Attacking Fox

Chapter 151 Encounter

Yunyou is a fairyland, and the sky is always clear and sunny. Yanyue held the flying electricity that turned into a fox and sang to him the nursery rhyme, "The little fox was injured and curled up by the roadside. The old hunter put down his gun and accompanied it to watch the sunset." This song was sung for about ten years.

Feidian licked her paws, jumped down from her arms, and ran all the way back to the place where she secretly practiced. She could no longer be caught by the horrible sister and let him listen to nursery rhymes all day.

Although he has not yet been able to restore his human form, he has been practicing for at least ten years, and the day of turning into a human form should not be far away.

After hiding in the waterfall, he melted all his magic power, repaired today's progress, and went home for dinner.

The task ten years ago - the task of seducing the emperor. Although it failed, grandma didn't blame him. After all, it's my grandma.

Grandma set up the bowls and chopsticks, and there is also a part of Feidian. Of course, please don't worry about the appearance of the fox holding chopsticks.

Then after eating, Grandma began to complain every day: "It's been ten years since I pinched my fingers. Why hasn't Jue Ying come back?"

Guan Shi swallowed his meal and replied, "Grandma, don't worry about it. The young couple are living freely. They don't want to be a fox king for a long time."

"Hey," Grandma sighed long and said to Feidian, "Fiedian, when will you restore your human form? The task of our fox demon clan has not been completed by qualified fox demons for so many years!"

Feidian stopped eating and lowered his head guiltily.

"Grandma, don't blame him. Feidian is also practicing every day!" Yanyue reached out and touched the head of Feidian.

Grandma shook her head and said, "I'm also old. Although our goblins can live longer, they are not immortal. You have to hurry up and don't let grandma leave with regret!"

Yanyue and Guanshi hurriedly said, "Grandma, don't talk nonsense, you will live a long life!"

Grandma lamented and kept staring at Feidian. Feidian only felt that his ears were hot and uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for him for a fox now, his face would have turned red.

For a long time, Grandma gently put her hand on the head of Feidian. Feidian thought it was an ordinary comforting action, but then he felt a force passing through Grandma's arm.

He looked up at his grandmother in surprise and quickly shook his head to express his wish: I don't want to use my grandmother's strength to recover my body!

Grandma finally withdrew her hand and said to Feidian, "It's not me to help you. I just looked at it. Your spiritual power has almost been cultivated. There is only one barrier, but it still can't be broken. I'm just helping you straighten out your spiritual power. Try it yourself and see if you can restore your human form."

Feidian closed his eyes suspiciously, walked the spiritual power in his body along each meridians for a week, and suddenly heard a thumping sound.

It seems to be the sound of bones stretching.

Opening his eyes again and looking at the surprised expressions of the three women in front of him, Feidian felt that they did not look as tall as before.

No one said a word for a long time, so Feidian had to look at his shadow through his grandmother's tearful eyes - the same as before.

Yanyue came to her senses, reached out and grabbed Feidian's hand, hugged him and cried bitterly. "If I had known that I had become a fox and practiced again, I would have thrown away all my spiritual power and re-cultivated!"

Oh... It turned out that he was excited not because he had recovered, but because he had recovered as he did ten years ago.

Guanshi also came to hug them and said, "My sister is right. I haven't left any marks on my brother's body in the past ten years. My brother seems to have lived again!"

Grandma touched the old tears and said to the two sisters, "Let go of your brother. There is not much time. It's urgent. Go and continue to seduce the emperor's great career!"

"I..." Feidian finally opened his mouth. He wanted to say that he was not ready. Can you wait for him to have a meal first, and then think about how to face Yin Sheng... It should be Yin Sheng who hates him to the bone.

But he only said one word, and Grandma stretched out her foot and kicked him. The passage between the cloud and the world immediately opened, and the wind poured in from it.

"Food..." The meal hasn't been finished yet! He is still very hungry!

But his body has been sucked into the channel and is going to leave Yunyou again.

Poor he said these two words in the past ten years.


In the palace.

Yin Sheng leaned against the edge of the imperial pool and buried all his chest in the water for half an hour.

Now he is the 25-year-old emperor. He has nothing else to do except be busy with politics every day. Now he comes back to take a bath.

Like an old grandfather, he thinks about the future of his younger generation.

First, Yin Huan.

Yin Huan is also 18 years old this year. He wanted to marry a concubine for him, but Yin Huan just didn't want it. He also said that at such a good age, of course, he has to do something for his brother's country. How can he waste time on marrying a wife and having children?

Although he said so, Yin Sheng couldn't know what he was really thinking.

He still can't forget that Fu Li.

Yin Sheng shook his head with a wry smile. They are worthy of being brothers, and they are all seeds of infatuation with no future.

is the red tone.

