Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 009 Half

Your mother thought that the young lady had a nightmare again because she saw her husband today, and she patted the young lady's back with pity and couldn't say a word of comfort.

Isn't it because she can't sleep because she saw her dead husband?

Not to mention the young lady who is only 13 years old.

That's the young lady's biological mother. In terms of feelings and blood and family affection, she is not comparable to a servant.

Zhang Hanqiu felt very tired. Obviously, he didn't want to cry, but the tears kept falling and sobbed for a long time. Unexpectedly, he leaned on Ru Niang and fell asleep.

I got up late the second day.

But even if I don't sleep less than usual, I still don't have much energy when I get up the next day.

Ru Niang came in from the outside, covered her mouth and whispered in Zhang Hanqiu's ear, "Miss, the old slave found out, and my wife will leave immediately."

Zhang Hanqiu stopped copying the scriptures and felt that his mind was in a mess. He simply closed the pen, closed the scriptures and got up and walked to the window.

"Hand wait for someone to leave and find a way to sneak in and find out the half of the copper coin."

Your mother answered, hesitated and asked again, "Miss, why don't you send it to me?"

Zhang Hanqiu was silent for a long time before replying to her, "It's not appropriate."

Who doesn't want to be his own mother? I didn't know it before. Now I don't know how sad it is to see the young lady's expression. Your mother wiped the corners of her eyes and bowed back.

In the quiet room, Zhang Hanqiu's immature face finally no longer calmed down.

She wants to send it, and her mother should also want to see her again, but... No, she can't expose the relationship between the two, which makes her mother's life more difficult.

She knew that she should find a way to protect herself.

Even if you can't change your mother's current situation, you can't let yourself become Zhang Zetian's weakness.

But she didn't know what to do.

No one told her how to get out in such a difficult situation.

And she has no one to rely on.

Ru Niang and A Jiu can trust her, but she can't give her advice. She can only rely on herself.

But what should I do?

A small piece of tile on the roof was removed, and the man in brocade looked high at the little girl who squatted under the window sill with his hands in his arms and lowered her head.

Xia Jing didn't know what to do. He was so bored that he thought of the interesting little girl and found her.

The big thorn can't come to the door. If it destroys Xia Jing's matter, he will definitely not take care of his identity or identity.

He was used to being wanton, and he didn't think that being a gentleman like this would ruin the girl's reputation if it was inappropriate, but he remembered it.

I'm really here, but I don't think this trip should come.

He is heartless and can't bear it. I'm afraid that anyone who sees such a little girl being forced to this place will feel sad.

Fortunately, Xia Jing didn't come.

But this little girl... The man squinted at the people below. If he really made a decision, I'm afraid it would be difficult to predict the consequences.

Just thinking so, he actually looked forward to it.

Zhang Hanqiu was full of thoughts on how to solve the current predicament. He didn't know that he was peeped and was given a high evaluation.

But she didn't think about it until your mother came back again.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Ru Niang quickly came over to help people up. At this time, Zhang Hanqiu felt that his legs were numb.

Sitting down a few times, Zhang Hanqiu asked, "Have you got it?"

Your mother handed her half of the hot copper plate from her arms. "The old slave waited for them to leave for a while before going in, and the little master who picked it up said that the master had left something and came back to get it. They had no doubt about it."

Looking carefully with half a copper coin, Zhang Hanqiu found the difference between half a copper coin.

This copper coin is not used by Liang Guo now. It looks a little familiar. Dad seems to have seen it.

The copper coin is disconnected from the middle, and there is a gap at one end. I don't know if it was deliberately made like this. Anyway, it's a care.

handed the copper money to Ru Niang again, "I can't go out in a short time. It's not appropriate for Mei and Alan to go back. You can find an opportunity to go to Lianxi Temple to get in touch with Jing Yishi, and the things are still there. I still need to think about how to do it."

"Yes." Your mother took the copper coin and hid it close to her body. The Zhang family watched the lady closely and bound her with rules to prevent her from leaving the house, but she was not so powerful and could find an opportunity.

On this day, Zhang Hanqiu did not go out.

Xiaolan and Xiaomei came in and looked at it several times for a reason. Seeing that she was copying the scriptures, she was even more wary of her.

The next morning, Zhang Hanqiu returned the scriptures.

"The wish of the faithful daughter has been fulfilled. I'm tired of the master this time."

Xu Ming received her salute and recited Amitabha Buddha with his hands together. "If I have the next chance to see the beneer again, I hope the benenger is in charge of everything."

"Master Cheng's good words."

Before leaving, Zhang Hanqiu worshipped the gods and Buddhas in the hall again. No matter who sheltered her and let her have such an experience, she was full of gratitude.

The carriage swayed away, and the two men followed far behind.

"Xia Jing, you really don't meet her?"

