Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 188 World War I Famous


At the time of Xing Tian's wanton killing, a strong fluctuation came. The white light flashed, and a twelve-winged angel instantly appeared in front of Xing Tian, and a holy light gun stabbed straight in.


Xing Tian suddenly roared, and the huge axe was held high, and then angrily split down. He was shocked by the twelve-winged angels respected by the monks of Zixiao Palace, and then staggered back.

As for the holy light gun, it directly turned into a dotted white light and disappeared.

Everyone was in an uproar, but the twelve-winged angel was not panicked. A long axe appeared in each of his left and right hands and waved up.

Xing Tian snorted coldly, holding Gan Qi, and also rushed up.

I saw two streams of black and white on the battlefield, which was unstoppable. Soon, the armies of both sides retreated and gave them enough space. After all, the two had fallen into white heat. They could not get involved in this level of battle. If they rushed up easily, the horror would be instantly turned into powder.


There was a loud noise between heaven and earth. The twelve-winged angels had broken several wings, and Xing Tian only had three arms. This kind of tragedy was frightened by the people around him.

Suddenly, a voice came from Xing Tian's ear.

"Cheng Tian, stop, retreat quickly, otherwise, hum."

Xing Tian was puzzled and forced away the twelve-winged angel to go up to the wall of Zixiao Palace, but his whole body trembled. Several of the great powers of the coalition looked over and frowned.

What appeared on the wall was a huge head.

Xing Tian's eyes glanced at the black-robed man on the wall of the Infernal City in the distance. The two eyes collided, and Xing Tian just looked at him coldly.

"As long as you stop, return your head to you."

Xing Tian stopped a little when he heard the words, but soon continued to fight.

"If you continue, I will immediately destroy your head, dissipate it from the world, and even destroy the mark of existence." The man in black said angrily that it was difficult to destroy the mark of existence, but Tianzun's strength could do it. If the mark of existence was destroyed, the head could not appear again.


The twelve-winged angel who fought with Xing Tian suddenly felt that the murderous intention of Xing Tian in front of him suddenly became much stronger.

"I know that you are on the battlefield now. You are in the coalition camp. It is impossible to give up directly. If you give up directly, I'm afraid that those mighty people in the coalition camp will anger you. What I want you to do... It's just to sell a flaw after fighting for a long time and let the twelve-winged angels hurt you, and you have no choice but to withdraw from the war. The man in black

Let yourself sell flaws?

Let the twelve-winged angels hurt themselves?

Selling flaws is so good. If you are not careful, I'm afraid that Xing Tianzhen will collapse. If you don't have the assistance of Xing Tianzhen, your strength will be greatly reduced.

"You are excellent at axe, and you must be able to control this degree." The man in black said, "Hurry up, I want you to do it quickly. Whether you want another way or not, I want you to withdraw from the war immediately. Otherwise, the mark of your head will be smashed immediately and will never continue to appear.

"You... are so shameless."

Xing Tian replied for the first time.

Shameless? In order to win, I don't care at all. I'm a demon all the way. I'm a demon, Xingtian. You and you have a great advantage in this war. There are already many killing emperors and venerable people. It's time to be satisfied. As long as you withdraw, I will give you your head immediately. I promise, absolutely, I will definitely give it to you. Get out of the war now and hurry up." The man in black urged anxiously.

Because every time it lasts, the more the remaining soldiers in the coalition camp kill, although now there are large arrays and puppets trying their best to resist. However, the army of the coalition camp has approached quickly. Without the help of the twelve-winged angels, the loss will be very heavy this time.

"Quick, fast, fast." The man in black is anxious.


The man in black on the wall of Zixiao City was anxiously looking forward to watching. He was also rushed to the hospital. He didn't know that Xing Tian had been able to recover his head by himself. The possibility of Xing Tian promising him was almost zero, but the man in black really had no other way. In addition, he could also feel that Xing Tian still valued his head very much. .

There is a mark of destruction, which can't be recovered from the long river of fate. He believes that Xing Tian absolutely does not want to lose his head.

As for the rebirth of the head, the man in black has not thought about it. After all, when he took off his head, he stole a trace of vitality from Xing Tian. Only by merging with this head can he make a breakthrough in cultivation. Otherwise, he will always be a venerable realm, and it is useless to grow a new head.


"He moved." The black-robed man's eyes lit up, and Xing Tian in the distance suddenly broke out. His three arms used two huge axes and attacked around the twelve-winged angels crazily.

The twelve-winged angel has only two claws and three arms.

And Xingtian's axe is terrible.

For a while, countless axes enveloped the twelve-winged angels and completely suppressed the twelve-winged angels.

"Why did he attack more crazily?" The man in black first became angry and calmed down, as if thinking.

"This Xingtian is really smart." The black-robed man's eyes lit up, "His three arms are attacking crazily now, so the defense will naturally be less. No matter how powerful the attack is, he can't hurt the twelve-winged angels. But with less defense, it is possible for the twelve-winged angels to hurt him. As long as he was injured, Xing Tian would naturally withdraw from the war... Xing Tian also had enough reasons to face the coalition camp. He was eager to win, so he was injured by the twelve-winged angels.

