Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 35: I dare!

There was a brief silence under the field, and then countless inhalation sounds sounded, and the air in the space seemed to have been emptied, and then bursts of discussion flooded the whole square.

Even the people under Lu Chong's command are a little unbelievable. I'm afraid that the only ones who are calm are Lu Chong, Li Dong and Hu Ze. Even the fat man is shocked.

The elder also seemed to be shocked at once. There was nothing he could do. The heavenly court is too famous. Since the demon clan established the heavenly court, there has been no such a force that dares to call the heavenly court in later generations. This is a big taboo.

"Why don't you change your name?" The elder frowned and said.

Lu Chong shook his head and said firmly, "That's it!"

Seeing this, the elder knew that no matter how much persuasion was, it would be ineffective. He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, but since he could not be dissuaded, he could only register. After all, this was his duty.



"The first code?"


There was another sound of inhaling cold air, which was about to break the sky.

Lu Chong was the only one who frowned. The emperor's demon formula operated by itself and looked back at the people on the field. The people under Lu Chong's command were fine. After all, Lu Chong did not mainly target them, and those who read gossip were horrible. They seemed to see a heavenly emperor looking back, as if they dared to make a little more sound, they would be killed by the emperor of heaven. The thunder was killed, and suddenly the whole square quieted down again.

The elder's eyes showed a strange look. He looked at Lu Chong and nodded, threw a token, and said:

"With this order, you can find a masterless place with the school palace and establish your heavenly court. Remember to come here to receive the school palace task within seven days and complete it. Otherwise, you will have to disband, understand?"

Lu Chong bowed, turned around, greeted everyone, and left together. The elder looked at Lu Chong's back and sighed, "This son has an unlimited future!"


After Lu Chong left with everyone, he went directly to Bai's residence and shouted for a moment. He found that Bai was not here and threw the token arrogantly. With a flash of light, a bronze palace suddenly appeared on the peak. The peak alone occupied nearly a thousand feet, and the bronze hall was only a hundred feet in diameter. Size, only by constantly completing the tasks of the school palace can we constantly improve the hall, and even occupy the whole mountain peak.

"Wouldn't Mr. Bai say anything when he came back?" Li Dong has a little doubt.

Lu Chong shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, the master is not so stingy."

It wasn't long before Mr. Bai returned to the peak and looked at Lu Chong. He didn't know what he was thinking. He looked at Lu Chong with a strange smile. It was not until Lu Chong was uncomfortable that he returned to his small hut.

Lu Chong, the small grass house, is still well preserved, not far from the palace.

Lu Chong took a deep breath and came to the palace. He saw a blank plaque on it. Everyone looked forward to see Lu Chong. Lu Chong took a deep breath, stepped forward, closed his eyes, and his thoughts flowed in the ancient memory. Finally, as soon as his eyes opened, a breath of compassion emanated.

Lu Chong looked at the plaque, and his eyes were filled with endless sadness and memories. In the eyes of the people in heaven, their Heavenly Emperor did not have that sharp will at this time. He had a real emperor's breath, which was different from the previous domineering sky. The emperor, the emperor at this time, is compassionate, tolerant of the world, and has an unparalleled temperament, which makes people can't help but want to worship at first sight.

This is Lu Chong's talent. Without using the emperors to come to the dynasty, you can already roughly use the will of the emperor contained in the emperor's demon formula, and it is more perfect.

Lu Chong looked at the plaque and sighed faintly. It seemed that this sigh had exhausted the vicissitudes of the world. This sigh soon spread out as a sound wave. Crossing the school palace, I don't know how far it has spread. In the eyes of the students of the school palace, it is a tall mountain, and a proud figure is located in a bronze In front of the palace, the clothes were flying and auspicious everywhere. It slowly stretched out a finger and slowly outlined it.



Just two words appeared on the plaque on the bronze palace, emitting an endless atmosphere of the emperor. At this time, many great surprises in the school palace found that the luck of the whole school palace had undergone a very small change at this moment, like a gathering place, and that place was where the heavenly court was located!

The whole school palace was shaken. After all, there were not many people present when Lu rushed to the heavenly court before. At this time, nearly a million disciples in the school palace were all shocked. Countless sounds of breaking the sky sounded, and the dense figures suddenly occupied the whole space.

bursts of discussion sounded and resounded all over the world. Lu Chong frowned slightly and stepped forward. A momentum rose to the sky, and a virtual shadow of the Emperor of Heaven loomed behind him.

A unique breath suddenly emitted, and the people who talked stopped talking and looked at him quietly. Lu Chong said loudly:

"Do you want to watch the ceremony?"

When each force of the Academy is formed, it will always invite many friends to come to watch the ceremony. First, it is to become famous, and the other is to form an alliance with many forces, which can develop better. However, with the relationship between Lu Chong and Lieyang, it seems that few forces will be better.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Chong's voice fell, many people retreated a little uncomportantly. Lu Chong snorted coldly and was about to turn into the palace when a rampant sound sounded.

"Lu Chong, you are still so arrogant, but I don't know if you dare to fight with me?"

Lu Chong looked over when he heard the words and saw a young man in a Chinese robe looking at him with a slight sarcasm. Lu Chong snorted coldly and ignored it.

"Haha, it's just a coward. Today, I will put down my words. Who dares to form an alliance with this Lawzi Heavenly Court or join him? In the future, it will be the target of my fierce sun!"

