Forbidden Refiner

Chapter 266 mana like mud cow into the sea

Chapter 266 The power is like a mud cow into the sea

After Chen Ye and his party made up their mind, they stepped into the palace full of dead bodies step by step. Although they could hardly step down, they still stepped on some gaps and walked in. The palace was so big that they could hardly see their heads. It was bigger than Chen Ye imagined, but there were also many dead bodies that they could not imagine that there would be So many corpses are piled up in this palace.

"What on earth happened? Turn this place into a Shura field. Looking at these bodies seems to have happened yesterday, but it's impossible? Hasn't there been such a strange thing since I came to Shenxia Cave? Huang Yuan seemed to become incoherent.

"If this is really related to the battle of the slaughter, are these people all from this city in those years?" Lin Tianrui looked at the bodies all over the ground, and then looked at the reflections of blood on the ground that seemed to be still flowing with blood, which was a little unimaginable for a moment.

The top of the palace is almost 30 feet high, and standing in this palace makes people feel as small as if they were in nature.

Several people crept to the middle, breathing the thick blood. Several people's hearts were about to fall out, which was disgusting and unimaginable. They had been walking about 50 feet from the door of the temple and still saw countless bodies.

"Unfortunately, I have no magic cultivation now, otherwise I can reproduce what happened here in those years by urging the Shenxia spirit mirror!" Huang Yuan sighed and looked at the bodies all over the ground and sighed.

The rotten breath in the air is getting lighter and lighter than when they first came in. Several people were thinking about what caused it. Suddenly, they saw that on the way from the door of the hall, those flesh and blood were turning into ashes and slowly dissipating, as if they had just seen hallucinations. Of.

Several people really didn't know what had happened. They looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe their eyes, because those bodies quickly turned into skeletons, crystal white and occasionally shining, as if they had experienced tens of thousands of years. As time passed, no power could stop them.

"Why is this so? What the hell happened?" Chen Ye wanted to go over and have a look, but when he walked to one of the fleshy bodies and wanted to squat down and take a closer look, he found that the man's skin disappeared in an instant. The blood was no longer crystal clear as if it had vaporized. The human skin quickly fell off and aging and there were wrinkles, and the clothes on his body began to melt. Finally, until The hair also turned into a green smoke and disappeared. Chen Ye saw the skeleton, and the blood under him seemed to have been steamed for a long time, and the ground was extremely clean, and even a little red could not be found.

"Why is this so? What strange things happened here? Is it because of our arrival that it became like this?" Lin Wanfeng asked.

Huang Yuan shook his head and said, "It's not your fault. It's caused by the air oscillation, but it does have something to do with us!"

Chen Ye immediately remembered that he had never heard of this phenomenon in his previous life, but it was not so strange and amazing. In his previous life, he had seen some lotus root pieces in the things produced by Ma Wangdui. At that time, the staff also filmed it with a camera, but they closed the lid and took it back to the research institute and opened it again. , the edges are empty. Finally, the experts concluded that those things have been separated from the outside world for a long time and have long turned into the smallest molecules. After the oscillation of the air, the smoke dissipated. At this time, think about the scenes they saw, which are almost similar to those experiences. For a moment, Chen Ye knew What Huang Yuan said should be true, but the first time he really came into contact with such a thing, he was still surprised.

"Why on earth did this happen? Why does it have to do with us?" Chen Qing didn't know the origin and asked at that time.

Lin Wanfeng also nodded and expressed her doubts. At this time, after listening to Huang Yuan's words, Lin Tianrui and Chen Jingsong nodded as if they remembered something. After a moment, they heard Huang Yuan begin to speak in detail.

"What we see should be the result of the battle of the slaughter, but after so many years, I don't know whether it is 1,000 or 2,000 years or 10,000 years and 20,000 years. Why these corpses have not turned into ashes and disappeared. I think it must be the reason why some great magical people have used spells to seal the whole city. After printing, the original air circulation disappeared from the ancient city and the outside world. In addition, the power of the seal inside the ancient city consumed the aura of the seal year by year, resulting in this strange and lifeless place. But why there are green grass and trees in the outside world? I think it must be that the great magical person has used a deeper way to borrow the earth. Caused by force." Huang Yuan squatted down and walked to a skeleton and picked up a dead bone. Suddenly, as soon as the dead bone was in mid-air, it turned into flying ash and scattered in the air.

"I don't know how many years it has been since the bones turned into flying ash!" After seeing this scene, everyone made a statement.

