Attacking Fox

Chapter 175 Reappearance

The imperial list of seeking an antidote to peach blossoms and snakes was released, and hundreds of regular doctors or Jianghu men were unveiled on the first day.

Yin Sheng was reluctant to let those doctors take Feidian to test the medicine, but Feidian had to test the medicine in person, because he felt that human beings were too incompetent. In case of a wrong attempt, human beings would die in a moment, but he would not die.

Therefore, people who knew that they were poisonous were grateful and praised their majesty's profound and righteous male favor, the most virtuous male concubine in the history of the State of Li, and regarded it as a redemption sent by God.

Then, Feidian met the doctors who reported that they had a way one by one.

The first one is said to be the most prestigious old doctor in Jichun Hall in Xuchang City. He lived to be 89 years old. His medical skills are as profound as his age. He pressed Feidian's wrist for a long time and gradually showed a difficult face. A large sweat fell along his cheek. Feidian saw that he looked a little strange, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

The old doctor straightened his body and said, "My lord, I... I can't find out what poison you have been poisoned..."

Feidian withdrew his hand, and it was not difficult for him. He just asked, "About this poison and its efficacy, it is clearly written on the imperial list. Let me ask you, has anyone seen this disease in the medical center outside?"

"Your Excellency, there has never been anyone..." The old doctor replied, "Not to mention that if your majesty hadn't issued the imperial list, people who had been poisoned would not have known that they were poisoned, and now that they know, no one would have been embarrassed to come to see a doctor... This kind of thing is an unspeakable disease."

"Well," Feidian nodded, indicating that he knew and said, "You go down first."

After the old doctor retreated, then the second one was going to come in. This is a 30-year-old Jianghu man known as a master doctor. Without him who can't solve the difficult and miscellaneous diseases, he just came to Xuchang today in order to see this disease that can "disturbate people's hearts".

Just as he was about to push open the door of the flying bedroom, Yin Sheng ordered someone to stop him with a straight face. He looked at Yin Sheng strangely and didn't know what the monarch was going to do.

Yin Sheng knew that he needed to see a doctor and ask questions. If he asked, he didn't want these messy people's hands to touch the wrists of the flying electricity. Forget the old man who seemed to be decent just now. This kind of Jianghu man must beware of it.

Yin Sheng ordered someone to hand him a roll of gold wire and said coldly, "Let's diagnose the pulse of the wire."

"Ah?" Lang Zhong was surprised.

"Why, can't you do this?" Yin Sheng's face turned black, "I can't do this. How can you cure the peach blossom snake poison?"

The Langzhong had to take the golden death and go to diagnose the pulse.

This Langzhong knew more than the previous old doctor. He asked Feidian a few questions and said, "The poison among adults is different from those of the people in the city... or the same, but the degree is different."

Feidian didn't answer, looked at him and motioned him to continue.

"The poison of the people in the city is the meat of the peach snake, but the adults are bitten by the peach blossom snake, so... I think the poison among adults is deeper."

"What you said makes sense," Feidian nodded. "Do you have a way to solve it?"

"Not yet..." The Langzhong shook his head and said, "But please give me a peach blossom snake and let me take it back to carefully refine its poison."

"Good." Feidian ordered the man to take a snake from the sealed restaurant to him, and then met the next doctor.

From noon to Hai, Feidian finally met all the doctors. There are those who don't know anything to simply try their luck, and there are also those who have real knowledge and evidence, but no one knows how to solve this peach snake poison.

Feidian was tired for so long that he fell into ** and was about to sleep. As a result, Yin Sheng came over and pinched his nose and asked, "Do you have any eyebrows?"

"Don't touch me..." Every touch of Yin Sheng is a stir-fire, and the electric and awkward will cover his head. "Not yet, but I'm tired. Let me sleep."

Seeing him like this, Yin Sheng couldn't help but feel a little distressed. He covered her with a quilt and planned to leave, and then suddenly remembered himself with regret... Didn't he agree to pretend to be a cold-blooded emperor to let the fox taste his inner pain ten years ago? Didn't he say that it would be even if one person hurts the other party once...

No! Yin Sheng broke the head of Feidian and forced him to look directly at himself. He said, "I will spoil you tonight!"

Feidian squeezed his mouth and looked straight at him. It was not until Yin Sheng felt guilty that he said coldly, "Your Majesty, do you want me to die?"

", widow..."

"Your Majesty has experienced hundreds of battles and is extremely brave. I'm just a weak and useless fox. If Your Majesty really wants to tire me to death, you don't have to come up with such a way. Give me your big knife and I'll kill myself."

"You..." Yin Sheng immediately stood up far away from him and said, "Forget it, I'll go first..."

I saw Yin Sheng leave, and the corners of Feidian's mouth held a smile.

Yin Sheng, who had been occupied in his bedroom, had nowhere to go and wandered alone in the palace in the dark night. When the cool breeze blew, he suddenly remembered his original idea of revenge on the fox, but...

Oh, there are thousands of mistakes. He blamed himself for being too soft-hearted. He patted his head, but after all, he still couldn't really do anything that hurt him.

He heard Jing Yuanying say more than once that ten years ago, after the fox came, he seemed to have changed. At the beginning, he could only work on his mind and show his sincerity to anyone. He was a well-deserved Yin family.

