Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 45 Heaven and Earth

Lu Chong realized that this heavenly level is absolutely not simple. The descendants of the ancient demon clan who are qualified to step on this ladder are estimated to be the descendants of heavenly soldiers and generals. They are all extraordinary. Moreover, as descendants of the heavenly soldiers and sword, they stay with a powerful monk all year round. Naturally, they will not be afraid of such pressure. Afraid.

And the oppression of the flesh is even more a joke. What is the existence of the ancient demon clan? The famous strong human race or witch clan of the same level could not break through the defense of the demon clan without the help of foreign objects. Therefore, the witch clan began to develop various arrays, and the human clan began to refine its weapons, so that it could only then compete with the strongest demon clan and suppress the two clans with the strength of a family. If there had been some changes in those years, this I don't know who is the master of Fang Tiandi.

In this case, this Tianwei level is likely to be used to make breakthroughs for the descendants of the demon clan!

Thinking of this, Lu Chong's eyes lit up, calmed down, explored his consciousness, and began to peel the cocoon of the pressure silk.

At this moment, a roar came. Lu Chong heard the words and looked over, but saw the monk in the beheading period roaring like crazy, and his spiritual power shook all over his body. He roared:

"What a bullshit Jinwu inheritance, I won't play anymore!"

After saying that, he took out a strange spiritual treasure, like a jade seal in the mortal world, carved with dragons and phoenixes, which looked extremely luxurious.

The monk poured spiritual power into it, and the dragon and phoenix seemed to be alive. The jade seal rose in the wind. In a blink of an eye, it turned into ten feet from a palm and smashed into the ladder fiercely.

The owner of the sound did not respond. He let the jade seal hit the ladder and only heard a loud noise, and then the bang sound sounded. Everyone stared and saw that the huge jade seal was fragmented and turned into small stones and scattered.

The beheading monk spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the magic weapon of his life collapsed. He was also seriously injured, but it was very fatal to be injured a little in such a place.

The monk's figure was stagnant, and his eyes protruded, as if he was about to rush out of his eyes. His body was squeezed by the pressure, and gradually became a person to do it. Then, it exploded and turned into powder.

Lu Chong's heart sank, and the first monk who was killed died. The angry blow could not cause any damage to the ladder. The rest of the people who wanted to take action were silent and continued to move forward.

Lu Chong took a deep breath and was still walking forward. He was not in a hurry at all. He seemed to put life and death away, although every step would break himself all over.

Looking at the continuous decomposition and reorganization of the body, the body seemed to become much tougher. Lu Chong's heart was shocked, and there was a trace of light and joy in his eyes. He laughed: "So it is."

attracted the attention of people around him, but Lu Chong sat down cross-legged and began to practice with his eyes closed. He couldn't help sighing that a good young man was driven crazy like this. Don't you know that he would be erased in half an hour?


In the sea, the huge waves are surging. The golden light spots have now covered the whole sea of knowledge. Lu Chong's divine consciousness floats above the sea of knowledge, saying:

"It seems that when the sea of knowledge completely turns golden, it is the time when I advance to heaven and earth."

Lu Chong thought of the strength of the heaven and earth. His heart was hot and his body slowly landed. He sat down cross-legged on the sea of knowledge and calmed down. The sea of knowledge also calmed down. The golden light flowed and looked extremely gorgeous.

The emperor's demon secret began to operate, and the power of divine consciousness was much stronger. It began to protrude in all directions. First, the group of monks who were still moving forward were numb, but occasionally when they looked back at Lu Chong, they would laugh twice.

A little bigger is the 99,999 Tianwei ladder. If it is bigger, you can see that there is a platform at the top, and the bottom is still the pillar of light through the sky.

At this time, the operation speed of the imperial demon formula accelerated, and Lu Chong suddenly felt that all five senses had disappeared, but he was not afraid. After a while, he was cheerful and found that he had come to a mysterious place. In front of him was the pillar of light in the sky.

Countless demons flew away towards the beam of light, with an amazing number and terrible strength!

There were constantly big demons falling on the pillar of light, but there was no life worry. They just shook their heads with regret and walked away, while those who did not fall continued to move forward. Soon, they came to the Tianwei ladder and continued to go up.

Their bodies are constantly decomposing and reorganizing, and their bodies begin to change. Some big demons are getting bigger and bigger, and some are much smaller.

Lu Chong's heart moved. It turned out that it was so. His consciousness was shocked and he returned to the sea of knowledge, but in his eyes, there was endless joy. Sure enough!


"This boy is about to die in 30 seconds."


"Ten, nine, eight, ... three, two."

Just as the man was about to open his mouth and count, Lu Chong's eyes opened, and two strands of fine light burst out. The whole person floated up, soared in speed, and swept upwards.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Lu Chong's body began to decompose quickly. Lu Chong had no reaction. These pains are not worth mentioning. Only when the speed of reorganization can't catch up with the speed of decomposition, will he stop and rest for a moment. When his body is well reorganized, he will continue to fly up, and soon become the first person.

Lu Chong felt that his body was getting tougher, his recovery speed was also sharply improved, and his skin was much more crystal clear, and his whole body began to emit a faint light.

Lu Chong roared, and the top ladder was faintly looking. At this moment, the voice came again: "When one person climbs to the top, only nine people behind him."

As soon as he said this, the monk behind Lu Chong began to curse Lu Chong, but he still had to keep moving forward and did not dare to slack off at all.

"nine thousand eight hundred and ninety..."


"nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight..."

Lu Chong looked down at the last ladder and refused to take the last step. His eyes were shining. He didn't know what he was thinking. His body was full of divine light, like a god standing between heaven and earth.

Finally, Lu Chong raised his foot and stepped on it in the surprise, resentment, or despair of the group of people behind him.

To the top!

Lu Chong looked back and looked down at the world, watching the group of people behind him keep dying, until the last nine people were left, with an indifferent expression, and then burst into pieces!

In the frightened eyes of the nine people below, Lu Chong turned into a blood fog all over the sky and disappeared.

Among the nine people below, there are the black, white, green and red four people. As for the four monks of the Manmon sect, they have already been erased. The nine people looked at each other and don't know what to do.

The voice was silent, and there was silence between heaven and earth.


A lightning cut through the sky, and then the thunder roared, and the place where Lu Chong disappeared was golden. The blood fog that had dissipated turned quickly and then reconstituted into a human figure.

He is ten feet tall, with divine light flowing on his body, and a completely solid golden black behind him roars, shaking the world. It is Lu Chong!

The law is like heaven and earth!

Lu Chong looked up and smiled, as if the same emperor had cleared the world, which was extremely happy.

Lu Chong feels that he is now enough to smash any monk in the Hedao period, but he has never fought with the monk in the killing period, and he doesn't know how powerful he is.

Lu Chong looked at his hands, clenched his fists and bombarded them, and the space was smashed. Is this my way, Lu Chong sighed.

is combined with the Taoism of heaven and earth, and can easily use the spiritual power of fire. Moreover, the body will constantly store the Taoist power between heaven and earth. When the time comes, it can break the shackles of fate and enter the period of killing.

Lu Chong stood up and looked at the platform. He didn't care about the nine people who suddenly appeared behind him and said indifferently:

"Sky ladder, why don't you start the third step?"

Height ten feet, standing upright, imperial spirit, unparalleled and domineering!