"Wait a minute." Xia Jing's face had already lost his smiling face, "I will go to Zhang's house."

"Ask the teacher for guilt?"

Xia Jing withdrew his sight and looked at the man beside him, "Whether it's a teacher or not, Duan Ziyi, Mr. Duan, should you go back to your territory?"

The man known as Duan Ziyi didn't hear it with his hands on his back. Where can't he go all over the world? Why should he be confined to one place?

Xia Jing had no choice but to leave him. If he really didn't know his identity, it wouldn't matter. However, he still knew that if he really had a good or bad thing, he would probably not be able to calm down the anger of the whole Xia family.

"Let's part ways here. You also know what I'm going to do. It's not appropriate to take you with you. Although there are not many people who know you, you can't keep that vision."

"What if you recognize it? Can't I just help you support your sister and nephew? No one who knows his identity is to flatt him. This one is good. Although he doesn't dare to offend him, he can't see it at all.

Duan Ziyi couldn't figure it out. He took the initiative to send it to the door, so why didn't Xia Jing know how to use it?

Looking at him is not the lofty and spotless person.

"If I can change all this with your help, I will not hesitate. It's great to sell this life to you, but... That man is my nephew's father. He can't help me, let alone you, but he can decide everything about my nephew. Qiu Er is thirteen years old, if It was randomly kissed by him, and her life was ruined. My sister has been ruined in his hands. Qiuer absolutely can't.

Duan Ziyi thought, it's true. They were so angry that they were happy. They could leave by patting their buttocks, but the little girl couldn't get rid of having a father like that.

In this world, it is not easy for a man to lose the protection of the family, let alone a little girl.

No wonder Xia Jing can suppress his temper and take his time this time.

"Well, I'll go to the east. I heard that a strange animal appeared there not long ago, like a fox or fox, which has been transmitted to my mind. I'll take a look. Do you know how to contact me?"

Xia Jing breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

He was really afraid that this man would insist on following him to the Zhang family. He was not helping Qiuer, but harming her.

In those years, there was only one Rulian left in the Xia family with her sister's marriage to the Zhang family. In this way, Qiuer could still find her mother, which was enough to prove her intelligence.

Before he didn't know Qiu Er's plan, he couldn't do anything superfluous, which made her painstaking efforts in vain.

Thinking of what he heard from her the night before yesterday, he hated to kill people.

Zhang Zetian, you bully people too much.

The Xia family is not as good as the Zhang family, but the Xia family is not a soft egg that the family has been bullied but dares to do nothing.

It was already three o'clock when Zhang Hanqiu arrived home, and the Zhang family had already had lunch.

Seeing her coming back, Wu hurriedly sent someone to the dining room to prepare the meal, and then sent someone to twist the hot handkerchief and handed it to her in person, as enthusiastically treating his own daughter.

Zhang Hanqiu responded to all her good points with a smile.

The attitude is smooth and soft, which is not at all different from usual.

"Sister, you're finally back!"

Zhang Qiaoer arrived first before she arrived. She would get tired of jumping on her and was slapped away by Wu.

"The eldest sister hasn't eaten yet. How can she have the strength to sit and talk?"

"I got it." Zhang Qiaoer spit out her tongue and sat next to Zhang Hanqiu, "Sister, is Qingyuan Temple fun?"

Zhang Hanqiu squeezed her hair and bowed her head and said, "I don't know if it's fun or not. I followed him to do a Dharma and copied the scriptures for a day. I didn't go anywhere except to release it. When the weather is good, you beg your mother, let's go together again."

Zhang Qiaoer didn't know what she thought of. She glanced at Wu Shi, but did not act coquettishly with Wu Shi as Zhang Hanqiu expected, but pulled her to talk about other things.

Zhang Hanqiu responded quietly, and his heart was lively.

She hasn't been at home for the past two days. I'm afraid she missed something.

After dinner, I went back to the house with the excuse that I was tired.

"Ajiu, go and find out Zhang Qiaoer's whereabouts in the past two days to see if she has been out of the house. Remember to be careful."


Ru Niang came in with the stove, went to the wardrobe to take the home clothes and changed the clothes on the young lady's clothes. The beads on her head were also taken, her hair was loosely rolled up casually, and the whole person looked loose.

"Your mother, you have to behave as before. Don't show your feet and be seen by others."

"Yes, miss, don't worry, the old slave knows that as long as it is beneficial to you, the old slave can bear anything."

Get up and sit down by the stove. Zhang Hanqiu ordered, "Find out my mother's dowry list and show it to me."


After carefully rolling the dowry, Zhang Hanqiu sighed in his heart that his family was generous to his mother, and the number of high-quality materials used for all objects was also one of the best, not to mention the large amount of money.

Even if it is hollowed out by Zhang Zetian, the rest is enough for her to do something.