Huang Yuan clapped the ashes in his hands, turned around and continued to walk towards the center of the hall. The bodies that had already stood at the gate of the hall were invisible. Only the center of the hall were still there, but they were also dissipating. As he walked, he looked at everything here and continued to say, "The power of seal has blocked the world, and The vitality generated by the power of the earth vein constantly supplements some of the essence of heaven and earth as the air machine to calm the ancient city, so everything here is turned into one. When we approached the ancient city and opened the door of the palace, the air here collided with the aura we brought along the way, and these corpses produced some subtle The protective body can't resist the external aura. Once the air shakes, these things that have already turned into flying ash but have not dissipated due to the shock will naturally be difficult to survive in the world.

"Oh, it turns out that the reason for everything is like this. The body has dissipated, and the magic weapon should also be..." Chen Ye suddenly asked after listening to Huang Yuan's explanation.

Huang Yuan laughed and said, "This is not so. Unless the body reaches a terrible state after death, it will certainly not be able to stop the destruction of time. After years, no matter how strong the body is, there will be a rotten day. Unless it is warmed by the Taiyin refining spell, it is impossible to survive in the world. , but throughout the ages, there have also been some capable people who still have their own unique retention methods, which cannot be ruled out. There are also characters at the first level of the ancient emperor. Unless their bodies dissipate, no matter how powerful the power of vertical and horizontal time is, it is difficult to destroy, but often when it comes to the existence of that series, they will eventually They all chose Huadao, and not even a finger would stay.

Several people looked at everything here while talking. After looking for a long time, they didn't find a magic weapon. Even the broken weapons on the ground will break with a slight force, which is not as good as the material they are looking for at this stage.

"This palace is so big that there is no magic weapon. Let's go to the next palace to have a look. It's too worth it if we let others grab it later!" Chen Ye quickly reminded him.

Several people nodded one after another, walked out of the main gate of the palace and rushed towards another building. The interior of the ancient city was huge, not because of the magic array, but because it was large enough. Several people didn't even want to rest, so they ran directly to another ancient hall. When they opened the main door of the hall, it was exactly the same as what they had seen before, no At this time, they have become much calm. At present, they have searched around the palace, but they still haven't found the so-called magic weapons for a long time. Even if they find one or two decent weapons, as long as they are infused with force by Chen Ye, those magic weapons will be shaken into ashes and can't be accepted at all. Carry a little spiritual power.

Running back and forth and couldn't find a useful magic weapon at all, which made several people feel a little depressed. Chen Ye used a fairy bridge to carry a few people on the way to find the way to the next few palaces, avoiding wasting a lot of time on the road. In this way, he opened more than a dozen palaces in succession, as seen before. Although several people were a little disappointed, they became more and more frightened. The palace was so big, but it was still full of dead bodies. Under what circumstances did the First World War of that year also make several people full of curiosity. Needless to say, the number of people has shocked them.

After searching for many things, there was no result. Chen Ye took a fairy bridge under his feet and flew to the depths again. They flew up with the fairy bridge. They flew very fast, but they were very close to the ground, as if they didn't want to miss every inch of land. In order to find the magic weapon that should be given to 'predestined people', they All of them were energetic. Six people stared at the strange movements in six directions. Even if a trace of wind blew, they wanted Chen Ye to fly over to have a look.

Judging from the route they flew all the way, they were flying towards the south of the palace group, but Chen Ye felt like flying north, but he himself felt that it was impossible. From what they just came in, they knew that they came in from the northernmost position. At this time, although there was an illusion that he always made him feel that it was Nanfei, but he firmly believed that it did not deviate from the direction, but he did not know that the moment the five archways were pulled out, the layout of the whole palace seemed to have turned a new page. At the far north position, which they originally thought had now become the far south position. At this time, they entered from the far south to the extreme intersection. It's just that their group didn't know it. Even Chen Ye, who had divine consciousness, didn't expect this to happen at all.

I don't know how long it has been. Everyone saw a large pool in front of them, but the diameter is about 50 feet. The pool is clear and bright, and you can see the bottom of the pool at a glance, but there is nothing in the pool, and there seems to be countless remains piled up under the pool, and the water is calm. It's almost like a transparent mirror. If you don't look carefully, the figures in the pool are like some rubble or something, which is not easy to identify.

Several people went down Chen Ye's fairy bridge, walked to the edge of the pool, looked at the calm pool, looked at some scenes in the pool, and lowered their heads to meditate.

This pool is similar to what Chen Ye saw when he fell into the sky, but it was many times larger than what he saw at that time. The water was clear and transparent, but when he approached, the body there was clearly visible, and the painful expression of each corpse was clearly visible. Just like the disaster that just happened.