Later, when the fox arrived unexpectedly, Yin Sheng began to change, revealing the most real side of his heart, becoming childish, naughty and doing everything.

And now... the person he hated for ten years came back to him. He not only found that he was powerless to continue to hate, but also found that the fox had the power to change his whole person at any time.

He sighed helplessly and went to the queen's place to sleep in a room.

For several days in a row, Feidian has seen more than a thousand doctors, but no one still knows how to solve the peach blossom snake.

Although this poison is not enough to die, Feidian doesn't want to be able to see Yin Sheng every day. As soon as it sees Yin Sheng, it will **! This is simply pissed him off.

Finally saw the 1200, Feidian decided that this was the last one. If he still couldn't do it, he would disappear. He would go directly to Miaojiang, or abandon this body and practice it again!

But this 1200 doctor, whose medical skills are ordinary and has no characteristics, is not like the kind of appearance that can solve big problems. He bombarded the man out with regret, and then buried his head on the table for a long time, crying without tears.

"Your Excellency, don't you want to continue to see each other?" A bodyguard came to ask.

"It's gone..." Feidian said powerlessly.

Humans are really useless.

The bodyguard went out for a walk and told Feidian's order. After a while, he came in again and said, "Your excellency, there is a doctor who doesn't want to leave. He said that he really knows the detoxification method of peach blossom snake poison."

"I don't believe in human beings anymore. Let him go." There is no wave in the tone of Feidian.

The bodyguard went out and came in again soon. He said, "Your Excellency, the man asked me to tell you a word."

"What?" Feidian raised his head impatiently.

"He said four words, but Fu Li was not dead."

The young bodyguard didn't know who Fu Li was, and he didn't know why Feidian wanted to see the ghostly wide eyes after hearing the words "Fu Li is not dead" and was stunned for a long time before saying to him, "Let that man come in."

Then the man who said that Fu Li was not dead came in. He was a handsome young man. He was less than 30 years old. He looked more like a hero to save the world than the group of mediocre people he had just seen.

Feidian did not find any information about him in his memory, but when Feidian saw him, he felt that he must have known this person.

"Who are you?" Feidian asked.

"Grassman's surname is Li Mingyuanyang." The man smiled and replied so.

Li Yuanyang?

Feidian doesn't remember knowing anyone surnamed Li.

"Have I seen you?" Feidian asked.

"This grassman doesn't know, but the grassman has indeed never seen an adult." He replied.

"Have you never seen me?" Feidian clearly didn't believe it, and then asked, "Why did you say that Fu Li was not dead? How do you know Fu Li's?

"If you tell the truth..." The man paused and said, "Actually, Cao Min did not know Fu Li. He only knew the owner of the restaurant. Cao Min's brother owed a lot of money to the restaurant, but * Ban did not feel sorry for him, so Cao Min was grateful and came to the palace according to the instructions of * Board."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Today's Mao time." Li Yuanyang replied.

Today? Feidian frowned. Is Fu Li really not dead?

"He asked you to meet me in the palace?"

"*board let me enter the palace and give you the mother of the peach blossom snake, that is, the snake king." Li Yuanyang said and took out a box.

Feidian looked at the box and did not immediately reach out to pick it up. Instead, he wondered what kind of calculation Fu Li had made. Why did he give him the Snake King? At the beginning, didn't he look like he was eager for them all to die?

"However, *ban said that if you want this snake king, you must do something for him."

Do you have any conditions? Only then did Feidian feel credible and asked, "What does he want me to do?"

"*Board said that since General Hongyin is not dead, it's better to write off this matter. You and your majesty, don't pursue anything from him anymore. He will be careful in the future."

Feidian thought for a long time. This was Fu Li's active goodwill, but he didn't know what his intention was. He must tell Yin Sheng about this.

He nodded and said, "I will discuss it with your majesty."

"There is another condition..." Li Yuanyang was a little hesitant.

"What?" Feidian frowned. Is this Fuli a little more than an inch?

"Don't worry, this condition is not very difficult, and it will never hurt your majesty, and..."

"What the hell is it?"

"Your Excellency, don't you want to... find out the real mastermind behind all this and let your majesty really escape from danger without any more threats?"

Feidian thought for a moment and asked, "What should I do?"

Li Yuanyang attached to Feidian's ear and said a few words.

After listening to Feidian, he was silent for a long time and nodded, "Okay, okay."

Li Yuanyang then opened the box, and a small white bug lay in the box. "Please hand your finger to the worm's mouth, and it will absorb the toxins in your body."

Feidian read what it said in the book. It was indeed so detoxifying, but he still had some people who were worried about it. After thinking about it, he reached out with one hand to hold Li Yuanyang's neck and put the other hand into the box.

"If you dare to do anything, I will kill you immediately." Flying electricity in a cold voice.

Li Yuanyang was not afraid at all, but he smiled at Feidian and was very sincere.

Feidian still looked at him coldly and said, "Did you say how to solve the poison of the people in the city?"

"Although you can rest assured, although this mother is small, its ability is still very great. It is only a matter of time to solve everyone's poison."

Feidian nodded at ease and watched the mother bite open his fingertips, and the white insect gradually turned black.