Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 094 Yang Lao

An inconspicuous carriage quietly entered the pavilion city under the presence of several people.

The curtain was hit from the inside, and a slightly old voice came out of it, "Turn around the city first."


It seemed that he really just wanted to take a look at the pavilion. He commanded the carriage to walk on the main road and then let the carriage drive to their destination.

Duan Ziyi heard that someone came to report that Yang Nansheng was sorting out her new things for Qiu'er. During this period, Qiu'er's inspiration was like a spring, but in a few days, she wrote a thick pile again. If the workshop hadn't been finished, Qiu'er would have been used to printing two volumes together, and the Volume five.

Xia Hanqiu put down the pen and had a little impression on the name, "You told me about Yang Lao?"

"Um, I didn't expect him to come so soon." Duan Ziyi looked at her gently, "Would you like to welcome her with me?"

Knowing that the status of this Yang Nansheng in the heart of the change is very unusual, Xia Hanqiu will not refuse. He looked down at his too simple clothes. I don't know when the sleeves were stained with ink. He got up and said, "I'm going to change my clothes."

Duan Ziyi has another idea in his heart. He knows very well who Mr. Yang is. He doesn't care what kind of identity background his hostess is. For him, the master is the master. When it is time to respect, he must respect him. But if this master does not have the ability to convince people, he will only respect, will not I won't accept it sincerely.

He regards Yang Lao as an adult, and Qiu Er is the person on the top of his heart. He hopes that these two people can be closer.

Qiu'er just went to clean up herself up a flower, and Yang Lao would not take a high look at her, but if he knew Qiu'er's talent, Yang Lao would definitely treat each other differently.

Before Qiu Er turned around, Duan Ziyi smiled and said, "My own people, don't care about that."

"Are you sure?"

Duan Ziyi pulled her out and directly told her how sure he was, and he didn't forget to look back and tell her, "Be optimistic about the things on several cases, and you can't lose any of them."


The two of them are in the pavilion at this time. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the mends around them have been closed. In such weather, it is a good place to talk here.

Duan Ziyi's abacus in his heart crackled.

Yang Nansheng is an old man with a long beard. Because of his age, the long beard is as gray as his hair.

From his eyes, you can see the vicissitudes of life, from his expression, you can see the tiredness, from his demeanor to know that this is an old man who has had many experiences, but there are not many folds on his face, even if his gray hair and long beard do not look particularly old.

Because Duan Ziyi said hello to the concierge, he led the person into the hall as soon as he gave his name. At this time, he did not look around. He sat and closed his eyes to refresh. The room was quiet, as if there was no one.

It was not until the sound of footsteps outside that Yang Nansheng opened his eyes. When he heard the sound of footsteps, there was a smile on his face.

I got up and gave myself a plastic surgery and took a few steps forward.

As if he had calculated, he stopped when Ziyi and Xia Hanqiu arrived.

"The old minister has seen the prince."

"I've told you many times that you don't have to care so much etiquette in private." Duan Ziyi stepped forward to help people up, complaining in his mouth, but his eyes were full of laughter. Xia Hanqiu saw it in his eyes and knew more clearly how much he was waiting to see Yang Nansheng.

Yang Nansheng got up with the force and looked at Duan Ziyi with connivance.

Duan Ziyi's mind was all about Qiuer. Naturally, he would not snub her at this time. He affectionately pulled her forward to make an introduction, "Yang Lao, this is Xia Hanqiu, Qiu'er, you can also call me Yang Lao."

Xia Hanqiu squatted and saluted, "Yang Lao."

Yang Nansheng avoids being rude, not because he doesn't like the future hostess, but can't accept it. No matter how close he is to the prince, he is also a master-slave relationship. There is no rule for his subordinates to receive the master's etiquette.

But he likes Xia Hanqiu's attitude. If she is domineering and ignorant, she won't do this salute. If she lifts her identity because of the prince's relationship, she won't do this salute. What's more, it can be seen from her attitude that the prince must have said to her in private, and it' There is nothing more than those clear eyes, firm and unmoving, who is a good girl with a good idea and a right heart.

"Miss Xia, you don't have to do this. You are my future hostess, and there is no reason to accept your etiquette."

Xia Hanqiu did not force it. He smiled and looked at Duan Ziyi.

Duan Ziyi smiled back to her naturally, and then turned to Yang Nansheng, "Yang Lao, let's talk in another place."

"That's fine."

Walking slowly on the corridor, the two of them said some insignificant words. Xia Hanqiu listened, but never interrupted.

Yang Nansheng likes this little girl more.

No wonder the prince treats her so carefully.

Duan Ziyi led people to the pavilion. The current Guo house is not particularly big, at least for him. There are only three yards before and after. It is well-behaved. If such a pavilion is in his palace, he will not look at it, but in this Guo house, this pavilion is the only place that makes him feel well built. Fang.

