Jingwu Century

Chapter 26 Peak Battle 1

Heart of the Universe

The old man sitting in the secret room suddenly opened his dead fish eyes without pupils, and his old face became a little mottled and ferocious because the scales fell off, showing a solemn color.

"Perotus has fallen, my child...hey!"

The old man turned over and showed a hand-drawn picture of his age. There was no sun, moon and stars on it, only a chaotic ocean, and in the middle of the ocean, there were two strange fish chasing each other. On the periphery of the ocean, there is a group of fishmen kneeling and worshiping, and their appearance has many similarities with the Protus.

"What is the mission of us Plotus, to defend this universe, or..."


The long life gave the Protus powerful power, but also lost the meaning of life. They did not know why they lived, but their instinct drove them to continue.

This is the sadness of a race that has lost its meaning.

Therefore, the first generation of Protus master, in order to give the clan the meaning of existence, he portrayed Li as a heinous demon, and the Protus naturally became a righteous race guarding the universe.

However, this kind of justice is obviously narrow, because everything is based on self-continuation.

As the master of Protus and knows more, he vaguely feels that there are many strange things in this universe. Unfortunately, with his strength, he still can't find the source of these strange things.

"Forget it, let's wait until we deal with the current crisis."

Thinking of this, the old man directly ordered the empty secret room, "Hailim, give me my order, all adult people, enter a state of emergency fighting."

"Yes, master."

After bowing respectfully, Hailim appeared out of thin air and disappeared again, leaving only a sad old man kneeling quietly in front of the altar.


Solve Perotus with overwhelming strength and deterred the two people without wind. After knowing the location of the heart of the universe, Ye Wuyou rushed to his destination non-stop.

Along the way, he sat quietly in the practice room, with a pair of sword eyebrows slightly frowning, obviously encountering confusion.

"What the hell is going on? Where the hell did those scattered energies go?

It turned out that when he was in the face of Perotus, Ye Wuyou, who was super powerful, keenly caught that a small part of the emitted energy was pulled by some rules and disappeared.

This is a very strange and difficult thing to understand. As we all know, the whole universe follows the law of conservation of energy. Energy cannot be generated or disappear out of thin air. It will only be converted through various forms and forms.

From the destruction of stars to the death of creatures, in a sense, it is the result of energy morphological transformation. Even if the crystal warriors practice, the energy obtained is also obtained from nature. When the crystal warrior dies, the energy stored on his body will also be fed back to nature, forming an endless cycle.

Now he suddenly finds that the energy is reduced, and the result is neither big nor small. If this has always been the case, it means that in the near future, the whole universe will collapse and be destroyed due to lack of energy.

Since advancing to the galactic level, Ye Wuyou has noticed some incomprehensable strange phenomena in the whole universe, such as nature's unreasonable suppression of galaxy-level crystal warriors, the strange disappearance of energy, the cause of the source crystal and the end of martial arts, etc.

There are many doubts about all this.

At this moment, the milky voice of the flying fish suddenly sounded: "Master, the heart of the universe has arrived."

When Ye Wuyou heard the words, he put down his doubts and went straight to the spaceship. What he saw was undoubtedly a land floating in space.

"Flying fish, go straight back to earth. By the way, take these supplies and my notes back to Qin Luo or Haoming.


The flying fish also appeared outside the spacecraft, but his eyes were full of reluctance. He shook his head and said, "No, the flying fish should not be separated from its owner."

Ye Wuyou turned around and looked at the flying fish and the awkward child. He couldn't help smiling: "Flying fish, with my current strength, even if I directly use my body, it is not slower than you to go back to the earth. No one knows the result of this battle, but you can't participate in the level of the battle. Listen, go back to the earth and wait for me."


"In fact, there is another very important thing for you to go back to the earth, that is, to take good care of the moon lotus for me and help the people of the earth. After all, my people are still very weak. Please."

Flying fish originally wanted to die, but Ye Wuyou's tone made it unable to refuse. In the end, he could only return to the spaceship pitifully and fly to the earth with the property left by its owner.

Looking at the start of the Flying Fish, Ye Wuyou waved his hands, and a mysterious fluctuation enveloped around the spacecraft, forming mysterious runes one by one, and finally hidden into the shell of the spacecraft.

"Flying fish, these runes can make you safe from now on, even if you meet the strong at the peak of the galaxy level. Take care, my most important companion.

Looking at the Flying Fish disappearing in space, somehow, Ye Wuyou suddenly felt a little blocked, and remembered the fable of General Manager Zhang in his golden years: Your heart is beginning to emerge, and you are destined to make extraordinary achievements in the future. However, the path you choose is too extreme, rugged and arrogant... You will be doomed to die alone in the future... Don't lose your nature, stick to your heart, and say it all.

"Arrogant...lonely and old..."

Thinking of his best friend and beauty leaving one by one, and finally the flying fish had to go back to the earth, Ye Wuyou couldn't help laughing bitterly, but he did not regret it, because he was Ye Wuyou!

"Since you are here, why do you pretend to be a ghost?"

Suddenly, Ye Wuyou said to the empty space without thinking. Surprisingly, as soon as the words fell, a water-blue figure appeared out of thin air.

"Ha ha, you can detect my existence. You are the only one among the intelligent races in the whole universe." The old man with closed eyes stood with his hands behind his back and smiled, "Should I call you Ye Wuyou or Li?"

"Ye Wuyou, always Ye Wuyou!"

The old man suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the human beings in front of him. He clearly felt that there was a breath of separation on the other party, but it was completely covered up. According to his understanding of separation, it is completely impossible to be suppressed by the host.

"Whether you are Ye Wu-free or Li, since you are here, please stay for me."

The old man closed his eyes again, and his figure suddenly drifted back, and then completely integrated into space and disappeared. At the same time, this airspace is full of the old man's breath, as if the whole airspace is under the control of the old man.

"It is indeed worthy of being the master of Plotus. As soon as he takes action, he will completely control the whole airspace, which is obviously a higher-level means in the field. But it's still not enough for me."

Ye Wu opened his arms, and the strong source of life and death could gushed out like two dragons, and kept gathering and chasing behind him, finally forming a huge Taiji map.

When the power of the law sneaked into it, the whole Taiji map emitted a dazzling light and was completely integrated into space, and the old man who had disappeared suddenly fell out of the space in confusion.

The battle in the field is obviously superior to Ye Wuyou's skills!

"You are really not leaving when the field and law are completely integrated!" The old man narrowed his eyes and stared at Ye Wuyou fiercely, but soon showed a smile: "Since you are not leaving, I have nothing to worry about."

After saying that, the old man's eyes suddenly transitioned from white to black, and the eyes were like a pair of black holes that could devour everything!

In an instant, nine rotating black dots appeared around Ye Wuyou. As soon as these black spots appeared, they began to devour everything around them and emit amazing suction power.

In the face of this situation, Ye Wuyou was still favored and humiliated, but at this moment, the old man's eyes suddenly turned white and emitted a powerful driving force. Taking advantage of Ye Wuyou's surprise, he instantly pushed him into the abyss of a continuous black hole!


"For good, that guy was so arrogant that I caught him off guard." Looking at the expanding black hole, the old man was finally relieved: "Even if I enter the depths of the black hole, I can't escape. It seems that this crisis has been resolved."