Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 126 appeared

"I'm not jealous of her." Cheng Jiajia suddenly stood up, and her face turned red for a while. Just when everyone thought what she would say, she suddenly walked out. Xia Hanqiu saw that her eyes were red, but she did not pity her at all. She picked up the matter by herself. Who is to blame!

Together, he pinched a man away, and the room calmed down again. Probably the bad mood in his heart was vented just now, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

Xia Hanqiu went out again and pulled the maid to ask about the situation in front of him.

At this time, no one in the crowded middle hall is no longer noisy. After the newcomers finished worshipping three times, he stood up indiscriminately. His eyes swept, and the bottom was quieter. "Today is the day of Jing's great joy, auspicious day. May you and wife work together and live a pleasant life. I won't It's serious to give birth to my grandson.

Xia Jing, who shaved his beard, is very Zhou Zheng, and his baby face does not look like a person in his early twenties. When he didn't know his identity before, some people said that Miss Fu must have been fascinated by this face, which shows that he has a good appearance.

At this time, the doll's face was slightly red. He subconsciously turned his head to look at his wife and nodded vigorously, "Thank you for your efforts for your disciple."

Fu Yingying's crisp voice came from behind Hippa, "Yingying thanked the Taoist priest for his effort."

"All right, send the bride back to the new house." Wuwei smiled with relief. Three of the four disciples did not have the idea of getting married. If they want to have an apprentice, they can only point to the fourth daughter-in-law. He has calculated that these two people have a good marriage in a lifetime, and many children and grandchildren are lucky.

It's good.

Seeing the two people leaving, Wuwei looked at the crowd who were about to gather around him and said in a loud voice, "You know what you want, but look at my gray hair. To tell everyone's truth, a while ago, I was injured because of something, and I can't do it without a year and a half. Please don't It's a fortune-telling for everyone.

As soon as he said this, no one believed that he was telling the truth. They just thought that he was shiddeding. His hair was indeed more than half white, and he could be the age of a Taoist. Even if he had gray hair, it was not surprising!

Someone took the lead, "We all know the Taoist priest's ability, and we don't need to bother the Taoist priest, just show it to us."

Wuwei smiled angrily, "According to what you said, I have no reason to point to you and say that you believe your bad luck?"


"I said you will have a bloody disaster tomorrow, do you believe it or not?"

"Taoist priest, you don't have a calculation..."

"Didn't you say it's okay to just look around?" Wuwei blocked back with his words, looking at not only not dispersing, but also surrounding more and more people, and his heart was bored. Why didn't he want to walk in the secular world and keep people out with a Wuwei view? It's because people are so greedy that they want everything, but they don't want to give anything, and they take it for granted.

"Look at what you mean, if I don't count for you today, you don't plan to let me go."

Everyone looked at each other in consterance, but no one moved half a step.

Usually, the people they may not be able to see in Xishan with most of their wealth are in front of them at this time, which is too big for them!

Besides, why does he want to get out of the way? Can't others get out of the way?

Everyone has this kind of mentality, so no one gives in.

Wuwei sneered. Why did he leak the secret for such a group of people?

Put your hands together twice.

The person who had been on standby for a long time rushed in quickly, and the rampage soon scattered the people. Wuwei did not move. He looked down with his hands behind his back and finally showed his fear.

"When I'm a bully old man? It depends on whether you have the ability to keep me. Wuwei turned around and motioned the two elders of the Xia family, who had been sitting in their seats, to get up. "Today is a good day for Jing'er. I don't care about you. Next time, I will let you know if my Wuwei is not true. If you don't want to stay for a wedding drink, please."

Of course, no one wants to leave at this time and be remembered by the Xia family, although he has offended the Taoist priest just now.

The two Fu He families looked at the people who came down honestly in an instant, and secretly glad that they thought they were close to the incommeritable Taoist priest and did not surround them, otherwise I'm afraid that this closeness would be gone!

Xia Hanqiu didn't know the specific situation in front of her later. At this time, she was accompanying the bride in the new house. As she proposed before, she brought Pan Keer and the other three people here.

Fu Yingying had already uncovered the red cover at this time, and the groom also went out to drink. She was rubbing her sour and stiff shoulders by the maid.

Seeing that Yingying not only came, but also brought her good friends, her face was full of joy, but she still complained to Xia Hanqiu, "You are not afraid that some people say that I have become a Xia family woman and it is unruly."

"It's the person I brought here. It's also about me. Don't worry, no one cares about this matter." Xia Hanqiu smiled at Yingying's dowry maid, "Have you secretly prepared food for your young lady? Give her a cushion. There are a lot of people outside, and I can't do it too brazenly.

"Yes, the maidservant is well prepared." The maid knew that her young lady and Miss Xia had a good relationship, so she took out the two pieces of cakes hidden close to her, and the maid went to pour tea.