"That's smart." People in black are looking forward to it.

"But the attack was so crazy that it completely suppressed the twelve-winged angels, so that the attacks of the twelve-winged angels were suppressed." The man in black frowned.

The man in black immediately sent another voice: "Xingtian, you have to give the twelve-winged angels a chance."

At this moment...

The twelve-winged angel, who was completely shrouded in countless axe shadows, suddenly waved the divine axe called "dry" in the two giant axes and glowed, showing the most fierce and domineering axe move with endless power, and also swept the two purple puppets directly at the beginning. The move of the Zixiao Palace army.

Open the sky!


A ferocious move.

The axe, like a groundbreaking axe, directly hit the bend of the legs of the twelve-winged angel, and the foot of the twelve-winged angel was unstable, and the whole fell directly to the ground.

It is very difficult to make the twelve-winged angel fall, because its legs are very stable, and even if it is smashed, it is difficult to make it fall. The existence of the 'center of gravity' at this level is very stable, and it is too difficult to make it lose its center of gravity and fall. A large number of axe attacks before Xingtian seemed to be useless, but in fact, it was to affect its center of gravity.

relies on the absolute advantage of skills to change its center of gravity, and then hit the leg bend in an open sky.

Bang, fall down directly.

"No." The twelve-winged angel panicked.

What can meet it is the light of the axe, which makes its claws have no resistance at all.

Xing Tian suddenly roared and resounded through the world, and then slowly grew his head in the shocked eyes of countless people. His black hair was dense, his eyes were like stars, and his face lines were like knives, with sharp edges and corners, which were extremely domineering!

This is the real original shape of Xing Tian. He only saw him swinging the axe again, without opening the hegemony of the sky, and there is no strangeness of cutting. Just like such an ordinary split, the twelve-winged angel was directly split in half like firewood, and then turned into light and rain, floating between heaven and earth.

This is Xing Tian's strongest move.

Xing Tian!

Named after himself, the axe of Xingtian, even the sky will be sentenced to death under an axe.

The battlefield suddenly became quiet.

Including the strong men of the coalition camp who were killing, including several powerful people in the coalition camp who were talking and laughing, including the anxious and nervous black-robed man and the blue Daozu with a blue face, they were all quiet and stunned.

I stared at the scene in front of me.

Did Xing Tian grow a head? Still powerful? Directly split a twelve-winged angel?

All this happened in an instant, which was dazzling. The man in black quickly came to his senses, roared, and grabbed the head in his hand with one hand.

Xing Tian looked at the man in black robe coldly, which made the man in black robe furious, but Xing Tian sneered and his speed soared, and began to slaughter the people of the Zixiao Palace camp crazily.

The monks of Zixiao Palace completely lost their will to fight. In their minds, they only wanted to escape quickly. For a moment, the orderly retreat turned into a great escape, with heavy casualties.


The battle is over. Relying on the outbreak of Xingtian, the losses of Zixiao Palace in this battle exceeded the sum of previous large-scale battles.

The man in black is pale and has a trace of uneasiness in his heart. This fiasco will certainly be criticized by several leaders. There are also factions inside the Zixiao Palace, and there is no lack of fighting. He seems to be a little suspenseful.

On the contrary, the allied forces, especially Xing Tian, received the highest standard of treatment, and the whole coalition camp resounded his prestige. The so-called World War I became famous.

However, Xing Tian was closed as soon as he returned to the city. Seeing through the demon's head, he finally felt the traces of heaven. It is estimated that he could become Tianzun before the final battle. At that time, his combat effectiveness would be greatly improved.

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, it has been nearly New Year's greetings since Lu Chong entered the abandoned Buddha soil. There have been several major battles between the two armies, and many people are famous. There are coalition forces and some in Zixiao Palace. However, with the example of Xing Tian, both sides are well prepared. Although many geniuses have appeared, But it doesn't have such a big record as Xing Tian, but it's also quite good.

Unparalleled sword! The Tianjiao of the coalition army, on the battlefield, understood the swordsmanship, killed several ten-winged angels with ten thousand swords, and severely damaged a twelve-winged angel. After the end of the battle, he broke through to Tianzun. Because of his practice of kendo, his power was even more horrible and powerful.

Bi Fang, who was originally a very famous strong man in ancient times, joined forces with Ba Snake to kill a twelve-winged angel and became famous in World War I.

There are also many excellent people on the side of Zixiao Palace. The most prominent one is a powerful monk who is invincible by the art of holy light. In that battle, Bi Fang and Ba She joined hands to be severely damaged by Augustine, and led the army of Zixiao Palace and almost killed the city where the coalition was located.

Fortunately, Xing Tian got out of the customs in time, forced Augustine back, and almost killed him. However, he was rescued by the Tianzun of Zixiao Palace, which attracted the power of the coalition forces to take action and hit the Tianzun hard, but it was not a loss.


It has been almost three years since the armistice. The two sides stopped and actively prepared for the war and waited for the last moment. At this time, Lu Chong, who crossed the world in the abandoned Buddha soil, finally opened his eyes in a night. For a moment, the night seemed to retreat, and the golden light from his eyes dispersed the darkness and shone on the whole Buddha soil. .