Jingwu Century

Chapter 60 Willow Dark Flowers Another Village

The poisonous sunlight passes through the thin clouds and shines directly on the potholes and soil with serious water loss. However, compared with the warmth of the sun, the heat energy gushing out from the soil is better.

The two heat energy of almost the same nature continue to meet on the surface without giving way to each other. The resulting high-temperature collision not only distorts the nearby air and sight, but also forms a magical natural wonder - a never-ending hurricane!


The originally bright and even poisonous sunshine gradually weakened in a huge roar, and then a burning cloud-like thing floated from the sky. Its speed was unbelievably!


The burning clouds are constantly rotating and rolling, and below it is a huge red hurricane!

The violent red hurricane has reached an incomprehensible pace in terms of rotation and movement. Even the fastest suspended sports car in the Earth Federation may be unable to catch it in the face of the red hurricane.

Because of the terrible speed, it has created unparalleled suction and destructive power. Where the red hurricane passes, whether it is a hill-like boulders or strange plants rooted in underground kilometers, they are all swept up. With the terrible rotation speed, they continue to rotate. Once they encounter other objects, Under such a violent collision, the bones must be difficult to survive!

"That's...what is that?"

A team of nearly 300 wandering crystal warriors suddenly stopped. Most people saw that the sky in the distance was red, and the bright color was much stronger than the sunset.

The leader also found this vision, and he thought hard about where he had seen a similar description.


With the continuous roar, the burning clouds in the sky unexpectedly continued at a speed visible to the naked eye. Most of these Jingwu warriors are people who have been fighting for a long time. Although they are doubtful, they do not show any panic.


Suddenly, an exclamation came from the team, and then everyone saw a slightly fat figure rolling away from the team and galloping in the opposite direction of the strange forest.

Looking at the extremely panicked and embarrassed figure, the pupils of the leading warrior suddenly contracted, and the original bronze face turned white in an instant, and then shouted without looking back, "It's a bloody hurricane. Run!"

"Blood hurricane?"

"Blood hurricane!!"


"Oh, my God, how could this happen?"


Some of the Jingwu in the team knew the reason, but some were confused. However, as more and more people ran with panic and desperately, those who did not know why also fled for their lives.

However, Ye Wuyou, standing in the team, has always been motioning and has been looking up at the approaching fiery clouds. Before leaving, he identified the situation of Jupiter one by one through the hunter's badge, including the wonder of nature - the never-ending hurricane, also known as the bloody hurricane!

The formation of a bloody hurricane has long been unnoticed, but according to human observation and research over the years, it has been found that this bloody hurricane has been raging around Jupiter's equator all year round and often going around the equator.

The most surprising thing is that the bloody hurricane comes and goes without a trace, and its speed and destructive power are unparalleled, but almost anyone who has seen the burning clouds will die!

It is obviously an earth-shaking spectacle, but it has an incomprehensible chance. Even if the existence of a bloody hurricane is observed from outer space, it cannot be truly located, which is really strange.

Ye Wuyou, with amazing insight, knew that it was a bloody hurricane as early as the burning clouds appeared. Originally, he was also skeptical of the qualifications of the Bounty Hunter Association. After all, he found a hurricane far away and could not escape it.

However, after observing for a while, he found that the speed of burning clouds was extremely fast and the range was extremely wide and unimaginable. After estimating for a while, he found a desperate fact that no matter how he ran, he could not run the lightning-fast bloody hurricane.

The more dangerous it is, the calm Ye Wuyou will be. Unless he reaches a real desperate situation, he will never give up easily. This is the creed that has supported him for many years.

Looking at the fiery clouds getting closer and closer and fewer people around him, Ye Wuyou inevitably showed some anxiety, and his eyes kept wandering around, hoping to find a suitable hiding place. However, the power of the bloody hurricane is so great that even a boulder weighing more than a thousand catties may not be able to escape the smashing. May I ask how to find a suitable safe haven in a hurry?

Just as Ye Wuyou was preparing to struggle to death and follow the team to escape for his life, he suddenly passed the strange forest in his sight.

When he put his eyes back in the strange forest not far away and looking at the sparse branches and leaves, the entanglement of rhizomes and the uniquely shaped groves, his heart suddenly shocked: "Is it..."


With the passage of time, a bloody hurricane that had only heard its sound and did not know its appearance finally appeared in the sight of a crystal warrior.


There is a wide orange burning cloud in the sky, and there is a funnel-shaped, crazily rotating tornado below. Wherever it passes, the sand flies and stones, hangs three feet on the ground, and everything suffers!

