Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 43 Climbing the Ladder

"C climb the ladder, ecstasy step, open!"

Looking at the ladder hanging down like a chain of light, more than 6,000 people present did not hesitate and rose into the sky, like thunder, cutting through the sky.

When Lu Chong stepped on the ladder, the first person to climb the ladder had long disappeared. He was secretly shocked and couldn't help speeding up his pace and sweeping to the top of the ladder emitting endless light.

But for a moment, Lu Chong felt something wrong. His mind seemed to be a little confused. He couldn't even see the way forward. He shook his head and looked up slightly. He couldn't see anything clearly. At this time, a dark shadow suddenly fell on his head. Lu Chong hurriedly avoided and looked over, but Seeing a middle-aged man fall down with confused eyes, not long after, only a flash of fire flashed, and then a scream came, and then there was no sound.

Lu Chong was puzzled. At this time, several figures fell down one after another. After a scream, there was no sound. Seeing this scene, Lu Chong was so shocked that he was much more sober. At this time, another magnificent voice came:

The first threshold of the ladder: ecstasy! This ecstasy array covers tens of thousands of miles, and anyone who is completely confused will be erased!"

is still extremely cruel. Lu Chong thought to himself that there are still many tests. It is impossible to rely on speed alone, 100,000 miles. Unfortunately, Taoist power cannot be used here. If you fly purely at your own speed, I'm afraid it will take two or three days.

This ecstasy array is still good, and the effect should be much stronger until the last period of distance.

Lu Chong gritted his teeth, looked up to the sky and roared, and a golden Wufa appeared behind him. At this time, he could not hide his shortcomings and could only pass here quickly.

A bird song, the speed suddenly surged a lot, but as soon as the golden Wufa appeared, it really attracted the attention of many people. They stared at it one after another, and their hearts were shocked. Then, someone was about to take action, but the spiritual power had just condensed, and a great pressure was suppressed.

"Until the third threshold, don't fight, disobey the order, erase!"

The people who were ready to take action turned into powder in an instant, which made people afraid to move.

Everyone silently stabilized their minds and continued to fly upwards. The world was still red, and the golden light around them was shining. They could not feel the passage of time at all. They could only move forward numbly and dared not rest at all.

"Well, I don't know how the front group is." Lu Chong muttered.

At this time, a strong spiritual power fluctuation swept up from the bottom, accompanied by a howling. Soon, the spiritual power fluctuation disappeared, and Lu Chong's consciousness came out. Sure enough, the 100 people at the bottom disappeared and couldn't help muttering:

"One day, has it passed?"

Lu Chong gritted his teeth, and there was another confusion in his mind. It seemed that it was almost the last journey, and the important moment finally came. Lu Chong's will became stronger and stronger, and a strong fighting spirit appeared in his eyes. With a low roar, his speed was actually improved a lot.


Someone keeps falling from the top down, and the constant thought of a tragic cry in his ear, which made people panic, but many monks, including Lu Chong, have long been numb. They have experienced too much death these days, even if the person who died is not himself.

Lu Chong, like thousands of monks, was still moving forward. At this time, Lu Chong felt that he seemed to fly to an inexplicable place. Birds and flowers were fragrant, clear and mysterious, and everything in the world was extremely harmonious. Suddenly, a man and a woman came from the sky. Look at him with a smile.

Lu Chong wondered, "Who are you? Where am I?"

"We are your parents."

Lu Chong only felt that they were laughing, but he couldn't see his face clearly. He reached out to touch them, but he smashed the two people at once. Lu Chong was shocked. At this time, two voices came:

"Would you like to see us? Why don't you wake up quickly? Hurry up."


The ladder, at this time, several people looked at the person who fell down with a smile:

"It's still the inheritance of Jinwu. This first threshold can't be passed."

The person who fell was Lu Chong. Just as he was about to fall to be equal to the last person, his eyes opened angrily, and two fine light shot out. The whole person suddenly twisted in the void, and then rose into the air and woke up at the last moment.

