Attacking Fox

Chapter 84 Dead Master

Feidian hesitated for a moment and then stepped in. It should be really chaotic in Shangshu Mansion, but no one came to stop him.

Looking for the direction of the sound, Feidian finally saw the mirror standing in the corner with a sword in the backyard of Shangshufu, and Fu Wan, who stood in the middle with a pale face, and a frightened expression, hiding behind him and holding his thighs. A large group of officers and soldiers dressed around and the maids of Shangshu Mansion surrounded them.

Feidian quietly walked to the mirror behind the crowd, pulled him and asked, "What happened?"

The mirror was a little surprised. He turned around and found that it was flying electricity. He did not answer his question, but asked anxiously, "How is your majesty?"

"Your Majesty is fine. Just take a rest."

The mirror breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, someone has just come to tell him that His Majesty's illness has been cured, so that he will stay in Shangshufu all the time. But he still couldn't help worrying about Yin Sheng, so he blurted out Yin Sheng's safety.

"What's the matter here? Those officers and soldiers don't look like Shangshufu. Feidian asked again.

Jing replied, "When I came just now, Lord Fu was reluctant to let me see the necromancer, saying that he came from Miaojiang, didn't understand the language, didn't like to see people, and had been taking care of Fu Li's body, so he didn't want me to disturb him. He didn't bring me here until I said that it might be related to the safety of the whole audience and your majesty.

"And then?"

"Master, do you see the dark room over there?" After the mirror pointed to the crowd, the room opposite them.

There is only one door in this room. You can't see the window on the front, and the walls are dark. I don't know what material it is made of.

"This house is so strange. Does the necromancer live there?" Feidian's tone did not have any emotion and asked faintly.

"Yes, Master." Jing answered him politely and distantly, "Lord Fu said that he didn't like to see the sun, so there was only a small window behind the whole room."

"And then? What happened?" Feidian asked, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have returned to the palace so late."

"When Lord Fu knocked on the door, no one answered. I thought it was the necromancer who didn't want to see us. Because I was in a hurry to save Your Majesty, I knocked the door open. I could clearly feel that the door was locked from the inside at that time. The mirror replied, "After knocking into the door, he found that the necromancer lay on the ground with round eyes and a dagger in his abdomen, and he was dead."

"He was killed?" Feidian can't believe it.

"It seems that someone else killed it." The mirror nodded. When he saw him dead, he thought that His Majesty was hopeless. The desperate mood hit again, and the mirror clenched his fist tightly.

"Do you know who killed it?" Feidian asked.

Mirror replied, "At that time, I secretly told the prison minister to send someone to investigate immediately. They said that the murderer may be from Shangshufu, and that the emperor violated the law and committed the common people. They also said that if it is a child, it may be easy, so Lord Fu is angry now.

"All sentences are aimed at Fu Li." Feidian muttered, "If there is no accident, you should secretly tell them to push the suspicion to Fu Li and let Fu Li show his feet."

"Yes, Master." The mirror nodded calmly and replied.

"If all the evidence of this plague had not pointed to Fuli, I couldn't believe that a child would kill people. But at the thought that he can even use poison, there is nothing he can't do to kill people.

"That's what I think." The mirror said.

Feidian held his chin and thought about it and said, "Where is the necromancer's body?" I want to go and have a look."

"The body is still in the room."

Feidian nodded. At this time, the officers and soldiers and the family were listening to Fu's words. No one noticed him. He and Jing happened to sneak into the dead room of the necromancer.

After entering the room, Feidian looked at the room first. The window opposite was pitiful. He thought about it with his toes and knew that if the murderer killed someone inside and could not go out of the door, there was only this window. The window was so small. Obviously, only Fu Li could go out in the whole Shangshu Mansion.

Feidian looked at the body, which was still lying on the ground and bleeding all over the ground.

He squatted down and looked carefully at the knife on the abdomen of the body, and the handle of the knife tilted down.

