Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 167 Daccided

Leaving Xia's house and walking through the alley into his own home, Xia Hanqiu's footsteps were a little brisk.

Sure enough, do you still recognize it in your heart, is it still this family?

"Are you back?"

As soon as he looked up, he saw her smiling at the door of the front yard, "I knew you couldn't stay there."

Xia Hanqiu stopped and looked at him calmly. After a while, he nodded, "I'm a guest over there. This is my home. I feel at ease when I enter the door."

Duan Ziyi approached, with a smile in his eyes, "Then we won't go anywhere after that."

"If it's up to me, it's naturally good. How many small ones are there?"

"I'm in the house. In the future, I or someone I designated will teach them something practical in the morning, and in the afternoon, I will go to the Taoist priest. I hope they can grow up quickly and create heroes, and the opportunity will not wait for them there."

Xia Hanqiu nodded and didn't notice that he changed his name to the master. "I have to go to the master's place in the morning in the future. I should learn something seriously."

Duan Ziyi immediately understood what she meant, "I'll take you there."

Wuwei was not surprised to see the two coming together. Wouldn't the two of them usually come to buy him a peace? It's just that Han Qiu's words raised his eyebrows.

"How did you make a decision? Didn't you use it before to be lazy?"

"Because I didn't think they were important in the past, and I don't think it doesn't matter much whether I learn or not. Anyway, there are four capable brothers who resisted me on it. But now, I hope that when something happens again, the sense of powerlessness in my heart will not be so heavy. This identity is always irres I can only adapt and make myself bear this identity as much as possible. Don't bear the identity for nothing but can do anything. It hurts myself and others. Now I just hope that my successor can appear soon, so that I can get out, before that..."

Xia Hanqiu looked down at her hands. Her white fingers were full of Qianqian, but such a pair of hands with no strength determined the lives of many people. She didn't even dare to look for an excuse to let herself slack off.

Wuwei and Duan Ziyi looked at each other and no longer talked about this topic.

Duan Ziyi talked about the fourteenth volume of her world-shaking disaster, "Yesterday I asked someone to put it on Shuxiangzhai, and merchants from all over the country also took the books and left one after another. I printed a lot more this time, but it seems that it is still not enough. I asked people to print more quickly."

Sure enough, this topic immediately attracted all the attention of Xia Hanqiu. "What's the response?"

"Very good, but most people find it's not enough to read one volume at a time, and expect you to issue two volumes at a time at this rate."

"Greedy." Xia Hanqiu talked and laughed, very pure. Wuwei looked at it, and felt guilty for no reason. If he didn't show up, Hanqiu might not wake up and become a prophet, then she could always smile so simply and be happy for a happy thing. How good it was.

But since the day she woke up, she has rarely had such a happy time.

"There is another happy thing." Duan Ziyi looked at the smile at the corners of her mouth, hoping that he had the great ability to keep the smile on his face. "I received the news today that the medicine that Du Zhong made was also made by a doctor."

"Really?" Xia Hanqiu was really overjoyed, and everyone stood up with him, "Where's the doctor?"

"Wuyang City."

This place of birth did not leave a good memory for Xia Hanqiu, but she was still happy to know that the doctor there had made this thing.

The status of Wuweiguan is too high, which inevitably gives people a sense of distance, but now, ordinary doctors have also done it, which is enough to excite many people. I believe that this medicine can really be made.

She doesn't expect all the people to learn it, but as long as the doctor has mastered the trick and let the people help at the critical moment, the division of labor and cooperation may not be impossible.

This is really good news.

"But there is still some bad news."

"What?" Xia Hanqiu's smile gradually restrained. She saw such a tragic prophecy and dreamed that no matter how bad the news was, it would not be so bad.

Duan Ziyi doesn't really want to say it, but this is what Qiu Er has been thinking about. She will always know that instead of hiding it, it's better to let her know from herself, so that she won't believe in herself in the future.

Thinking of this, Duan Ziyi no longer hesitated, "I got the news from Fu Rui. Many places have been flooded, and many river embankments have burst."

This is not surprising. It can be said that they have been waiting for what they can do, and also reveal their identity to Fu Rui. Just to make him believe this matter, Fu Rui, as the owner of a city, should minimize losses with these days of preparation.

As long as the preparations are done, at least the casualties can be reduced a lot.

Xia Hanqiu comforted herself in her heart.

"Is the pavilion severely affected by the disaster?"

"The city is naturally safe, but there are two counties under Huiting City near the river. As far as I know, there are eleven towns under the jurisdiction of these two counties, and there are dozens of villages in the town. I'm afraid the disaster will not be small. I went to ask Fu Rui early this morning. He said that he had done everything he We tried our best, you know? If a thousand people may have died before, and now only one hundred people may die. This is your credit. Think about it, how many people will be saved because of your relationship, and the family will not be broken. Do you still feel that the identity of the prophet is only a burden to you?

