Jingwu Century

Chapter 10 Five Shapes!

A shuttle-shaped small black spaceship suddenly appeared, as if tearing the space. Unexpectedly, the spacecraft appeared in the meteoric sea on the edge of the galactic fairy arm.

The meteorite sea exists in many galaxies and star domains. Generally speaking, a large number of meteorites are affected by some kind of superpower field, thus abnormally gathering together to form a special area. Its size is determined by the influence range and intensity of the force field.

For spacecraft that break into it, meteorites are extremely dangerous. Even the top S-class spacecraft will be in great danger of damage.

Because the meteorites in the meteorite sea are of different sizes and motions, with relative static and motion. The most important thing is that these meteorites are extremely changeable. It is likely that they are stationary at the previous moment and move at the next moment, and vice versa.

Think about it, when a spacecraft flew by a stationary meteorite, the meteorite suddenly moved without warning... Or the originally moving meteorite suddenly stopped, causing the unprepared spacecraft to hit directly...

In addition, the most dangerous is the meteorite wave. As the name implies, a large number of meteorites form a wave-like landscape, which is fierce and defenseless. No spacecraft can be spared wherever it passes!

In a word, no spacecraft will be willing to enter the meteorite sea, because it is also known as the spacecraft cemetery!

"Didi...dangerous...due to 1. 11% error caused the spacecraft to stray into the meteorite sea..."

Ye Wuyou, who was understanding the five-shaped fist and the law, heard the alarm and couldn't help but change his face slightly. He knew the horror of the meteorite sea. Although his life was not in danger, the Flying Fish was probably unable to protect it.

Once this happens, he can only rely on his own speed to fly in the vast universe. At this speed, it may take tens of millions of years or even longer to get to Baimi Star. This is obviously an unbearable situation.

"Flying fish, calculate the distance between the surrounding meteorites and try to stay away from any meteorite. At the same time, calculate the fastest route away from the meteorite sea. In addition, open the hatch and I'll escort you!"

"Master, although the probability of the spacecraft getting out of trouble is much higher, the danger of the owner will also increase greatly. It is not recommended..."

"This is an order, execute it immediately!"

After discovering that he was in the sea of meteorites, Ye Wuyou decisively gave orders, ignoring the advice of flying fish, flew out of the spacecraft and directly to the cold and vast space.

Unfortunately, the space ring cannot accommodate the Flying Fish, otherwise it is just a waste of time, and safety is not a problem.

As for jumping away with the help of space, it is even more impossible, because space jumping must first enter the state of space acceleration, which requires an unimpeded safe distance for the spacecraft to accelerate. When the speed reaches a critical point, it is supplemented by a special space turbine engine to carry out light years. Space jump.

In the ubiquitous meteorite sea, it is obvious that there are no conditions for space to jump. Of course, Ye Wuyou did not expect to directly bombard a clean track with great power. Unfortunately, the uncertainty of meteorite status is doomed to be futile.

The only way left now is for him to escort in front and smash all the threatening meteorites, followed by the Flying Fish, choosing the shortest route to rush out of the meteorite sea.

Ye Wuyou, wearing silver-gray crystal armor, flew at the fastest speed, followed by the Flying Fish, constantly calculating the state and distance of the surrounding meteorites.

Although Ye Wuyou has unlimited free conversion of source energy, the life source energy tends to fight protractedly. In terms of destructive power, it is obviously not as good as the dead source energy. Therefore, he chose to open the way with silver-gray crystal armor.

The meteorite sea, known as the fierce area of the spaceship cemetery, Ye Wuyou finally experienced the origin of the fierce name here.

He, who was flying at a high speed, spread his mental strength to the maximum extent to capture the state of the surrounding meteorites. Unexpectedly, he had just flown by a stationary meteorite the moment before.

The next second, the meteorite moved without warning. Although it did not hit the Flying Fish, it could be seen that the meteorite sea was dangerous.

The most important thing is that neither the spiritual power nor the detection system of the Flying Fish can capture the trajectory of the mysterious force field, so there is no way to deal with the mutation of the meteorite state.


The finished font of three chaotic crescent blades hit a meteorite with a diameter of one meter, causing the gravel to shoot. Although these gravels are small, with the support of speed, they still pose a fatal threat to the Flying Fish. In order to prevent this accident, Ye Wuyou must rely on the field to completely smash these stones.

