Jingwu Century

Chapter 9 Dive

Top of Lingshan

"How's the contact?"

"For good, the 11th family was very wary of the Hu Group, so they all agreed to unite. How's it going over there?"

When Qin Luo heard the words, his face showed disappointment and sighed, "It's difficult. Hu's group has done a good job. The Hu's building is heavily guarded. Even if I want to enter it silently, it is impossible. What worries me most is that Hu Tiande is far ahead with superior votes in this presidential election. If he is appointed as federal president, the situation will be even more difficult to control.

"Well, the wolf's ambition to run for president is obvious." The big bald head snorted coldly, with an angry look on his face: "The most abominable thing is that more than half of the legislators don't know what control they have, but they all support the Hu Group."

Qin Luo and the big bald have been contacting major families for days, and sent people everywhere to collect the information and criminal evidence of the Hu Group. Although the eleven families have responded positively, the strength of these families has also been hit hard after the battle of Neptune. Obviously, it is a little powerless to compete with the Hu group and the apostles of God.

What worries them most is that once Hu Tiande succeeds in becoming the Federal President and with the support of more than half of the members of the Supreme Council, his power will expand rapidly. I'm afraid that in a short time, the whole solar system will become the world of the Hu family.

Although the two were unwilling to do this, there was no evidence enough to turn the world around.

Just as the two frowned and were at a loss, Qin Luo suddenly received an email. When he clicked to look, the sadness on his face was swept away: "It's worry-free! He has a way to sneak into Hu's building unconsciously. Once he finds enough evidence, he will ask us to cooperate with him.

"This boy has been missing for so long, and he will give us a big surprise as soon as he appears."

After learning the news, the big bald head was obviously very happy, but he felt that it was not safe to do so. He was a little worried and said, "Although Wuyou is very strong now, it is really worrying to enter the Hu Building alone!"

"You mean..."

Seeing the big bald head nodding, Qin Luo thought for a moment and showed a look of perseverance: "You are right. In case what you are worried about becomes a fact, worry-free will be very dangerous. In this case, we can't be idle. You can contact the Eleventh family immediately and gather all the high-end combat power. I will transfer troops. Once that happens, we can also support Worry-free as soon as possible. However, remember that the action must be light, otherwise if it is discovered by the Hu Group in advance, it may make Worry-free more dangerous.

"I'll do something, don't worry. But the presidential election..."

"Hmm!" Qin Luo snorted coldly and said with a little disdain, "If we find the evidence of the Hu Group, even the Federal President will not escape the disaster. If we can't find it, we can't stop it at all. In this case, why think so much? Time is pressing, so let's split up now.

After the two discussed the details, Qin Luo encrypted the detailed plan and sent it to Ye Wuyou by email, and then split up with the big bald head.

On the other side, after receiving Qin Luo's email, Ye Wuyou showed a solemn look for the first time: "Marshal Qin is right. Although this situation is minimal, we have to guard against it."

Thinking of this, he looked at the respectful puppet king: "After you enter the Hu building with me, if you leave a puppet here, are you sure to continue to remotely control without being found?"

"Can you be more specific?"

"As you know, I entered the Hu's building to find evidence of guilt. I must have entered it with the ability of the central brain, and I must not be able to contact the outside world easily. If you can spread the news as soon as possible, it will be much easier."

When the puppet king heard the words, he fell into meditation.

He saw that Ye Wuyou, who was as strong, was so cautious, and then thought of the strength of the apostle of God, and immediately understood the danger of this trip. Thinking of this, he couldn't help retreating. However, Ye Wuyou's strength and means forced him to follow.

"It seems that you need to buy insurance." Thinking of this, the puppet king said with an embarrassed face, "Your Excellency, according to what you said, it's not impossible, but in this way, I'm afraid that the villain can't sneak into the Hu's building with you, because only my body is here can guarantee the connection with the puppet."

When Ye Wuyou heard the words, his eyes were cold. Of course, he knew the puppet king's wishes, but he was not afraid of the other party secretly making trouble. He stretched out his finger, which seemed slow, but in fact it was almost to the extreme, accurately pointing in the middle of the puppet king's forehead, which happened to be the position of Yuanjing.

When the puppet king reacted, there was already a small light spot composed of purple and silver gray in the center of his forehead.

"Your Excellency, you are..."

"Don't worry." Ye Wuyou patted the other party on the shoulder, as if he had done a trivial thing, and said easily, "I just left a little memorial on you. As long as you do as I told you, this mark will naturally disappear after three days. But if you have any other ideas, the consequences will be a little serious.

"Damn guy!" The puppet king scolded Ye Wuyou countless times in his heart, but he could only obey his orders on the cutting board.