It's another hot sun meeting. Lu Chong looked at him coldly and slowly stepped forward. The man laughed:

"Ky, remember your name, Wang Yang!"

Wang Yang said, and his spiritual power was shaken. Seeing this, the people around him gave way and emptied a large area of open space.

Lu Chong looked at Wang Yang's momentum, and his consciousness came out.

Lu Chong's heart suddenly became cautious. He defeated Yang Tian Gang before, and Yang Tian Gang was already in the middle of the half-step road period, and his strength was a little stronger than Wang Yang. How could Lieyang let him come?

Without more thinking, Lu Chong's eyes have shown a war spirit. No matter who you are, just punch it. Thinking of this, Lu Chong roared: "The emperor of heaven has an order, and the emperor will come to the court!"

The wind and clouds suddenly changed, and the aura of heaven and earth condensed. At this time, the plaque of the court suddenly shook up, and the word "Tianting" emitted a golden light. Lu Chong's heart was shocked, and suddenly felt that the cohesion speed of spiritual power seemed to be faster, and moreover, there was a significant change in his body.

As before, he can only manipulate the aura of heaven and earth to attack. At this moment, the aura of heaven and earth has been incorporated into the body and infinitely strengthened himself. Lu Chong looked at Wang Yang and suddenly felt that he was the supreme emperor of heaven, and this person was a clown who wanted to violate his own decree, so he killed him.

Lu Chong has a slight understanding. Is this the general trend? This skill makes me occupy the place of justice. What I do is all righteousness, and those who violate me will be rebellious!

At this time, Wang Yang also had this idea. It seemed that he had violated Lu Chong's will. If he did not kneel down and surrender quickly, he would be killed at any time.

Wang Yang was shocked. How could he have such an idea? He forced himself to calm down. Looking at Lu Chong, he roared. There were waves in the sky. Lu Chong realized something. It was too naive to suppress himself by this means.

Lu Chong does not know. Generally speaking, if the strength is equal between water and fire, water generally suppresses fire. What's more, Wang Yang's cultivation is much higher than Lu Chong, but the sun will always make a mistake, that is, Lu Chong is not lucky to get the inheritance of Jinwu. He is a real Jinwu!

The fire of Jinwu is the essence of the fire. If it is not the water of true yin, what can extinguish it?

Although Wang Yang's cultivation is excellent, he is doomed to tragedy.

Sure enough, the river he evolved out of thin air had no pressure on Lu Chong at all. Lu Chong shouted angrily, waved the Heavenly Emperor's fist and rushed straight forward.

Wang Yang's eyes showed a look of fear for the first time, which is inconsistent with what other committee members said, unless Lu Chong is not Jinwu inheritance, but real.

My God, what kind of monster will the sun provoke? Wang Yang was very scared. The whole Fusang plane was Jinwu. They were actually enemies of it. Wang Yang completely forgot that he was a person of the Lieyang Association or a high-ranking committee member. All he thought was how to get rid of thelie yang Association, so as to avoid the evil relationship with Lu Chong. .

When monks fight, they can often tell the winner in an instant, not to mention Wang Yang's lost thoughts. In this way, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Wang Yang was thrown away by Lu Chong's punch.

Lu Chong was also a little confused and thought it was a split, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no response. He knew that it was a real person. He couldn't help but let go of his breath and scratch his head to show his puzzlement.

How did the people around watch the battle know so much? In their eyes, Lu Chong emitted momentum, shocked Wang Yang, and then punched him away. Many people began to decide whether to turn to Lu Chong.

Although the people present at the Reunion scolded Wang Yang for being disappointing, they still had to carry out the will of the peak. They surrounded the heavenly court and were not allowed to enter or leave.

Lu's face was slightly dark, and his eyes suddenly cooled down. He mobilized his spiritual power and was about to take action. Suddenly, a powerful spiritual power came. Lu Chong was shocked and rushed to take action. He was shocked. He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and looked at the people coldly.

Ten days across the sky, as if it has reproduced the horrible situation of the ancient ten golden blacks ravaging the earth.

The people of the Sun Club relaxed, and even the encirclement dispersed. Seeing this, Li Dong hurried to Lu Chong's side. After learning that Lu Chong was fine, he whispered:

"The ten hot suns of the Lieyang Association are the ten strongest under the real head of the Fire Emperor of the Lieyang Association, and the weakest ones are the middle level of the Hedao period."

Lu Chong was shocked. This gap between strength can no longer be made up by skills or magic weapons. Under one blow, he will be smashed to pieces.

But in an instant, the ten hot suns came before the heavenly court and dispersed. Nine men and one woman, one arrogant and unparalleled arrogant, one of them strode out and looked at Lu Chong disdainfully.

"Lu Chong, right? I order you to dissolve the heavenly court immediately, and then abandon your cultivation. Follow me back to the Lieyang meeting. I will consider not to harm the rest of the people!"

The tone is domineering and does not give any room for turning around. This is the self-confidence brought by strength.

At this time, Ning Yusu, who had a semi-materialized body, came behind Lu Chong and said nothing, but Lu Chong knew that as long as he ordered, Ning Yusu would rush to fight mercilessly!

Xiao Ziyi also came up, and the rest of the people also followed one by one. In the whole heavenly court, no one was afraid to fight!

The only woman in the ten hot sun came out and said sharply:

"Is that how you want to die? I will complete you, and I will see who dares to help you!"

As soon as the voice fell, a magnificent voice sounded, containing endless majesty.

"I dare!"

PS: Guess who it is~~.