Attacking Fox

Chapter 232 Blood Deed

There is no doubt that after Fu Wan led the troops to rescue, Fu Lang immediately collapsed. Except for killing several generals under Fu Lang, Yin Huaiqing did not embarrass anyone else. And he also accidentally found that these people who came to make trouble were all noble sons of the family.

Fu Wan set an example of the annihilation of his relatives and took Fu Lang to the prison for a day to be beheaded. When other ministers involved saw this, they did not plead for the rebels.

The sky is not clear, in the prison.

Fu Lang was still struggling. After standing outside the prison door and looking at him, his eyes were quiet and he didn't know what to think.

"Dad..." After all, Fu Wan still leaned against the edge of the prison door and slipped down, knelt on the ground and said, "Father, help me."

After looking at him for a long time, he just shook his head and said, "I reminded you, but you... Hey, you let me down so much. Why didn't you leave your son?"

With ups and downs, Fu Lang's eyes obviously lit up, but the light flashed, and he dimmed again and said to Fu Lang, "Father, the child only asked you, have you, have you really not been a little antipathy for so many years?"

"Why don't you understand..." Fu Wan was quite sad and did not answer Fu Lang's question. He just shook his head and closed his mouth and didn't want to say anything more. After a while, he left here.

This matter seems to have been solved, but Yin Huaiqing is still worried that the rebels have not been fully surrendered, so he transferred all the people and horses in his hands to the palace. Although he is still in Fuwan's hands, it is not much different from Yin Huaiqing's own control of them.

Yin Huaiqing did all this, and Yin Sheng saw it. He was very satisfied with what Yin Huaiqing had done. He told Jing Yuanyin to take good care of him, so he followed the guidance of Lingsha in his hand and went to save Feidian.

It was estimated that Fu Wan should almost return to Fufu. Fu Lang in the prison touched his chest and told him that the thing was still there. He quickly took it out. It was a compass in the form of gossip.

Fu Lang bit his fingertips and lowered his blood into the gossip array. This array suddenly emitted a bright yellow light. About a quarter of an hour later, the light faded, and Fu Lang also heard the sad screams of the jailer guarding the cell.

Then, Fu Li, who looked pale and seemed to be in pain, appeared in front of him.

Because Volang was the originator of this rebellion, he was locked up alone. After Fu Li solved the jailer at the door, no one knew that he had come here.

He looked at Fu Lang for a long time. Fu Li kept biting his lower lip and didn't say anything. Finally, Fu Lang opened his mouth first and said, "Li'er, I know that because of the blood deed, every time I summon you to come to me, you will be very painful. But there's nothing I can do..."

Fu Li didn't say a word, and there was not even any expression on his face.

"Li'er... Big Brother failed in this operation." Fu Lang shook his head sadly, and then looked up at Fu Li and said, "Li'er, the eldest brother wants to get the world, just because the eldest brother wants us to stop succumbing to others, but Li'er, but I failed..."

Fu Li didn't know if this was Fu Lang's true idea. After a moment of silence, Fu Li sighed, "Brother, do you know what I'm thinking now?"

"Li'er doesn't believe what the eldest brother said?" Fulang asked.

Fu Li did not answer directly, but said, "I have a memory, so I took it in Miaojiang. That's why my father and mother didn't want me and left me alone. The master said that because they needed a person who is good at using demilience, but if there is no blood as a connection, the poison master will not really serve his life. With anyone."

"Li'er...what do you mean?" Fu Lang was shocked. Why was what Fu Li said about the blood deed different from what he heard?

"Two people who set up a blood deed must have a blood relationship," Fu Li continued, "and his father took a fancy to this that he asked you to make a blood deed with me."

"You... you talk nonsense, my father obviously doesn't know these things, and I'm alone secretly..."

"Did you secretly take away the life and death and set up a blood deed for me?" Fu Li pulled out a trace of ridicule and said, "Brother, I don't even know what my father wants now, and I don't know if he has sacrificed everyone. Is it worth it?"


"Brother, you have nothing to do now. Why don't I tell you everything I know from beginning to end?" Fu Li said, and saw that Fu Lang did not object, so he continued, "When you went to Miaojiang to pick me up, the life and death worm had been cultivated. At that time, I thought that my father would plant the raw worm in his body and the dead worm in my body, so as to make a blood deed so that he could control me personally. But I was wrong. It turned out that my father would not take any risks. He had repeatedly hinted that you had planted a worm before that, but you didn't know it. Do you still remember what you were thinking at that time?

Fu Lang frowned and vaguely remembered that he went to Miaojiang to bring Fuli back to Xuchang, but he didn't remember what he had done after going there.

"It doesn't matter if I don't remember," Fu Li continued. "At that time, my father was a little anxious. After I came back for the first time, he told me that I could do it properly. He meant to let me slowly poison Yin Sheng and let him gradually collapse. But because of Brother Huan, I just want to kill Yin Sheng quickly. And all the people in Xu Chang who are in my way. In the end, he failed. That fool Yin Sheng actually remembered the love he had done many years ago and didn't kill me.