Hu's Building covers an area of 10,000 square meters and has 300 floors on the surface. If you include the lightning rod, it is 1580 meters. It is the tallest building in the whole solar system and has the strongest defense system.

This building, which represents the identity of Hu Group, is covered with the latest and beautiful light alloy. The manufacturing materials, process and performance of this light alloy have not been disclosed by Hu Group so far. However, everyone knows that the defense of this light alloy must be very powerful, and it is likely to have some special purpose.

Although many merchants want to order this light alloy, Hu Group has never planned to sell it.

Through the control of musculoskeletal, Ye Wuyou changed his appearance and body shape into a middle-aged fat man with a big belly and gorgeous clothes, looking like a successful businessman.

He followed the three puppet king and easily passed through layers of control to the center of Mingyue Base City, Hu's Building.

In front of this magnificent building, ordinary people will have small ideas, but Ye Wuyou is not aware that if the puppet king had not repeatedly told him, he would even have an impulse to penetrate it with his spiritual power and spy on secrets.

The three puppets of the puppet king are all core employees of the Hu Group, and the only woman Anne is in an important position. They are all targeted by the puppet king when they go out. In order to make his puppets not suspected, he often let his puppets enter and exit the Hu building. As for why to do this, it is all a divine order.

In front of the glass gate, there is no guard, but there is a brush mouth, which must be held*. At the same time, it can be identified by iris and palm lines to enter. Moreover, everyone's permissions are different. Except for Anne, the other two male puppets do not have the right to take people into it.


"Welcome Annie..."

After some columns of inspection, Ye Wuyou finally set foot in this mysterious building. After entering the building, the two male puppets naturally talked to Anne for a while and separated freely, leaving only Ye Wuyou and Annie.

Ye Wuyou only followed Anne and walked all the way. He found that the monitoring system of the building seemed to be loose, but in fact it was dangerous. If it weren't for his senses beyond ordinary people, it would be difficult to find it.

Along the way, the two met many employees of Hu Group. Judging from the attitudes of these people, Anne was not only in an important position, but also very popular, especially for men.

Not long after, the two came to an elevator. After entering it, Ye Wuyou did not find anything special, but Annie chose the second basement.

When the elevator door opens, you can see a bright but curved corridor. Every time you turn, there is a door. If you want to pass, you must undergo an inspection.

Looking at the guards guarding the door, Ye Wuyou was surprised to find that these people seemed to be only at the level of soldiers, but in fact they had the strength of generals, and everyone's eyes were mechanically dull.

When Ye Wuyou passed by the guards, he faintly felt that these guards exuded an evil breath. This feeling was like the divine apostle biochemical force that finally attacked them. Although the breath was very weak, his senses were so keen!

The two turned around and finally came to a metal gate through layers of control. Looking at the two guards guarding the door, Ye Wuyou tried his best to suppress his inner murderous intention, because he found that this guard was exactly the same as the biochemical force that attacked them, with the strength of a senior war king, but there was no wild. Characteristics of beasts.

One of the burly blonde men said carelessly, "Anne, where have you been these two days? The general manager has been looking for you.

"Where do I need to report to you? Don't get out of the way!"

Anne didn't look good to the guards, and the two guards were not surprised, and they didn't find any flaws. However, another cold-eyed man stopped Ye Wuyou: "Stop, who are you?"

"Hmm, he is a distinguished guest invited by the general manager. If he neglects, be careful not to let you go." Ye Wuyou did not answer, just smiled, but Annie helped him relieve him in time.

As soon as the cold-eyed guard heard the word "general manager", he stretched out his hand and immediately withdrew, hesitated for a while, and finally decided to let go.

After entering the gate without danger, Ye Wu found that it was still an elevator, but it was all leading to the underground, the deepest floor, reaching 30 floors underground.

"Adult, according to the investigation of the villain, it is estimated that it is below the 20th floor, but Anne's authority can only go to the 10th floor underground, and the rest is up to you."

Hearing the voice of the puppet king, Ye Wuyou nodded, but his mouth chatted with Annie from time to time, revealing a picture of a pig brother, and his eyes kept scanning back and forth to those ** parts, looking like a pervert.

When the elevator stopped and opened the door, Ye Wuyou's body suddenly blurred at the moment she stepped out, while Anne beside her waved casually, and a fat man suddenly appeared, who looked exactly the same as Ye Wuyou changed.

With the cover of the elevator door, the two cleverly avoided the electronic eyes above their heads.

At this point, Ye Wuyou finally successfully sneaked into the Hu Building, which is claimed to have the strongest and most perfect defense system!