Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 047 Disclosure

The city master's mansion is very large. Along the way, Xia Hanqiu feels that it is not as luxurious as the Zhang family, but the sense of weight is far from the Zhang family.

This is the foundation.

What Zhang Zetian wants to have in his dreams, but he is destined to have something that he can't have in his life.

Along the way, Fu Yingying held Xia Hanqiu's arm tightly, complaining about how tight her mother was to her during this period, and complained that her mother disliked her when she saw Qiu.

Xia Hanqiu listened with a smile and occasionally said a word, but didn't say much.

Fu Yingying's yard is close to the main courtyard, which shows the extent to which she is favored at home.

The two of them were about to cross the threshold when they heard a voice behind them, "Wingying, you are..."

Xia Hanqiu looked back and saw that the other party's eyes fell on her, and she was more prepared to say that it fell on her white clothes. How could she not know where her doubts came from? The daughter of the city owner and the ordinary people made friends? Are you kidding?!

"Sister-in-law, this is my friend. We have something to say, so we won't accompany our sister-in-law."

"Wait, Yingying, do you and her... Mother know?"

"We just came from our mother. If the sister-in-law has any doubts, just ask her, Qiu, let's go in."

Xia Hanqiu was slightly blessed by the woman outside. She followed Fu Yingying into the room without any humility. Fu Yingying even asked the maid to close the courtyard door in front of the man.

"Qiu, don't take her seriously. She may not be very noble, but she knows that she looks down on others. With this virtue, no wonder my mother and I don't like her, and my brother doesn't like to get close to her."

Xia Hanqiu shook her head and sat down beside her. "It's not a matter of a day for nobles to look down on civilians. If I dare to wear this dress and go out, I'm not afraid of being looked down upon. However, you, don't be so pushy. She will eventually your sister-in-law. In the It's not bad for you to get along well."

"My brother and I have a good relationship. Don't flatt like her. You don't know what she used to be like, but now she's still much better." Not wanting to mention that person, Fu Yingying turned the topic, "Why are you here today? You, who's okay with you?"

"He didn't have a bad time." Xia Hanqiu looked at her with a smile, "Your mother went to my house two days ago, do you know?"

Fu Yingying's eyes widened with fear, "Really? I don't know at all. My mother didn't give me a sound at all. Did she say something unpleasant? Wait, if my mother messes things up, she won't have such a good attitude towards you today...",

Fu Yingying's eyes suddenly lit up, holding Xia Hanqiu's arm and shook violently, "Say it quickly, did my mother agree? Has she seen your uncle?"

Xia Hanqiu didn't expect that she really didn't know anything. She quickly repeated what Mrs. Fu said to her that day, "In my opinion, as long as you can solve the matter of how you get married, the matter between you can be completed, and it is not difficult to solve this matter, but it is not easy to say, as long as Marriage is all right, but it is well known that Wuwei Taoist priest rarely goes down the mountain... Uncle has sent a letter to Wuwei Taoist priest. Wait, there is always a way to solve it.

Fu Yingying nodded hard. She thought that her mother should agree in the end, but she didn't expect that she would let go so easily and so quickly.

"What's your uncle's attitude? I know how powerful my mother is. He should not have been forced to agree by my mother's words, right?!"

"My uncle looks very careless, but if he doesn't want to do something, no one can force him. Otherwise, how could he be single until now? He would have been crushed by my grandmother to get married." Xia Hanqiu tilted her head and looked at her, not hiding her joke at all, "Singying, it seems that you will be my generation in the future. I can't call you at the thought of calling your little aunt. What should I do?"

A red cloud floated under Fu Yingying's face. She raised her head, but her eyes fluttered, "Then you will call me Yingying in the future. Let's talk about us."

"This can't be done. I'm happy that one more elder loves me!"

Being stimulated one after another, Fu Yingying gritted her teeth and counterattacked, "It's really your elder. The first thing is to give you a good family. In the future, I will support you and see who dares to bully you."

"You should marry yourself first." Seeing that the fire was about to burn on himself, Xia Hanqiu immediately turned the topic, "Singying, I want to tell you something private."

Fu Yingying signaled the maids in the room to exit and close the door.

Xia Hanqiu took a sip of tea. She thought about it over and over again. There are some things that can't be boldly said to Mrs. Fu, and she can't act recklessly, but a little bit of He Yingyinglu may not be possible.

"Eingying, don't spread what I said to you next, believe it or not, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Seeing that she was so serious, Fu Yingying also smiled and nodded hard.

"Liang Guo is going to be in chaos."