Feidian pulled out the knife, which is very short and inserted into the body. It is unlikely that such a shallow wound will die. But if you look carefully, there is a little purple halo on the tip of the knife.

He picked up the knife and looked at the moon and said, "What kind of poison should this strange light be?"

"The wound is so shallow that it must not be killed by a knife." Jing said, "He should have died of poisoning."

"In this case..." Feidian put the knife aside, touched his chin and said, "The handle of the knife is obliquely downward. One is that the murderer squatted on the ground and stabbed it up, and the other is that the murderer is short. The wound is so shallow that the murderer has no strength. If he has no strength, it may be a child. There was no sign of fighting in the room, and the murderer should be someone known to the necromancer. His surprised expression must have been unexpected that the murderer would kill him. At that time, the front door was locked. After the murderer killed him, he wanted to go out. He had to climb out through the window of the child.

"So... everything points to that vicious child, Fu Li." The mirror took over his words.

Feidian nodded and said, "If you guess correctly, Yin... Your Majesty's injury has nothing to do with him. Although I don't know why he hurt Your Majesty, his purpose is very clear, which is to kill Your Majesty."

The mirror and the flying electricity looked at each other, and their eyes were full of firmness, saying, "I won't give anyone another chance to hurt your majesty. I will protect him with my life."

Hearing this sentence, Feidian was silent, and it took a long time to say, "Me too."

The mirror smiled and then asked, "So, what should I do about Fu Li? Tell your majesty?"

"I don't want to tell him..." Feidian shook his head. "He is so smart. How can he not know that this matter is related to Fu Li, but after all, Fu Wan is kind to him, what can he do? I can't embarrass him anymore..."

"I feel that in Your Majesty's heart, those innocent people who died are more important," said the mirror. "Compared with the so-called kindness, etiquette still comes first."

Feidian held his chin and thought about it and said, "Why don't you talk to Fu Wan and see how he solves it. Isn't he a loyal old minister? Maybe he will sacrifice his son for your majesty and take the initiative to send his son to the prison director.

"Good idea," Jing praised, "but for this kind of thing, let's go and tell Lord Fu. I'm just a guard with a knife, and I'm not too involved in these things."

Flying electricity: "..."

Sure enough, no one wants to do anything that offends people.

Looking at Feidian's speechless appearance, he actually felt that he was not very annoying. Even if he sometimes had too much contact with His Majesty, it would not make him annoying and not want to see him.

The mirror smiled, walked out of the room, and waved to the deputy historian of the prison department who was not very eye-catching over there and asked him to come over.

The man called him when he saw the mirror and ran over without hesitation and asked, "Lord Jing, what's the matter?"

The mirror told him the result just reasoning with Feidian and said, "This is a rare opportunity to make contributions. If you tell this matter in front of the Shichen of the prison department, your future must be bright."

Shi Chen looked unbelievably and pointed to himself. The mirror nodded to him and said, "Go ahead, the inference between me and the military master must be foolproof."

Shi Chen was a little excited and immediately ran into the circle and told him all the things about Fu Li's murder in front of Fu Wan. After that, he scratched his head with some embarrassment.

Flying electricity can't help giving a thumbs up to the mirror: You're awesome!

The mirror smiled gently, "Your Majesty taught me to kill people with a knife."

After listening to the minister's words, his face turned red, but what he said was reasonable, and he could not say a word.

"So, Lord Fu, can we take your son away?" Lord He, the director of prison, said.

After a long time, he calmed down and pulled Fu Li, who was crying with a rainy face, and asked, "Li'er, did you kill this Miaojiang pharmacist?"

"No, Dad, it's none of Li'er's business..." Fu Li touched his tears and choked and said, "Li'er dares not kill..."

"Do you hear me!" Fu Wan said, "My son is still a child!" Seven-year-old child! May I ask which of you believes that a seven-year-old child can kill people!"

"Lord Shangshu," said Lord He, "but in principle, only the prince can kill this person and escape..."