Suddenly, Chen Qing shouted and said, "I just felt like a light rushing up from that pool? Are there sages buried here? Although the light is very fast, I'm sure I really saw it. Brother Ye, Sister Wanfeng, have you two seen it?

Chen Ye shook her head and looked at Lin Wanfeng, and Lin Wanfeng also shook her head and looked at Chen Ye. She said, "Since Qinger's sister said there is, I believe there should be, but now we don't have any magic fluctuations. Why don't you explore it?"

Chen Ye nodded, then raised a fairy bridge under his feet and rushed to the pool close to the surface of the water. Then he slowly dispersed his consciousness. At that time, a purple star in the mud pill palace rushed out a golden figure and stepped on the twelve golden lotus suspended around the purple stars. Then it sat slowly. Come down, hit out a divine thought, and feel all the breath fluctuations in the pool.

The pool with a diameter of only 50 feet was soon explored by Chen Ye and did not find any powerfully fluctuating objects at all, but it was not willing. After exploring back and forth four or five times, there was still no harvest, so he turned into a golden light and rushed to Chen Jingsong and others by the pool.

Suddenly, a faint and almost invisible light burst out again and rushed directly to the sky. Chen Ye immediately locked the air machine in the small area that emitted the light. Sure enough, he found a strange thing. When he approached and wanted to explore the divine consciousness, he found that the divine consciousness could not be explored at all, and There was a faint strong fluctuation, and Chen Ye shouted, "But I found you!" After saying that, he rushed into the water, dived to the edge of the object and got up with his hand. As soon as he came out of the water, he stepped on the fairy bridge and rose to the sky again.

Holding a dark iron bar-like thing in his hand, Chen Ye shook Chen Qing violently at that time. This shaking was not tight, and he almost tilted Chen Ye's body, and the fairy bridge under his feet was a little unstable.

"Brother Ye, be careful!" Chen Qing saw Chen Ye shaking left and right because he waved the things in his hand and shouted worriedly.

Several people were ecstatic. Looking at Chen Ye's appearance, they were about to laugh. As soon as Chen Ye approached, several people came together and asked, "What is it?" The light of this thing?"

Chen Ye nodded, and then stretched out his hand to bounce on his clothes. Suddenly, the water stains disappeared and the clothes were extremely clean. He nodded to several people and said, "Just now, I checked and controlled several times and didn't feel this thing. When I was about to give up, he happened to swallow the light again, although it was weak. I still caught it, but this thing can't be prying out. I don't know what it is, but it obviously feels a little different. After I instilled it with my force, I found that it was like a mud cow into the sea and couldn't be urged. I really don't know what this is?

Chen Ye will be a foot long, arm-thick thing will reach Huang Yuan's hand and let Huang Yuan see if he can say one or two.

Huang Yuan took a strange thing, looked left and right, then grabbed it and patted it in the palm of his hand and said, "It's not iron, not like metal, nor like crystal, nor like divine wood. What kind of thing is this?"

For a while, Huang Yuan also fell into bitter thinking and couldn't tell the extremely strange thing, but Chen Ye took it in his hand and looked at it. When he was about to throw him away, Chen Qing said, "Brother Ye, don't throw it away!"

Huh? Qing'er wants it?" Chen Ye raised his hand and suddenly put it down again. He turned around and asked like Chen Qing.

Chen Qing shook her head and said, "No, it's just that it will be of great use. Otherwise, after such a long time, this thing will not turn into flying ash like other magic weapons, and it must be of great use."

Huang Yuan nodded and said, "Well, what Qinger said is reasonable. You can put it away first. Maybe you will know what it is used at any time. Although I don't know what the material is, I feel like nothing can destroy him. If you don't believe it, use your best to pour it into it and see if you can shatter it!"

Chen Ye said, "No, I have tried it just now. All the magic power will disappear. Even if you stay for a moment, you can't do it. I don't know if it's swallowed up or really dissipated."

"Since it's such a thing, let's keep it first! Let's go to several other palaces now. Maybe there will be some new discoveries. Since we haven't found a magic weapon for so long, it must be because the aurora we saw yesterday night really gathered in one place. Lin Tianrui reminded at this time.

Chen Ye didn't say much. At that time, a fairy bridge floated under his feet. After several people stood firm, he flew up, and a wave formed a wave that was no longer calm and galloped away. When their figure disappeared to the north of the round pool, the bodies under the pool were also surging one after another. The body that was clearly visible just now slowly melted, and it didn't take long for the pool water to become not clear and turbid, which was completely extremes with what it had just been seen.

However, Chen Ye and others can no longer feel all this. They are now rushing to the depths of the palace and moving forward for those magic weapons that may be soldiers of sages.

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