Forbidden Refiner

Chapter 309 Overturned to the ground

Chapter Change Overturned to the Ground

The dumb man nodded in tears, and then pointed to the outside. Chen Ye asked, "You mean he's coming?"

Seeing that the mute nodded and cried even more painfully, Chen Ye helped him up and said, "Get up first. I'll go down to see with you. Don't say that he is the young master of the Oriental family, and you don't have to be afraid. You are now a member of our Chen family, and the Chen family is in charge of everything for you.

Chen Ye asked the dumb slave to lead the way, and he took Chen Qing's hand and slowly walked down the stairs. Chen Ye was still a little confused before, because when he entered the Dongfang family not long ago, he did not see Dongfang Zheng. Except for the group of housekeepers of the Dongfang family that he had cleaned up before, there were not many people in the house, and he looked at Dongfang Yuan Hua and Zhuge Hongtian seem to have just left the customs, otherwise it is impossible to send him to only three elders who have improved their cultivation with drugs and leave quickly.

Chen Ye and Chen Qing came out of Chen Ji's medicine line behind the mute and saw a large group of people surrounding the door of Chen Ji's medicine line. All the passers-by hid aside for fear that they would be scolded when they were close to each other. After Chen Ye took a glance, Chen Ye's consciousness swept through the crowd and found that there were two ascetices crossing the sea at this time. Around a young teenager, the teenager held a folding fan in his hand and kept patting his other hand, and from time to time pointed to the sign of Chen Jiyaoxing, as if he was telling some big truth to the people on Chen Ji's side.

After carefully looking at the two middle-aged people around the teenager, Chen Ye said to Chen Qing's divine voice, "Qinger, those two people are actually a penance in the middle of crossing the sea. It doesn't seem to be the kind of penance we have seen before. If there is any fight for a while, you can protect them. Good Uncle and others, as long as these bastards dare to make trouble, I won't let them eat them all away!"

Chen Qing stared into Chen Ye's eyes, then smiled, and then sent a reply, "Okay, I know how to do it, but in this way, the more things become more and more noisy, will it spread to Shenxia Cave and to Jia Tushan, the holy place of Taiyi?"

After thinking about it, Chen Ye said lightly, "Don't be afraid. If he comes by himself, there must be no return. I'm afraid that there are too many people coming, so we can only run away. Fortunately, there has been a ban on Taiyi Holy Land, and mortals are not allowed to slaughter under the Holy Land. Even if we leave, we don't have to go too much. Worried, what I can't trust most now is this young master of the Oriental family. Why is his heart so vicious at such a young age?

Chen Qing knew that the thing Chen Ye pointed out was that Dongfang was cutting off the tongue of the dumb slave. Such a person could not stand a little grievance, let alone self-esteem. The two walked out while talking, and finally walked to the door of the pharmacy. Chen Ye stepped forward in front of the crowd. He pulled Chen An to Behind him, he glanced at the besieged people and asked lightly, "What's the matter? If you come to the pharmacy to buy medicine, you can queue up. You don't have to make a fus."

The lively crowd just now calmed down immediately after hearing Chen Ye's words, but as soon as Chen Ye's words were finished, the onlookers suddenly laughed. Except for the guys on Chen Ji's side who were nervous to prepare for the war, the rest of the people were laughing.

"Hahaha, am I right? Chen Ji is really going to close the door. In such a business, he only found a 15- or 16-year-old teenager to support the scene. It's really enough to buy medicine. Bah, can your medicine cure the disease? I still queued up to buy it. If you beat me to death, I won't eat it. A teenager stood behind Dongfang Zheng and mocked at that time.

Dongfang was laughing for a long time, and finally opened his mouth to speak. I only heard him say, "Hahaha... Lao San, say... That's right, I... I think so too."

Looking at Dongfang Zheng's smile, they had to laugh and say, "Haha, that's what we think, and that's what we think. Haha!"

With the strange laughter of Dongfang Zheng, the group of people who followed him couldn't stop laughing. Except for the two middle-aged people who had always surrounded him who had never laughed, the rest were all laughing desperately. From time to time, they looked at Dongfang Zheng and saw that Dongfang was stopping laughing, they stopped. When the East was laughing, the rest of the people began to laugh wildly again. Those expressions could not be described one by one.

When Dongfangzheng's group of people almost laughed, Chen Ye put Chen Anla behind him and coughed and said, "Anbo, half a year ago, Grandpa took me to the town to buy a pig and a donkey, but I didn't know which one to kill first. For this reason, we didn't think of it for a long time... Which one to kill?"

As soon as Chen Ye's words came to this, the man named Lao San behind Dongfang immediately replied, "Of course, he killed the pig first. The pig has a lot of blood, and he put blood on him first."

Chen Ye then looked up at him and asked, "Do you think you should kill the pig first?"

The man who was called Lao San by Dongfang Zheng thought for a long time and said, "Of course, you can't think of such a stupid problem."

Dongfang was interrupting and said, "Just... that's right, when... of course, kill pigs first. This time, Lao... Lao San is right."

