Attacking Fox

Chapter 123 Everywhere

In another room, Rouyi sat on the stool and drank tea gracefully. Jing Yuanying looked at her with her sword in her arms, "Princess..."

"Actually, I prefer you to call me Empress." Rouyi put down the cup, pointed to the stool beside her and said, "Come and sit down."

"No," Jing Yuanying smiled politely. "The smell on the Empress's body is so pungent that the mirror can't stand it."

"Ha ha..." Rouyi covered her mouth and smiled softly, "The chief bodyguard is indeed much more shrewd than your majesty."

"The Empress has praised it. Please say everything you want to say, and I will tell your majesty." Jing Yuanying leaned against the door and said softly.

"How do you know that I have something to tell Your Majesty..."

"You should not be Princess Rouyi." Jing Yuanying interrupted her.

"Of course, it can be said that I have also been the queen of your state of Li, but now I'm just a prisoner." Rouyi dialed a thousand catties and turned the front of the conversation.

Jing Yuanying's dark eyes suddenly darkened, and her voice was cold. "You know what I mean."

"Haha... Sure enough, you still recognized it," Rouyi smiled and said, "That mirror bodyguard, guess what I am."

"It seems that you can't guess," Jing Yuanying shook her head. "When the ancient fish prince died, you were not sad at all, and there was no emotional discomfort. Probably you are not from the ancient fish country. You haven't done anything wrong along the way. Except for today, I guess your purpose is not to hurt your majesty, and your majesty will have been tricked just now. It must be because you put forward something that interests your majesty is very interesting. What is it? About the war? Warships, food and grass, or our army? Since you are willing to remind Your Majesty, you should also hope that we will win this battle, and then your master... Or does the person you really obey want your Majesty to successfully capture the ancient fish and the State of Yu and reap profits by yourself? So, are you a person with a good look?"

After listening to this, Rouyi couldn't help applauding Jing Yuanying, "Yin Sheng really has hidden dragons and crouching tigers around him. You can't despise any of them."

"It's actually the same skin as the Empress..." Jing Yuanying looked at Rouyi carefully again to make sure that there were no * marks on her face. But this person is indeed not Rouyi. In terms of personality and behavior, it is a little too strange. "Didn't you carefully learn from the style of doing things when you pretend to be a mother?"

"That stupid woman, why should I learn from her," Rouyi picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. "Now, let's talk about business, bodyguard."

Although Jing Yuanying was still curious about her identity, she wanted to know more about the war, so she stopped asking her and just nodded.

"There is something wrong with the warship. The money Yin Sheng gave to the officials in charge of shipbuilding here was all corrupted by them. The quality of the ship is not good, and it is dangerous to fight." Rouyi said.

Jing Yuanying frowned and asked, "How did you know?"

"You don't need to know this." Rouyi put down the tea cup and smiled gently.

"So, which officials embezzled your majesty's shipbuilding money?"

"You really racked your brains to solve your majesty's problems," Rouyi joked. "There are such officials who rely on Yin Sheng to lead the snake out of the hole."

"Is that so..." Jing Yuanying said to herself.

"Yes, what I'm going to say should be over." Rouyi got up and walked away. As soon as she arrived at the door, she turned her head and smiled, "Didn't you just ask me if I was a shy person? I'm not."

"No?" Jing Yuanying couldn't believe it, "Are you?"

"Yes, I'm not," Rouyi blinked, "because I'm Yin Jiqi himself."

Jing Yuanying raised her eyebrows and didn't say a word.

"Ha..." The person with Rouyi's face smiled rampantly, "I'm happy, but it's everywhere."

After saying this, Rouyi laughed and left. Jing Yuanying did not stop her, but still looked at her far away with her sword in her arms.

She said she was Yin Jiyu? And say that Yin Ji is everywhere?

Jing Yuanying shook her head. As for her, she was with frocks and followed her Majesty with a purpose that no one knew. She must have done something else.


Yin Sheng's side, after so many hours, the tail and ears of the flying electricity disappeared again, and his eyes changed from green to dark. He casually cleaned up the mess, sat opposite Yin Sheng, and listened to him describe his experience just now.

"You said that you cut off her head, but it was opened again? Is it still intact?" Feidian asked suspiciously.

"Hmm..." Yin Sheng nodded, "At that time, I also suspected that I was dazzled. After all, my head seemed to be a little unclear at that time. But then I was sure it wasn't! I don't believe in vision, but I still believe in touch! I can touch it..."

"Calm down first..." Feidian found that Yin Sheng seemed to have lingering palpitation and quickly comforted him, "I believe you. Are there any other clues?"

"Other...wood? Her head seems to be made of wood. Yin Sheng said firmly, "Brother Fox, do you think she will be a wooden essence?"

Feidian shook his head, and he never felt a trace of demonic spirit on her body.

So what is she? What is the purpose of her around Yin Sheng? And... where is the real soft instrument?

Thinking about it, someone knocked outside the door.

"Who?" Yin Sheng asked nervously.

"Your Majesty, it's me." It's Jing Yuanying's voice.

"It turned out to be the mirror..." Yin Sheng jumped off the stool and went over to open the door for Jing Yuanying.

When Feidian saw him, he thought that he was too anxious to let Rouyi leave alone. What if she really left? This person is still useful.

So he asked, "Where's that woman?"

"My lord, don't worry, she won't leave." Jing Yuanying smiled and said, "Just now, she told me something about Your Majesty's warship."

"Yes, warship!" Yin Sheng shouted, "Brother Fox, she cheated me with the war ship!"

Feidian frowned, "What's wrong with the warship?"

Jing Yuanying repeated what Rouyi had just said, but skipped saying that she was Yin Jiying.

Yin Sheng was silent for a moment and suddenly patted the table fiercely, "This group of things..."

Jing Yuanying knew that he was scolding those officials. In the past few years, when Yin Sheng became emperor, he was mainly in charge of border wars. There were many big and small things in the State of Li, but he had never known it.

"Your Majesty, don't be impatient. I don't know whether what she said is true or not." Jing Yuanying comforted.

"Yes," Feidian held his chin and looked at Yin Sheng. "Let's see if it's true or not first. If it's true, find a way to solve it quickly. It's useless to be angry."

"...hmm." Yin Sheng hesitated for a long time and nodded gently, "Mirror, is there anyone you can use here without revealing my identity?"

"Yes." Jing Yuanying nodded, and the dark guards brought from the palace would appear as long as they were ordered.

"Then go and check the warships for me to see if there is anything wrong with them."

"Yes." Jing Yuanying nodded, took the order and went out to do business.

But looking at the war ship, it's better to find a more reliable old boatman, he thought.

"Brother Fox, I want to..."

"Do you secretly visit those officials?" Feidian interrupted him.

"Yes." Yin Sheng hung on Feidian excitedly, "Brother Fox, you are so sweet!"

Feidian broke him down with a blank face, "Then let's go."

Yin Sheng nodded and turned to leave, but Feidian suddenly grabbed him.

"What's wrong?" Yin Sheng is a little strange.

"Wait... When you finish the war, go back and take care of your officials. There must be more than one nest of corruption and so on."

"Well," Yin Sheng nodded, "If you want to come with me, you have to help me."

"I will." Feidian nodded gently.

Yin Sheng held Feidian with his backhand, "Never leave me!"

For some reason, the discussion suddenly turned into flirting. Feidian was a little helpless, but still nodded, "I know, I won't leave you."

Yin Sheng led him out with a smile.