Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 130 Kill the Little Devil

"Dad..." footsteps sounded again in the empty street, from behind them! The smiles that had just relaxed and had not yet spread in the future suddenly froze.

"How could it be like this..." Luo Shan's voice trembled, Shen Lei's face suddenly changed, and they quickly turned around.

This time, Lu Chong did not retreat. He decided to break. The other party has locked them. Instead of being so shocked, it's better to solve it as soon as possible. As if he understood his intention, Tu Shanyue rushed back along the original road with him.

However, in the process of rushing back, they instantly understood that this did not seem to be the evil thing just now, because they did not feel the palpitation, but they also felt great danger.

A huge shadow appeared in the alley, blocking their way, like a ferocious devil with teeth and claws. Behind the shadow was a dark fog, and there was no light, as if there was a door of death standing there.

There were no superfluous words. Lu Chong used his hand instead of a knife and directly split a gorgeous divine light, turning into an invincible knife light and tore it forward. Tu Shanyue condensed into a rain of light with the spiritual power of space and shrouded him forward.

The sound of cracking bones came out. Then the blood splashed out, steaming, and scarlet blood flowed down the road. It could not be a dead person, which was obviously a living creature.


A human head rolled out of the dark fog and rolled all the way to Lu Chong's feet. His face was ferocious and seemed to be greatly frightened before his death.

"Ah..." Luo Shan in the rear screamed in horror.

Don't look much. Lu Chong has recognized that this is the young monk who was with them not long ago, but later the crowd dispersed. Obviously, this person did not die under their attack, because his neck was torn by life, with deep claw marks on it.

The black fog in front of him is still fluttering, but the huge virtual shadow has disappeared, and you can see a shadow in the black fog standing there in the haze.


With a flash of light, Tu Shanyue launched an attack, and a light curtain poured down like a water curtain and hit the black fog. At the same time, Lu Chong strode forward fearlessly, and the golden light curtain of his left hand seemed to tear the void, quickly separated from his palm and shrouded in black fog.

"Cluck..." It was as if the teeth were constantly biting hard, and this harsh sound was made in the black fog. At the same time, the black fog surged wildly, fiercely facing the two light curtains falling down, trying to disperse it.


It was like the sound of a splash falling on a red-hot iron block. The junction of the black fog and the light curtain kept making this sound. At the same time, a disgusting smell of corpse floated away, and a yellow corpse water flowed down the road from the black fog.

"Ghosts, they are evil ghosts!" Luo Shan changed her color and exclaimed.

"Kill him quickly, or it may attract other similar evil things." Shen Lei's face suddenly changed and shouted hurriedly. Although she was hostile to Lu Chong, she didn't want Lu Chong to make a mistake at this moment.

In fact, there is no need for her to say that Lu Chong and Tu Shanyue are both decisive people and have already launched the strongest unique learning. Tu Shanyue has completely closed this space, and now they can no longer care about the smell of corpses. The cyan light curtain shrouded, and he, Lu Chong and the black fog were already in a strange space, which belonged to Tu Shanyue's battle space.

"Brother Lu Chong, come on, I'll fix him!"

The power of space imprisoned the black fog like a water wave, while Lu Chong's action was unimped. A golden light curtain appeared again between his left hand, and the bright star in his right hand turned into a new moon-like light blade because of his emotional fluctuations.


Lu Chong's left light curtain was enlarged and protected himself like a light shield. He quickly rushed forward, and the crescent blade of his right hand was cut out like a fairy blade, tearing into the black fog fiercely.

"Wow..." The harsh and sad scream sounded from the black fog.

"It seems that this evil thing is not strong enough for us to kill him." Tu Shanyue's confidence was greatly boosted. She could obviously feel that it was difficult for the other party to break through his imprisonment and was almost immobile by him, and Lu Chong's powerful attack power was unquestionable enough to destroy this threat.

The curved moon-shaped light blade rotates back and forth in the black fog, like a new moon falling in the dark clouds, constantly breaking the darkness. The smell of the corpse is indeed disgusting. Although it is no longer breathing, it seems that you can still feel the smell that makes people vomit.

Lu Chong dispersed the black fog with his strong combat power. A seven- or eight-year-old boy revealed that his clothes were very ancient, just like the ancient carvings on the stone wall, with an ancient meaning.

He has no vitality, and his eyes are gray like a dead fish. He is a naive age, but he has a vicious charm and is staring at Lu Chong and Tu Shanyue fiercely. The tattered old clothes have been shattered by the crescent blade, but the body has not been cut off. The skin has been dry and cracked, like layers of fish scales. The light blade left marks on his dry, hard and thin body, and the yellow body water flowed out of those small wounds.

"What a ghost!" Tu Shanyue was a little surprised. She believed that there was a saint in the world, because she practiced hard to become a saint, but she didn't believe in ghosts. In his opinion, Saint is a strong man who is constantly evolving, but what is a ghost? After death, people are completely silent and should return to nothingness.

"The existence of undead creatures is reasonable, because their souls have not been destroyed, but ghosts..." Tu Shanyue looked at the child with a smelly body in surprise. He did not feel the soul fluctuation on the other party, but only the vicious and fierce breath.

"Don't care so much now. Destroy him first." Lu Chong controlled the curved moonlight blade and kept chopping, losing the protection of the black fog. This ferocious "ghost" is no longer unbreakable.

In the dazzling light, his two arms have been cut off by the light blade, and in the process, there were bursts of metal sonorous sound, as if they were cutting iron. Then, Lu Chong violently cut off his neck and made his head roll down. There is nothing to pity for such an evil murderer, and the slightest softness may leave a murder.

After the head was cut off, the ancient "evil" was still struggling. His body was trembling slightly, and his head also wanted to roll away. Tu Shanyue did not give him a chance, and Lu Chong would not let him go. The two worked together to completely smash his body.

Tu Shanyue's cyan battle space opened, and the stench of the body suddenly spread, and Luo Shan and Shen Lei in the rear almost vomited bitter water.

It took a long time for the alley to calm down.

"Eval quickly from here." Lu Chong took the lead in rushing to another alley. Several others followed closely. They know that things are terrible. It was just a "little devil" that was killed. If you meet a normal adult "ghost", it is really unknown whether you can defeat it.

In particular, if the fierce spirit in the previous shroud really appeared in front of them, it would definitely be very horrible.

"Hide!" Lu Chong quickly rushed into the shadow of the alley, and several people behind him hid like him. Discovery of danger in advance is an induction derived from spiritual consciousness, an instinctive reaction of the soul seeking good luck and avoiding evil, and a pure spiritual consciousness after the practitioners reach a certain level.

At this time, a cloudy wind brushed through the air, which made people feel cold, and a shadow quickly flew over the alley.