Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 9 Apprentice Ceremony

dong, dong, dong...

A deafening drum sound came, and many monks from Tianjian City came to the street one after another. The whole Chicheng Mountain emitted brilliant light, countless flying swords ran across the sky, and the sound of drums slowly disappeared, and a loud sounded.

"Anyone who participates in this assessment will immediately go up the mountain and go to Tianjian Sect. Those who have not arrived within an hour will be disqualified!"

Many monks inside and outside Tianjian City suddenly boiled, and countless figures quickly swept towards the mountain.

Lu Chong slowly opened the window and grinned.

"It seems that this is the first assessment, which is not a big deal."

Lu Chong stepped back a few steps, moved his joints, and shouted angrily. He ignited flames all over his body, directly broke through the wall and rushed out. In everyone's shocked eyes, he instantly surpassed most people and swept towards the mountain.

"Senior, senior." A voice came from outside the door where Lu Chong lived. After a while, he found that no one responded, so he opened the door and came in. Not long after, a miserable cry came.

"Oh, my wall!"


Tianjian Sect.

Many elders of the Tianjian Sect were looking down and whispering, as if they were looking at the disciple's potential. At this time, a beautiful disciple next to an elder spoke.

"E Elder, look, that boy appeared."

The elder looked at it and nodded: "Sure enough, it's him, the sword-casting elder. What do you think of the burning monk? Can I give it to you?"

The sword-casting elder's eyes, which were originally closed, opened a trace, looked at the flame around Lu Chong and nodded: "Yes, the ability to operate the flame is good, and the body is quite strong."

Several elders around arched their hands one after another to congratulate the sword casting elders on finding a good disciple again. The sword casting elders are the real high-level of the Tianjian Sect. The methods of refining with one hand are extremely amazing, and their cultivation is one of the best masters of the Tianjian Sect.

Lu Chong suddenly felt that several eyes were staring down from the sky. It was on him. He wondered for a while, but found that his eyes had disappeared. He couldn't help shaking his head and didn't think about anything. He accelerated the operation of the skill. With a cry, the speed was much faster. Soon, he came to the front group of people, and everyone warned each other. I didn't take action. After all, there is still a distance from Tianjianzong. If you take action rashly and consume too much Reiki, it will be bad if you don't want to continue.

Soon, Tianjianzong appeared in everyone's eyes. It was majestic and magnificent. Countless flying swords soared along a wonderful track, and in the center of the countless flying swords, hundreds of people stood in the void and looked down.

Lu Chong and a group of people were the first to come to the Tianjian sect, but 40 or 50 people.

A voice came from the hundreds of people, which is much more intimate than the previous majesty.

"You are the first people to come here, reward!"

Forty or fifty swords appeared and instantly entered the bodies of Lu Chong and others. Suddenly, Lu Chong felt that there seemed to be a sharp sword spirit in his moves, and he couldn't help marveling.

The man continued to speak.

"This is a trace of sword. My Tianjian Sect is the top sect of the Qing Dynasty, and our sect is a first-class swordsmanship sect. If you can come here first, your cultivation must be at the forefront. However, this time, our Tianjian Sect will only select ten of you to become inner disciples. , choose a group of people as disciples of the outer door as appropriate. Of course, outer disciples may also become inner door disciples. Only your cultivation is enough. Well, wait for the rest of the people to come together to start the second assessment.

Lu Chong and others hurriedly sat down to adjust their spiritual power. Not long, an hour arrived, and an old voice sounded.

"When the time comes, a total of 1,496 people have completed the first assessment within the specified time. Now, take a break and start the second assessment."

A incense appeared in everyone's vision out of thin air, and it had been ignited. The late arrival hurriedly sat down and began to adjust their breath, while Lu Chong and other people who arrived early had completely rested, and the gap between the crowd widened.

Soon, the time for a fragrance came.

"Xiaoqianjian Array, Kai!"


Originally, the flying sword surrounded by the sky suddenly shook, and then swept down like lightning. Soon, someone was injured, but the small sword array was extremely sensitive. Once someone's life was in danger, it would turn into a few sword lights and roll it out of the big array. Lu Chong narrowed his eyes and observed carefully, but found that it was A bunch of people manipulating the formation and grinned:

"Sure enough, the magic weapons that can produce intelligence are legendary famous artifacts, and this Tianjian Sect does not have this kind of handwriting."

Lu Chong tried to relax his protective aura, and a trace of sword spirit revealed and scratched a white mark on Lu Chong's body.

"Spiritual middle grade, close to the top grade."

Lu Chong was relieved and quietly looked at the galloping sword. His eyes flashed as if he had found something. He closed his eyes and began to understand carefully.



Many flying swords stagnated, and then slowly retreated.

