Jingwu Century

Chapter 81 Five-shaped Fist!

feng! feng!


In the gravity room, Ye Wuyou, with his upper body, kept sweating. Although the well-proportioned muscles did not look exaggerated, the explosive power contained in it was extremely amazing. Where the fist passed, the tiger was full of wind and the airflow surged!

Dragon Fist!

I saw that his hands and five fingers were slightly bent, sometimes sweeping, sometimes hugging, and opening and closing, which was quite a little contempt for the world. However, if there was a martial arts master present, I'm afraid that in addition to admiration, he would shake his head more.

Sure enough, after playing for a while, Ye Wuyou had a feeling that the tiger was not an anti-dog, so his move changed, his five fingers were stretched flat, and his wrist was 90 degrees.

hiss! Hiss!

Snake Fist!

This boxing, which is almost well-known in China, is in Ye Wuyou's hands. At first glance, it has the charm of blue and better than blue.

The unpredictable routine, the tricky and strange angle, and the flexible and rapid movements all show his extraordinary understanding and solid foundation. However, as a party, as the boxing skills unfolded, a pair of sword eyebrows became more and more wrinkled.

Tiger Fist!




Leopard Fist!


After casting five kinds of boxing one by one, the originally wrinkled sword eyebrows were not smoothed, but even the slightly ordinary face was full of doubts.

"What the hell is the problem?"

Since watching the video left by Li Ruotian, Ye Wuyou has been deeply fascinated by the five-shaped boxing. At the same time, he has experienced the breadth and depth of Chinese martial arts for the first time, and more importantly, the infinite benefits brought by studying the five-shaped boxing!

Infatuated with martial arts, he began to follow Li Ruotian's image and practiced the five-shaped boxing over and over again. After several days of hard work, he finally remembered this set of less complicated boxing, and every action was almost similar to Li Ruotian. However, I never thought that the effect of practicing alone in the gravity room was so bad!

Yes, after a five-shaped boxing is hit, except for the leopard fist with a little charm, almost all four other boxing techniques have a common problem, so they are similar to each other. To put it bluntly, it is rote and unreasonable.

"Let's play it again!"

Ye Wuyou couldn't think of it, so he practiced the five-shaped fist alone. In this process, he interpreted every action perfectly, if only looking at the surface.

Faced with the same problem, no matter how stupid Ye Wuyou is, I'm afraid he only knows that the crux of the problem is not in the action, so he simply sits on the ground and figure out a few formulas left by the sky:

Five-shaped fists, namely dragon, snake, tiger, crane and leopard!

Dragon Fist: Override all sentient beings, soar the clouds and drive the fog, and focus on its gods!

Snake Fist: soft and fast, extremely vicious, vicious in the heart!

Huquan: roaring mountains and forests, invincible, fierce and powerful!

Hequan: flying into the sky, stable and soft, aiming for its essence!

Leopard Fist: Fast burst, even elimination and beating, intended to be angry!

Ye Wuyou repeatedly thought about five formulas and thirteen paragraphs of verses. In his opinion, the reason why he looks like a god is likely to ignore something critical.

"What exactly is missing? Overriding all sentient beings, flying in the clouds and fog, the focus is on its god..."

He seemed to have been determined, constantly thinking about the essence of the dragon fist and recalling the boxing skills used by Li Ruotian. After a while, he gradually had a trace of understanding, but it was still not enough.

"What is God, what is God?"

Ye Wuyou knew that the most important thing to punch the dragon must be the "god". However, he, who had never contacted Gu Wu and lacked guidance, was really helpless in an hour. This feeling is like coming to the place where the treasure is buried, but he suffers from not having a key.

You should know that thousands of years ago, the environment of the earth was already terrible. Although many ancient martial arts classics and so on have been passed down, the brilliant ancient martial arts gradually evolved into gymnastics due to environmental problems. In the era when Jingwu warriors prevailed, although there was a period of ancient martial arts craze, it was still subject to environmental factors and ended again.

In the 30th century, no one paid attention to ancient martial arts. Although some movies and novels still worked hard to stage the glory of their ancestors, unfortunately, everything was out of thin air and could not withstand scrutiny.

Naturally, Ye Wuyou, who was born in this era, naturally knew nothing about Gu Wu. Because of this, even if Li Ruotian left images and formulas, he still knew nothing about it and was unreasonable.

It doesn't work!

I can't figure it out!

Ye Wuyou, who was puzzled, had to temporarily give up drilling into the tip of the horns, return to the bedroom, and carefully watch the images that were already able to recite from beginning to end.

Dragon Fist, after that, I'm still confused.

Snake Fist, it's over, but it still doesn't seem to understand.

Tiger Fist, finally, look at the flowers in the fog.

Crane fist, still fishing for the moon in the water.

Leopard Fist......

When Li Ruotian practiced leopard boxing again in the holographic image, Ye Wuyou did not have much hope. After all, if he didn't understand, he didn't understand. The difference of one word is thousands of miles away, especially on the road of martial arts, which is even more than ten thousand miles away.


Ye Wuyou, who was watching the holographic image, stared wide, and his mind seemed to have a flash of lightning in the night, with a roar!

Leopard Fist: Fast burst, even elimination and beating, intended to be angry!

The leopard ring that was being displayed in front of him seemed to suddenly be fixed. Ye Wuyou only felt a rapid and fierce, and the extraordinary momentum of bursting came!