It's not good to always go to Qiu'er's yard, especially when the Xia family will move here in the future. The place to avoid is still to avoid. These days, they spend most of their time in the pavilion.

Sometimes one person writes and one person grinds ink, sometimes two people hold a book, and sometimes they sit opposite each other and watch Qiu'er's gestures flying tea.

It's the first time he knows that one of the tea ceremony can still be played like this.

Qiu Er didn't know where she learned it. At the beginning, her gestures were strange, and she often burned her hands. His white and tender fingers had blisters as big as beans. He was heartbroken when he saw it.

He had the intention to dissuade a few words, but seeing that she was full of interest, he was secretly distressed and did not disturb her interest, but since then, he was interested every autumn, and the maid was not allowed to put hot water on it.

At that time, he thought, wasn't it just making tea? With so many maids waiting, why do you have to do it yourself? Even if there is really any tricks, teach the maids and let them practice. After practicing, it will be over.

But gradually, he didn't think so.

Looking at Qiu Er's happy that he almost burned his hand because he couldn't see any shape in the teacup, he realized that Qiu Er's fun lies in the process of doing it himself, not just looking at it with his eyes.

In the current few days, when Qiuer successfully clicked out a word in the teacup under his gaze, he was even more excited than Qiuer herself. Qiuer had suffered so much, but the first one she successfully clicked out was the word, in exchange.

He will never be wrong. Qiu Er is secretly expressing her mind in this way.

Looking at her red ears, he is more sure.

This is the only trick that Qiuer can point out so far.

It's not easy to learn to divide tea. He doesn't want Qiu'er to work too hard, but he also expects that one day his name Qiu'er can be all ordered out.

Of course, he doesn't want Qiu'er to show his skills today. If he can, he doesn't want people to know too much of Qiu'er's skills, but he hopes that Qiu'er can be recognized by Yang Lao.

The rice paper on several cases in the pavilion was pressed with paperweights. Everything was in place, and no one moved around.

Yang Nansheng misunderstood, and his eyes vaguely swept over Xia Hanqiu's sleeve. He had already seen the ink in that place. At that time, he thought where she had swept it, but he didn't expect that the two of them were here to add fragrance!

"Yang Lao, sit down."

Yang Nansheng gave a slight salute and sat down.

His eyes slightly raised. When he saw that the person who sat in several cases and sorted out the things on several cases was actually Xia Hanqiu, he was stunned. This is...

"Qiu'er, let it go first. I'll collect it for you later. I'll separate the one that has been sorted out and the one that hasn't been sorted out. Don't confuse it."

Xia Hanqiu paused and obediently put things back.

The maid served tea, and Yang Nansheng's eyes still fell on those cases from time to time.

Duan Ziyi understood as soon as he turned around. He smiled secretly in his heart and took the initiative to turn the topic over there. "Yang Lao, I plan to do a business with Qiuer in my fiefdom."

As soon as he heard that it was a business, Yang Nansheng immediately straightened his look, "I don't know what business the prince wants to do and what requirements he has."

"If you want to be a bookstore, don't ask about the rest. Ruyue, go to Shuxiangzhai to bring the first volume of the world-shaking disaster."


Xia Hanqiu knew what he wanted to do. Just as he was about to speak, Duan Ziyi moved faster than her. He took out a few piles of rice paper from several cases and handed them to Mr. Yang, and said, "Look at this first."

Yang Nansheng swept the first two people doubtfully and looked down.

Without a head or an end, ordinary people can't see anything, and they feel that they can't pick up anywhere, but Yang Nansheng is not an ordinary person.

Duan Ziyi once sent someone to check him up when he defected, which was really easy to investigate. The first 20 years were in Nanling, and the next 20 years were in Nanling. Only the middle ten years took a little time, but even in those ten years, his whereabouts were very clear.

In addition to the jade lock piece he took out from time to time, and one day every year he would burn a thick piece of paper money on the roadside to find out the reason, he was as innocent as a transparent person in front of Duan Ziyi.

Because of this, Duan Ziyi felt that he was extraordinary.

What Yang Nansheng has done in Nanling over the years confirms his idea.

Looking at the people who were reading faster and faster, Duan Ziyi knew that he had succeeded. He winked at Qiuer and handed over the stack below.

Yang Nansheng didn't raise his head and continued to look.

Maybe after reading a plot, maybe he felt that it was enough to see it. Yang Nansheng stopped after watching it all.

The eyes swept across the faces of the two people.

One is to be proud of the honor, and the other is to be a little nervous.

Yang Nansheng didn't understand who it was from, and he unconsciously saw some appreciation. "I didn't expect Miss Xia to have such a talent. I underestimated it."

Xia Hanqiu relaxed, squeezed her hair on her temples, lowered her head and raised her head again, looking very flatteringly and humiliatingly, "Yang Lao is flattered." RS