Attacking Fox

Chapter 224 Knowing the Sea and Saving People

The darkness was boundless, and the wind tried to move in the darkness, but felt a resistance.

It seemed that his whole body was immersed in water, but surprisingly, his breathing was not difficult.

He recalled that he had left the palace with the bend that told him to go home. When he took the fourteenth step, he realized the essential difference between the woman and his wife, but his first reaction was not to pick it or return to the palace immediately, but that since something had transformed into his wife's appearance to deceive He, then other ministers should also be deceived. Reasoning, he should sacrifice his little self. Even if the way forward is uncertain, he will follow her to see what's going on.

But it seemed that I was confused when I walked, and when I came back to my senses, it was so dark around me.

Feng Ling has thought a lot, such as who will actually attack him as a small role, where is this place, and whether he is dead.

If the third problem is solved, the second problem is also solved.

He is dead, and this is hell.

It's so quiet and scary here, but I don't know why he's not afraid. He didn't even have any unexpected panic, as if... he decided to bend back to save him.

"This... Langer?" Not far away, a familiar voice suddenly sounded. Feng Ling woke up and asked, "Who is over there? Lord Fu?"

"Is it... Lord Feng?" It should be over there. He heard Feng Ling's voice and asked back.

"Where is this?" Feng Ling asked, "Can you... see me?"

"I don't know where it is. Langer brought me here... But he obviously wanted to take me home," Fu Wan said. "I can't see you at all, but I can hear your voice."

"Oh..." Feng Lingzhi tried to move in the direction of the sound after the ambush, and then he felt more that he seemed to be really floating in the water.

The palm of your hand pushes away those things around you, just like pushing open the water pattern. It's a bit like being in his mother's water, warm and comfortable, making him want to sleep calmly.

He groped and swam to Fu Wan and said to Fu Wan, "Lord Fu, if you guess correctly, you should have been hit by the same magic as me and brought here."

"What should I do? Since both of us are here, the other ministers should not be much better. Fu Wan's tone was a little flustered, "We have to go out, Your Majesty... He should be exhausted at this moment."

"Yes, we have to find a way out...if..."

If this is not hell, we are not dead yet.

Just thinking about this, a bright light suddenly appeared in the distance, not as gentle as the morning light, but a strong dazzling white light. His eyes closed their eyes together.

So they didn't see a god and a demon walking into this nothingness, which was bending and flying electricity.

I just bent and said that in front of Yin Sheng. First, I knew that this trip must be dangerous and needed a helper. Second, I didn't let Yin Sheng take risks, so Feidian followed.

But Feidian never thought that it would be so dangerous.

Here, those ministers are locked in their own consciousness. And the two people's sea of knowledge could not be connected, but Feng Lingzhi and Fu Wan should be too worried to connect their sea of knowledge together.

But it may not be for this reason, but the one that Feidian has always suspected...

If, as Yin Sheng began to suspect ten years ago, Fu Wan can't get rid of all this, it is likely that Fu Wan's men took all Yin Sheng's ministers away and entered the sea of knowledge, just because Fu Wan wanted to control Feng Ling Shu.

These words are not easy to say to Wanwan. Even if she is a god, she is just a woman. Besides, if Wanwan talks to Feng Ling again, the matter will get bigger and bigger in the end. It is Yin Sheng who really loses.

So he can't bear to part with it.

He bent and looked at Feng Lingshu, who was immersed in the sea of knowledge, and said to Fei Dian, "If you want to save him, you must make him realize that he is actually himself."

"Well, I know." Feidian nodded.

"But I can't let my husband's sea of knowledge affect Lord Fu, and there is some chaos on the one hand, so..." Bend and glanced at Feidian, and the following words were not said again.

"Does Mrs. Feng mean to let me isolate and ambush first?" Feidian asked.


Flying electricity didn't say anything more. A layer of boundary suddenly rose, covering the other side that had not yet opened its eyes. For the end of the ambush, time seemed to suddenly stop, and he was still there.

Bend approach Feng Ling and said to him, "Fair, is this quiet and quiet here?"

When Feng Ling heard the curved voice, he quickly opened his eyes, but the light was so strong that he had to half squint and asked, "Are you... really fake?"

Benwan said anxiously, "I don't even know your wife, and you even ran away with a fake one. You really chilled me..."

"Madam... I'm not..." Feng Ling explained quickly.