Chen Ye then said with a serious face, "Yes, you think the same as the donkey we took home at that time. At that time, the donkey that was brought home cried and shouted that he wanted to kill pigs first. I didn't expect you to think so. I really admire you.

At this time, only Chen Ye's voice was heard on a large street. As soon as Chen Ye's voice was finished speaking, there was a bursting sound in his ear. There were only about ten people up and down Chen Ji, but the laughter seemed to spread out ten miles or eight miles, one wave was higher than the other, hitting several people in the East. My mind was dizzy, and I felt that the sun star had fallen to their side, and there was a dry heat in my chest, as if it was going to melt them away.

After Chen Ye and the people on their side laughed, Dongfang Zheng's face had turned into a pig liver color. The third man behind him patted his head as if he remembered something, and came to Dongfang Zheng's side and said, "Young master, we have been surrounded by that guy."

" to say?" Dongfang was looking at the people on Chen Ji's side smiling. For a moment, he didn't know where the reason was because of his anger.

"Young master, it's not easy for us to answer any question. This grandson is simply too bad. If we say to kill the pig first, he will say that the donkey that brought it home cried and shouted that he wanted to kill the pig first. If we say that we should kill the pig first, he will definitely say that the pig cried and shouted to kill the donkey first! No matter which one we think the same, it's not a good thing. This guy clearly pretends that I'm playing with us? The murderous spirit on the face of the young man called Lao San showed, and he stared at Chen Ye viciously.

Dongfang was hearing what the third man beside him said, and then said angrily, "He...he... damn, you... you boy, are... not... live... live impatiently... impatient? Brother...Brothers,, I burned this Chen...Chen...Chen...Chen Ji for me."

I don't know if it was because of Dongfang Zheng's anger that the speed of his speech became more fluid. Only once triggered him to say more than five words in one breath. It seemed that the people around him were also used to listening to finish his words. After Dongfang said the last word, all the people waved their swords. The preparation rushed up, and Chen Ye quickly said at this time, "Wait... wait... I... I... I still have something to say, you... If you want to fight, wait... wait until I finish talking."

After Chen Ye finished speaking, he couldn't help covering his mouth, then looked at Chen Qing, and then smiled, "Ah? Why am I so talented? Do you stab to learn so fast?

Chen Qing smiled happily and said, "Brother Ye, don't become stagling? Otherwise, won't the young master of the East cut your tongue?

The two sang together and did not pay attention to the people watching outside the door, but Dongfang Zheng's face seemed to be frozen and frighteningly cold. He stared at Chen Ye and Chen Qing as if he were dead people. His lips began to tremble, which was obviously angry, and Yintang was also bulging high, with a face. Fierce appearance.

Dongfang is young, but in the industry of bullying, it can be said that he has not lost much to others. Even Liu Yiji of the Liu family is better than him. Now that Chen Ye's previous words hurt him, his heart is already half cold. When he hears Chen Ye talking to him in his tone, the remaining half is also cold. Come on.

If Dongfang Zheng's heart is half cold, most of the goal he chose is already dead. If he waits for his heart to cool down, everything related to the goal he chose will be unlucky. At this time, only Chen Ye can laugh, and even the people around Dongfang Zheng will come out. In a cold sweat, Dongfang's eyes seemed to have only two words at this time, that is, to die.

"Brother Zhang! Brother Liu!" Dongfang Zheng's words did not studdle like thunder on a sunny day, so that the two middle-aged people standing beside him could not figure out the specific situation for a moment. After a moment, they were stunned and said, "What is the young master's order?"

"Give... kill him." Dongfang is still trying to maintain the previous majesty, but it is still a word that completely disperses the majesty he has just established.

Zhang Liang and Liu Meng saw that Dongfang was stretching out his finger and pointed to Chen Ye, so they immediately strode towards him, stood in front of Chen Ye, looked up and down at Chen Ye and said, "For the sake of being a penitent, I will leave you a whole body, but you must apologize to death."

"Ap for your sins with death? Do you want your young master to apologize to me? That's almost the same. I can leave you a whole body." Chen Ye thought about it seriously and said.

"You are asking for trouble!" Zhang Liang and Liu Meng heard that Chen Ye was not afraid, and immediately waved their fists and smashed them over. After all, the two have been practicing hard for many years. It was not easy to reach the realm of crossing the sea without relying on drugs. The wind under the fist was endless, and Chen Ye's hands touched it like lightning.

At this time, Chen Qing had pulled Chen An behind Chen Ye. By everyone's side, she ordered a group of guys to guard the door to prevent the Oriental family from rushing in.

The fists waved by Zhang Liang and Liu Meng flashed and crackled in the air. After all, the two are hardships of crossing the sea. Their cultivation is placed there, and their bodies have been sharpened to a certain extent. Their strength is very horrible. If it hadn't been for the order of the tassel city owner, they would not have used the strongest mana in the city. People are almost starting to run away. They didn't expect Chen Ye's body to be so strong that it would be difficult to deal with a low-level person with their high-level cultivation.

