Attacking Fox

Chapter 69 Resurrection

When it was approaching Hai, most of the people in the city had turned off the lights and slept, flying electricity and mirrors walking one after another. No one spoke first to break the silence.

From time to time, the mirror slightly tilted his face and glanced at whether the military master behind him had followed, full of depression and unwillingness to say a word to him. Why did Your Majesty send him to protect him? Because Your Majesty certainly doesn't know how much he hates him.

It's also a lie to say that Feidian has no predeceptions about the mirror, but he doesn't care about it at all now. As soon as he left the palace, he began to think about the girl he had just met. Why is the black pus in her hand exactly the same as that on the corpse?

Continuing to walk so silently, the mirror in front of him suddenly stopped, causing the flying electricity that did not have time to react hit his hard back.

Flying electricity rubbed the painful nose and looked up at him puzzledly.

"Master, be careful, something is coming towards us." The mirror reminded coldly.

Since it is "walking over", it must be a human or some kind of animal, but the mirror uses the word "thing" because he doesn't feel the breath of living things at all.

Gradually, before the thing appeared, they smelled a disgusting smell of decay, which became stronger and stronger.

They looked at the corner not far away and were silent for a long time, and the slowly moving "thing" finally appeared. When Feidian and Jing finally saw the whole picture of the thing, the two frowned at the same time.

- What the hell is that? At first glance, it looks like a humanoid. His eyes are dull and his whole body is naked. They are all cracked and rotten black pus. The skin around the pus rolls out, revealing the dark red flesh and blood inside. The yellow and white mixed sticky ** flows from the absons and falls to the ground, spreading out a strong smell of acid and decay.

The tampness that fell to the ground. It may be stained with blood, showing a dark red and depressing color in the dark, just like the color of the sky before the rain last night. They seem to be flowing with thoughts, and the flying electricity stares at the thirth. Look, the idea that "they are alive" actually appears in my mind!

A big hole was opened in the abdomen, and his intestines and stomach bags were pulled out, but he did not feel any pain at all and dragged his intestines to continue walking.

He walked evenly, and it seemed that he didn't see the flying electricity and mirror at all. He walked in the direction of the two of them without squint.

The mirror pulled out his sword and protected the flying electricity behind him... Although there was some hesitation about whether to protect him just now, he would never resist Yin Sheng's order to protect this man.

The mirror was about to pierce, but Feidian suddenly reached out and grabbed him and said urgently, "Don't, see clearly. This is the body we saw during the day!"

The mirror looked at his face carefully. No, it was no longer a face at all, but a sarcoma with pus. The two eyes with protruding eyes are lifeless, and they are clearly a corpse with no will at all!

The pus flowing on his face was as disgusting foam as if it had boiled. Looking closely at his flying electricity, he suddenly realized that maybe there was really something living in the pus, which means that they were breathing!

The mirror also recognized that this was the body the three of them saw during the day and did not dare to move. He asked Feidian, "Master, do you want to arrest this thing?"

Catch it? Feidian frowned, will it be a little disgusting...

The mirror seemed to see what he was thinking and said helplessly, "I'm the one who caught it. There is no need for the military master to do it."

"This..." Feidian was about to speak when he suddenly saw the two eyes of the body burst out, and the body seemed to suddenly become conscious. The stiff bones clucked all over, and the big blood basin bit the neck of the mirror.

Feidian quickly pushed the mirror away, and the two fell to the ground, leaving the body empty.

The mirror stood up with Feidian and said to him, "Your Excellency, since this body has attacked me, it may also attack innocent civilians, so I must kill him now!"

Feidian frowned and said nothing. Although this may become a clue, what the mirror said is not unreasonable. If the body attacks ordinary people, Yin Sheng will definitely have more worries...

The mirror split down with a sword and split the body in half. The dirty pus mixed with blood stained the sword of the mirror and splashed on the snow-white clothes.

The split body stopped. After standing for a while, it fell to the ground with a "pop". Except for the head that was not split, the two halves of the rotten soft body were smashed into two piles of disgusting ** meat mud and flowed to the ground.

Feidian stared at the body until the mirror couldn't help pulling him away and reminded him, "Master, my little heart is boots."

Feidian came to his senses, glanced at the mirror, and then approached the pile of meat mud. He bent down and stretched out his hand to play with them, which made the mirror very disgusting and confused.

"Master, what are you doing? Let's go back to the house and have a rest. It will be early tomorrow." The sour smell was unbearable, and the mirror pinched his nose to remind him.

"There should be something alive in the corpse..." Feidian seemed to be talking to himself and continued to play with the pile of meat mud. At this time, the unspited head suddenly jumped up and attacked the slender neck of the flying electricity.

The mirror's eyes were fast, and the head was split with a sword that had not yet been returned to its sheath. With another "pop", the head fell to the ground fiercely, and the two eyeballs jumped far away, and the brain flowed to the ground.

Then many red unknown creatures crawled out of the brain of the body and kept squirming in all directions. Feidian quickly stood up and exclaimed, "Quick! Kill them and don't let them escape!"

The mirror was stunned. It must be too late for so many small things to split with a sword, so he walked over and flatten those things with his feet. When he stepped on them, he would make a "bang" sound, as if he had stepped on a full water bag.

While the mirror was busy, Feidian bent down and grabbed a thing. It felt very soft and sticky. I raised it in front of my eyes and looked at it carefully through the moonlight. Only then did I see the specific shape of this thing. My body was blood-red, and my body was full of meat pieces, without limbs. There were two mung bean-like eyes on my head, which was a bit like an enlarged maggot.

In a blink of an eye, the ground was in a mess. The mirror frowned and looked at the ground, looked up at the flying electricity, and asked, "Your junshi, there should be nothing missing except the one in your hand."

Feidian nodded, raised the one in his hand to the mirror, and said, "Pull it away from the middle, thank you."

The mirror was a little surprised by the "thank you", but asked, "This little thing can be done by yourself."

Fedian's face is embarrassed... He has been educated as "not to kill at will" since he was a child. Although this bug is disgusting, and it may be the real culprit who caused the poor disaster victim to die and attack the living thing, Feidian still can't bear to kill it with his own hands.

When the mirror saw that Feidian didn't say anything, he silently took the bug and pulled him away from the middle. The red ** dripping from the worm's belly fell down, and the fat worm that had just been bulging fell flat like air in an instant.

"Master, what are you going to study?" Jing asked coldly.

"Red**..." Flying electricity muttered to himself, "Will it have anything to do with last night's red rain? What's wrong with this bug? Did it invade the human body and cause the victim's body to decay quickly, and then occupy the brain of the body, causing him to die and move?

The mirror was puzzled and asked, "Master, do you think too much?"

Feidian frowned. Did he think too much? When so many strange things happen together, brain creatures will think that these things are related, right? Sure enough, human beings are stupid.

Feidian, who had another noble disease, was about to open his mouth to satirize the mirror, and saw the red, white and yellow suff in the mirror. Things suddenly gave up the idea.

He was silent for a moment and looked up and said, "It's nothing. Just get rid of these things so as not to be seen by ordinary people tomorrow morning and cause panic..."

In this case, Yin Sheng has to worry about it again.

Feidian didn't say that sentence, but this time the mirror knew what he was thinking, and he didn't want Yin Sheng to worry, so he nodded and said, "Don't worry, military master, go back to my house with me first. I will deal with these things before dawn."