Attacking Fox

Chapter 33 First involvement in the government

Feidian suddenly felt that Yin Sheng's words were particularly much. From the time he came down to the court, he talked all the way from his birth to becoming emperor.

They sat opposite each other in the imperial garden, with a plate of purple grapes on the stone table, and took out their ears to hide their impatience. It's not that I don't want to listen, but the whole childhood of this child seems to be listening to horror stories. The more I listen to them, the more sad I feel.

"Don't you want to see Yin Huan?" Feidian began to change the topic, "Didn't he say he had something to do with you in the morning?"

"What can Huan'er do? I guess he is playing with Fu Li now and has forgotten me for a long time."

"Well..." Feidian racked his brains to think about something to change the topic, and finally asked, " By the way, what happened to Tuntian you just said in the court?"

"Tuntian is to cultivate wasteland to grow grain and raise soldiers in the frontier," Yin Sheng said and laughed and asked, "Why, you don't know what Tuntian means when you are familiar with hundreds of books?"

"I guess I didn't pay attention..." Feidian said, "Although I'm a high-level fox demon, I can't make myself interested in everything. If I'm not interested, I won't remember. Although I'm not interested, as long as I want to know, I will know..."

"Okay," Yin Sheng interrupted him, dragged the stool to Feidian, sat down next to him, and said, "Although every country is secretly storing fields, the enemy is now openly and upright. What do you think they have?"

"Ask me?" Feidian stretched out his index finger and pointed to himself, "Why do you ask me? Although I am smarter than you human beings, I am not omniscient..."

Yin Sheng secretly rolled his eyes. Feidian would be cuter if he was not so narcissistic.

"Tell me, I want to hear it." Yin Sheng stretched out his hand to take a grape.

"I don't know what their intentions are, but I don't think it's necessary to be as complicated as you think. You can do what they do," Feidian said lightly. "They farm to raise soldiers, and you also farm to raise soldiers. In the end, it depends on who raises more of you can fight."

"Haha..." Yin Sheng laughed, "If all the people in the world are as simple as you, there will definitely be no war and the whole world will be at peace."

"Oh?" Feidian raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you have a good idea?"

"They don't just rely on raising soldiers to fight. They value agriculture over business. It won't be long before they have less goods. If they don't have money, they will have money. If they don't have money, they won't make a living. And they fed all the food they planted to the soldiers. What should the people do? What do people eat? So today, when I first heard the minister say that they were large-scale in the field, I felt very happy, and I knew that this bad idea must be the order of the wine bag and rice bag that had just become emperor of the special country. Yin Sheng's eyebrows were flying, and the sharpness hidden in front of others was completely revealed at this moment.

After listening to him, Feidian was actually very admirable, but in the status of a high-level fox demon, he still did not praise it, but asked, "Since you know it, why don't you say it?"

Is it necessary to say it? Everyone who should know knows," Yin Sheng ate a grape. "Do you think Rui Wang and Fu Wan are all as stupid as you?"

Feidian squeezed his mouth and picked a grape and hit him. "You're stupid. How do you know that the monarch of the special country didn't do this for you? In fact, they have close contacts with other countries behind their backs.

"There is a Heishui River between the west and Wu in the north. The relationship is not close, and there is a gap between us Li and the sea between us and Yu in the east. If we want to have any interaction with Li, we won't know. Except for our big countries, all other small countries are immoral. Who do you think they can be back to? Dating?"

Feidian said angrily, "This is unfair. I don't know the layout here."

Yin Sheng picked a grape and was about to put it in his mouth. After thinking about it, he still stuffed it into Feidian's mouth and said, "Can you look like an adult and have to argue with me? If I'm younger than you, can't you let me go?"

Feidian didn't feel uncomfortable at all, so he ate the grapes that Yin Sheng fed him, and then said, "Can you look like a child? As a mortal under the age of 20, can't you know less? You make mortals older than you who don't know much about you very irritable."

"Hahaha..." Yin Sheng's smiling eyes bent, "Actually, you are irritable..."

Feidian stared at him and said helplessly, "Although your self-righteous personality is very annoying, you really like to laugh, which makes you very cute and like a good child."

"I seem to have said that you are the real self-righteous," Yin Sheng said. "In fact, I have never liked to laugh, but you are so funny that I can't help laughing when talking to you, and you are cute. You are like a good child, a good child with always expressionless face."

"You..." Sometimes Feidian can't refute him. But just now Yin Sheng said... he has never liked to laugh, just because he laughed. What does it mean? Is this a sign of falling in love?

"Don't refute it. I know you can't say it well," Yin Sheng put away his smile and said slightly solemnly, "I have decided not to kill you, and I won't kill you in the future."

