Attacking Fox

Chapter 187 My Buddha's Mercy

"Ah, ah, ah, it hurts! Mirror, be gentle!" Inside the bedroom, Yin Sheng shouted at Jing Yuanying, who gave him medicine.

"Your Majesty..." Jing Yuanying frowned, not knowing whether he deliberately did something heavy or something. "In the future, Your Majesty will not go out of the palace alone."

"I, I know," Yin Sheng quickly withdrew his arm covered with white spicy ointment and said to Jing Yuanying, "Jing, what I just told you about the Huilong religion, I have to immediately inform Feng Lingzhi and Fu Wan to strengthen his defense... And the Jiang master, we need to go before he meets with his congregation. Capture him alive!"

"Yes, I'm going to inform Lord Feng." Jing Yuanying stuffed the remaining ointment into Yin Sheng's hand, "But Your Majesty, don't act without authorization. Now it's a critical moment..."

"I know!" Yin Sheng generously patted Yuanying's arm, "I won't run around. Don't worry, I'm measured!"

Although Jing Yuanying was very suspicious, she retreated.

So now, the matter of Huilongism can be completely entrusted to Feng Ling, and he can rest assured to find the fox to recover him.

He habitually reached out and touched the knife fairy by his pillow, but it was empty, which reminded that the knife fairy should be in Yin Ji's hand now.

The lover and the knife are with him.

Yin Sheng sighed and said to himself, "Uncle, uncle, you are really the old enemy of my life..."


When Yin Jiyan found that the key on his body was missing, he immediately went to the dungeon to see Yin Sheng. Sure enough... Yin Sheng was also missing.

He checked the lock at the bottom end of the chain. The lock spring on it was broken. It seemed that Yin Sheng opened it himself, and the lock spring below was intact. It was clear that someone opened it with the key.

Who saved Yin Sheng and who has the ability to approach him, make him unprepared, take away the key, and think about it with his toes.

He was a little heartbroken and remembered Yin Sheng's words that he had emphasized a lot.

No matter how strange the trajectory of time is, no matter how many times their stories start again, and no matter who met Feidian first, he will still fall in love with him, no accident.

He hurried back to the restaurant, stood under the tree as if he had never left, looked at him with a smile, and said, "You're back."

If he were a former fox, he would not pretend to be anything. His likes and dislikes are written on his face.

Yin Jiyu calmed down for a while and went over and asked him, "Did you see... I carry the key on my body?"

As soon as he asked, a beautiful smile appeared on Feidian's face, which almost suffocated Yin Ji.

"I took it."

What kind of feelings does this smile have? Test? Ignorance? Demonstration?

"Why..." Yin Jixi held the tree beside him and barely stood firm.

"Because I'm going to save him." There is no concealment of the flying electricity.

But Yin Jiyu hoped that he could deceive him. You know, he will believe whatever he says.

"Why did you save him?" Yin Jiqi held Feidian's shoulder, and pain and despair poured out. "Sure enough, no matter how many times you start again, will you still fall in love with him..."

"Or will'?" Feidian repeated these three words, "So, before I lost my memory, the person I loved was indeed him?"

The fox in front of him was calm and terrible, and a nameless fire came out of his heart. He hugged him tightly and muttered, "No, whenever you love me, you don't have any intersection with him at all. You're not his, isn't!"

The Feidian chest was sore that he was bound too hard. He tried to break free from his embrace, but unfortunately it was useless.

"Yuanyang..." He called his name and obviously felt that his body was a little stiff.

"Wrong, I'm not Li Yuanyang," Yin Jixuan said. "Call me Jixuan. I'm Yin Jixuan, who was firmly entangled with your fate ten years ago."

"Yin...Ji Yu?" These three words sound a little familiar, but when you think about it carefully, you still can't remember them.

"Yes, I slept for ten years for you..." Yin Jixuan finally let go of him. "I can't let you see Yin Sheng again. He is a rhetorical liar. He is a thief. He will make you indulge in his lies. I must stop you from meeting him!"

"Get out of here?" Feidian shook his head and said, "But I don't want to go now. I found that I don't seem to believe you. I want to use my own hands and eyes to find many secrets and find my memory."

"It's not leaving here..." Yin Jixuan shook his head desperately, "You can't believe me. You have to come with me! Ten years ago, I lost you because I indulged you too much. Now... not now!"

"I..." Feidian still wanted to say something. Suddenly, he found that all the scenery around him were collapsing. The clear and cloudless sky just now suddenly rolled up blood-colored clouds, and the space began to distort and turned into a colorful strip. Only Yin Jiyu and he were still intact living beings.

"What are you doing..." Feidian looked at all this in surprise, and the visible light belt behind Yin Ji.

"Now, you are in my ring," Yin Jihui walked over and lowered his head and kissed Feidian's forehead. "First, I'm wronged to stay here for a few days. When I save my mother from that painting, and when I'm free, I'll take you away!"

