Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 4 Leave

"Lu Chong, get out of here."

Lu Chong heard that this was the voice of the six elders and didn't know what he was doing, but he still went out.

In addition, there are six elders, Liu An, the patriarch's own brother and several elders.

When the six elders saw Lu rushing out, they shouted:

"Beast, why don't you kneel down and plead guilty!"

"What do you mean?!"

"Well, isn't it a big crime that you arbitrarily tore up your marriage contract with the Song family, which made the relationship between the two families worse and greatly affected the rule of our Liu family in Ivory Mountain?"

Lu Chong listened and curled his lips secretly. Usually, most of the affairs of this clan are managed by the six elders. Over time, he has developed an official tone, just like the bureaucrats in the mortals, which is extremely disgusting.

At this time, a middle-aged man came out, who was the patriarch's brother Liu Hai.

"Lu Chong, this matter really has a great impact. You have to explain it."

"Well, I think we should abolish cultivation and get out of the house."

The sixth elder said viciously, and the bangs frowned, and the sixth elder hurriedly leaned back a few steps. Liu Hai nodded with satisfaction and turned to Lu Chong and said:

"Lu Chong, you go to the clan ancestral hall now and kneel down. You are not allowed to come out without my order."

After saying that, he pointed out that two people with a heavy Jindan period and escorted Lu Chong. The two came over. One of them was about to grab Lu Chong's shoulder with his hand. As soon as he touched his shoulder, a fire came out. The man was so scared that he took a few steps back. Lu Chong sneered and went straight to the ancestral temple.

"Isn't that Lu Chong? Why did he go?"

"It is said that he unilaterally tore up the marriage contract with the Song family and was punished by Lord Liu Hai to kneel to the ancestral hall."

"Well, he is just an outsider who dares to do such things. It's a grace not to waste his cultivation."

Lu Chong came to the ancestral hall with a calm face in ridicule all the way, and then the door was closed. He slowly walked to the front of the ancestral hall, looked at the arranged spiritual positions, and sneered: "You are not my ancestors of Lu Chong."

Lu Chong thought that many Liu family members sneered at him just along the way. Several of them were juniors. He had brought some good things to them when he practiced before. Unexpectedly, their eyes when they looked at him just now were full of sarcasm.

"It seems that there is no need for the Liu family to stay."

Lu Chong thought that although he did grow up here, he did not have a sense of fate from the inside out. He couldn't help but feel strange. He is not a plant, and who can be ruthless. As long as he is not a psychological deformed person and grows up in a place, he will always have a little good impression, but Lu Chong not only does not have a good impression, but also always feels that he These people seem to be several levels different from themselves, not in cultivation, but in blood, which makes Lu Chong always feel funny. Is he still a descendant of the gods?

Lu Chong smiled mockingly, and then sat down cross-legged with his back to many cards and began to meditate on the practice of mind. He must practice well and seize the opportunity to leave here.

After a day or two, Lu Chong suddenly heard several sad calls from outside the family door wall.

"Help, open the door!"


A sad shout came outside the door, which quickly shocked the people of the Liu family. Soon, they came to the gate one after another. Where they saw, there were sergeants with broken limbs and arms. Looking at the costumes, it was the regular army of the Qing Dynasty. Just when everyone was surprised, dozens of sounded of breaking the sky came from the distance, and soon came. At the gate of the Liu family, there are officially the elders of the Liu family and some offerings of the Qing Dynasty.

All this, even the strange beast did not find it.

Soon, the black cloud came over Liu's house, and a sound came from it:

"A group of despicable human beings also want to catch this alchemy?"

After saying that, the flames are burning.

"The sky fire burns the city!"

A large group of black flames suddenly fell from the sky. Everyone was looking forward to being able to hold the guard array, but they could not resist it for a moment and were directly burned through. Just as the people of the Liu family were desperate, a cold cry came from the sky:

"How dare the evil beast!"

After saying that, a huge red flame pillar came straight in. At the same time, it sucked up all the black flames, making the red flame a few traces of black, which was quite extraordinary.

There was an exclamation from the black cloud: "Half-step together?! Damn it." After saying that, he ignored it and went away.

"Where to go?"

As soon as the words fell, a majestic figure suddenly appeared. With a wave of his hand, the black cloud was unable to move, and a sad voice sounded inside.

"Damn it, I won't let you go."

After saying that, the black cloud dissipated in an instant. A strange beast appeared in everyone's vision. It was a big bird like a big crane, but it was dark and grabbed a unconscious person on its feet. Its speed surged and disappeared into the sky. The majestic figure shouted coldly and chased after it.

The big crane flew for a long time and found that the man was getting closer and closer, and he couldn't help but worry:

"Damn it, I can only leave this little thing, Boss Lu, I can't save your descendants. Besides, his bloodline is only a trace of your family. It must be a bastard, and it doesn't matter if he dies."

After saying that, he threw Lu Chong down, then turned around, took a big mouth, and a black flame spewed out.

"This time, he should not find that I have lost someone. It's pitiful for the origin of my hard work. Boy, this is a good place. You can ask for more blessings. If you don't die, see you later. I'll give you some compensation. Poor old man fell into Pingyang and was bullied by dogs, and a half-step scum dares to come out to me. Hand."

The big bird cursed and disappeared, but the speed suddenly disappeared.

Besides, as soon as the man chased here, a black flame hit him quickly, and the man sneered:

"Diaobug's little skill."

As soon as he grabbed his hand and wanted to dissipate it, he turned out to do useless work. Seeing that the fire had reached his eyes, he could only avoid it. Unexpectedly, the black flame was unrelent and chasing him. The man was helpless. Seeing that he could no longer feel the big bird, he sighed and went back to Liu's house.

The people of the Liu family were worried. At this time, the majestic figure appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Are you the same as Liu Shi's boy?"

Liu Hai came forward excitedly:

"Exact, this adult is my family?"

"Find me a secret room. I'm going to rest for a while. Liu Shi is coming. You can ask him yourself."

The people hurriedly responded and arranged it to the residence before the four elders for their rest.


There were many animals living in this forest. Several monkeys came to the edge of the forest, and one of them suddenly found that a forest had been broken, and there seemed to be something in it.

It greeted its companions and came to the woods and found that there seemed to be a person there. Several monkeys were shocked and hurried back. After a while, they found that the man did not move, so they bravely returned there. One of the bold monkeys even jumped on the man. Jumping and happy, several monkeys saw that everything was okay, and they also ran to the man, grabbed him and moved around. By the way, they tore off his clothes, surrounded their waist, and chattered each other;

At this moment, the man sat up abruptly, and several monkeys were shocked. They quickly jumped away and went straight to the tree to observe behind the leaves.

The man looked at his face, but a teenager, with a very handsome face, but his eyes were dull. After sitting for a while, he slowly stood up, moved his body, and looked around. He seemed to know where he was, so he confusedly found a direction to walk slowly.