Attacking Fox

Chapter 21 Stripping the cocoon

Yin Huan could clearly hear the ticking sound of falling into the water in his ear, but his eyes could not open and his neck was numb. He tried to move and found that his hands and feet were tied.

He wanted to shout, moved his mouth, and then found that his mouth was also stuffed with something.

"Daw..." He scolded in his heart. He struggled to break his eyes, but it was as heavy as a dream.

A harsh rubbing sound suddenly came from his ear, which seemed to be rubbing stones. In short, this sound made Yin Huan very uncomfortable.

Then a light came in and felt the heat and light through Yin Huan's thin eyelids. The long darkness made Yin Huan unable to open his eyes.

"Your Highness Prince Huan..."

Did you hear

wrong? Yin Huan frowned. Why did he think this voice was so familiar? Who is this person? Is he here to save himself or is he the one who kidnapped him?

"I'm afraid I've been wronging you for two days," the man continued. "The man who didn't know where he came from already knows too much. I'm afraid that the matter of Wan Guifei will be beyond my control... Although it's not enough to identify me, I'm still afraid..."

Yin Huan moved his body back and hit the hard thing behind him. Maybe it was a wall, some of which was stupid. I guess it was not a finely polished stone wall.

Where is this? Is there such a place in the palace?

"You are my last bargaining chip. I'm going to kill that man now, and then let you out. If I can't kill that man, I'll kill you." The man said in a low voice.

That man? He said Feidian, right? Yin Huan thought that in fact, he also hated him very much, and now he is still tied up! After you go out, kill this person first and then kill Feidian!

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just said something wrong," the man said, stretching out his hand and touching Yin Huan's tender little face. "Your Highness, I suddenly changed my mind. Whether that man dies or not, I will kill you."

Hearing this man say this, Yin Huan twisted his body strongly, but the man's hand was still on his face, but the beginning of touching gradually increased his strength and turned into kneading.

"I suddenly feel that I have endured you, a dead child for so many years, and I have had enough," he squeezed Yin Huan's face fiercely. "How do you want to die? Hey..."

Yin Huan shook off his face and didn't let him touch himself.

"Let's shut you down for two days, and you can also taste the feeling of hunger and thirst. Life is not as good as death." After the man finished speaking, he laughed a few times, and then Yin Sheng heard the sound of rubbing the stone just now, and the halo cast gradually disappeared, and the darkness returned outside Yin Sheng's eyelids.


As soon as the heavy rain stopped, an unprecedented situation suddenly appeared in the palace: all the animals in the palace, as small as goldfish and mice in the water, birds and dragonflies in the sky, to the tigers and wolves raised by Yin Sheng in the hunting paddock, ran in the palace as if they were all crazy, but they followed the maidservants in the palace. The incomprehensible discipline of the women and bodyguards seems to be looking for Yin Huan's whereabouts with a clear purpose.

Yin Sheng paled around the hall anxiously until a bodyguard came in to report. Yin Sheng looked up happily, "Have you found Huan'er?"

The bodyguard opened his mouth and couldn't bear to say the following words...

"No, your majesty, it's the great master... Just now, the news of the sudden death of the great master came out. My subordinates just went to the national master's mansion to investigate, and the master is true..." The bodyguard still said the matter.

"What?" Yin Sheng was caught off guard by the news for a moment, but he immediately calmed down and said to the man, "Where's the mirror?"

"Your Majesty, the chief bodyguard is still in the national master's mansion to inquire about the real reason for the sudden death of the national master."

Feidian listened and thought of what Yin Jixuan told him today. The death of the national teacher was clearly a good thing that Yin Jixuan had done, but... Do you want to tell Yin Sheng? Even if I tell him, what can he do?

"No need to investigate," Yin Sheng suddenly said, "I know the whereabouts of the widow. As soon as I went to the national master's mansion, I died. It is clear that I want to blame the widow and give the widow the title of killing meritorious officials. Who else can do such a thing except the king?"

Feidian was a little surprised, but it was also expected to think about it.

"Your Majesty, what are you going to do now? For example, send a palace doctor to check something..."

"You don't have to do anything," Yin Sheng said coldly. "Even if the doctors in the world say that the death of the national teacher has nothing to do with me, the people in the world still don't believe it. Now the order continues, and the national division is posthumously awarded the title of the Grand Master. As for the reward of his wife and children, he took the blank edict stamped by the widow to Taifu Mansion and let Feng Ling formulate the decree.

"Yes, my subordinates are ordered."

Feidian looked at Yin Sheng in surprise. It took less than a cup of tea to solve this matter. Yin Sheng was really not afraid to sit in the face of danger, but why did he want to lose his soul when he talked about Yin Huan's affairs...

