Jingwu Century

Chapter 4 The strong gather!

A spaceship that seemed to integrate with the surrounding scenery slowly stopped in space. Strangely, not far from this spaceship, there are countless spacecraft of different sizes suspended. Not long after, a man in purple crystal armor flashed from it. Judging from the slightly uncomfortable behavior, this person was obviously the first time in space.

"Is this a space walk?"

Cold, weightless, silent, a little tolerant in depression, and extremely broad, this is Ye Wuyou's real experience of being in outer space for the first time.

I tried to take a step forward, but there was no progress. This powerful feeling of nowhere was really unbearable. At this time, several figures dragged their tails of different colors, passing by him like a meteor. One of them even turned around and showed a sneering and contemptuous look.

Ye Wuyou watched the different color tail slowly disappear, and finally nodded as if he understood after a long time. The next second, his body was wrapped in a purple energy ball full of vitality. As soon as my mind moved, I immediately sped forward!

"It turns out that all activities in outer space must be driven by source energy. Isn't that in the same order, the more thorough the control of source energy, the faster the speed, and the more sensitive the action? But the consumption is a little big.

Ye Wuyou's control of source energy is absolutely second to none in the general level, so he quickly mastered the tricks of activities in space.

The feeling of galloping in space is completely different from racing, because here, there is no gravity, gravity, air resistance, etc. Once accelerated, it will reach an incredible flight speed, and at the same time, there will be no unpleasant situation of wind in both ears, which is magical.

Driven by the source energy, Ye Wuyou also turned into a purple meteor and galloped towards the star not far away.

It is a strange star, which looks like a peach with a quarter of the pulp cut, and the core is directly exposed in front of the eyes. The only difference is that the skin of this peach is gray-black.

This unnamed star has no atmosphere and is only one ten thousandth the size of the earth. However, it is full of strong magnetism. Whenever the metal approaches, it will involuntarily be sucked into the core and become part of the fuel. This is also the real reason why all spacecraft choose to stay not far away. However, strangely, Jingwu is not included.

With Ye Wuyou's current flight speed, it is thousands of times faster than running at full speed inside the planet. However, after flying for more than ten minutes, the star that seems to be close at hand is still a little far away.

Looking at the purple and red meteors in front of you constantly moving towards the unknown stars, you don't need to count them one by one. You know that there are at least thousands or even more crystal warriors. If you add others who have not yet arrived or have already reached them, the number may double.

Under the covetting of the big enemy of the lunar wolf clan, the crystal warriors rarely have serious friction between the two sides unless they encounter irreconversible hatred, except for huge interests. Therefore, although the number of people around is large, it also shows rare peace.

Just as Ye Wuyou flew for nearly an hour and saw that he was about to enter the interior of the unknown planet, a red meteor far faster than ordinary people suddenly flashed past him. Wherever he passed, all the crystal warriors chose to avoid it.

"The king of war has also come, but I don't know how many there are. If the god level also comes, I'm afraid..." It's not only Ye Wuyou who has this worry, but almost all the generals have flashed this idea. However, in order to go further, even if the opportunity is slim, they have to try.

Time passed little by little. When Ye Wuyou entered the scope of the unknown planet, his face suddenly changed, because he suddenly felt a strong attraction and pulled his body to the ground crazily.

"At least five times the gravity! Didn't you say that this planet has no gravity?

It is not only Ye Wuyou who has this happened. Except for a few battles that have been prepared to start flight instruments, most people can't escape bad luck.

"Is this a conspiracy?" The idea flashed in his mind, but it was quickly rejected by him, because he suddenly felt that the gravity applied to him was extremely unstable, sometimes small, and sometimes not. However, even under the rapid flight, coupled with the influence of gravity, he still fell to the ground at a speed comparable to that of a meteorite.

A large number of warriors in the sky are doing crazy free fall movements almost at the same time, and some mentally retarded people even shouting crazily. If there is no miracle, I'm afraid that the moment this person hits the ground, it will all turn into dust!

"What should I do?"

Feeling the strong airflow, even Ye Wuyou, who was determined, showed a trace of despair, but he still tried various ways. Unfortunately, he was not afraid of his flying ability and could only watch himself get closer and closer to the ground! As for summoning "black flying fish" with a light brain, it is not enough at the speed of both sides.

Just when everyone was desperate, a word that resounded through the sky suddenly sounded: "Haha, don't you guys who want money to die? Don't you know that people die for money? How can this planet have no gravity?

"Well, it's enough to let these little guys experience the limit of falling. After all, they are all hope for the future, and once such a number of battles hit the ground, I'm afraid that the planet will be destroyed in an instant, and then we old guys will have to be buried." Another gentle voice is not as shocking as the previous one, but it also comes to everyone's ears, as if talking in the ear.

"Hmm, it's cheap for them!"