Fu Li looked at Fu Lang and saw that his eyes were getting more and more confused, as if he had thought of something, but he didn't.

"After you sent me to Miaojiang again and sent me there, you told me to take good care of myself and went back. But three days later, you came back, and at this time, you seemed to have become a different person. You planted a life for yourself. Originally loyal to Li Guo and Yin Sheng, you suddenly said ambitiously that you wanted to get the world. You planted me with death and made a blood contract with me. You, like me, become an indispensable left and right arm of a father... No, it should be said to be a flag.

"Li'er..." Volang suddenly hugged his head, and many memories gushed out. His ideas have been hinting at him behind his back, causing him to have that series of ideas...

"Brother, why did you plant blood deeds for yourself at the beginning?" Fu Li got closer to Fulang and looked at Fu Lang, who looked more and more confused, and guided him to remember what had happened before.

"Why...why..." Volang held his head and seemed to be in pain. He meditated for a long time, but still didn't know why he set up a blood contract between them.

Why did you have the idea of rebellion at the beginning? Before Mingming, I had always been very loyal to Yin Sheng. And this idea appeared out of thin air, as if it had been suddenly planted in my mind by someone. It lingered, and it grew bigger and bigger.

It's terrible that you can even invade your own thoughts.

But... At the beginning, why on earth did you plant a blood contract for yourself and Fu Li?

"I remember!" Looking up again, Fu Lang's eyes actually flashed with tears. He said to Fu Li, "After leaving you in Miaojiang, I was going to immediately go back to Xuchang and plant worms for myself... Because I'm really worried about you!" I want to save you. I need strength. My father said that life can give me the strength to fight against Miaojiang's poisoner! But after planting the worm, I didn't have any idea at that time. I just wanted to be my father and the Fu family..."

"You finally remembered, big brother." After lying down, he bent down, picked up his face through the prison door and said to him, "Do you know that every time you control the death in my body with life, I am worse than death. I am so painful that I want to die immediately..."

"I'm sorry, Lier..." Fu Lang looked at him with a guilty face. "Now that I know the truth of life and death, those thoughts planted in my mind can finally affect me any more. Looking back on what I have done over the years, it's simply too stupid... I didn't expect that my father... Father actually..." After all, Fu Lang didn't finish his words and choked and asked, "Just how can I lift the blood deed?"

"Do you really want to release it? Big brother?" Fu Li asked uncertainly.

"Yes, Li'er, I made too many mistakes, and the blood deeds are not touched, and I will still be hinted by my father, or I will become the pawn he uses. I'm not afraid of this. I'm only afraid that you... I'm afraid it will hurt you..."

"Useless..." Fu Li shook his head and said, "The blood deed is unsolved. The two people with life and death in their bodies are restrained by each other. Only when one side dies can one side recover freedom."

After listening to Fu Li's words, Fu Lang was silent and asked for a long time, "Does one party have to die?"

"Other than that, there is no solution to the blood deed."

Fu Lang thought for a long time and suddenly stood up from the ground. Fu Li also straightened up and looked at Fu Lang.

"Li'er, anyway, he is our father after all." Volang said so.

Fu Li frowned and asked, "Brother, what do you mean?"

"Even if I can control my mood like you and not be affected by my father, I may not resist him. After all, he is kind to me." Fu Lang smiled bitterly and said, "Li'er, is it the same for you?"

Fu Li was silent for a long time and said, "If Li'er can get out of his control one day, he will never show mercy to his sword!"

Fu Lang shook his head and said to Fu Li, "Li'er, it's not right for you to do this. Remember, even if you don't want to help your father, don't resist him. After all, he is our father.

Fu Li sneered and said, "That's also because I can get out of his control. Now that I have a dead body, how can I have a chance..."

"There will be a chance..." Fulang interrupted him and suddenly stretched out his hand to his chest. Fu Li only heard the sound of crackling bones. He looked at Volang's hand, but saw Volang inserting his hand into his chest!

He smiled at Fu Li and silently pulled out his hand with his beating heart.

"Big brother!" Fu Li never thought that Fu Lang would take out his heart. Not to mention that he is just an ordinary person, even if he is a goblin with high power, he is afraid that he will have no power to return to heaven at this time.

Without the support of life, the corporal began to absorb Volang's body crazily. Before Volang could say anything, his body wrinkled into a small ball.

Fu Li was shocked for a while, and then came to his senses. Looking at the body of Volang, who was no longer humanoid on the ground, and the life that was about to die because he could not absorb energy, he said with some emotion, "Brother, you are so stupid."

A little goblin separated from Fu Li's body and swallowed the worm into his stomach. Fu Li turned around and said to himself, "But big brother, don't worry, he will not have a good end if he persecuted us and made us such a father."