"Okay, I'll ask you," Ben Ben got up and asked, "husband, you like this place very much. Do you think it's comfortable to have a good sleep?"

Feng Ling was a little puzzled, "Why did you ask that?"

"You just need to answer me."

"It's true..." Feng Ling's figure became exhausted, "I really want to sleep for a long time..."

"So isn't your husband afraid?" Bend and ask.

"What are you afraid of?" Feng Ling was rebellious.

"I'm afraid that Yin Sheng can't get through this catastrophe safely, and I'm afraid that the State of Li, which you have guarded for half of your life, has disappeared in this time and space since then."


"I'm afraid?" Ben Wan asked, "Then don't indulge yourself in this ocean that can bury everything. You should know that the more you feel tired and want to bow to yourself, the more you can't get rid of the shackles of your own consciousness. You will die in your own hands."


"Don't ask me what you should do, just do what you think you should do." Wanwan said, "I felt tired, so I slept here. I felt that you couldn't rest assured of Li, so I stood up from the mud, followed me out of here, returned to Yin Sheng's side, and fought with him!"

Feng Ling looked at the bend and never felt that his wife would say such a thing.

"husband, no matter what you choose, I will accompany you. You are willing to sleep here. I will sleep with you. You are willing to leave and go out with me. I will go out with you. Even if there is danger outside, even if we can't escape this catastrophe.

"Madam..." Feng Lingshu shouted bent, and his eyes actually felt a little like she wanted to cry.

Feng Lingzhi tried to stand up from the warm and comfortable ocean, but the ocean wrapped his body like a pair of big hands, gently and domineeringly, pulling him reluctantly, as if he didn't want to leave his arms.

"I'm going out..." Feng Lingzhi is a civil official. At this moment, a series of scenes of killing and abuse on horseback actually appeared in his mind. This country was beaten down with blood surnamed Yin. And they also govern the State of Li in an orderly manner, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, which is really what he wants.

How can you watch the dynasty he was loyal to be destroyed!

In the dark world, a white light suddenly flashed more brightly than just now. When he opened his eyes, Feng Ling realized that he was already looking at his curves and gray sky with a smile in front of him.

Feidian also separated from his sea of knowledge and turned the curve, "Don't be happy too early. Lord Fu seems to be still locked in Lord Feng's sea of knowledge."

"He..." He bent his mouth and said unhappily, "Just just come out."

Feidian's face was full of cold sweat and asked, "Since you can be pulled out directly, why did you say so much to Lord Feng just now, which made me think that people trapped in the sea of knowledge can't come out without defeating themselves..."

"Of course, I can't come out by myself if I don't defeat myself. I just want you to see how strong my family's personality charm and self-control ability are, so I deliberately don't help him come out by himself." He raised his eyebrows and looked at Feidian with a provocative face. "What, what are you unconvinced?"

He wiped his sweat and shook his head and said, "I dare not."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, and get the other ministers out of their respective seas of knowledge," Wanwan said, "but be careful..."

The bend looked at Feidian with deep meaning, and there seemed to be a light flashing in Feidian's mind.

Now it seems that the reason why Yin Sheng is not allowed to follow is not because of danger, but...

I didn't expect that Ben Wan actually thought of him. Feidian felt guilty that she just felt that she didn't know anything.

"I understand what you're talking about." Feidian followed her words.

But be careful. If all this is related to him, he can control the sea of knowledge, not necessarily the sea of knowledge of goblins. It takes tens of thousands of intentions to deal with him.

"It's good to understand," he nodded and then said to Feng Lingshu, "You go back to help Your Majesty first. This time, the casualties are heavy. He should be busy alone. The task of rescuing the minister will be entrusted to me and the little fox."

He bent in front of Feng Lingzhi and shouted the little fox, which shocked the flying electricity. But think about it... It's not surprising. It seems that ten years ago, she called herself like this, and she has a close relationship with Feng Yanxi.

Feng Ling said goodbye to the two and went back to the palace.

As soon as he left, Feidian asked, "Mrs. Feng is suspicious..."

"Can one person enter another sea of knowledge? I have been the god of Weishui for so many years, and it's the first time I've heard of it. "Moreover, there are so many horse feet. If you look carefully, there are flaws everywhere. Yin Sheng and my husband didn't find it. I really can't stand the mutual trust of their men."

"Is it really him?" Feidian asked.

"No," he bent his head and smiled very brightly. "I didn't say it. You guessed it yourself."

Feidian immediately nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, I guessed it myself."