Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 80 Get Out of Fire

Time has passed slowly, and there are no monks in the sky. There are more than 7,000 overseas monks and more than 3,000 Fusang monks. This is the strength of both sides.

Only four people came to the heavenly court, and more than 100 people came to the Heavenly League. The rest were some monks or sects that avoided the world on the Fusang plane. There were more than 3,000 people, and the monks in the refining period were nearly 100. I don't know how much better than the more than 100 monks in the overseas monks in the refining period.

Lu Chong couldn't help sighing that this Fusang plane was indeed a crouching tiger and hidden dragon. Each of the monks in the refining period could easily kill himself, and his cards were all out, and I'm afraid he could only win a heavy escape.

There are three Taoist monks of Tu Tianmeng, one at the peak, one at the top, one at the top, and one at the one at the low level. Three people happen to be the heads of the Hou family, the Tang family and the Liu family.

Lu Chong couldn't help sighing at the strength of the Gangyuan Sword School. You know, the strongest in the whole school is just the sacrificial wine, and the Taoist realm is at a high level.

It's just that Lu Chong's sacrifice wine is quite a lot of strange means. Although Hou Wei is a small step lower, it is not certain which is stronger or which is weak.

Looking at the sacrifice wine and Yan Shanmu's appearance, Lu Chong felt a little cold. This is the head of many lecturers and elders in the Academy. It can be said that they are all his students. It is normal for him to make something disgusting.

It is said that the sacrificial wine has cultivated all the elders into alcoholics and foodies. Every time the elders make him unhappy, they punish them to watch themselves drink and eat meat. For them, eating is purely to satisfy their appetite. Now, it is a terrible torture to see and not eat.

It is similar to children's nonsense, but it is extremely useful. At least the elders of the school palace will feel cold when they see the sacrifice wine smiling.

Because once he smiles at someone, it means that he is going to take action against someone.

At this moment, the sacrificial wine looked at Hou Wei with a smile. Lu Chong couldn't help but mourn for Hou Wei, hoping that he would not be too miserable by the sacrificial wine. The existence that can suppress 20,000 behead demons on his own strength is a terrible deterrent wherever he goes.

It's just that now the sacrificial wine hides its fangs, and a tiger pretends to be a kitten, which is everywhere dangerous.

Hou Wei didn't know that his sworn eye was here looking at him with a smile, but stared at the stone island seriously and waited for the change.

Finally, the beam of light slowly dissipated, and the stone island finally completely appeared in the eyes of everyone. I don't know when a thousand-foot-high stone tablet appeared in the eyes of everyone.

There are countless pictures on it, and it is a picture of fighting.

There are horrible strong men who shoot Jinwu with their bows, there are supreme masters who fight with bells under huge peaks, and there are strong people who cover the sky with one hand.

Lu Chong knew that these were many well-known battles in ancient times, and even some battles were watched by him with his own eyes.

At the top of the stone tablet, there is a line of small words:

Fusang's origin, get the palm of the essence of the world from fire, and burn the holy and melt the sky.

There is endless domineering in it, but Lu Chong knows that this fire does have the ability to burn saints. You know, the ten golden blacks are the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who took his own essence blood and merged with the essence of the fire. He was warmed in the sun star for ten thousand years before he was born and became a great saint, which was extremely horrible.

The stone tablet emitted a gray light, and the chaotic atmosphere surrounded it, and sometimes burst out with a trace of fire. A beheading monk accidentally approached a little and was splashed by the firelight. Unexpectedly, it turned into a wisp of green smoke in an instant.

Many monks retreated a hundred feet together, and even Hou Wei retreated a lot with fear.

Only Lu Chong's eyes flashed. He saw a lot of that kind of fire, such as in the mysterious space. The sea of fire was full of fire, and he had nothing to do to swim in it.

At this time, the line of small words emitted a strong light, the space emitted some ripples, and a light door slowly appeared, emitting a seductive fragrance inside.


Someone couldn't help rushing up.


