Forbidden Refiner

Chapter 98 Fighting for the Mysterious Fruit

Chapter 98 Competing for the Mysterious Fruit

Chen Ye only used his divine consciousness to sense every move of the giant snake, and did not pay attention to how vast the inside of the cave was. Now he entered alone and found that the interior of the cave was amazing.

With the faint purple light of Zhanyuan's flying knife, you can basically see everything inside. This is an open place, like a cave built by someone.

Because the wall of the cave is smooth and square, the top of the cave is a pointed dome, and the probability of natural formation is somewhat unlikely. There seems to be shining light on the wall of the cave. Chen Ye walked in and found that there were small stones shining faintly on the wall of the cave.

There is no shadow of a giant snake here. There is a water depression in a corner. Bubbles are emerging from time in the water depression. Chen Ye walked over and saw that the water in the depression still seemed to be shining. After a closer look, he found that the depression was unsideless, like a spiritual spring. Although he did not know its depth, there was light emitted from the water.

Chen Ye's consciousness could only be swept here and found that there might be a source inside the water depression. The surroundings were extremely clean, and no dark grid was found.

The weak life fluctuation disappeared, and the life breath of the giant snake also disappeared. Chen Ye's light from Zhanyuan's flying knife suddenly brightened several times and kept floating around him. Except for this water depression, there was no second place to hide in the cave.

Chen Ye gritted his teeth and immediately jumped down. With a splash of water, the water was only a foot away. In the originally wet cave, the water temperature was not cold at all, and even some warmth.

He explored every move around him and found that the water depression was very deep, as if he had fallen into a bottomless hole. Fortunately, there was no other external force. If he wanted to stay still, Chen Ye could do it, which made him relieved and continued to dive.

Chen Ye, who had the experience of diving under the Tianquan Pool, was naturally not afraid of this small water depression. Finally, after diving dozens of feet, he went to the bottom, and the waterway began to bend. Chen Ye held his breath and began to go upstream along the river.

It is not easy to identify the direction in the water, but the good thing is that the waterway is a curved waterway without a fork. Chen Ye is not worried that he can't go back.

After diving for a moment, Chen Ye's consciousness sensed the life fluctuation of the giant snake again. Chen Ye was a little uncomfortable when he came out of the water. It seemed to be like a vast water with stars shining on it. Although it was dark, there was a bright moon hanging in the air.

Chen Ye rushed out of the water from the mouth of the waterway. In front of him was a desert island made of stones. The desert island was surrounded by endless waters. He could not see the beginning and end clearly. A bright moon hung over the desert island, but Chen Ye found that it was not a bright moon, but a bright light growing on an extremely huge vine. Qizhen.

He has never seen this magical treasure, let alone what it is, and although this unknown sea is calm, it seems that there is a peerless crisis in every inch. I can't tell what it is, but it just gives people a sense of uneasiness.

The desert island can have hundreds of squares of squares, rising and low, and although there are weeds in the field, there are not many weeds. In the middle of the desert island, there is a towering ancient vine winding to the sky. The ancient vine can be as thick as five people hugging together, and the old leather hanging on the ancient vine. I don't know how long it took to have been to have such a scene.

This is like a special world. There is only this desert island in the dark and desolate area, and an ancient vine that does not know when it will grow.

Chen Ye saw the giant snake climbing up little by little around the ancient vine from afar. There was a snake egg with cyan light under the ancient vine. The snake egg was as thick as a bucket. Next to the snake egg, there was a twelve or three-year-old child. Chen Ye's consciousness could sense that he still had some life fluctuations.

The breath of life that had just disappeared appeared again. Chen Ye's observation was correct. The pug at the time of entry was an invisible waterway, and the giant snake must have sneaked here through this stealth waterway.

From afar, I watched the giant snake coil around the ancient vine and climbed up little by little. Its purpose was to force the strange treasure in the air, but the speed of the giant snake was not very fast, and it was a little slow. It may also be that the ancient vine was strange.

Chen Ye jumped on a huge stone and shouted, "Evil, why don't you come down quickly?"

The giant snake looked in the direction of Chen Ye, and its eyes like a copper lamp shot green light, but the next moment the giant snake climbed up harder.

Chen Ye is about 40 to 50 feet away from the ancient vine in the center of the desert island. With the rare and dazzling brilliance, Chen Ye saw it. The body of the giant snake on the ancient vine has been blood stains, but the giant snake is still accelerating upward.

It can be seen that the giant snake is bound to get the rare treasure. Even if Chen Ye can't call the name of the rare treasure, he knows the preciousness of the rare treasure only by looking at this situation. At this time, he sacrificed the Yuan flying knife and cut the giant snake with a whistling sound.

Zhanyuan flying knife is about 40 to 50 feet away from the giant snake, turning into a purple light cut into the giant snake. The huge snake's surging body suddenly stagnated, and its tail suddenly hit the Zhanyuan flying knife.

With the sound of 'Dang', the Zhanyuan flying knife was unexpectedly blown out by the snake tail of the giant snake. The purple light of the Zhanyuan flying knife was disillusioned several times in an instant. Fortunately, at this time, the Zhanyuan flying knife has absorbed the Xuanhuangqi and has gone beyond the category of the nine-grade forbidden weapon, and the hardness is many times stronger than before.

Chen Ye's heart moved at will and summoned the Zhanyuan flying knife back. The Zhanyuan flying knife is too far away. Although it can still move with Chen Ye's thoughts, it is not as powerful as close after a long distance.

He did not hesitate and rushed to the ancient vine in the middle of the desert island, where there were snake eggs of giant snakes. Chen Ye suddenly remembered that the giant snakes were so nervous about snake eggs before, so he simply used snake eggs to prevent giant snakes from eating rare treasures.

