Attacking Fox

Chapter 38 Flood the City

When Yin Sheng couldn't wait to return to his study, Feidian had cleaned up all the broken porcelain pieces on the ground, and the jade seal and the scattered memorials were neatly placed on the desk.

Maybe he was too tired. Feidian was sitting on Yin Sheng's seat and sleeping. His clothes were neatly dressed, but his hair was still messy.

He really... can't make a bun...

Yin Sheng smiled, walked gently to him, picked up the memorial that he had not finished reading before and continued to review.

There is no difference outside the memorial, and Yin Sheng himself does not know which one has been approved and which one has not been approved. He took the book on the top and opened it. It was the fold of Chen Guan, the border guard. He said that Zhong, a small country near the border gate of the State of Li, harassed the people at the border gate before. Yin Sheng ordered to attack the small country, kill its lord and accept its people.

There are generally only one or two cities in such a small country. The whole city is surrounded by high walls. Chen Guan has won three games in a row for half a month, causing Xingzhong to close the country and dare not come out. This memorial is to ask whether to continue to attack the city or make peace.

Yin Sheng just approved to continue to attack the city. Anyway, it seems that the big country behind Xingzhong has not moved for so long that it is unwilling to support them. Sooner or later, Li will be accepted by other countries. As for the method of attacking the city, Chen Guan thinks about it.

However, there are a few more neat and handsome sentences under Yin Shengzhu's pen. There is only Feidian here. You don't have to think about it and know that it was written by him.

"This country is close to two large tributaries of the Blackwater River, which can block these two tributaries and flood the city, but there is no need to kill people in the city, just make them panic. If their lord still does not come out, the people will naturally know that their lord will regard his life as more important than them, and they will lose the hearts of the people. The State of Li can win without fighting. If it is Kaicheng, continue to attack and take it sooner or later.

After watching it, Yin Sheng was shocked in addition to being shocked.

The strategy is decisive and the action is not difficult. In this way, there are only two choices for driving countries: Kaicheng and not Kaicheng, and either one is beneficial to the State of Li. Yin Sheng patted his head, why didn't he expect it?

This kind of strategy may not come up with even if Chen Guan, who has led the army for a long time. Yin Sheng looked at the flying electricity sleeping soundly underneath and couldn't help thinking, did he pick up the treasure?

At this time, Feidian's long eyelashes trembled. When he opened his eyes, he saw Yin Sheng's face in disbelief.

"You're back." Before he fully woke up, he sat up straight with his long, rippled eyes, and asked like a wife waiting for her husband to go home.

Yin Sheng temporarily ignored that he did not need to deliberately seduce at all and asked earnestly, "Did you write the words under this memorial?"

Feidian looked at it and said, "Yes."

"Why do you write such a thing?" Yin Sheng asked, maybe he was a little tired after standing for a long time and jumped to the table.

Fedian rarely saw that Yin Sheng's two consecutive sentences were serious. He realized that Yin Sheng might really care about this matter, so he also woke up and replied seriously, "Because you laughed at me with the geographical layout on your side before, so I just looked at the topographic map hanging behind this and remembered it all. After coming down, I was bored again, so I helped you clean up. After cleaning up, I was still bored, so I read your memorial. As long as you write the scarlet letter, I will write my own opinions. How about it? Is it better than you?

Yin Sheng looked at Feidian's slightly proud smile and was a little helpless. Then he sat down and rubbed his head and asked, "There's so much nonsense. I'm asking you how you came up with such a plan."

Feidian was very repulsive about the action of rubbing his head. He pushed away Yin Sheng's hand, stood up and touched it back like Yin Sheng touching him, and said in an extremely empty and proud tone, "Why, I don't know, then let my brother teach you. This way of war is like your Cuju falling into the jar. You can't reach it. If you want to take it up, it's just pouring water. It's that simple."

"Haha..." Yin Sheng couldn't help laughing after listening to it, "What you think is so interesting and simple, but it's really useful. Be a soldier!"

"I'm not interested in military division or anything," Feidian said lightly, "I'm only interested in when you can fall in love with me."

"You are so good at fighting, it must not be difficult for you to seduce such a small thing," Yin Sheng said, jumped off the table, put his face close to his ear, and asked jokingly, "Before the widow left... How did you solve your situation?"

Feidian's ear immediately turned red. He turned his head to look at Yin Sheng and said angrily, "I'm angry about this. At first, I thought you were just a scoundrel and hooligan, but later I learned that you were still a killing bastard!"

"Bastard is an asshole," Yin Sheng admitted shamelessly as usual and continued to ask with a hippie smile, "Then how on earth did you solve it by yourself?"

"Do you want to know?" Feidian raised his eyebrows.

"Uh-huh." Yin Sheng nodded very obediently, but this inspired the few bad factors in Feidian's heart.

"I won't tell you." Feidian is a little proud.

Yin Sheng is a little surprised... It turns out that flying electricity can also be bad.

He smiled, put his head on the flying electric shoulder from behind and continued to act coquettishly. "Just tell me, Brother Fox, I really want to know."

Although Yin Sheng's face was not inconsistent with any expression, and naturally it seemed that he had always been such a person, such close contact and Yin Sheng's sudden change of good child mode still jumped.

Feidian was at a loss. He couldn't see Yin Sheng's expression, but Yin Sheng could see his panic. He could not make corresponding countermeasures, but Yin Sheng could look at his red auricle and laugh.

"Say it," Yin Sheng slowly stretched out his hand and put on his slender waist. "If I don't say anything, I have to do something like that again, stop in the same position, and see how you solve it."


"Don't try to challenge me, brother fox." Yin Sheng said softly, and then bit the very seductive earlobe of Feidianhong.

"Yin Sheng!" Feidian felt the coming danger and quickly called his name.

"What's wrong?" Yin Sheng let go of him for the time being and asked softly.

"Actually...Actually...I don't think of the plan to flood the city. I also thought of the unreasonableness of the method that you said to use the money of the people in rich land to relieve the victims of locust-stricken areas..."

"Don't change the topic," Yin Sheng said. "Let's talk about these things later. Now I want to know more about how you solved that kind of thing... It's best to show it to my widow."

Yin Sheng couldn't help but think of Feidian's clumsy desire to touch his desire. His strangeness must have a different and attractive effect.

But he didn't expect that a fox with * Tu and Mr. Jiao with a straight face and no shame could know how to eliminate the ignited desire.

"Actually... because I fell asleep tired after doing a lot of things, and the uncomfortable feeling was gone..." Feidian finally said it.

Yin Sheng couldn't laugh or cry. He let go of the flying electricity and said helplessly, "It seems that I have to teach you how to solve this matter by myself, otherwise it will be broken sooner or later..."

[Small theater:

Yin Sheng (expecting for the admiration face): You have a lot of ideas. Learn to fight with me.

Flying electricity (not cutting cold and gorgeous face): Who are you, idiot?

Yin Sheng (Meng Meng Zheng Tai face):... Brother Fox, you bullied me again...

This meme comes from the advertisement of some chewing gum. Have you seen it~]