Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 57 Fatty has something on his mind

Not many people have talked about Lu Chong's domineering strength, and now the eyes of the disciples of Xuegong are all focused on one activity.

Compared by Xuegong!

The school palace bigbi every ten years is the most popular activity of the school palace. Countless heroes are waiting to become famous in the big house and become a famous figure in the school palace, and this time the school palace bigby is only three months.

There is also a high fighting spirit in the heavenly court. There is no registration restriction on this activity. Of course, many monks in the heavenly court participated in the battle this time. Lu Chong was also very happy to see this. Sometimes he taught them some ancient demon fighting experience, which benefited a lot.

The school palace has several competition areas, and each small realm has a corresponding competition area. For example, there is one Yuanying eightfold and one Yuanying ninefold, but the lowest one is Yuanying eightfold. No matter how low it is, there is nothing to see.

However, in order to give those disciples with low level but strong combat effectiveness a chance to perform, there are also several special competition areas, such as Yuanying Chaos War Zone, Hedao Chao War Zone, and Killing Chao War Zone, which are very attractive. Of course, the most eye-catching is still the levelless melee zone!

This levelless melee area is a real gathering of masters. Maybe it is possible for a high-level monk in the Hedao period to lose in the hands of a Yuanying period, which is wonderful.

However, many monks in the heavenly court are self-aknowledged and reported to the chaotic war zone of the great realm. Only Lu Chong reported a levelless melee.

Time is becoming more and more urgent. Many monks in the heavenly court are practicing hard day and night. In the battle, only Lu Chong and the six heavenly kings are relatively relaxed. Their realm has reached this level. As long as they adjust their mentality and play normally, they can easily get the ranking.

"Guys, the number of people participating in the heavenly court this time is relatively small. Fortunately, there is no group battle in the school palace, but the six of you still need to exercise your subordinates more so that you can win the prestige of my heavenly court. By the way, fat man, forget it. Don't care about others first. You have stabilized your realm more. I found that you have broken through to Today, the cultivation has not been stabilized, which is a big problem.

In the bronze hall, Lu Chong said to the six heavenly kings. The other five people responded. Only the fat man lowered his head and didn't know what he was he was flinging. Lu Chong frowned and shouted:

"Fat, what are you doing?"

The fat man was shocked. He looked at Lu Chong and said, "I know, I know."

"What do you know?" Lu Chong raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Well, that, oh, exercise well." The fat man said flatteringly.

"Bullshit, I want you to stabilize your realm. You are one of the six heavenly kings of my heavenly court, and you can't lose face to the heavenly court. This time you signed up for the Chaos war zone of Hedao. Although you are just in the early stage of the Taoism period, you must come back with a decent noun."

Lu Chong said earnestly.

The fat man waved his hand and was quite heroic: "Don't worry, three months is enough for me to stabilize my realm. At that time, I will show my power!"

Lu Chong nodded and was about to speak. He glanced at it, but he saw the fat man lower his head again. At the same time, a trace of gimmer flashed in his eyes. Lu Chong was puzzled. He only thought that the fat man was unwilling to stabilize his realm, but he did not think much and continued to talk to the rest of the people.


Lu Chong wandered between the palaces belonging to the heavenly court, sometimes instructed some disciples to practice, and sometimes talked to people, which was quite comfortable. Unconsciously, Lu Chong came to the palace where the fat man lived. After listening, there was no snoring inside. He was quite surprised. Obviously, the fat man was in it and strode in. .

"Aya, I miss you so much. I really want to accompany you, but I haven't revenged you yet. You wait. When I have enough cultivation and revenge, I will accompany you. You have to wait for me."

"Damn Man Wenzong, I will definitely not let you go. Wait for me!"

When Lu Chong heard this, he was puzzled, and his footsteps became heavier. The fat man's body shook, turned around, roared, and rushed over. Seeing that it was Lu Chong, he stopped and retreated.

"Fat, what's wrong with you?" Lu Chong asked.

"It's okay, it's okay, hehe." The fat man said with a smile.

Lu Chong laughed and said, "It's okay, so why are you crying? The eyes are still red.

The fat man narrowed his eyes awkwardly and said, "No, no, I couldn't help suffering from the sandstorm, hehe."

Lu Chong looked at the spotless hall and frowned:

"Who is Aya?"

"What's wrong with Man Wenzong?"

"What do you want to avenge?"

