the outside and tender inside. However, in front of the giant rotten lizard, whether it is dead, alive, rotten, even if it turns into a pile of white bones, it is difficult to escape the end of being eaten.


A low roar came from the mouth of the giant rotten lizard, and the ferocious teeth were covered with dark green sticky **, and an irresistible smell surged out of it!


The thick limbs stepped on the grass, like a pile driver, making a dull impact sound. Under such heavy pressure, the softer ground has long been overwhelmed, leaving huge and clear footprints.

The giant rotting lizard came to dozens of animal corpses and slit. The yellow-brown vertical pupils turned back and forth, as if after confirming that there was no mission danger or prey nearby, it opened its mouth and bit at the nearest beast corpse.

However, strangely, the giant rotting lizard did not swallow the newly dead corpse, but bit on each corpse, leaving huge tooth marks one by one, while injecting a large number of bacteria to the corpse that accelerate decay and deterioration.

When the last beast body was bitten by the giant rotting lizard, the first body to be bitten unexpectedly changed.

The originally fresh corpse actually emitted a stench from the wound, and then the hair of the whole body began to fall off in large quantities, and the strange smooth and swollen epidermis continued to expand until it burst, flowing out of the dark green sticky **, like a stinky and unstoppable rotten swamp.

With the rapid decay of a beast's corpse, the original bird and flower fragrance, the pure air of the lake actually stinks in a short period of time, and once those lush green grasses are stained by the dark green sticky **, they will immediately wither and turn yellow, and finally become a pool of unpleasant black pus, which is really horrible.

The giant rotten lizard shook its powerful tail and watched its food gradually change. A pair of huge vertical pupils slowly opened, and then slowly moved to the disgusting rotting corpse and got up.

found that the giant rotten lizard did not come to bite himself. Ye Wuyou's heart and liver finally calmed down a little, and then did not even dare to open his eyelids, trying to make himself more like a piece of black charcoal for fear of attracting the attention of the disgusting rot native beast.

After swallowing dozens of rotten bodies, the giant rotten lizard seemed to be satisfied and then began to turn its head slowly. However, before Ye Wuyou could completely relax, the ferocious huge head suddenly turned around, and the picture reflected in the yellow-brown pupils was just a piece of burnt humanoid black charcoal!


The moment he was stared at, Ye Wuyou felt that his whole body was raised (if he still had hair), and a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged.


Feeling that the epicenter is approaching and carrying an unstoppable smell, Ye Wuyou is anxious. However, with his current situation, even if he wants to work hard, it is difficult to achieve, and the only result seems to be waiting for the kiss of death.

As an orphan, Ye Wuyou has encountered many dangers since he was a child. After becoming a crystal warrior, he frequently passed by death. However, all the crises are inferior to this time. Because in the past, no matter how bad the situation was, with that inhuman insight, there will always be a glimmer of life.

This time, Ye Wuyou was really completely desperate. He thought about his heroic sacrifice on the battlefield, about exploring the mysteries of the universe and sacrificing his life, and thinking about hitting a higher level of warriors... However, he never thought that he would become a beast's ration, and it was the most disgusting kind.

Thinking of becoming an unstoppable and stinky rotten corpse, Ye Wuyou had a kind of suffocating anger. Unfortunately, the sky did not succeed, and the miracle did not appear. Wait for it, there was only the approaching shock and rotten smell!


At this time, a domineering roar suddenly sounded from the dense forest, and then the insects and birds within a hundred miles fled for their lives. Their range and impact were several times larger than that of the giant rotten lizard.

After the giant rotten lizard, who was about to open its mouth to Ye Wuyou, heard this huge roar, the yellow-brown vertical pupils showed fear, and then turned his head in panic and left.

"What kind of creature scares away the giant rotting lizard at the top of the food chain with just a loud roar?"

Although the crisis of death was temporarily relieved, Ye Wuyou was not happy, because he felt that a creature heavier than the giant rotten lizard was approaching quickly, and trees flew everywhere and beasts fled!

When the giant rotten lizard ran quickly and was about to enter the dense jungle, a huge head suddenly came out of the side and accurately bit the neck of the giant rotten lizard.


Suffered from a sudden and fatal attack, the giant rotten lizard roared in pain and spit out a dark green fog to quickly cover itself.

However, the predator who suddenly killed seemed to be unaware of this poison and suddenly threw out hundreds of tons of giant rotten lizards easily.

"I'm going to die!"

Looking at a huge dark shadow falling from the sky, Ye Wuyou could only lie on the ground and stare.


The giant rotten lizard fell to the ground like *, and the soft soil could not withstand such a terrible weight, and a shallow pit appeared in an instant.

Then a huge head full of silver scales poked out of the trees, and the dark blue pupils looked at the struggling giant rotten lizard bloodthirstyly. That look was like a god looking at a humble reptile!

PS: Correction, 3000+ starts from Chapter 44, because there is a manuscript in front of it and I forgot it.

In addition, this book is not attractive enough in the early stage. After all, it is not hot enough and cool enough, but it will soon improve. Although it is slow, it can't be slow down all the time, and the accumulation is almost enough. The protagonist will soon become tough.

By the way, please get a ticket and collect it!