Wuwei almost looked at Duan Ziyi with new eyes. If he hadn't been familiar with his background, he would have almost thought that the fourth prince of the State of Liang had changed his mind. It was unimaginable that such righteous words would come out of the mouth of the fourth prince.

But Xia Hanqiu's heart was really comfortable because of such words. She had always felt that the stone in her heart had loosened a little, which made her breathe a little lighter.

"Think again, if your prophecy has saved the people of the city of Yan, so many people don't have to die in vain because of you, and the family doesn't have to be broken. Qiu'er, this identity is a burden to you, but it's not useless, right?"

"I don't know if I can catch up yet." Xia Hanqiu muttered in a low voice.

"It will catch up, otherwise why would God warn you?" Seeing that she was finally willing to mention this matter, Duan Ziyi was secretly relieved and quickly turned the topic around. "I'll send someone out to inquire about the situation of flood. Didn't you say you want to study hard? Then I won't stay here to disturb you. I'll pick you up for dinner at noon.

Xia Hanqiu nodded and got up to send him away.

The day seems to be October 12th, the day set by the two is the dividing line. Before that, there was occasional leisure time, but after this day, they began to be busy.

More than two people, the others seem to be too busy to stop.

From this day on, Xia Hanqiu studied in the morning, continued to write about the world-shaking disaster in the afternoon, and tried to digest what he learned from his master in the evening, which was especially fulfilling.

The four people led by Duan Baiyu were sent by her to the Lord of Fu City for him to send. What they wanted to do and what they could learn had to rely on themselves. She didn't make any requirements.

But from this day on, she knew about the flood from four people.

It's dark every day, and the four people hurried back and used the time after dinner to clarify what they knew one by one.

But on the fourth day, only three people came back.

On the day when the rain stopped for two days, it fell down as if to make up for the regret that had not fallen in the previous two days. It fell to the ground and splashed big splashed on the ground. The bad-quality oil-paper umbrella would break in a while.

The three of them stood there with wet and calm faces, and soon the place where they stood became a small plod.

"Go and change your clothes first." After listening to the narration of the three people, Xia Hanqiu forced herself to calm down and send the three people away. He ordered Ruyue, "Go and invite the eldest brother and the second brother."


The second brother arrived before the eldest brother. As soon as he came in, he asked, "Is Jiabao missing?"

"Yes, they went to the nearest county to Huiting City today. That county is not close to the river, but..." Xia Hanqiu regretted letting them go out and hated what he said. "I told them that there will be floods after a long time of rain, but also mudslides in the backing place, which is serious. It's worse than the flood. Once you encounter a rare chance to survive, you must pay more attention to it. They all deserved it before, but the place where Jiabao went today clearly found that the mountain was loose, and it was likely that what I said would happen, but he still went. Now the mudslide has completely blocked the village and the road outside. I don't know about him..."

Chen Chen frowned, "I'll send someone to see the situation."

"I just want to ask my second brother to help me send someone to have a look."

At this time, Duan Ziyi also came in from the outside wet. He went out to deal with something. Just when it rained the most, the rain gear did not have much effect.

Just as he was about to ask what happened, Xia Hanqiu pushed him out, "Go and change your clothes quickly and talk."

Duan Ziyi did not refuse Qiuer's kindness. He left quickly, and his body was wet and uncomfortable.

Chen Chen personally led people out of the city, and Xia Hanqiu was restless in the room alone.

Fortunately, Kong Yi and Wuwei came together for a long time.

"Isn't it about time to eat? Why did you deliberately ask someone to find your big brother?

Xia Hanqiu squeezed his lips and made his anxiety not so obvious. "Master, Jiabao is gone. I want the eldest brother to gossip and see if Jiabao is okay."

Wuwei paused with a smile and immediately comforted him, "I met Jiabao. He is not short-lived. The disaster has also been solved by you. There will be no danger of his life in the future. Don't worry, he must be fine."

Kong Yi asked Zhang Jiabao's birthday and eight characters to calculate at the same time. Wuwei asked the little disciple what was going on.

Xia Hanqiu said the matter again, "Master, if you say nothing is fine, it must be fine, but now it's getting dark and the rain is so heavy. No matter how big our manpower is, it is impossible to find him at night. Besides, I can't ignore other people's lives. He will suffer this pain."

"Men, there is nothing wrong with suffering a little. Don't raise them too delicately. It's good for them to suffer a little in the future." RS