Fu Yingying began to toss around early in the morning. She was so nervous that she didn't take a few bites at noon. She was really hungry. Seeing that except for Xia Chun brought by Qiu, she was not familiar with others in the room, she no longer had any scruples. She ate quickly and hurriedly, but her manner was not

Two cakes can't be a big deal. Xia Hanqiu saw that she was really hungry and pulled Xia Chun, who was stunned, to him. "Sneak up and get some food. Don't let people see it."

Xia Chun always obeyed his cousin's words, nodded his head and ran away.

Fu Yingying really felt uncomfortable with an empty stomach and did not refuse pretentiously. "That little girl is very obedient to you."

"Well, with Zhang Qiaoer in front, the daughter can't choose, but it's too simple. If you get married in the future, you will inevitably suffer losses. In the future, you have to have time to teach her more, at least don't be bullied and don't know it."

Fu Yingying smiled and said, "It's really well protected. Don't worry, I won't let her be bullied."

As he spoke, Fu Yingying looked at the other three people, "Are you shocked?"

Pan Keer nodded, "It's a little bit. I wanted to support you back, but it was good, but it scared me. Fortunately, I regarded you as a good friend. I didn't understand at all before, and I was worried about you for nothing."

"It's my fault. I want to mention it to you. My mother disagrees and says that it is of great importance. If there is a gap in the middle, our feelings will still be affected. As soon as I think about it, I will follow my mother. Don't be angry."

"Sister Yingying, you didn't know that Sister Ke'er vented her anger for you just now. Cheng Jiajia said sour words and was so crowded by Sister Ke'er that she didn't dare to stay any longer."

Fu Yingying suddenly became interested. She really didn't have a good impression of Cheng Jiajia. "Zanyi, tell me quickly."

Chen Zhenyi seemed to have recovered from her mood at that time, and the one with a stroke was called a flying eyebrow dance. Wu Bihua added a few sentences from time to time, which was very lively.

Pan Keer drank tea by herself without moving her eyes. As soon as she looked up, she bumped into Xia Hanqiu's sight again. The two smiled tacitly.

Xia Chun trotted in and put her hand in her sleeve. When her hand came out of the sleeve, several people saw that she actually hid a plate of cakes in each of the two sleeves.

"I'm very fat, and I'm not afraid of falling out and leaking the stuffing." Xia Hanqiu took it and put it in front of Fu Yingying. After saying the words, she pinched her face and praised her vigorously, "Well done. You haven't seen it."

"No, it's not the first time to do it..." Xia Chun hurriedly covered his mouth, and his face gradually turned red.

"It's not the first time to do it. No wonder it's so sharp." Xia Hanqiu pulled the person in front of him with a smile and looked doting.

I suddenly remembered that she had spoiled Zhang Qiaoer so much. She helped her give way to everything, but in the end she gave herself the heaviest blow!

The roots are different, and the people are different. Xia Chun will never be the next Zhang Qiaoer, and she is not the Zhang Hanqiu who is easy to be fooled.

Fu Yingying thanked Xia Chun with a smile and swallowed things into her stomach quickly. I'm afraid someone will come in a while.

Sure enough, as soon as she wiped her mouth clean, there were footsteps outside the door. Several people listened and sat in a better manner.

The leader was Ke, and she was accompanied by a young woman from the Xia family.

Pan Ke'er saw this situation and left with the other two people.

Ke Shi smiled first, "Sister-in-law, I'll take everyone to recognize people. In the future, when I meet them, I don't recognize them. It's a joke to spread out. Han Qiu, you sit down and rest first, and you have to accompany your sister-in-law for a while."

Fu Yingying understood as soon as she heard it. These people just came to the scene. Today, she mainly accompanied her in autumn.

The side branches of the Xia family did not dare to come to the daughter of the city owner before, but after knowing that Xia Jing was actually a disciple of the Taoist priest, they immediately felt that their waist was straight.

It's true that your Fu family is a great nobleman, but their Xia family is not bad. There are many nobles in the world. How many disciples may be incommitted Taoist priest?

It's Ke's, and there are some differences at this time.

Xia Hanqiu looked at his eyes and wrinkled. How long has it been? There has been such a big change in attitude. In the long run, I'm afraid the Xia family will suffer.

And this sense of superiority is the source of everything.

Fu Yingying was born in a family like that, and she has been taught carefully since she was a child. She is the best at observing words and colors. At this time, she also feels the taste and can't help looking at Qiu.

Is this trying to crush her or something?

She is not afraid of offending people! They don't think about it. Xia Jing is a disciple of the Taoist priest, but Xia Jing is also her newlywed husband. Who are they looking at?

Xia Hanqiu shook her head slightly, and it was not good to offend people before they started. No matter how open their grandparents were, they would feel that Yingying was bullying others. Besides, they may not have such a sense of superiority in their hearts.

Before, she really didn't expect that the disclosure of her uncle's identity would lead to such a change.

I hope the other roles she hopes to achieve will work in this way. RS