As soon as she said this, Fu Yingying's heart tightened. She didn't have long hair and short knowledge. She only knew which rouge goux was a good inner otaku woman. Her father was the city owner, and her mother had the most correct idea. Since she was a child, she had taught her not to be blind. She

She felt that it was normal for Liang Guo to make trouble from her mouth, but at this time, it came from Qiu, who didn't go out all day...

"I know Yingying, you must understand, but you can't imagine how bad the situation will be. Don't ask me how I know. I can't explain. If you are someone who has nothing to do with me, I won't risk telling you this, but you are not. You are my friend first, and it is possible to become a You can't know something but do nothing, so, no matter what you hear, listen, remember, don't question me, okay?"

Fu Yingying squeezed her lips tightly and nodded.

Xia Hanqiu breathed a sigh of relief. These words were too difficult to say, just like the secret pressed in the bottom of her heart, but at this time, she had to let others peep into it, which made her uneasy.

But if she doesn't do anything, she will be a friend.

He drank tea nervously, and soon saw the bottom of the cup. Fu Yingying refilled it for her with her own hands.

Xia Hanqiu sorted out what she wanted to say, moved to Yingying's side, and lowered her voice and said, "If a country has turmoil one after another, it will definitely not be able to live in the end. What's more, there are neighboring countries to see and delay. The worse it goes on, and once the balance is broken, you The people, to avoid the disaster of war, but the Fu family is different. Your father is in charge of one of the 14 cities in the State of Liang. If there is war, can your father avoid it? Don't fantasize about persuading the Lord of Fu to retreat. You know more than I know that it's impossible. I'm telling you that I don't want you to convince your father, but to make some other preparations, such as... hide the silver ticket that can only be a piece of waste paper in the future into gold.

No matter how bold Fu Yingying is, she is also an inner house woman after all. After hearing this, her body trembles uncontrollably.

He grabbed the tiger's mouth fiercely and ordered himself to calm down. He understood what Qiu said thoroughly. Fu Yingying shook her voice and said, "Do you want to tell me to exchange silver tickets for gold while it is still stable now?" Is silver useless?"

"Silver is naturally useful, but gold will be better, and it's easy to hoard some in terms of quantity, and it won't take up too much space."

Fu Yingying looked at Xia Hanqiu, but her eyes lost focus. "Qiu, what you said makes sense, but you forgot one thing. My father is the city owner. The city owner has a public warehouse, and a warehouse that belongs to my family alone. There is not much money in my family. The warehouse is the problem. If Huiting City is in It's the first goal. No, no, the problem will be bigger. At that time, I'm afraid my father will..."

In the end, the words had turned into muttering to herself. If it hadn't been close, Xia Hanqiu would not have heard it. It was because she heard it that she knew that she thought it was too simple.

After all, the Fu family is not an ordinary aristocrat. Even an ordinary aristocrat will hide most of the valuable things, so how can they deposit them in an trustworthy bank?

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong."

"No, Qiu, thank you for reminding me. I know what to do." Fu Yingying held Xia Hanqiu's hand tightly and looked at her sincerely. Her eyes were quiet, and she had obviously recovered from the panic.

Xia Hanqiu held her tightly with his backhand, "I hope we can all be fine."

She lost too much, but got too little, so she cared less. It was because of less that she cared more.

After a meal, Xia Hanqiu left and went home without staying long.

Fu Yingying turned out all her own silver. It was not counted. The silver ticket added up to more than 2,000 taels. Thinking that it might be cheaper for others, Fu Yingying planned to cash the silver tomorrow and then change it into gold to hide it.

Although Qiu's words are a little worried about the world, it is not unreasonable. What she knows more than Qiu is that more than half of the cities in the State of Liang have been in chaos. A few days ago, she also learned from her father that the King of Liang has been sick in bed for some time. If it is the king... the State of Liang

The prince has the name of good, but he can't hide the fact that he is weak. In the case of a strong enemy, such a king will only accelerate the defeat of the State of Liang.

Wuwei Taoist priest calculates all the world's affairs. I don't know if he has to peep at the sky.

Since he chose to set up a Taoist temple in the State of Liang many years ago, he should be optimistic about the State of Liang, right?!

Fu Yingying comforted herself so much in her heart, but she didn't dare to really hold such hope. As soon as she turned around, she began to think about how to persuade her jealous mother to transfer the valuable things in the warehouse.

The things in the public can't be moved, but the things that belong to their Fu family must be hidden well. Even if one day the pavilion is in chaos, Dad will suffer losses, and he will leave vitality for the Fu family.

But there is a premise for all of these, which is to persuade the mother.

If my mother agrees, there will be no problem for my father.

You can't tell Qiu's words directly. What she promised her before can't count...

At that time, it will have to be used in the name of Wuwei Taoist priest. RS