Along the way, Ye Wuyou frequently took action. Although the source energy in the source sea is extremely rich, it still can't withstand such a degree of consumption. In desperation, he could only swallow the few remaining recovery drugs bottle by bottle. This is used to support high-strength gravel work.

Finally, half a month later, the Flying Fish suddenly sent a message: Master, at this speed, we can leave the meteorite sea in four hours.


"Finally, I can leave this damn place!"

Thinking of this month's experience, even Ye Wuyou, who has a rock heart, almost can't hold on. It's thrilling again and again, and the source energy consumption is exhausted again and again. Among them, the most dangerous is the meteorite waves. Although he has only experienced it once, it is enough to make him unforgettable for a lifetime.

That spectacular scene, that kind of momentum to destroy everything...

Just as Ye Wu recalls the meteorite waves, the Flying Fish suddenly received a warning: Master... meteorite waves... in the back... three hours after the expected arrival time... the scale is beyond the calculation...

"Damn it!"

Even the intelligent system of the Flying Fish can't calculate the scale of this meteorite wave, which must be very amazing and immeasurable. In the face of this situation, Ye Wuyou's thoughts turned around: it was obviously irrational to change the direction, and looking at the scale of the meteorite waves, three hours may not be avoided. Then the only way is...

He suddenly looked firmly ahead, where there were a large number of floating, stationary, or moving meteorites. These fragile meteorites in the past brought him fatal troubles at this time.

"Keep moving forward, and we will have a time race with the meteorite waves!"

Although Ye Wuyou is exhausted, his will to fight is extremely strong. A proud momentum is like a sharp sword out of its sheath, which is bound to destroy everything that dares to block.


Ye Wuyou, who devoted himself wholeheartedly, completely turned into a humanoid native beast. In order to save Yuanneng to cope with the approaching meteorite waves, he simply took the initiative to smash the meteorites in the way with his fists and feet. As for the meteorites on both sides, the same is true. Only when he has no time to rescue or gravel, will he use Yuanneng to attack and fields.

field - the cycle of life and death!

A large amount of gravel has turned into cosmic dust under the influence of the field.

Ye Wuyou takes back the field and opens the way while thinking: if the meteorite can be completely beaten into powder without the help of source energy, the speed of progress can be greatly increased, and the consumption of source energy will also be reduced.

Thinking of this, an uncontrollable idea rose in his heart, and the five-form unity, which had been clueless for a long time, gradually increased with a trace of understanding.

Although Ye Wuyou's strength is strong, it is not easy to punch the meteorite into powder only by brute force. If you want to do it, in addition to having great power, you also need to control your own power to the extreme.

That is, force at will, strong and soft! And this is exactly the premise of the five forms of unity.

If you want to do it!

Next, every time Ye Wuyou punched, he would deliberately control the strength and try to completely smash the meteorite. With a punch, he instantly dispersed his power into countless units, which was his ultimate goal. Although it is simple to say, it is very difficult to use.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of punches were waved continuously, and the same number of meteorites were smashed one after another. For a time, the gravel flew and shot continuously. Unfortunately, it has never achieved the desired effect.

Ye Wuyou is not a person who abandoned halfway. What's more, now that the meteorite waves are coming, he should try his best not to wander in the universe in the future.

For more than a year, although there has not been much progress in the integration of the five shapes, it is not nothing. At least, he has touched the door. What is lacking now is just the experience and the instant epiphany.


His dark eyes suddenly lit up and burst out like a bright star-like light. He locked his target on the meteorite in front of him. The next second, he flashed beside him and punched out without hesitation, but his fist was attached to the silver-gray source energy like a fierce ghost.

When the fist touches the meteorite, the mind moves, and the silver-gray source attached to the fist can instantly penetrate into the meteorite.


Time seems to be fixed at this second. Ye Wuyou's right fist hit the meteorite, but the meteorite was intact as before.

However, the next second, a whole meteorite with a diameter of ten meters suddenly turned into countless powders and floated around like weathering.

To do this, it is not difficult for Ye Wuyou. It is nothing more than a practical manifestation of the utilization rate of source energy. However, this trick consumes much more energy than smashing meteorites, so he has never used it. Nowadays, in order to increase understanding and buy time, I don't care whether the source can keep up or not.

One punch!

Two punches!


Nine punches!

Ten punches!

When the tenth punch came out, he smiled and his eyes showed a glow of excitement. Yes, at that moment, years of understanding and experience accumulation instantly broke through the critical point and directly opened the door that had been blocking his progress!