"Is this falling in love with me?" Feidian asked faintly.

"Love this kind of thing is not that simple," Yin Sheng replied. "It's just that you are the only one who can make me so happy... No, fox, so I'm happy and decide that you won't kill you if you do anything wrong in the future."

Feidian doesn't know what kind of gift "don't kill", but this is not love, and there is still no dawn on the way to complete its mission.

But Yin Sheng said "don't kill", which is already the most precious promise. The amnesty can only be used once, but this "don't kill" is for a lifetime.

Yin Sheng doesn't think it's because he fell in love with Feidian. He just likes to empty everything when he is with him. He is reluctant to be happy.

After getting this gift, Feidian was not very happy at all, but looked at Yin Sheng suspiciously and said, "You never say anything."

"This time," Yin Sheng said, "the word 'no kill' is only allowed for you in your life."

Yin Sheng almost blinded his eyes with rare seriousness. He felt that he saw affectionate or something else in Yin Sheng's eyes.

is enough to move himself, ignore his mission at that moment, and sincerely expect him to fall in love with him.

Feidian was silent for a long time and said slowly, "I must let you fall in love with me."

Yin Sheng smiled and didn't say anything.

But I'm really looking forward to it.


Fu Li muttered and looked at the chess game in front of him with his chin. His blacks were all blocked by Yin Huan's whites, and he didn't know how to turn the game.

But Yin Huan looked absent-minded. From time to time, he looked outside the Lingxu Hall and muttered, "My brother said he would come to see me next morning. Why don't you come yet..."

Fu Li was a little depressed when he saw that Yin Huan's mind was not on him. He walked to Yin Huan and blocked Yin Huan's sight and said pitifully, "Brother Huan, Li'er lost again."

Yin Huan turned his head to look at the chessboard, put down Fu Li's black man, and said, "Li'er is so stupid. Isn't that all right?"

As soon as this son fell, Heizi had another way out. Fu Li hugged Yin Huan happily and kissed him on his tender little face and praised him, "Brother Huan is so smart!"

Yin Huan was shocked, and then immediately blushed. After a long time, he said, "I'm smart because I read a lot of books, which are all my emperor's brother forced me to read. If you read so many military tactics, you will also be very smart."

Fu Li nodded with a respectful face, then dragged the stool next to him and sat down next to him, putting his face close to him. There was only a little distance between him and Yin Huan, and he could even count his eyelashes.

Yin Huan suddenly felt that the air was a little strange, and also turned his face to look at Fu Li. The tip of his nose happened to touch the tip of his nose, and the heat on Yin Huan's face was one more.

"Brother Huan, your blush is so cute~" Fu Li stretched out his little hand and pinched Yin Huan's cheek.

Yin Huan felt a little awkward. Why did his clever brother suddenly act like an adult? No, if you don't act more mature, won't you be compared with this younger brother?

So Yin Huan took off Fu Li's dishonest hand, touched Fu Li's head, and said calmly, "Li'er is cute. Li'er is the cutest. I'm handsome. You're cute, understand?"

Fu Li put his finger to his mouth, nodded suddenly and said, "Li'er understands that Brother Huan is handsome and extraordinary~"

Yin Huan nodded seriously, "Well, Li'er is good."

After saying that, Yin Huan couldn't help looking out.

Fu Li knew that he had been waiting for his royal brother, so he had been ignoring himself. A nameless fire rose up, and he suddenly hated Yin Sheng.

Yin Huan really didn't want to wait any longer. He got off the stool and said to Fu Li, "Li'er, come with me to find the emperor's brother!"

Fu Li nodded reluctantly and let Yin Huan take his hand out of the Lingxu Hall. Yin Huan, who walked side by side with him, did not notice the cold air in Fu Li's eyes.

Yin Huan originally wanted to go to the Golden Hall, but when he passed the Zhufeng Pavilion, he saw his emperor's brother talking and laughing with the annoying man in white. Yin Huan let go of Fu Li's hand and ran over, stood in front of them angrily, pointing to the flying channel, "No wonder my brother has never come to me. It turned out to be you. This bastard is pestering my brother!"

Feidian is too lazy to pay attention to him and doesn't even look at him. He is leisurely, cold and noble, eating grapes by himself.

"Huan'er," Yin Sheng waved to Yin Huan, "Come here."

Yin Huan walked over, buried his face in Yin Sheng's leg, and stared at the electricity.

Fu Li also walked over and saluted Yin Sheng, "Fu Li participates in Your Majesty."

"Don't leave like this," Yin Sheng smiled. "There is no need to be polite when there is no one in the future."

Fu Li smiled at him and sat on the empty stone bench.