Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 162 Tianting Part 1

In the dead silence, countless monks looked at Lu Chong in shock, and the crazy words in Lu Chong's mouth were still echoing in their minds. Thinking of the strange scene that Lu Chong disappeared after the disaster, everyone thought of something.

The will of the moon god?

The old man's face has also changed. Obviously, he also thought of this possibility. He stared at Lu Chong with a gloomy face to see what Lu Chong meant. If there is really the will of the Moon God, the chaotic star island and the Youyue God will definitely fall into the pit. Although the Hundred Cities Alliance is strong, it is still a little bit to deal with the two major forces at the same time. Difficult.

Lu Chong looked at everyone's reaction, smiled and said:

"Yes, I forgot to make it clear that it's not the Hundred Cities League."

The old man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but wondered, is there any other small forces on the Youyue plane that are homophonic with the Hundred Cities Alliance? Unexpectedly, Lu Chong's next sentence caused an uproar.

"It's the whole moon plane!"

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar, and then they all laughed. The whole moon plane became a part of the heavenly court. Is it possible?


It's a dead silence, nothing else, and the reputation of the heavenly court is really too great.

But soon, everyone laughed again. If a large sect says such words here, everyone will definitely consider this word carefully, but a monk who has just broken through the realm and become a great saint dares to say this?

The Great Sage of the Three Mountains couldn't help saying quietly:

"Lu Chong, you are going to provoke public anger. We are here, and the old man dares not do anything to you."

Lu Chong listened and was stunned for a moment. Does it have anything to do with Juel? Lu Chong looked at the old man, and the Great Sage of Sanshan continued:

"This holy ancestor is born*. There are many disciples who have plundered low-level nuns on all planes, and even fought in the central world. They are extremely bold. In tens of thousands of years, they have not only become a large sect, but also get many powerful secret methods from those nuns, which is the first-class existence of the Hundred Cities League."

Lu Chong meditated for a moment and looked at the Juesheng, saying:

"I don't know what you have to do with your ancestors?"

Jue Sheng was stunned when he heard the words, and then he was happy. Can't this boy know Jue? Laughing:

"Jie Luan is my young child with extraordinary talent. Now he is also a monk in the three heavens of the Great Holy Land. Can't you know my son? Jueluan, come on, you can catch up with this little friend.

The unique ancestor came out, dressed in a green robe, with a sword pinned to his waist, and looked like a fairy and Taoist bone, but he was quite good-like.

"Have you ever made friends with me?" Although the ancestor was doubtful, he still waited with a smile.

The people of Youyue Divine Religion's faces became gloomy. They tried their best to make friends with Lu Chong just so that Lu Chong could join the Divine Religion. Unexpectedly, Lu Chong actually made friends with Juelan. Is it possible to do it?

Unexpectedly, Lu Chong walked into the absolute, patted him on the shoulder and whispered:

"I'm here to ask for the life of the Kunlun fox clan!"


The sound of the sharp weapon coming out of the sheath sounded.


The white light flashed, and a head flew up with a large area of blood.

"Damn it, you are presumptuous!" Jue Sheng is angry. He is extremely talented and has a personality comparable to him. He is his favorite son. Now he is injured in front of himself. How can he bear it?

Everyone was also shocked. They just talked and laughed. Why did they do it in an instant? The people of Youyue God Religion made a decision immediately, called to go together, and prepared to take action against the Hundred Cities League.

Suddenly, a silver light flashed, covering the saints and the peaks in an instant. A magnificent will came. Everyone present stopped their movements and sensed the source of this will, which was their supreme god: the moon god!

"Respect the moon god."

Everyone bowed and bowed their heads.

"This son's words are my will, and I am absolutely holy. I will erase them as an example. You will negotiate and integrate with this son. In the future, Youyue will be the Heavenly Court and the Youyue Department, and I will be the head of this department!"

The will slowly retreated, only a curved moon pendant in front of Lu Chong exuded a faint silver light, and Juesheng and Juelu have long been erased, leaving only some flying ash.

No one has complained about the injustice of the two of them, and what they usually do has laid the ground for the indifference of today.