"So that's it, haha, I understand! I finally understand!"

Like a gust of wind, it rolled towards the gravity chamber, and the originally locked eyebrows were smoothed, and the listless face also restored the innate self-confidence of the past.

"Quick burst, even elimination and beating, the intention is to be angry! The first sentence refers to power skills, the second sentence refers to moves, and the third sentence is also the most important sentence, that is, momentum!"

After figured this out, Ye Wuyou's heart was cheerful. At this time, he finally understood why he had hit the best leopard boxing before. It turned out that the momentum he had cultivated for a long time was a little similar to the leopard boxing.


Ye Wuyou half clenched his fist, his muscles were tight, and his dark eyes seemed to stare ahead, as if there was a prey there, full of wildness.

The next second, he moved, and at the same time burst into a rapid momentum, and his whole body suddenly rushed out like a cheetah.

The rapid fists, one punch after another, as if the continuous stormy waves stirred up the air, and each punch was full of bursting breath!

Leopard hit the chain!

Suddenly, Ye Wuyou jumped up and hit the fist with the second finger bone as the attack point in the air one after another. The most surprising thing was that every time, it hit the same straight line!

"So that's true! Haha!"

Ye Wuyou, who understood the essence of the leopard fist, swept away the previous decadence. Instead of this, he did not rest, but over and over again, he wanted to brand the hard-won leopard fist on his body and even his soul!

As time passed, Ye Wuyou, who had beaten the leopard fist many times, finally lay on the ground breathlessly. After many drills and consolidation, now even if you don't think about it, the leopard fist will be brought in hand.

While recovering his strength, he began to understand the essence of the other four boxing techniques. This is Ye Wuyou's excellence. Once he identifies something or direction, he will persist without fear of hard work and perseverance.

"Leopard fist focuses on momentum, strengthening strength, agility and speed, so the "god" of the dragon fist should be a look according to the regulation of the central nervous system and strengthening learning, memory and response, but what should be done to look like a dragon?"

Although it is reasonable, it is not easy to practice. Especially for a dragon, an illusory and magical creature, to imitate its look is really comparable to ascending to the sky.

Ye Wuyou, who still can't enter after half a sound, has to focus on other boxing techniques. According to his analysis, the formula of snake fist should not be much different from that of leopard fist. The first two sentences are about boxing, and the "heart" pointed out in the last sentence is probably the heart and mind!

That is to say, when you use the snake fist, your heart must be vicious. To put it plainly, that is, you must be fierce. The more fierce the snake fist, the more powerful it will be, otherwise you can only look like a god!

And Tiger Fist is easier to understand, and the first two sentences are the same. The last point "force" refers to power, which requires fierce and unparalleled power to exert the essence of Tiger Fist.

As for the crane fist, it is more difficult to understand, but Ye Wuyou is not stupid. He looked for a lot of information about the crane preserved hundreds of years ago from his light brain. After careful thinking about it, he finally understood that the main point of the crane fist refers to the spirit, that is, the spiritual power of the crystal warrior, but the crane fist does not depend on spirit. Attack, but it needs to be stimulated by mental strength.

After understanding the four boxing techniques of the five-shaped boxing, Ye Wuyou couldn't wait to practice one by one. On the one hand, the reason why he was so active was that this set of boxing seemed very simple and simply had the taste of gymnastics. However, when he really came into contact with it, he understood the unfathomableness of the founder.

On the other hand, it is because the five-shaped fist strengthens the body:

Longquan: regulate the central nervous system and strengthen learning, memory and response!

Snake Fist: Strengthen endurance and meridians!

Tiger Boxing: exercise the waist, legs, shoulders and back. Strengthen muscles and bones!

Hequan: slightly increase your mental strength!

Leopard Fist: Strengthen strength, agility and speed!

Each boxing method corresponds to a part of the function of the human body. If you practice the five boxing techniques and persevere in exercising, it is simply a holy medicine mixed with the inexhaustible strong elixir and strong body elixir. Even if it is not used against the enemy, it can be called unbelievable.

However, while fighting, Ye Wuyou suddenly remembered the last paragraph of the holographic image, and Li Ruotian integrated the five punches and interspersed them. Thinking of the changeable and incompetent boxing, he couldn't help trying to practice his hand. Unfortunately, when he hit it down, the four boxing techniques were not received at the beginning and end, which was blunt and unbearable.

"It seems that without the dragon fist, there is no way to integrate the five-shaped fist."

After understanding this, he didn't care about it. After all, he learned four boxing techniques, and the rest of the dragon fist was just time.

Ye Wuyou, who was in a good mood, followed Li Ruotian's instructions and did not fully learn the five-shaped boxing, but it was not far from each other, so he would then watch the second holographic image. The reason for this is that Li Ruotian stressed in the first image that if you can't learn the five-shaped fist, you should never watch the second image.

"Worry-free, you can see this image. At the same time, I feel gratified and deeply guilty, because the second image is not a good thing, and may even lose your life as a result. If you don't want to, I won't force it. I just hope that you can find a person with excellent character and hand over these two images in the future. Give him more help within his ability.

Seeing this, Ye Wuyou did not show any intention to retreat, but was a little angry, because it was an insult to his personality!

ignored the warning in the conversation and chose to continue. However, after seeing the following content, he was angry and full of murderous intent, but more helpless and bitter smiles!