The fat man was silent when he heard the words. Lu Chong couldn't help but stand up and shouted:

"Don't you treat me as a brother?"

The fat tiger's body shook, and his eyes turned red again. He looked at Lu Chong with tears. Lu Chong stepped back a few steps, and his goose bumps appeared. He quickly waved his hand and said:

"Big man's family, why are you crying? Make things clear. If you have something to do, let's fight together."

The fat man nodded vigorously, sat up straight, and began to talk.

Fat's family is a monk family, and there are also several monks in the clan, which is very good, but their family is located within the jurisdiction of the barbarian sect, so they regard the barbarian sect as the upper sect.

Although the people of the barbarian sect are arrogant, they are extremely protective of their shortcomings. The You family pays the offerings on time and in quantity every year, and often have some contributions to foreign treasures, which are well protected by the barbarian sect.

The fat man is a direct descendant of the You family and has excellent talent. The elders of the barbarian sect all recognized the fat man's talent and asked the fat man to join the barbarian sect and worship the masters of the sect. This is great news for the You family. It happened that the barbarian sect came to receive worship and invited the barbarian sect.

Originally, it was a peaceful situation, but Lu Chong's fiancee appeared. This woman is a descendant of the You family. She grew up very beautifully, especially with a very hot figure. As soon as she appeared, the leader of Man Wenzong this time couldn't sit still. He was the son of the barbarian suzerain, and he did not ask the You family face to ask for someone. Still talking to the travel family with good words.

However, as soon as he returned to the clan, he began to conspire to calculate the family, such as the lack of objects offered, or the quality was low, which made the senior officials of the barbarian sect have a very bad impression of the family.

In this case, it also instructed several vassal forces similar to the Youjia to attack the traveler, which is called natural selection, survival of the fittest, and also attract some restless people inside the home. They are worried internally and externally distressed, and the traveler is in danger.

The young master of Man Wenzong finally came forward and put forward his request. The You family was forced to agree. The fat man's parents came forward and were killed on the spot. The fat man was also abolished, and then the young master left arrogantly.

The fat man was in despair and went to the ancestral temple to worship. Although the fat man's cultivation was abolished, after all, he was a wandering family. The poor fat man who guarded the ancestral temple put the fat man in. Unexpectedly, the fat man went in and got the ancient inheritance of the You family, the blood of the dragon and elephant!

But when he accepted the inheritance, he fell asleep and had no breath. The You family thought he was dead, so they threw him out without even a buried bone.

After waking up, the fat man knew the ruthlessness of the clan and was about to leave, but he saw several people who came to look for him. They were usually better friends. Seeing that the fat man was not dead, he was overjoyed and sent the fat man a sum of money to leave this force and live well in the distance.

After the fat man left, he met the lecturer Sun Yuan by chance. Sun Yuan found his talent and took him back to the school palace...

Lu Chong nodded. The fat man's experience was similar to his own, but his parents did not die in front of his own eyes. Lu Chong pressed the fat man's huge body and shook his head.

How much bitterness is hidden behind the seemingly harmonious smile? It seems that the fat man's realm is difficult to stabilize because of his own experience. This is a trivial matter. After telling others happily, the knot of his heart will quickly dissipate and his cultivation will naturally stabilize.

Thinking about this, Lu Chong talked about his conflict with the barbarian sect. When the fat man learned that Lu Chong had had a bad relationship with the barbarian sect because of his sense of justice, he laughed out of it. Lu Chong was not frightened. He could hear that the fat man's laughter was really laughing, and it was much free and easy, without that there was a trace of darkness.

When he learned that Lu Chong had killed a young master of Man Wenzong, the fat man became excited and asked:

"What's his name? Is it Zhang Yi?"

Lu Chong shook his head and said, "My name is Zhang Yang."

The fat man said, "Manwenzong advocates having four sons. Zhang Yang is the youngest and the lowest cultivation. Zhang Yi is the second. In addition to lust, other aspects are good. The third brother died early. The eldest Zhang Bao is the young patriarch of the Barbarian sect, and the abilities of all parties are quite outstanding."

Lu Chong nodded, looked at the fat man and smiled and said, "Let's go together. Let's make this Man Wenzong look good!"

The fat man nodded excitedly. With Lu Chong's help, his revenge was only promising.

The two found the remaining five heavenly kings, saying that they would take the fat man out for a trip and stabilize the realm as soon as possible.

The five heavenly king said that he understood, and Lu Chong and the fat man left straight away.