At this time, Lu Chong suddenly felt something. His face changed and spit out a mouthful of blood. The blood rose in the wind and turned into a blood flag. Then it wrapped Lu Chong. Lu Chong's speed surged, and he actually used the method of blood escape.

Several people around him are still wondering that this boy has just escaped and doesn't take good care of himself. How dare he use this secret method of hurting his body and hurting his gods? Suddenly, several people's faces changed, and under them, the powerful spiritual fluctuation appeared again, and then they desperately watched the rippled spiritual fluctuation sweep them and crush them into powder.

Lu Chong ran away. Finally, the ripple stopped behind him. Lu Chong wiped a cold sweat and found that there was no one behind him. He was surprised and happy. He was almost there.

He calmed down and grinned. What he was most afraid of was to consume his blood. As soon as he closed his eyes, a drop of golden black blood appeared and melted into Lu Chong's eyebrows. A strong spiritual power emerged from Lu Chong's body. Lu Chong's eyes opened, two golden lights flashed, and the speed soared straight to the top of the ladder that day.

After a while, Lu Chong suddenly felt a strange spiritual power exploring the sea of knowledge and sneered. The Xu Jinguang in the sea suddenly stirred up, driving the sea of knowledge. The waves were turbulent and covered the spiritual power at once. There was no fluctuation. With defense, this ecstasy method was nothing more than that.

Lu Chong laughed, and his speed remained unchanged. He flew up. Before long, the sky and the earth were cheerful, and it was no longer a huge pillar of light, but a huge peak that inherits the sky and connects the earth below, with unparalleled power.

In front of the peak, there is a huge platform, on which nearly a thousand people have been waiting, and they are practicing with their eyes closed. Even if someone catches a glimpse of a new person, they don't care about it.

Lu Chong glanced for a moment and found that the four old men, black, white, green and red, were prominently listed, and the four people of the barbarian sect were also sitting there. Lu Chong grinned and did not say anything. He also found a place to sit down, waiting for the next step.

After half a sound, fewer and fewer people came up. Lu Chong opened his eyes, swept his consciousness, and muttered, "It's almost 2,000 people. It seems that it's going to stop."

Sure enough, when a monk rushed up breathlessly, a strong spiritual force enveloped the whole platform. The huge beam of light under the platform roared, and then slowly collapsed, and a few faint screams came, which could not shock a trace of waves.

The cruel voice appeared in everyone's ears again:

"The second threshold of the ladder is about to begin. Those who want to quit can quit."

As soon as this statement came out, some people hurriedly stood up and said that they wanted to quit. The voice continued to ask, "Is there anything else besides these?"

Some people stood up again. After a while, no one stood up again. The voice sounded again, but the tone was quite strange. Several people who stood up were shocked and were about to sit down, but it was too late...

"Since you want to quit, then quit."

As soon as this word came out, a pressure was directly pressed down, and those who wanted to quit were directly crushed into powder, and the breeze blew and disappeared.

The people present were shocked that the ladder was not allowed to go up and down, but the people who wanted to stay there were all strong-willed people, but they were not afraid of these things. Some people who were about to quit couldn't help but secretly celebrate, and only heard the voice continue to say, "The second threshold of the ladder, Tianwei!"

At this time, a ladder slowly floated in front of everyone, a hundred feet away from the ground and towering straight into the clouds.

"The ladder has a total of 99, 900 levels. For every thousand steps, the power rises by one level. According to you, it is calculated from the golden elixir. The front thousand steps, the golden elixir is one weight, and the second thousand steps is the golden elixir double. And so on, you have three incense. Get ready."

Three pillars of incense appeared out of thin air, slowly ignited, and a few traces of fragrance floated out. After passing by everyone's side, under a sniff, the spiritual power in the body was not only restored, but also refined. I couldn't help but be overjoyed and began to adjust.

Soon, the three incense sticks burned out, and the monks opened their eyes one by one and looked at the stairs, with firm eyes and high fighting spirit.

"Ren the ladder, the step of Tianwei, start!"