Feidian opened his mouth and finally planned to say what he speculated about the death of Wan Ling, but when he saw Yin Sheng solve the problem of the national teacher, he sat at the desk with a frown and retreated when he came to his mouth.

Let's wait until Yin Huan finds it.

Feidian looked at Yin Sheng and felt whether to comfort him... But the matter of comforting people seemed to be completely inexperienced, so let's forget it. Feidian silently left the Golden Hall.

After coming out, the dusk that was caught in the rain was particularly refreshing. I have asked the animals in the palace to help find Yin Huan. If he is still in the palace, he should be able to find it in less than an hour.

He walked to the place where he lived, and the scenery around him became quieter and quieter. Feidian did not notice the malicious eyes behind him and the gradually strong danger.

walked to the pond where Wan Ling fell into the water and said to the turbulent lake, "It seems that I'm about to find the murderer who killed you."

Feidian naturally received no response, and it is estimated that Wan Ling has now entered a new reincarnation.

Flying electricity continued to say to the lake, "But you don't have to thank me at all. You are just an inferior human being. I do all this only because I hate unclear things, so I want to know who killed you."

"Just because of your dislike, do you want me to be ordered to accompany you?" Suddenly behind Feidian, there was a particularly awkward sound because he was deliberately low and calm.

Flying electricity saw the reflection of the person behind him from the water, which was indeed him.

Feidian turned his head and looked at him slightly because the person in front of him was a little short. "Are you a human or a ghost, or a monster?"

"Well, although I'm a little less than a normal person, of course I'm still a person." The man suddenly raised his voice, but this sharp feeling made Feidian less awkward.

"They are also low-level creatures, why should they harm their peers?" This is indeed a problem that Feidian has been unable to figure out. Whether it is Yin Jihui or Yin Sheng, or the person and Wan Ling in front of him, they are all of the same race. Shouldn't the creatures of a race love each other?

"Mutilation of the same kind?" The man asked, "You said that I killed Wan Guifei?"

"In addition to this, who else did you kill?"

"Haha... mutilate the same kind..." The man seemed to hear a funny joke and burst into tears. "How can the old slave be qualified to be the same kind with those people? The old slave is a eunuch, a man who has been cut off **, a cheap dog slave, and Wan Ling is a noble concubine. Because of her good appearance and a good father, she can live. Carefree days, hehe... It's my fault that I lost my male baby decades ago!"

"You killed Wan Ling just because she was superior to you?" Feidian is even more puzzled. High-class creatures have to do more things and contribute than inferior creatures of their peers. Obviously, they are very pitiful and helpless characters. How can they be hated?

"Of course not. If this is the reason, I prefer to kill Yin Huan, who has been domping me all day long and treats me as a stranger!" Speaking of Yin Huan, he was angry and his eyes were full of blood.

"Did you hide Yin Huan?" Feidian asked.

"Yes," he suddenly laughed. "Do you hate him, don't you? That dead child... I have taken care of him for so many years, and in his heart, I am still not as good as his brother's cat!"

"Well, you are really not as good as that." Feidian honestly said the truth with a blank face, "Tell me why you killed Wan Ling, Eunuch Li."

"Haha..." Eunuch Li laughed, "So you didn't guess. If you know me, you won't kidnap Yin Huan... That's all. Anyway, I've changed my mind now. Sooner or later, I'm going to kill Yin Huan. It's better to kill Yin Huan now."

"Did you kill Yin Huan?" Feidian asked incredulously, and he suddenly thought of Yin Sheng's anxious face... If Yin Huan was really killed, he should be very sad... Although Feidian hated Yin Huan very much, he suddenly didn't want Yin Huan to die when he thought of the sadness on Yin Sheng's face.

"Not yet. I'll go back and kill him when I kill you."

There is another person who wants to kill himself. Although the flying electricity that can't be spelled is a ** naked waste, there is still no fear on his face, but said lightly, "You haven't answered my question yet. Why did you kill Wan Ling?"

"The reason is very simple, because I stole things from the palace and went out to buy them and was seen by her. Although she didn't say anything, she would do it one day." Eunuch Li said, "Oh, I have been living in the palace for so many years, and naturally I know what kind of life I will live if the handle falls into the hands of others. So I killed her first."

"It turned out to be the reason," Feidian touched his chin and analyzed, "As for what happened that night, it should be that the national master was hit by Wan Ling because of his conspiracy with the ancient fish princess, so he pushed Wan Ling into the water, but he didn't expect Wan Ling to be familiar with water and climbed out. Come on, then you, who had been trying to kill her, strangled her, and threw her into the water again. After that, for some reason, you ordered Yin Huan's bodyguard to salvage her body again, didn't you?