Jingwu Century

Chapter 67 The first clue is revealed!

The sun is like an indefatigable hard-working gardener, burning himself all the time, selflessly dedicating light and heat, bringing light and warmth to the eternal cold dark star field. However, when everything in the world is born and the sun fades away, it is the boundless night and the happy time of evil creatures!

When night comes, the temperature on Jupiter rises instead of falling due to the suppression of sunlight. The endless geothermal heat is like a devil lurking in the dark, pouring out and enjoying the unrestrainedness of the night.

The rise in temperature is irrelevant to crystal warriors with temperature regulation systems and perennial creatures on Jupiter. However, in the canyon with twin peaks, it directs an extremely strange and gloomy scene.

In front of the mouth of the Twin Peaks Canyon, countless moon wolf armies lined up neatly and howled one after another. The rising full moon brings valuable light to the night, but also improves the combat ability of some races. The Moon Wolf clan is one of the most beneficial races.

The wolves roar at the moon!!



The moon wolf army bathed in the full moonlight has become extremely excited, irritable, bloodthirsty and more aggressive.

A huge bloody giant wolf is staring at the mouth of the canyon not far away with scarlet and shiny wolf's eyes. There are many of their kind who are going forward to launch a deadly attack. However, a hateful human is as solid as a rock and stands still. Only one person blocked his army from inserting into the sky. Under the peak.

The Moon Wolf is a hierarchical race with an absolute hierarchy. The higher moon wolf can unconditionally let the second moon wolf do anything, even if it sacrifices its own life. And without permission, the second-level moon wolf can't intervene in everything, including fighting.

Strangely, the whole moon wolf clan can be said to have banned this extremely deformed hierarchy, and there has never been any examples of disobeying orders, which is also one of the important reasons why this fighting race is extremely powerful.

Because of the existence of the hierarchy, the behavior of this bloody giant wolf is a little strange. Previously, the five bloody giant wolf launched an attack on Ye Wuyou at the same time. Generally speaking, unless they encounter an extremely powerful enemy, the senior moon wolf will attack them in groups, or command a large number of cannon fodder and adopt wolf sea tactics to drown the enemy. .

However, Ye Wuyou clearly only has the level of level 8 warriors, but the only remaining bloody giant wolves have ordered a large number of fast wolves to launch successive attacks. The only explanation is that the enemy is too powerful!

The bright silver claws kept sprinkling cold light in the air, and the blood splashed and fragmented. It was difficult for the fast wolf with only the strength of the third-level warrior to approach the bright but bloody claw net.

Although the narrow channel limited Ye Wuyou's dodge, it also gave him great help. It was precisely because the channel was too narrow that only five wolves attacked at the same time. Wearing the S/C series combat suit, he ignores those seemingly ferocious but powerless wolf claws for a long time. Only in the face of the amazing bite force of the bloody mouth can he block or dodge. It is more time to simply be a unilateral slaughter!

In the middle of the moon, the temperature of the ground is getting higher and higher, and the valley mouth of Shuangfeng Gorge is full of dead and horrible moonwolves. A tragic green phosphorus fire keeps rising from it, flying all over the sky, reflecting that the broken arms and limbs are more gloomy and horrible.

A not tall but murderous figure kept fighting in Gukou. From afar, he looked like a messenger from the underworld, waving his deadly claws and harvesting those fearless wolves crazily.


With more and more killings, Ye Wuyou felt that the blood in his body was like boiling water, beating constantly, and an uncontrollable explosion of latent and long-suppressed murderous intent.

The right hand wrapped in purple arm suddenly was as fast as lightning, accurately grasping the throat of the flying wolf. His dark eyes kept shaking, and his slightly ordinary face sometimes struggled and sometimes twisted.



The faint cracking sound of the throat bone was accompanied by the shocking roar. After the increase of the twin peaks in the sky, it went straight to the sky, with the intention of breaking the sky!

At the same time, a vicissitudes but tyrannical and greedy breath swept out in the posture of an absolute superior. Several wolves, who were the first to hit, actually stopped attacking and lay on the ground. For the first time, awe and fright appeared in the scarlet wolf's eyes.

The blood-colored giant wolf not far away also flashed a trace of panic, but was soon replaced by bloodthirsty!


With the roar of the bloody giant wolf, the fast wolf, who was lying on the ground, returned to his madness and launched an attack again fearlessly!

When the roar ended, Ye Wuyou stood quietly and turned a blind eye to the several wolves that came to his face. When the bloody claws and the blood basin mouth were about to come to the body, the dark eyes suddenly became extremely indifferent, which was an instinctive performance of the hunter at the top of the biological chain looking at the prey.



Several cold rays flashed by, and several fast wolves who attacked suddenly flew flesh and blood, fragmented, and scarlet blood was like rain. However, the fast wolf, who did not know what his fear was, was not scared by the tragic death of his companions, but scrambled to rush to the mouth of the valley.

Looking at the dense fast wolf, Ye Wuyou's indifferent look at life was even stronger. He saw his arms crossed on his chest, his purple arms suddenly blooming, and the sharp claws in the front part shone with silver-gray coldness.


When the indifferent and terrible sound came out, the two purple lingering arms suddenly waved, and then six crescent-shaped silver-gray energy blades dragged their usual purple tails and shot like lightning at the swarming wolf.

The strong breath of death and surging vitality form a strange combination, but it gives people an incredible fit and perfection, just as it should be. Only in this way can it be called the true meaning of power!

feng ao......

The strange crescent blade is like a sickle of death, crazily harvesting the life of the fast wolf. Wherever it passes, the flesh and blood fly, and the blood is like rain. All fast wolves are dead at the touch, without exception!

A large number of fast wolves rushed to Gukou fearlessly, but were killed by six strange crescent energy blades. However, as more and more fast wolves were destroyed, the silver-gray light on the crescent blade gradually weakened.

However, at this time, the purple energy behind the crescent suddenly flashed, and then rushed to the blade. The next second, the crescent blade that was about to dissipate returned as before, crazily harvesting all the life that dared to block.


One-sided slaughter!

Where the strange crescent blade passes, nothing can stop it for a moment!

The soldier pointed out that the corpse is thousands of miles away!

Soon, a large number of fast wolves surrounding Gukou were killed and injured, but the six crescent-shaped energy blades were intact as before, and they actually went straight to the moon wolf army in front of the twin peaks!



In the face of the strange and powerful crescent energy blade, the moon wolf army, which does not know what fear is, rushed to the mouth of the valley crazily. In their cognition, as long as it is human beings, no matter how much they pay, they will be annihilated!

However, at this time, the bloody wolf, who was eager to try, suddenly turned against the dark eyes without any emotion. The next second, it trembled in horror, and then made an incredible move...