Zhang Liang and Liu Meng came from Jiuli Fudi. A few days ago, Zhuge Hongtian, the blessing master, left Jiuli Fudi, not only for the relics more than 700 miles south of the fringsu city, but also because they were ordered by the owners of the Eastern family to protect the future young masters of the Oriental family. Both of them were from a group of the Oriental family when they were young. The elite figures selected by Ding Zhong have reached the cultivation of crossing the sea after several years of blessed cultivation and can almost walk across the secular world.

But what the two people didn't expect was that they had no chance to take action before. Now, as soon as they took action, the enemy they faced was not generally strong. This weak-looking teenager actually suppressed the two of them without a temper and could wait to open the seal immediately and compete with Chen Ye with mana.

"Brother Zhang...Brother Zhang! Also...and, Liu...Brother Liu, you... Hurry up and overturn him... to the ground for me!" Standing aside and looking at the lively Dongfang, he was so anxious that he couldn't wait to light a fire to burn Chen Ye and Chen Ji together.

At this time, Zhang Liang violently waved his fist and hit Chen Ye's face. Chen Ye stretched out his hand, flew a foot below, and suddenly kicked Zhang Liang's chest. Zhang Liang only felt that his chest was hit by lightning, and the blood in his body turned upside down, spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

After flying a few feet in the air, he finally fell to Dongfang Zheng's feet. Chen Ye greeted Liu Meng and said to Dongfang Zheng not far away, "This... this is not... it has been overturned to the ground... one by one!" Chen Ye didn't have much effort to face Liu Meng at all, because he found that Liu Meng was far more fierce than Zhang Liang, and relatively worse.

Dongfang Zheng's face has turned pale. Looking at Zhang Liang lying at his feet on his back, Dongfang Zheng said angrily, "Zhang...Brother Zhang, what did you... do...? So... that guy looks younger than... me. How... why... was he beaten by him?

Zhang Liang stood up with his chest covering his chest. After taking a deep breath, the pain made him cry. He didn't expect that Chen Ye's foot had broken his ribs in a row. If it hadn't been for his as a hardship in the realm of crossing the sea, this kind of injury would have fallen on the ascetic realm of a fairy bridge and would have killed them. .

"Young master, this person is not as simple as we thought. Let's go quickly. We can't get anything cheap here." Zhang Liang persuaded.

Dongfang was listening to Zhang Liang's words, and he was even more angry. He thought that it was okay if you didn't help me. He still hoped to pull my hind legs. At that moment, he took a look at Zhang Liang and no longer asked him anything. He stared at Liu Meng, who was fighting fiercely with Chen Ye on the field, and kept silently cheering for Liu Meng in his heart.

"Liu...Brother Liu, will...turn that bastard to the ground for me!" Wait...wait...wait for his father...his old man is coming, and I... I'll give you a reward!" Dongfang was watching Liu Meng and Chen Ye there. You fought with me for a long time, and couldn't help urging.

Hearing Dongfang Zheng's words, Chen Ye suddenly shot out a ball of golden light in his hand. His two fists seemed to have turned into pure gold, shining golden light. He only punched Liu Meng and hit Liu Meng on his back and flew up. This result stunned everyone.

Although Liu Meng and Zhang Liang don't usually take action, Dongfang Zheng and others also know the power of the two people. It is impossible for ordinary people to get close to them, let alone knock them to the ground and spit blood. Liu Meng also flew back to his feet like Zhang Liang.

Chen Ye clapped his hands, and then pretended to pat his sleeves and smiled and said, "Dong...Master Dongfang, the second... has also been knocked to the ground for you. Please... Do you still have any other instructions?"

As soon as Chen Ye's words were finished, Dongfang Zheng's face immediately became ugly. He couldn't help stepping back two steps to stabilize his body. The people behind him also broke out in a cold sweat. Is the teenager in front of him still a human? Why is it so fierce? It was two asceticisms in the realm of crossing the sea, which were actually cleaned up by a man about 15 or 16 years old. Is the teenager also a powerful penance? What the housekeeper of the Oriental family said was such a person?

At this time, Dongfang Zheng's face has become very unnatural. The two deterrent characters have been solved by the other party. Is it possible that he has to be naked? Even so, there is no chance of winning. At this time, it is impossible not to escape.

After Zhang Liang helped Liu Meng up, he saw Liu Meng spit out a large mouthful of blood, took a cold breath, and said to Zhang Liang, "Brother, my row of ribs seems to be broken."

Zhang Liang patted Liu Meng on the shoulder with 'gratified' and sighed, "Brother, isn't it?" With that, he pointed to his row of kicked ribs and sighed.

Chen Ye saw that Dongfang was going to retreat, so he learned his words again and said, "Dong...Dong...Dong...Dongfang Shao...Young master, do you want to...go? Are you... not going to...turn me to the ground?"

Dongfang was looking at Chen Ye's pretending to be cheap, and his nose began to smoke. He only heard him say angrily, "Look... look at me... I won't hit you to the ground!" As he spoke, a blue light bloomed from his body and rushed to Chen Ye.

Chen Ye didn't know what it was, so he reached out and grabbed it now!