Lu Chong looked at the crowd. After a long time, he said:

"There used to be a Youyue Palace on the Youyue plane. In the future, the manager of the Youyue section will be the Youyue Palace. I don't care about the so-called struggle for power and profit, but I hope that when I come back next time, there will be only one voice in the whole Youyue plane.

But now the organization of the Hundred Cities League is good and can be followed. Don't rule it absolutely. Just discuss something.

Lu Chong understands that he can't manage this kind of thing by himself. Previously, he was just a spiritual leader in the Fusang plane. He has never actually managed things, so he can only rely on them to do it by themselves.

Lu Chong's finger stroked in the void, and only saw a crack in the void, and there was an endless void inside. Lu Chong took a step forward. Finally, he looked back at the crowd, thought for a moment, and said:

"You should practice hard. It won't be long before it's a disaster. It's more horrible than last time. I'm afraid your moon god will not survive."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

The rest of the people stared at it with big eyes. After a long time, Sanshan coughed and said:

"Lao Yuefei, shall we have a good talk?"

Old Yuefei in Sanshankou is the predecessor Yuefei Dasheng who has gone to the core of the Hundred Cities League to become an elder. He nodded and said:

"The alliance leader has informed me that it is here. Three days later, the forces will discuss the future of Youyue and hope you will not be absent."

Many forces present nodded, and naturally some of the forces that did not come came to inform them. Before leaving, everyone's hearts were heavy. The disaster that Lu Chong said when he left made them unforgettable, and the moon god could not survive. How horrible it should be.


A huge space-time crack across the cosmic void. The crack is dark, and even light can't shoot in. There is a torrent of chaos and destruction flowing everywhere.


With a flash of light, a figure shook away the dark torrent around it and jumped out.

"Finally arrived."

Gangfeng hunting and Lu Chong stand in the oncoming space-time storm, motionless and towering like a mountain.

There is still a problem when leaving the moon plane and going to the central world. This is the transmission between planes, and my own space avenue still checks some heat. This kind of ultra-long-distance transmission is an inevitable problem. Lu Chong encountered a plane storm just before he approached the central world and was turned here.

Fortunately, Lu Chong is so powerful that even if he is involved in this chaotic storm, he can be undamaged at all.

It was dark around, and the absolute cosmic starry sky rushed past, and only saw countless planes overlapping, flattening in the darkness like a nebula.

This is a very psychedelic feeling.

In the starry sky, super strong people can observe the origin of the plane in an intuitive way with their magic eyes or divine eyes.

In the void, infinite bands of light, purple, red or blue, each stretches for hundreds of thousands of millions of kilometers and shines into the boundless universe.

In front of these infinite bands of light, people are tiny like a grain of dust.

"It is worthy of being the central world. The energy level is so high. I have felt very powerful when I looked at the moon plane before. Now it seems that it is like the old farmers in the countryside compared with the nobles in the capital."

Lu Chong said secretly in his heart.

These light bands are not simple decoration, but the energy emitted by the source of the plane. These dazzling light bands are formed by influencing each other between the plane and the plane.

In the middle of these light belts, Lu Chong finally saw the big world of the central world. It was an endless light, and the whole body exuded strong energy, which was full of aura and refreshing.

At the top of this huge world, a huge purple beam of light fell straight down, and one end fell into the top of the "central world" to form a huge humanoid illusion a million miles high, while one end stands high and doesn't know where it goes deep into the starry sky of the universe.

"What a strong energy, is this virtual shadow the saint that runs through ancient times to the present? So horrible? Almost unified with the world, and where is the beam at the other end?

Lu Chong was shocked. With his ability, he didn't know where the source of this beam was. As far as the eye and spirit can reach, it can't even detect one millionth of this beam of light.

And the beam condenses, and the energy particles inside are dense to the extreme, completely rejecting other energy. Lu Chong instinctively felt a repulsive force from the purple beam.

"Is it because I am not the person who was born in this world? No, I was born here, but I grew up on the Fusang plane. The reason for this situation is the saint. Now I just feel a little rejection. When the realm is high, I'm afraid it's not so simple.

Lu Chong muttered, looking at the central world and thinking of the people who were waiting for him, he couldn't help but feel angry and no longer hesitate. He stepped out and integrated into the world barrier.

(The final chapter of this volume is to be continued.)