God knows what Qizhen will look like after being swallowed by a giant snake, and the demon snake in the later stage of the heavenly sacrifice has been difficult to deal with. If he is allowed to go to the next level, Chen Ye will have no chance of winning.

Chen Ye's mind moved, exerted his strength, and the ancient characters in the sea rumbled, as if a fairy king were singing. Countless light flowers turned from his sea of knowledge into light rain and flowed into the bitter sea. At this moment, Chen Ye's bitter sea opened, the golden whirlpool made a loud noise, and the strongest aura in heaven and earth began to surge to He.

Chen Ye's body suddenly became like a medium of spiritual power. Part of the aura squeezed in from all parts of his body turned into an extraordinary aura into an extraordinary sea of suffering through white scrolls, and the other part was directly swallowed up by the sea of suffering.

The mysterious metal block in the middle of the bitter sea also vibrated slightly, as if it had never absorbed such a huge amount of aura, making it excited.

The nine-leaf lotus platform, which has been free around the mysterious metal block, suddenly emitted a burst of light and slowly turned dark purple. There was a mysterious glow inside and outward, and the whole nine-leaf lotus platform seemed to have revived at this moment.

Chen Ye couldn't care much. If there was a shrinking effort under his feet, he stepped out a few feet in one arrow step. Before he arrived, he had already reached the ancient vine. When he walked into the ancient vine, he found that the ancient vine could be hundreds of feet high and towering straight into the dark clouds. He could not see the end of the ancient vine, and could only see one of the ancient vines hanging in the ancient vine. The shining treasure on the rattan.

Looking closely, he found that the ancient vine at the bottom was as thick as that of at least a dozen people, and there was also a thorn. Chen Ye touched it with his hand and found that the thorn was harder than a stone. He looked up to the sky. The giant snake had climbed up about half, and some blood dripped down the ancient vine and dripped into the ground. The face was wet, and the snake blood that flowed to the ancient vine was swallowed up by the ancient vine.

Chen Ye was a little anxious. He didn't have the ability to fly on the rainbow, and Gu Teng was so strong that he couldn't climb up at all. Suddenly, Zhanyuan's flying knife floated and wandered in front of Chen Ye. Then he moved his mind, slowly injected his spiritual power into Zhanyuan flying knife, and shouted, "change!"

Zhanyuan's flying knife suddenly turned into a big flying knife, emitting a mysterious purple light all over its body, wrapped in wisps of mysterious yellow. Although it is rare, it has become more chilly than before.

Chen Ye saw the flying knife become bigger and jumped up. As soon as his mind moved, the Zhanyuan flying knife soared into the air, and the speed was about to catch up with the purple shadow.

Chen Ye drove the Zhanyuan knife and rushed directly to the mysterious treasure hanging in the air. The speed was scary, which shocked the giant snake that had been trying to climb up.


A surging force stirred out from around the mysterious treasure, and Chen Ye's deterrence suddenly hit the defense prohibition around the mysterious treasure and was rebounded.

Chen Ye was not prepared, but Fortunately, Zhanyuan's flying knife seemed to be sucked under his feet. After shaking for a while, Chen Ye finally stabilized his body and rushed to Gu Teng.

There is a ban around the mysterious treasure, but the ancient vine does not. After standing firmly on a hanging rattan under the mysterious treasure, Chen Ye sacrificed the sword again.

The green eyes of the giant snake, like a copper lamp, suddenly shot two green lights, as if it could penetrate Chen Ye. It opened its mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of venom. Chen Ye was still seven or eight feet away from the giant snake, and could easily avoid it at this time.

The sword he sacrificed no longer cut off the giant snake, but took the mysterious treasure. He understood that this was the key to the giant snake's promotion. Just now, he also wanted to control the snake egg to blackmail the giant snake, but with the final judgment, he knew that the giant snake might give up protecting the snake egg and turn to the treasure of the sky, which came from him. Full wounds can be seen.

If Chen Ye just wanted to try to see if he could urge Zhanyuan's flying knife, I'm afraid that by the time he threatened the giant snake, the giant snake would have stolen the treasure.

The giant snake is below, Chen Ye is above, and the venom spit out by the giant snake can't hurt Chen Ye at all six or seven feet apart.

Although the Zhanyuan flying knife has a preliminary mysterious yellow gas, it is not yet a real yellow-order forbidden weapon. Although it is much stronger than before, it still only wipes the edge of the yellow-order forbidden weapon. The prohibition around the mysterious and rare began to disillusione under the back and forth impact of the Zhanyuan flying knife.

At this time, the giant snake had also climbed up. There were hundreds of wounds all over his body, all of which were bleeding, but it did not prevent him from rushing to the mysterious treasure.

The mysterious fruit is surrounded by a layer of prohibition, which is extremely strong. Even if Chen Ye tries his best to urge Zhanyuan's flying knife to cut the prohibition, it is not easy to break it.

The giant snake seems to know the method. It has been climbing up the main root of the ancient vine. Chen Ye is a little anxious. Seeing that the giant snake is getting closer and closer to the mysterious treasure, he can't take away the rare treasure at the first time, and it is very likely to be taken advantage of by the giant snake.

Suddenly, he seemed to have found something. His mind moved and immediately summoned the Zhanyuan flying knife back. In an instant, he stepped on the prohibition around the mysterious treasure and landed on the rattan hanging below.

At this time, Chen Ye found that the mysterious treasures were like wicks in lanterns, except for this rattan, which were all wrapped in prohibition.

The giant snake began to roar. It seemed to forget the pain, which was more than ten times faster than just now. The snake's body was cut open and dripping blood, which was very scary.

Chen Ye was not polite and rushed down along the only gap of the mysterious treasure.

The giant snake was so angry that it knocked on the mysterious rattan with its tail, and the whole sky seemed to be shaken.