As soon as the words fell, 20 figures scattered from the ground and rose to the sky, and then stayed in mid-air and formed a circle, including almost all the warriors with free fall.

"It can't be any bigger, or we will finish it together."

"Well, those who are not in the encirclement can only ask for more blessings."

"Let's get started!"

The only old man in a simple armor in the center of the encirclement took the lead in opening his arms, and then a frightening fluctuation emanated from him and divided into 19 parts, shooting at the king of the circle of war!


At the moment of receiving the repulsion, the 19 war kings burst out the vast source energy in their bodies almost at the same time, and led by the repulsion and converged to the center!

The next second, a rotating super whirlpool suddenly appeared, but it reflected a strong repulsion! When the first battle approached the whirlpool at an unparalleled falling speed, his body suddenly stagnated in mid-air, sprayed blood from his mouth, and then slowly landed. However, this huge rebound is not what a general can bear at all, so even if he saves his life, he will lose his combat effectiveness in a short time.

Puff! Poo!

For a while, a large number of battles were like sprinkling beans, constantly intercepted by the whirlpool, and countless floating blood beads appeared in the air. The whole scene was extremely spectacular!

Although the generals who were rescued were seriously injured, they bowed and thanked the 20 war kings as soon as they stabilized.

"What are you still doing there? Jump to the ground, you can't die!"

With the passage of time, the old man in the center of the whirlpool was obviously a little powerless, so he shouted and scolded! In fact, even if this old man doesn't say it, those Jingwu will leave as soon as possible, because there are some unlucky people who are killed by Jingwu who fell from the sky and die together. The reason why I didn't rush out of the whirlpool and jump down at the first time is nothing more than being afraid of that frightening height.

"Help me! I don't want to die!"

At this moment, several sparse figures collided directly to the ground from outside the encirclement at an incredible speed, and formed a devastating force at the moment of impact, as if they were *, extremely scary! When the smoke and dust dissipated, there were shocking craters left behind. As for those crystal warriors, they had already turned into molecules and disappeared.

Ye Wuyou's position is relatively backward, but fortunately in the encirclement, when he was about to hit the whirlpool, he suddenly spread the source of life on his limbs and bones. And focus on protecting the key points of internal organs.


The unimaginable impact, coupled with the strong repulsion, made Ye Wuyou's whole body feel like being struck by lightning. At the same time, a warm ** surged from his abdomen, followed by a sweet taste buds. As for the unfolded body, it is also squeezed together.

However, his body has been strengthened several times, and with the practice of five-shaped boxing all year round, he is several times stronger than ordinary crystal warriors. Moreover, he spread the source of life all over his body in advance, which greatly increased his body's endurance, so the injuries were not too serious, and he was the only general who did not spray blood.

"Huh? This little guy's body is as strong as a native beast. It's strange that this level of impact can withstand it!"

"What's more, he is still very ghostly. He has spread the source energy all over his body in advance. If I were young, I would never be able to do it to this extent."

"And his source energy is also very special, which actually contains surging vitality. It's so strange!"

"The native beast-like body, horrible control, strange source energy, this little guy is not simple, but unfortunately his source can not match ours, otherwise it is definitely a cool thing to be a disciple."

"Get out of here, will there be no master at this level?"

"Is there a master still working hard? Don't you know the gravitational changes of this planet in advance?


The dialogue of a group of war kings can't be detected by outsiders, and even Ye Wuyou, who has more than three times more mental strength than ordinary people, is stunned.

After the impact passed, Ye Wuyou directly swallowed the blood back into his stomach and bowed sincerely to the 20 selfless war kings, and then jumped directly from a height of thousands of meters as if nothing had happened! Compared with other people's crooked and uncertain movements, he is obviously much more chic.

Wow! Whew! Whew!

Feeling the wind in his ears, Ye Wuyou's thoughts were not on how to land. Instead, he was secretly alert: "I was careless. I didn't investigate it well in advance, so I believed that the information was true. If it hadn't been for these strong men to save them, I'm afraid I would die. I must not make the same mistake in the future."

In fact, this can't be blamed by Ye Wuyou. After all, since the discovery of the unknown planet, there has been no gravity. Who knew that there would be a strong gravity suddenly.


After landing on the ground, Ye Wuyou loosened his muscles and bones and moved forward in the direction of the crowd. Along the way, most of the generals he saw were empty-footed or helped each other, and some even stopped in place to recover. Obviously, they were seriously injured.

As he walked, he suddenly found a familiar back, but because of Jing Wuqi, he didn't dare to be too sure, so he secretly wrote down the other party's breath. And quickly move forward.

After about two hours of travel, Ye Wuyou finally saw the legendary ruins, but before he could take a closer look, he felt a sense of hostility sweeping across his body. Unfortunately, I looked around, but I couldn't find any trace.


"Ye Wu-free, you are finally here, but this trip, you are destined to run for nothing!"