When Hongyin was 15 years old, he asked Hongyin if she wanted to be a princess. Hongyin said no. She was the princess. In the future, she would recruit her son-in-law and her parents for a lifetime. How boring it was.

Even if she is a girl, she still needs to do something to be worthy of the upbringing of Yin Sheng.

Then Yin Sheng let her go, and Hongyin followed Chen Guan to fight. In the past two years, she has made great achievements and has long been a well-deserved female general.

She was heroic and generous, without a girl's awkward posture at all. She drank and ate meat with a group of men in the barracks, making her look like a man.

It is inevitable that someone will peep at her and have a deep affection for her, but think it's okay. After pursuing Hongyin, he also politely refuses. If he really dares to force him, Hongyin will either break his hands and feet or dig his eyes and cut his nose.

So she has been in the barracks for so many years, and even without the protection of Yin Sheng, she has not suffered any loss at all.

Then there is Yin Huaiqing.

He is the child of Rouyi and Yin Jiyu, and he is also nine years old today.

The name "Huaiqing" was taken by Yin Sheng, and people with clear eyes know who "Huaiqing" is.

This child has always been taken by Yin Sheng, except that he looks a little like Yin Ji, and his personality is completely different. Even if he is gentle, it's good to be obedient and sensible, but he is a little... too kind.

A few years ago, it seemed that when he was five years old, it seemed that a powerful minister who was not satisfied with Yin Sheng sent people to assassinate Yin Sheng. He did not find Yin Sheng and Yin Huaiqing, who was named the little prince, and kidnapped him to try to escape from the palace.

Yin Sheng saved Yin Huaiqing. Just as he was about to kill the assassin, Yin Huaiqing immediately knelt down and said a phone call: "Eight hardships of life: life, old age, illness and death, can't beg, resentment, love and separation, overdwell. Whether his father kills him or not, he will disappear from the world. His father also avoided these eight hardships for him, not as his father. The emperor let him go, let him eat his own fruit, and finish every unbearable pain in his life. Father can also form a good relationship.

A group of people present were scared by the five-year-old child, and no one spoke for a long time.

Until the assassin suddenly took action again, holding the knife of the bodyguard who controlled him and rubbed it on his neck, he choked on the spot.

It's just the corners of his mouth, but with a relieved smile.

Later, when he was about seven years old, a small country outside came to pay tribute. A strong man went crazy and killed Yin Sheng's men crazily. When he panicked, Yin Huaiqing went out silently and stood in front of the strong man.

The people in the palace were so scared that they didn't dare to say a word, for fear that this person would hurt the little prince, but the strong man stopped in front of Yin Huaiqing and calmed down.

Yin Huaiqing reached out and took the strong man's hand and motioned him to squat down.

The strong man was scared by this little boy with pure light all over his body and squatted down obediently.

Yin Huaiqing put his hand on his head and said, "Life is equal. You shouldn't be so careless. You did something wrong, you know?"

The strong man cried and told Yin Huaiqing that he was actually instructed by the king of their country to come and kill Yin Sheng. Originally, even if he exhausted the heavy punishment, a dead man like him would never say these words, but Yin Huaiqing only said one sentence, and he did it all.

With his testimony, Yin Sheng immediately sent someone to beat down the small country.

So think about it, this little boy with a wonderful aura seems to have helped him a lot.

Yin Sheng thought a lot and unconsciously drowned himself underwater, allowing the water to flood his head and enter his ears.

Everything outside can't be heard. At the quietest time, he can't help thinking of him.

In the past ten years, I have never forgotten him.

Whether his eyes are closed or open, the man's eyebrows always appear in front of his eyes from time to time, and he can't get rid of it. The hateful Yin Sheng just wanted to dig out his eyes.

For so many years, Yin Sheng felt that he hated him, but the more he hated him, the more he couldn't forget it. The more I can't forget, the more I find that I love him.

He is really useless.

Yin Sheng continued to hold it in the water and sighed, and some water got into his mouth.

Suddenly, there was a "dong" sound in Yin Sheng's ear. He listened carefully in the water. He lifted his head out of the water and something fell into the water. Yin Sheng instantly felt that the light in the hall seemed to be brighter.

Looking up, I don't know when a hole was opened on the top of the hall.

It was strange that the thing that fell into the pool poked out a face.

The water flowed down his cheeks, and his snow-white clothes clung to his body, revealing his perfect figure curve.

He opened his mouth slightly, looked at Yin Sheng's face in shock, and then moved his eyes down and fell on his chest.

And Yin Sheng was also looking at him, watching his hair floating on the water, looking at the ups and downs of his chest, and seeing the face clearly.

Yin Sheng's breathing stagnated.

The author has something to say: I really don't know if the adult version I wrote can satisfy you. I'm so entangled and scared... Can you leave me a message for encouragement