"You..." Feidian pushed him away in disgust. "Before I lost my memory, the person I love couldn't be you! I don't like to be forced to do anything. You are gentle on the surface, but your inner possessiveness is extremely strong. You don't love me at all. You just want to possess me!"

"You don't know how much I love you..." Yin Ji said sadly.

"But you tried to hide me and not let me know what happened in the past..." Feidian retreated a few steps away from him like a plague god. "Whether the previous memory is beautiful or ugly, that's what I want to know, but you only plan everything about me in your own way! And he won't do this... He won't force me to do anything!"

"Don't do this..." Yin Jixuan stretched out his hand and found that he was hiding farther away. He withdrew his hand and shook his head, "Anyway, you can't have a chance to meet Yin Sheng again. You can't get out of this jade. When I... finish my work, we will leave here."

Yin Ji's voice became smaller and smaller, and his figure gradually disappeared into nothingness. Finally, his whole body completely disappeared in this twisted world.

"No..." Feidian frowned slightly and shook his head gently, "No one can force me to do what I don't want to do. Whether it's before or now my memory loss, you are really... too wrong."


When Yin Jihui slipped into the palace, he was found by a man.

He knew that all the news about this person, the little goblin who saved him had told him that when he first returned to Xuchang, he also secretly visited this person many times.

is his son, Yin Huaiqing.

Yin Jihui thought for a moment, and the spiritual power emerged and turned into Yin Sheng's appearance.

The man stood on the stone ladder, holding a "Prajami Heart Sutra" and found a dark shadow flashing in front of him. He looked up and found that it was a casual dress.

He closed the book and gently put it on the clothes he took off and spread it on the stone. He said to Yin Sheng, "Father, where are you going?"

Yin Ji looked at him and suddenly thought, how would his son feel if he knew that his father was not Yin Sheng, but him?

He knew that the child was only ten years old, quiet and compassionate, unlike any one in the Yin family.

Yin Ji glanced at the book at Yin Huaiqing's hand and asked, "Huaiqing, why do you want to read such a book? Can you understand it?"

Yin Huaiqing blinked his eyes and asked puzzledly, "But father, I have finished reading all the five books of Sinology, the Analects and the Art of War you asked me to read. Can't I read the Dharma now?"

"I didn't say no..." Yin Jiyu squatted down and looked directly at Yin Huaiqing. Through his clear and thoughtless eyes, his liver suddenly trembled.

What kind of child is this? Can he see through the secular world and escape into the empty door at such a young age?

"But you are a child, you should spend your teenage years happily. You can hate learning, be lazy, and resist my orders, but you can't help but enjoy your carefree time. In such a season, you should sail in the lotus pond and laugh with your playmates."

Yin Ji explained patiently to Yin Huaiqing, as if talking to himself many years ago.

"Father, I just think the Dharma is exquisite."

"What's so subtle?" Yin Ji felt funny and humbly asked his son, "Don't drink and eat meat?"

"No," Yin Huaiqing shook his head and explained seriously, "Buddha pays attention to karma, fate flows, endless life, no beginning and no end, all sentient beings are suffering, because of the fate of the previous life, confused and helpless in all kinds of virtual appearances, but no one can escape."

Helpless, but no one can escape.

Yin Jiyu repeated this sentence many times in his heart and touched the jade ring on his finger. He seemed to understand something and seemed to be more and more confused.

"And I have read a lot of children's books. If you think about it carefully, you will find that all the books seem to have the same truth," Yin Huaiqing continued. "For example, the Tao Te Ching has a saying that there is always nothing to do in the world, and it is not enough to take the world. Children and ministers feel that they are selfless and distracted, not subjective, their hearts are as quiet as water, their souls are quiet and spiritual, and their souls enter the realm of the unity of heaven and man, because the world belongs to all spirits. Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, we are required to 'do nothing', do not force it, do not force it, be quiet, and be at peace with our needs. Everything has retribution, and we can't force it."

"Shouldn't... force it?" Yin Ji was a little confused.

"Why do you force it?" Yin Huaiqing asked with his head tilted.

"Because I care too much, I should always fight for it." Yin Jiyu replied like this.

Yin Huaiqing looked at Yin Ji for a long time, suddenly shook his head and said, "You are not your father. Who are you?"

"How do you know I'm not Yin Sheng?" Yin Ji thought for a moment, and the spiritual power withdrew and changed back to its original appearance.

"Because after that person came back, there was a sun in his father's heart. Whenever it was warm, he no longer had such sad eyes and unwillingness as you."

"Is that so..." Yin Ji smiled and said, "I'm a poor person who can't get what I want. Don't tell anyone that I've been here before, okay?"

Yin Huaiqing thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

Yin Jiyu gently hugged Yin Huaiqing and then turned away. Before leaving, he heard his son say a word.

"Forget it."

Why forget instead of giving up?

He didn't stop, but his eyes were a little sore.