The power of heaven and earth is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. Anything that dares to despise heaven and earth will be ruthlessly crushed!

Orange-red fiery clouds and earth-induced tyrannosaurus reel formed a frightening bloody hurricane!

Seeing this scene, many of the Jingwu who had stayed in place and were thinking hard also gave up their thoughts and turned around and ran away desperately. They couldn't wait to have two more legs.

In an instant, the original team of about 300 people had turned into birds and beasts, and only more than a dozen Jingwu who were determined and knew the power of the bloody hurricane were there!

Ye Wuyou looked at the people around him slightly and found that the people who stayed here were not only well equipped, but also extraordinary in strength, and the last one had the strength of a level 7 warrior.

He knew that he could not delay any longer. If he was allowed to leave, he would not be able to complete the task alone, so he said loudly, "Guys, the situation is urgent. If you stay here, you must know a lot about the bloody hurricane. There is a way now, and you may be able to escape."


"Car, boy, you're not talking nonsense. What's the way to live in front of the bloody hurricane? What bad luck!"

"That is, if you really have a way, during the mission, I will recognize you as the boss!"

"If there is a way to say it quickly, it's too late!"


Although more than a dozen people are talkative and messy, their courage is indeed extraordinary. At this moment, a man who couldn't see his age said in a low voice, "Try about your method. If it really works, the three of us will do our best to help you complete the task."

Looking at the statement of more than half of the people, Ye Wuyou smiled unreachably, pointed to the strange forest not far away, and said confidently, "That forest is our only life!"

Everyone followed the direction pointed by Ye Wuyou and looked at the strange forest. They really couldn't think of any way to avoid the destruction of the bloody hurricane. One of the strange guys said sarcasm directly: "I said your head is funny. The woods are not hidden, and we will die faster in it."

"Believe it or not, I have pointed the way. Just remember your promise!"

Some people objected and questioned, and Ye Wuyou had expected it for a long time, but the time was tight and the wind around him was getting louder and louder, so he only left a sentence and ran to the woods first.

Looking at the unsuspecting back and the previous confident words, the fifteen people left behind couldn't help but be silent, but soon, a rough voice broke the silence.

"Thinking of so many dry birds, they are all dead anyway. I'll bet on it!" After saying that, the burly giant followed Ye Wuyou's back without hesitation.

Sometimes it may not be a good thing to think simply and go straight, at least now this Jingwu who calls himself an old cow is the same.

With someone taking the lead, the rest of them have no good way, so they follow up one after another, and the small group of the three is also included.

Originally, there were 16 people, but at this time, there was only one lonely figure left in place and spontaneously stunned.

"Bah, a bunch of grassy guys actually listen to that idiot's words and see how you die!"

After half a sound, the man disdainfully glanced at the backs of those who fell into the woods, turned into a shadow, turned around and left. The speed was as fast as Ye Wuyou.

Ye Wuyou, who was the first to enter the woods, carefully checked the surrounding trees. He found that these strange trees were extremely tough and staggering in weight. At the same volume, the weight of strange trees is at least a thousand times that of ordinary trees! Moreover, the soil in the forest is also unique. It is not only slightly moist, but also very sticky, which is a hundred times tighter than the soils outside that basically do not have any moisture and are very weathered.

Most importantly, on the surface of the red soil, there is this layer of red plants that are difficult to distinguish and spread all over the forest. These red plants are a bit like fern, but they are as thin as cow hair, with well-developed rhizomes and excellent toughness. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to find it.

With these discoveries, Ye Wuyou is almost certain that this forest can definitely stand proudly in the bloody hurricane.

When the remaining 14 people entered the woods, Ye Wuyou told all his speculations and discoveries. The reason why he said it now was that he needed help to complete this task. If he said it too early, he could not get their promise at all.

Since they have followed, at least they have owed Ye Wuyou a life, so he will tell him everything.

It can't be said that Ye Wuyou is sinister and vicious. After all, people are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed. At that time when there were many people, he did not expect that this strange forest would have a universe!


Just after Ye Wuyou and others entered the woods, the unique bloody hurricane had swept everything and swept towards the strange forest with the momentum of whales devouring the world!

PS: Dear book friends, the results of this book are not ideal, but Xiaoyu has never wanted to give up. Today's holiday, he is still hiding at home and typing. For the sake of Xiaoyu's diligence, please help collect it! The more tickets, the better!