A group of people took a breath of cold air, which made the air around them empty.

There were dozens of people rushing up just in a moment, but they all turned into smoke in an instant, which shocked them not knowing what to do.

At this time, someone found the mystery. It turned out that there were countless faint flames next to the light door, but the light door emitted dazzling white light, making the already extremely faint fire light almost unreachable.

And the firelight will go out every ten breaths. At this time, it is the only time to step into it.

Hou Wei's eyes flashed, and he flicked his fingers. A spiritual power shot out and hit the firelight, which immediately triggered the back of the firelight. A little spark burst out. The spiritual power only lasted for about a breath and then dissipated. Hou Wei sneered and breathed enough to go in by himself.

Many overseas monks look bad. They have tried it. Their spiritual power has lasted for a shorter time. After all, their overseas monks mainly practice the road of water. Water can extinguish fire, and fire can also defeat water. With their cultivation, they are naturally restrained by this flame.

At this time, the light gate expanded slightly, and the monks were happy. It seemed that the light gate could continue to expand.

Five overseas Taoist monks work together to shoot spiritual power, but they persisted for nearly three breaths. The five people were overjoyed and looked at Hou Wei leisurely without any hurry.

And everyone also found that every ten breaths, the time for the firelight to disappear is also increased, which undoubtedly gives everyone present a chance to enter, just the time to see the sequence. After all, people who go in first will still have a great advantage.

Hou Wei told the people next to him a few words and was ready to go in.

At this moment, he heard a burst of exclamation and frowned, but he saw four monks flying over and couldn't help sneering:

"Look for death!"

At this time, the shocking thing happened. When the man stepped forward, the firelight instantly surrounded him, but it did not turn the little monk into green smoke as they expected, but turned around him and looked quite excited.

The little monk looked back at Hou Wei, grinned, and his body suddenly changed. It was Lu Chong.

Hou Wei felt a trace of uneasiness and was about to kill him, but Lu Chong directly integrated into the light gate and disappeared. The remaining three also removed their disguises. It was Bi Fang, Ling Guang and Sacrificial Wine.

Bi Fang and Ling Guang took a step first, which surrounded the fire. Although they were not as happy as Lu Chong, they still did not hurt the two of them. After two circles, they dissipated, and the two also walked in.

When it was the turn of the sacrificial wine, Hou Wei finally couldn't help shouting, and a flying sword appeared in his hand, which shot out, cut through the void and emitted terrible fluctuations.

The sacrificial wine smiled indifferently and waved its big sleeves. The flying sword was taken away directly, and the universe in the sleeve!

The god-level secret method of the Academy, which claims to be a day in the sleeves, is a secret method inherited in ancient times. This is a simplified version with a slightly poor effect, but it is easy to deal with an ordinary flying sword.

When the sacrificial wine was held, the spiritual power was shaken, and the high-level cultivation of the Taoist realm was exhaled, which made everyone marvel. He was also a master of the Taoist realm. The inland monks really crouching tigers and hidden dragons, which were so horrible. The faces of the five Taoist realm overseas were even more ugly. This is a great master comparable to Hou Wei. If they start to do it, They are afraid that they will be completely crushed.

The five people looked at each other with a strong worry in their eyes.

The sacrificial wine smiled indifferently and walked towards the light gate. Everyone looked at him and didn't know what secret he had. What shocked everyone was that the fire seemed to see the sacrificial wine as nothing.

Like a breeze, the sacrificial wine slowly floated in, entered the front of the light door, and smiled back at Hou Wei. Hou Wei looked at the smiling face and couldn't help fighting a cold war and secretly raised his warning.

After Lu Chong and the four people went in for a while, Hou Wei stepped out. His spiritual power wrapped himself, turned into a streamer, and directly integrated into the light gate.

The monks were waiting silently, waiting for the Guangmen to continue to expand and the time to stop from the fire. Although they were unwilling to Lu Chong and Hou Wei, they were also quite helpless.

Who says that he doesn't have that kind of cultivation or secret method?