All the people on the field couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, there are also some people who disdain and think it's too simple. Most of these people are successful people, so they are naturally not afraid of these.

At this time, a voice came.

"This time, 423 people passed the second assessment, and now, the cultivation is more than five times in Jindan."

Soon, more than 50 people stood up. Lu Chong was shocked. These people could add up all the power of Ivory Mountain 100 times, but he didn't know that a big man came to the Liu family now.

"People under the age of 30 stand up."

Three monks stood up.

"Very good, you don't need to take the next assessment and directly become inner disciples." There is a faint appreciation in the voice.

The three were overjoyed and quickly bowed and thanked. At this time, someone came up to lead them aside.

"People under the age of 50 should stand up."

Only one person stood up this time.

"Very good, you are also an inner disciple."

The man also bowed and thanked and stood aside.

"You have two choices, one is to become an outer disciple and the other is to leave the Tianjian Sect."

The rest of the people talked, and only seven people were willing to stay and work hard. The rest chose to leave. Naturally, the rest of the forces came up to accept them.

Lu Chong looked at them faintly and thought:

"These people all have potential, so at the beginning, they examined the purity of the spirit, which can support the long-term outbreak and the flexible use of spiritual power. Only by flexibly using spiritual power can they persist under the sword array at the beginning. Then the next one is willpower."

As soon as Lu Chong thought of this, a great pressure was pressed down. Lu Chong suddenly fell to the ground like a toad. The rest of the people were directly unconscious, and of course they were disqualified.

Lu Chong gritted his teeth and lay on the ground. Looking at some people trying to stand up, he couldn't help sneering. At this time, he was still standing and obviously looking for death. Sure enough, the pressure suddenly doubled, and another group of people were directly carried out in an oppressed coma. When the second pressure increase came, there were only more than 100 on the field in an instant. Soon, the third increase came. Even Lu Chong's body spewed out a mouthful of blood and it was difficult to move on the ground.

"This should be the last time."


Lu Chong shouted angrily, put his hands on the ground, and flames all over his body. Then he smashed the ground and stood up directly.

The elders in the sky looked at him in shock.

"This boy has amazing willpower."

Soon, several elders paid attention to him. At this time, the sword-casting elder coughed softly.

"I'm short of a sword disciple."

The elders were sober that they stopped talking. The elder Zhujian squinted his eyes for a while, and then seemed to have made some idea.

"Tang Hai." The elder of the cast sword called

The old man who gave Lu Chongtian's sword token before hurriedly greeted him.

"This furnace tripod is of good qualification. How about giving you a holy-grade flying sword?"

The Tanghai was overjoyed and quickly thanked. Then, the elder of the sword cast threw a red light. The Tanghai hurriedly took it over. It was a flying sword. The people around him couldn't help showing envy. Tang Hai hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then put it away and carefully cultivated it.


"At the end of the assessment, there are six people left in this assessment. You six will be the inner disciples of my Tianjian Sect in the future, and the rest of them. 47 people have been selected as external disciples temporarily, but don't be discouraged. Only you can show your value. In the future, you can also become inner disciples, even core disciples."

The sect of the Tianjian Sect finally opened, and a strong aura spewed in. Then, many outer disciples came out and began to lead ten inner disciples and 54 foreign disciples one by one.

Lu Chong grinned, because he was one of the ten inner disciples. After entering the sect, an elder naturally came to choose apprentices, but Lu Chong was directly led to a majestic place.

Cast Sword Hall!

Lu Chong frowned and looked at the disciple next to him doubtfully.

"Excuse me, why did you bring me here?"

The man replied with a smile:

"This is the order of the sword-casting elder. I don't know. The sword-casting elder is the pillar of my Tianjian Sect, and the method of refining is even more amazing. Maybe I will have to help my younger brother more in the future."

"It's easy to say."

The disciple arched his hand politely and left straight away. At this time, the door of the casting hall opened, and an old voice came: "Come in."

Lu Chong hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and walked straight in. As soon as he entered the gate, Lu Chong's first reaction was hot, and then it was still hot, which shocked Lu Chong. You know, although his golden black bloodline is not completely pure, after all, he is an elf in the fire, and his resistance to fire is extremely high. At this time, he will actually feel it. It was very hot, and I couldn't help but be very surprised.

At this time, a figure slowly appeared in front of Lu Chong. At the same time, a sword spirit burst out and rushed straight to Lu. At that moment, Lu Chong actually felt that the whole world had become darkness. The only light was the sword spirit, but this sword spirit But he came to kill him.

Lu Chong shouted angrily, and a flame sprouted and crashed away. As a result...


PS: Readers, please give some red tickets and collections to poor Lu Chong's little friends.